Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Ad Imperium



Location: Moff Council, Bastion
Tag: All in attendance


Oh, Adera had expected the pointed remarks about the Warden, and the subtle grilling and tit-for-tat in regards to Korvan. But Grand Admiral Rausgeber's outburst at this early juncture was certainly... not something she would have thought probable. Though, she appreciated the frankness of his anger and intent.

At least, she did not have to deal with the knives pointed at her just yet. There was a Way of Things, as she well knew, and one of those that remained across all oligarchies was speaking order. As the newest promoted, youngest, and a woman at her rank, she knew none here would appreciate her speaking before the others had their chance. And in any case, she had little to ask at the moment before the big guns said their piece.


Date: 876 ABY
Location: Bastion
Tags: Julius Haskler Julius Haskler | Akash Guul Akash Guul | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Julius Haskler Julius Haskler | Iago Zacarias | Adera Vellas Adera Vellas | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | Open



At last, the Admiral Regent himself had spoken. Korvan expected as much, if for no other reason than to flex his muscles and reinforce his dominance once again. The sheer vitriol in which Carlyle express his displeasure was compelling. A lesser man would surely buckle under its intensity and grovel for a way out from under its wroth.

Ignacious was not a lesser man.

Be that as it may, he would have to tread carefully with his next words. This was no fellow Grand Moff he would be addressing. No, this was a member of the Triumvir - a man who wielded immense authority in the current order of things. Imperial politics was a slippery slope to navigate under the best of times, and during this particular age of strife in which they all lived - the balance of power was often pivoted upon a knife's edge.

"Indeed, my lord." He began. Surprisingly, Korvan's demeanor was unaffected by the storm of fury Carlyle had unleashed upon him. Where Rausegeber verged on the cusp of being totally unhinged, Korvan remained the image of resolve and composure. "I was not summoned here, in the middle of our counter attack, which has inflicted nearly 30% casualties upon the Chiss offensive, to offer excuses for my predecessor's failings."

The implication that this meeting was necessary was entirely laughable to Korvan. If he had his choice, he would have ignored this summons altogether and concentrated his full efforts toward the war effort. The fact Carlyle capitalized on that only reinforced the viewpoint Korvan already held of him. Even still, his tone remained respectful and deferential to the Triumvir.

"I was assigned this sector to put it to rights, and despite this change in circumstances, that is precisely what I intend to do." At the podium, Ignacious keyed the a series of commands in the built in interface. A holomap of the Western Frontier flashed to life for all to see, with colored blips indicating the latest positional data of both Imperial and Chiss forces.

As he gathered his thoughts for the presentation, Korvan exuded an air of authority and determination. Only prey resorted to defending themselves over baseless accusations. He had responded to what was needed, but now was the time to be the leader the Empire desperately needed now. If his rivals wished to gang up on him, then fine. They would only present themselves as easily discredited, and focused more on bickering rather than true leadership.

After a few moments, Korvan began: "At this stage, as i briefly mentioned, Imperial analysts estimate Chiss casualties from their botched offensive, our surprise attack upon the Redoubt, and our fighting withdrawal from the Redoubt back to Imperial-held space; to be at approximately 25-30% of their currently mobilized forces. Naturally, conscripts will likely offset this number, but the Empire has blunted their forward momentum. Reconnaissance indicates what Chiss forces were able to retreat from Niruaun have fallen back to Veroleem, with Chiss naval assets being forced to deploy near the Redoubt Cluster, Acherin and Glee Anselm due to the hit and run tactics of the fleet under my command."

The holomap panned and zoomed in closer along the battlefront developing between Chiss-controlled territories and the sector which remained under Imperial control. A large collection of blue dots would be seen around Niruaun and Adumar before he would continue: "Prior to my arrival here on Bastion, I relayed orders to my command staff to draw up and relay battle plans for an advance upon Veroleem. But, this will not come to pass anytime soon." A faint smile returned to Korvan's lips as he paused. The map would again pan and zoom, but this time to the corridor between Iridonia and Obredaan.

