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Acts of Old (2013)

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"Thank you for your vote Senator Beswin, and i hope i answered anyone elses questions. If there are more questions over the bill please voice them so that they may be clarified." He remained standing as he waited for the questions and votes, keeping his own mental tally as well as the official one.
"I also respectfully vote no," said Jack, "as a background check would most certainly disqualify me from serving in my current and any future elected offices, and I'm rather enjoying myself at the moment." He smiled briefly, showing no teeth. "As to the rest of the bill, it's tied to the first, so..." The Senator from Kashyyyk shrugged, leaving the sentence unfinished but implied.
Yusan's visibly frowned for half second as Sparrow said that, resisting the urge to implicate the Senator then and there as he had made it painfully obvious he should not have his position. That would have to wait though as he carefully picked his words so not to convey his distaste for the man's words. Though, even if he picked his words carefully, his tone and voice suggested the very distaste for the man. "Thank you for your opinion Senator..." @[member="Jack Sparrow"]

Jack Sheltrak

Senator of Zeltros, Former Supreme Chancellor
"Senator @[member="Alena Beswin"] has brought up several fair points and they were answered but I will have to say no for some of it. The increased security is a good thing, some background checks needed but acting surprised two sith could walk into the building when it is closer to their embassy. Senator it wasn't a mystery it was just us seeing getting the blinders knocked off. If you can reword some parts of the bill and resubmit it possibly with some more details in area's. The temporary moving of the senate is something that should have its own bill as well. It is a large request and not something we should tack on." The idea of in depth background checks didn't bother him to much.... really everything he had done was public knowledge and partially how he got his position.
Well all this was fine and dandy, but Chuchi figured that this bill had fallen apart enough as it was and decided to step in, so to speak. "I suppose our state of Chancelloratory flux is the reason why the memo wasn't sent out to simply relocate to the Senate Bunker. Doing so would be much easier than relocating the entire senate and their offices to another planet." The bunker wasn't a secret per-say, people just weren't told about it. Chi had only discovered its existence once she'd started taking the tunnels from the residency building to the senate and had explored a little. Later a simple search of the Senate records had shown her just what she'd found.

"Furthermore, I'd recommend that instead of burdening the already over-tasked SIS head, Jedi leaders, and Chancellor with hundreds of background checks, we establish a special task force within the SIS to handle the checks. And they are needed as we apparently already have one self professed unsuitable in our ranks." Chi wouldn't call Sparrow a criminal just on his saying he would be precluded from being elected. His past could have some other glaring indiscretion.

"I'd also like extensive to be defined, I'm not willing to take my clothing off when a simple weapons scanner would be up to the task. Nor do our school records need to be consulted. Perhaps just civil and potential criminal records along with residency info." There were other details that would need seeing to, but these were the most glaring that she could see.
"I think your being a little critical Senator, but i understand what you mean. With the current vote and the sentiments that have been expressed the bill is closed and rejected. As such i bid you all farewell and will return at a later time with a submitted revision of the Bill." He powered down his holo transmitter without another word, he had no words for such and took into account at what was said, specifically Senator Sparrow's words and Senator Chuchi words as they were both useful in different ways.
Bill Name: The Security and Defense of the Senate act.

Purpose of Bill: To better protect the Senate and its Senators from future acts of of aggression and attacks on the Senate. This being proposed in light of the recent attack on the Senate building in which two Sith Masters were invited in and destroyed the Senate Building. This led to the death of many and general panic on the streets of Coruscant as result of the attack.

Language of the Bill: This bill will first be in place due to the fact of the recent revelations and events of the past two weeks. As the threat of a Sith within our ranks and the fact that two Sith were able to walk right into the Senate without a second glance and destroy the building without anyone stopping them. Secondly, the security of the place of meetings for the Senate needs better protection and security and as such this will also recognize the initiation of a Garrison for the Senate. Lastly this will insure that no one will be able to undermine the Republic and humiliate us ever again.

In the interest of protecting the Senate, its place of warning and to insure there are no infiltrators or insurgents within the current government the following will be instituted if this this bill is passed:

- Extensive background checks will be done on all guest, security, workers and other such personnel that enter the building so that it is made sure of the allegiance of the personnel. The information will be held by the SIS head, Supreme Chancellor, and High Jedi Council. These background searches will be done by an unknown group of SIS operatives that will report their findings directly to the three mentioned groups/individuals.

- Extensive weapon searches will be done on all personnel who are not cleared for such, including Senators, guests, and other such groups that are not for security. With permission from the head of Security senators may carry weapons, the search will be done but the weapon will be allowed. These weapon searches will be done using sensors so that the rights and privacy of those searched will remain intact. Should a weapon be found on someone without Authorization they will immediately be detained.

-Background searches will be don't on current and future Senators and this information will be only accessed by the High Jedi Council, and the Supreme Chancellor. This will go no further than civil records, criminal records, prior associations, and residency and financial information.

