Nowhere to Run
(Post Soundtrack: "Lights" by Ellie Goulding)
Daiya tensed as the cybernetic man sat beside her, ready for the withering assessment of her driving skills. Her eyes fixed on a flattened piece of garbage on the dirty road, its filthy label only half-legible now. She focused her gaze on the mystery of it while the man started soft with words that only stirred her irritation more. The Doc made such an effort to be the irredeemably understanding being, if he was any kinder today the teen might just mistake him for one of the good guys.
"Why don't you just tell me I fethed up and get it over with?!" Her lips turned down, scowling at the Doc's easy acceptance of blame. Daiya didn't want to just be let off the hook. That felt more than wrong, it was like a violation of everything she had tried to accomplish today. Yet the more she tried to ignore his soft, understanding words, the more they seeped through her defenses, loosening slender shoulders and drying bleary eyes.
She wiped at them, frustration wicking away on her fingers. Daiya blinked back the rest, letting out a long sigh as the man finished his story. She wanted to scream some more, lash out at the too-considerate Doc and his Abyss-cursed graciousness! Her words weren't nearly as harsh. "You don't have to always be so understanding, y'know?"
She propped her chin up on clasped hands, the wheels on her boots whirring in and out from the flexing toes inside. Daiya hated feeling so useless to the beings she relied on, worse to the ones she looked up to. Right now, despite doing her best to punish herself, the teen couldn't help a sense of redemption creeping into her thoughts. It wasn't fair, it wasn't right. Her hands made a single, oversized fist under her chin. Why should she get a second chance when everyone around her had only one?
It was the way of Denon to be unforgiving.
"I wasn't even bad at first," Daiya found herself admitting. She bit her lip, wishing this story could stay bottled up. Her past had never helped her before, it was impossible to believe it would start now. Her chest shuddered with the effort of keeping it inside, betraying her composure with a labored sigh. "And it was sooo the worst time. We had to run, like Get the Feth Outta Denon kinda run, and guess who got to the speeder first? It was drive or get caught, so I drove."
Memory tugged at her mind, drawing her back to the moment. Daiya actually found it fun at first, thrilling in the same way she had an hour before on the Doc's bike. The chance to fly by herself, to swoop in and save the day, nothing could ever have felt better. "I totally made it pretty far, like all the way to the garage under the Blue Flame." The teen looked up at the Doc. "'Course, that's where I crashed it. I don't s'pose Shenn ever told you why there's burnt panels in the garage down there?"
Daiya pointed to herself, almost giggling from the expected revelation. She shook out her pink curls, "Even you would've been so pissed. Every single speeder down there was totaled, plus my arm. My right one, thank the stars, but still." She held it out, flexing fingers and twisting to show it off, the break had healed cleanly. It hovered for a moment as the teen looked down to the ground past, her arm falling as shoulders slumped. "Shenn was standing there like you are now, all calm and easy about it. You know what, he even laughed. Like it was no big deal, like he didn't just lose thousands of credits to me being a dumbchit kid, who couldn't land a speeder to save her fething life."
The young shadowrunner stood up, muscles in her legs screaming at her to move. Mostly, she just felt the need to move away from the Doc. His compassion was infectious, and if she stayed too near it, Daiya might not find the courage to finish their job today. That part, at least, the young shadowrunner knew she could do. Understanding hadn't perfected her skills there, not even sharing childhood stories had done that.
Daiya had perfected her skills with a threat of CorpSec looming over her.
"You know when I first felt like we had an actual conversation? Not just me needing something from you, and you being the a-mazing being that you are, offering it freely?" Daiya turned back around to the Doc, folding her arms gently. She needed him now, too, and his respect more than anything else. If she was always going to be the little girl who couldn't do enough in his eyes, then she might as well just go home now. "The day of the tatt-chat. That was real Doc. It really hurt me, too, but I kinda needed that, y'know? You didn't give up fighting for your way, but you didn't give up on fighting for me either."
"I like that Doc."
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