"What Is not being broadcast upon easily intercepted channels, is the aforementioned forces gathering in Niruaun are battle wearied troops and units requiring resupply mixed with fresh reserve troops to maintain appearances. All battle ready units at my disposal are rendezvousing with surplus garrison forces from Obredaan, Kynachi and Ord Mantell through coordination with Grand Moff Saigo. Only myself, me senior command staff, and the individuals in this room are privy to what the real focus of our counter thrust will be - Iridonia."

The icons indicating the region's deployed naval assets would shift to the indicated sectors near the south of the region, with curved lines showing a thrust into Iridonia as indicated. "In approximately 12 hours, the naval assets at my disposal will rapidly redeploy to Obredaan, rendezvous with transport ships loaded with the aforementioned battle units, and after another 8 hours, will push into Iridonia. Chiss troop strength is indicated to be surprisingly low due to being forced to redeploy assets to reinforce aforementioned sectors. Conservative estimates project we will have the majority of the world back in Imperial control within 2 weeks - focused primarily on mopping up Chiss holdouts."

For the first time since the meeting began, Korvan's gaze would meet that of Carlyle's and Erskine's. He knew the plan was sound, provided everyone here had the presence of mind to not hinder him where it actually mattered. Of course, he had a contingency plan he would not share in the event they decided to get in their own way, but there was no need to worry about that at this stage. "Of course, any additional resources that can be granted will strengthen this plan and expedite its completion and allow us to proceed to phase 2. Any additional support by those present here would be appreciated, but thus far I believe we can achieve the stated objectives with the resources currently at our disposal."

At that, Korvan grew silent as he appraised the reactions of those around him. Surely, not all of those present would be wolves seeking to devour him in the face of a legitimate and sound plan. But, he wouldn't hold his breath.


*Banner credits to Avelion
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Imperial Arbiter of the Outer Rim


A D _ I M P E R I U M

Location: Moff Council

Tag: Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan | Akash Guul Akash Guul | Adera Vellas Adera Vellas | Iago Zacarias | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber
The diplomat watched with interest as Vellas explained with care how she would have handled the situation with the Chiss. Why so many precautions? Perhaps she was hiding something from him, a secret, or something to do with what she truly wanted from the Chiss. Did she know of his moderation and try to dial down her fanaticism? Or was it the other way around? He wasn't settled on the matter. She had revealed her hand on her past, and her flawless rhetorical flow was doubtlessly the most convincing argument in favour of keeping the schools of the Imperial Mission open. She had been a very successful student, to rise to such levels of power, when most Missionaries ended up in charge of a small team, rather than an entire planet.

"As to the populations received back into the fold, the collaborators must be swiftly and openly punished by the law of the Empire. The Empire can rare afford dissent- -least of all, open rebellion and conquest of Imperial worlds."

Did she hesitate? Or was he just too committed to the conversation and misled because her tongue had forked? It was intriguing to see her speak, almost like she was forcing herself to say things she didn't believe. Even though she was careful, he felt something was a little off.

"In my opinion, the populations of the worlds that broke away should not be wholesale punished with anything more than increased security as necessary and temporary military presence."

Ah, there it was. She had let something slip from the back of her head, it was now clear. She had played her role admirably, trying to sound like a fervent Tarkinist, but she had taken off her mask, now. It wasn't like he was bothered, really. How would he blame someone trying to bring a new point of view to the Empire? The galaxy wasn't a one-solution puzzle. He had his own approach, the one he preferred, but others had done admirably and could be taken as models, whilst still being the best servants of the Empire. He would say that to her.
Haskler was interrupted by the sudden outburst of violence in the council room. He expected the Triumvirs to take the Moffs responsible for the Chiss failure by the throat and demand explanations. He was not let down, and he had the pleasure to see Saigo and Rausgeber open the hostilities against Korvan. The latter defended himself quite well, and he made sure to insist on the state of dilapidation the Western Frontier was in before he was promoted.