-The Senate will employ its own garrison so that quick response to the scene of an incident is no longer a problem. This will allow for any future threats to be dealt with faster.

-In the event of an incident pertaining to the Senate, a Senator will have the power to call upon the aid of the Jedi or the Republic military so that casualties are lowered and the innocents are not harmed.

-Lastly, due to there being no place for a current meeting it is proposed the meeting place of the Senate is moved to the Republic Crisis Center as suggested. This will be a temporary move until the Senate building is rebuilt and things are restored to the proper state that it had been.
Silas stood up "You wish to put the jedi council in partial control over us and our guests. Whilst I understand the need for tighter security you seek to give an outside body CONTROL over who we bring to meet with us, would you seek to distribute this information to the military commanders also also, they have as much right to run access to the senate. I can not accept this bill in it's current form" He said before sitting down again he had no real qualm with the jedi but one had to be sensible with such information.
Yusan spoke as clearly as he could, letting his tone remain calm while he did so. "Senator @[member="Silas Opri"], I would like to make it very clear as to why the Jedi of all people should have this information. Not long ago our late Chancellor left office and her Vice took over until he too stepped down. Now does any one here remember the message he left us before he left?" He paused for a moment without actually looking for an answer. "He said there was two dark siders among us and one of them was a Sith, then he followed up this claim with the fact that he could sense them and that he was a former Jedi. Now unless you want a repeat of what happened nearly eight centuries ago in eighteen BBY, i would suggest the Jedi know about every persons background on this call and i will say my in open ears to make sure that it is known that i am fully behind these background checks. I am the son of a high ranking Echani Warrior and a Rogue Jedi who was exiled from the order. With this information i will say that i have the force but am not trained in it and i never intend to join the Jedi order for reasons that my time is better spent defending the innocents and the citizens of the Republic. " He paused and took a breath, now looking at Senator Beswin. "And if you are so against an Act meant for our safety, please do explain why miss Beswin, because after the attack and most of you not wanting this bill to pass your all either selfish, greedy, and pompous fools. OR you all have a hand in letting in traitors and infiltrators." With that he remained silent, waiting for their reaction. @[member="Alena Beswin"] @[member="Silas Opri"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
Jentara had civil records. She had no criminal past, had no past affiliations, especially with radicals, and of course had residency and financial information on Onderon - her penthouse on Coruscant, and her home on Onderon, senatorial salary and a job with the tourist board for the Onderon system. With that, she was fine - her secret was safe after all.

"I can do that, Senator Fenn. Aye."

The two of them would have to talk soon about this second Darksider.

@[member="Yusan Fenn"]
"It will Absorb them as long as they are cleared by the initial background check." He inclined his head towards @[member="Jack Harkness"] as he was asked the question. "As long as they remain loyal to the Republic they have nothing to fear when it comes to their jobs."

Jack Sheltrak

Senator of Zeltros, Former Supreme Chancellor
"Thank you very much, I am all for this and welcome it. For the record though any pictures found from background checks are public knowledge same with the holotapes"
Bill Name: The Secular Senate Act

Purpose of Bill: To protect the Senate from the influence of Force using practitioners during the process of deciding on the results of bills.

Language of Bill: As the majority of individuals Senators represent are not practitioners of the Force, and the influence of the Jedi or the Sith on Senate decisions can make or break our abilities as Senators to best represent the aims of your people, this bill puts forward the notion to prohibit Force practitioners for running for Senate positions or voting on bills in the future.

- All Senators will undergo a minor blood sample testing to determine the level of mido-chlorians in their system, and those with significantly higher levels than others will be barred from having major positions in the Senate as well from voting on major bills relating to the status of the Republic.

- Representatives of the Force using practitioner groups may attend Senate meetings and voice their opinions, but may not participate in the actual voting process.

K'Dan stepped back after reading this aloud to the Senate, and awaited their opinions.
Yusan stood and spoke clearly, voicing his opinion and aiming it at the man. "I vote this be postponed until after the Chancellor Elections..." He remained standing, everyone knew what his reason for doing this was but he didnt care. He couldnt let this stop him from helping the Republic, who ever this new Senator was he didnt trust him and he was determined to get some information on the man.

Jack Sheltrak

Senator of Zeltros, Former Supreme Chancellor
Harkness looked at the bill and at the senator as he raised an eyebrow. "Ah do we have any proof between these mido-chlorians and he force. I think the jedi would tell the galaxy if this was the way to be strong in the force or have force potential." He was right, no one knew what mido-chlorians were in conjunction to force sensitivity is had been a closely guarded secret of the jedi and other orders because explaining blood conditions gave people abilities could result in purist or geneticists tampering for the perfect race. Riots and camps it was why the jedi kept it a secret from everyone.
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