In truth, the western parts of the Empire had been quite neglected when the push towards the Chiss Ascendancy had failed, after Csilla. With the Fleet on the backfoot, and new fronts opening inside the Empire, there had been few moments of respite, and the Imperial garrisons were wearing very thin. Sometimes, the population was maintaining order by itself, having forged by unshakable loyalty to the throne. In most cases, the planet just fell into lawlessness.

"Unless Grand Moff... You have some plan of action to present here before us.... I dare say this meeting should be converted into a tribunal for your.... Dismissal from office."

This, however, was unexpected. For Korvan to be lectured? Sure enough. But for him to be discharged was a very serious threat, and not what the Western Frontier needed at the moment. It was not good to have the High Command replaced every six months, especially in wartime. Plus, Julius felt like it would be the perfect opportunity for either of the Triumvirs to seize more power. He was not going to forget the days when he spoke to Rausgeber as an equal, or the days when Barran had been an uneasy soldier joining the meetings of the Assembly because Tavlar had offered him to. They were Primus Inter Pares, nothing more. Which meant he had to defend Korvan, both because the balance of power was to be kept and because Korvan was competent, and deserved more than a pure dismissal.

The Grand Moff was teeth and nails on the matter of crushing the Chiss Insurgency. All things considered, the war wasn't going too bad, perhaps a bit too long. But with the resources Korvan had at his disposal, it was not surprising he was forced to go slow on the rebels. Counter-insurgency was painful and difficult, but it paid off, in the end.

Julius left Vellas's side, and walked up to Korvan, clearing his throat with a discreet cough, before standing beside him and speaking to the Admiral Regent. He intended not for the Grand Moff to be left alone, and he perhaps had the tools to satiate the Triumvirs' appetite for men. He had the resources to save Korvan's position, and he had no hesitations about doing it.

"Admiral Regent, if you may allow me a word, he said with a clear voice, deliberately using his regency title, hoping to remind everyone how precarious and transitionary the moment was, I think you are getting a bit too quickly to the conclusion. The situation in the west is obviously concerning, but the progress had been steady and our forces are advancing without much problem. The issue, as you indicated, is our lack of troops.

While we are holding defensively and our troops are weapons at the heel on the border with the Alliance, a good portion of the worlds in the west are not manned properly. The shortage of manpower, however, can be resolved quickly.

He cleared his throat again, before playing his cards, in the right order, and unveiled the extent of the Anaxsi's military power.

"The last year has seen a deep reorganisation of the Anaxsi's military. With the reforms regarding administrative structuration, we have been able to mount a second brigade of paratroopers, and we have trained them extensively in regard to counter-insurgency, whereas the first one had been more focused on fighting the Sith directly.

This 2nd Anaxsi Free Brigade will be deployed on the Chiss front as soon as it has found a proper commander. Our HQ has suggested you promote Nukth Kelga'an Nukth Kelga'an to lead the unit, given the many theatres of war he has been on. He knows the Chiss, he has fought alongside them, and on their worlds. He would make for a fine commander-in-chief for a unit that will soon be able to use the same tactics as our foes do in the region, or anywhere in the Empire where dissent shows its face."

Once again, he took a brief moment to swallow his saliva, before continuing.

"There is something else. With the chaos in the Core and Deep Core, some of our agents were able to take control of a group of clone soldiers trained to Imperial standard. They're obviously green, and their equipment isn't to our standard, but we have seized 300.000 units, ready to fill in the gaps where attrition has left its mark, or to replace combat-worthy troops currently on garrison duty. I believe there are more of these clones to be found, and if it's true, they will be made available as soon as possible."

Of course, it wasn't the entire story. But it was sufficient enough. He could very well have the rest of the clone stock depart Yinchorr before too much attention had been drawn to the army, and his allies would provide him whatever he needed to fuel the Empire's war effort.

The manpower shortage could be avoided, and Korvan's assignment with it.



Location: Moff Council, Bastion
Tag: Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan Julius Haskler Julius Haskler Akash Guul Akash Guul Iago Zacarias DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber

Interesting. The Moffs were slowly revealing their cards. Anaxsi forces and Clone troopers. Very non-standard, and she wondered if the Triumvirs would appreciate the presence of such forces outside their direct control on the frontline. If nothing else, it ensured these "back-pocket" surprises were out in the open and regulated by their commands, and far away from where they might cause trouble.

Adera considered her own options. Tamaisy was still restructuring after the Occupation and the subsequent Emergency, and she did not like the idea of deploying either the Rifles or her own Imperial garrison to the Chiss front. Apart from the constant headache of Galidraani troubles, there was always the ever-expanding Tion front. Selfishly, it also allowed Adera to safely continue centralising her rule on Tamaisy without disturbance.

"From my posting close to the Tionese Cluster, I believe Moff Haskler's options, and similar measures, should be considered. The use of non-Stormtrooper units would ease the pressure on the Chiss front caused by the recent redeployment of elements of the 908th and COMPNOR assets to the Tionese front. As urgent as the Chiss situation is, the front appears to have passed beyond its crisis point, especially with the Grand Moff's upcoming plan that will further push back the rebellion. Deployment of assets such as Moff Haskler's from local forces would allow both the western and eastern ends of the Empire to be more fully secured."
3rd post




Lord-Regent of the Empire
Grand-Triumvir of the Tarkinist Administration

Tags: Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan Akash Guul Akash Guul Julius Haskler Julius Haskler Adera Vellas Adera Vellas
Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber Iago Zacarias



The Hall of the Old Assembly, Fort Imperator,
Ravelin, Bastion (Spring of 877 ABY)

'If I have to pick up a shovel and dig a trench to fight for the future of my planet and that position, then I shall,'

Such an urge Lord Erskine understood as if these words were coming out of his own mouth instead, and in previous decades, would've appeared to say similar words in a similar vein under the right circumstances; and in this matter, Lord Erskine often had picked up a shovel to entrench himself against his enemies, to rid his planet of the Sith-Loyalist scum who infested it in his absence. And as far as good starts went, Iago couldn't have asked for better, appealing not only to the revolutionary spirit still burning bright within the old Woad, but to the memories he shared with warriors long gone in life - to the sacrifices Zacarias would soon have in common with Barran in particular.

'That's how far I am willing to go for Jaminere and perhaps even further.'

The Lord-Regent was certain by the look in the Moff's eye, and above all possible doubt, but in the mildly late comprehension of the real meaning in the last three words in particular, a slight tilt of Lord Erskine's head would signal that he had been drawn much deeper into his state of curiosity. No longer just passing intrigue, with no more anticipation as to whether he fit the bill or not, Barran had finally found an auxiliary contingent he could throw in with Gowrie's Wildcats, one who would weather the storm gladly with the great revolutionaries of yesteryear - topplers of governments and empires alike.

'It's such a tragedy to witness, Lord Barran. We routed out the Sith only to find ourselves in another dilemma. Much of our resources and wealth are being allocated to the pretentious Tion Republic, and I've even heard whispers to the Alliance.'

'A nasty constant to this Galaxy, truly.', the Lord-Regent finally responded, making his mind up on the spot as to which Imperial contingent the young Moff would be attached to, the simplest, most obvious choice to make under these circumstances. Then, in his pause, the old Woad reached into his coat pocket and pulled out two cigars; one for the Jamineran at the other side of the reading table, and one for himself, lighting up his own as the right wording was still being formulated. Letting the cigar-smoke envelop his face before blowing it all away, Barran studied the gaze of his former-subordinate's first revolutionary colleague since Archais, pausing to study further before continuing,'Though as tough as your fight looks set to be, the other battlefronts in this Galaxy might open your eyes a little.... As they did for mine.', just to be sure the young Moff knew what he was getting himself into.

'Upside though? You get to join Galidraan in the field, learning from the best in set-piece excellence, the best in pure - unrestrained will of purpose.... And so, effective tomorrow, your men head for Galidraan III. Preston, then up to Camp Riordan in the Tuath lands, to learn from Lord Aron Gowrie. An' by the time you're ready to take your fight homeward, you'll know what we want you to do.'
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Rausgeber stifled some coughs by putting his fist up to his maw. It did not help, as flecks of bloodied pus and mucus escaped from the infected, gaping maw of a wound on his cheek, landing on the lapel and shoulders of those next to him. Any attempted protestations were shut down almost immediately by a glare from the Admiral Regent's bloodshot gaze, as he attempted to regain his composure. Alternating between puffs from his cigar, and sharp hits of some sort of painkiller from the respirator he regularly inhaled. Once he retained some of his composure as the coughing fits subsided, the man eased himself, and let his dull and disappointed gaze fall upon Grand Moff Korvan as he explained his plan.

Korvan was big on numbers it seemed. Anxious to prove the accuracy of these plans of his. And ensure that he would be able to restore order within a matter of weeks. Carlyle kept the almost permanent grimace of his battle scarred face, narrowed in and laser focused on the Moff. He drummed his fingers on the desk impatiently as he took deeper and deeper hits of the cigar. A haze of smoke obscuring the Grand Moff's eyes as he glared at the impotent worm who was sent to remedy Lucien Dooku's mess. Carlyle was about to again move to speak, when Julius Haskler intruded. It was fait accompli. The request for a word, was then taken. And Haskler began to rapidly move to support the Grand Moff. Curious.

Carlyle's eyes darted to Haskler as he began to now insist his own troops, his personal force would take the reigns. And the introduction of clones no less? This, this would not do at all. Rausgeber looked to Erskine to see if the man was listening. Of course he was engrossed in conversation. Prattling to some impotent whelp about Galidraan. Carlyle could understand the patriotic angle, he felt it about his own Dosuun. But the way Barran and Tal would wax lyrical about Galidraan, it was strange. The whole Galaxy could be theirs, and yet they fixated on this one world.

Before Rausgeber could continue, his attentions turned to the new Moff on the block. She also voiced a positive opinion of both Korvan and Haskler's plan. She had now made an enemy of Rausgeber. Raising up from his seat, Carlyle took another deep drag from the cigar, "Congratulations I suppose are in.... Order." The Admiral Regent growled to Korvan, "You have.... Been more prepared than I gave you credit for. But this...." He gestured to the holographic display, "
This is half the battle. And your plan is.... Well it's filled with... Optimism."

Rausgeber stood to his full height, and took another deep drag, obscuring his face with a thick cloud of acrid smoke, "
Two weeks.... Do we really believe two weeks is enough?" Carlyle looked down at the rest of the Grand Moff's present. "History has told us..... Rebels.... Terrorists... Revolutionaries... They are patient." He declared, "I believe it was... A then lieutenant colonel... Maxamillian Veers, who said that he could have routed Saw Gurrera's Partisans from Onderron in two weeks.... If he had the 501st Legion supporting." He shook his head, "History shows... He was incorrect in his... Assessment." Carlyle pontificated. "And we have no... 501st. We are.... If Moff Haskler's offer is taken... dispatching clones. Clones of unknown providence... Origin....Persuasion... or ability."

Carlyle put his hands behind his back, and arched his form, "What you fail to understand my dear," He cast a condescending gaze to Moff Vellas, "Is that two weeks is all they need... To disappear.... To refurbish... To reinvent." Rausgeber drawled with a dry wheeze acting almost as an undertow to his voice, "Desperation... Will drive them to... Extremes.... Will corner them.... And we are dealing, let us not forget... With a hardy and capable nemesis." Carlyle glowered, "The Chiss, are a hardy.... Tactical people. We may... As our colleague proposes.... Destroy them.... Crush holdouts...." He raised a clenched fist, "But we may not... Yet end them." He looked around the assembly eyeing the Moffs, with a hideous stare, "We do not know... If the Chiss have rallied locals to their cause... If they have found.... Sympathy, in their plight... To turn invasion... To insurrection." Carlyle prognosticated, "We do not know... If they have fortified in secret... Places." He then looked to Korvan, "I consider it... Suspect.... That the populace of these worlds have... Decided to abide.... Occupation... Rather than continuing our struggle... Against the invader."

"There are..." He reeled back to Moff Korvan, "Too many variables.... And while you have... Delegated... To men better than yourself," Carlyle castigated with what was a sneer, "To lead our counteroffensive... the fact is Moff Korvan... You have missed.... What... Comes.... Next." He smacked his fist against the table, almost like a gavel, "I see no planning for what is.... The more important part of retaking our domain...." He took another deep drag from the cigar. "Occupation.... Reintegration... These worlds... They have not risen up in loyalty to our cause, and that," He wagged a finger to the assembly, "Is suspect." He then glared at Haskler, "And will not be fixed by throwing more bodies at the problem." He then reached for his throat, and cleared it, "What we need, gentlemen, ladies," Rausgeber cast another look around the Moff, drawing them in, "Is we need to prove the Western Reaches as... An example."

"We may destroy the Chiss.... We may retake lost worlds... But we must prove to all worlds under the Iron Sun, that we... Will not abide... Traitors."
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Date: 876 ABY
Location: Bastion
Tags: Julius Haskler Julius Haskler | Akash Guul Akash Guul | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Julius Haskler Julius Haskler | Iago Zacarias | Adera Vellas Adera Vellas | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | Open



For the second time since he had begun his description of the entry phase of the counter-offensive, Ignacious’ lips creased into a wide and rather genuine smile. ‘Would it really be this easy?’ he thought to himself.

Korvan was not as loud or classically intimidating as Carlyle was. He had built a reputation for being a man of meticulous calculation and patience. Most who knew him to any degree, be it professional or personal, would know that he was most dangerous when he was quiet.

And when he smiled.

Rausegeber had leapt at what he perceived to be a fatal flaw in Korvan’s plan, when in reality - he had sprung forth before all the facts had been laid bare - much like an elder Zalorian rock lion attempting to snuff out the life of a younger rival before it was too late to do so. Korvan was ready for Rausegeber’s eagerness to try and discredit him. Instead, the Triumvir would find his own reputation would suffer, as evidenced by the early support Ignacious had rallied thus far. Korvan merely listened and waited as Carlyle once again devolved into a fit of fury and grotesque hacking.

Yet, despite his intensive planning and thought prior to this meeting, Ignacious had not quite expected Haskler to lend his support so readily - even less so Moff Vellas given her relatively new status as a Moff. This laid dangerous ground work for Rausegeber if he was not careful. While he undeniably held immense power and influence, only a fool would place himself as the enemy of several members within the Moff Council. While the dynamic of the Triumvirate was rather new in Imperial politics, the dangerous balancing act between heads of state and their subordinates was not. Carlyle was losing momentum in his bid to pounce, while Korvan was gaining ground.

As Carlyle’s monologue drew to the end, Korvan gave the man a respectful nod of his head before taking a moment to measure his words. His subtle manipulation had worked better than he had hoped, and now was the time to deliver the coup de grâce.

“I would be remiss if I did not say, that I take your comment regarding my skills of delegation as a compliment.” Korvan’s tone was rather deadpan, yet it was rather clear that he carried a slight level of amusement in his voice. “If I did not cultivate within my subordinates the level of competency and skills required to be seen as my equal or better, then my being summoned to this meeting would be doubly as regrettable, as the Chiss would be surrounding Bastion as we speak.” He emitted a very slight, dry chuckle before pausing yet again, allowing a slightly somber air to precede his next words:

“It is said that it is the hallmark of a great leader to surround themselves with men and women equally as capable as themselves; if not moreso. People they respect, and in whom they trust explicitly. Our late Imperator himself viewed both of you in such a way, despite his position.”

Who could question that?

“I would be honored to know that one of my subordinates possessed the talents to receive such high praise as being considered more capable than me. I will be sure to relay your praise, my Lord.” The smirk returned. Korvan did not go as far as to blatantly mock the mildly out of touch man before him, but instead took the off handed slap in stride.

“But to return to the topic at hand, I would further be remiss if I did not remind all of those here that, as I mentioned - the plan I have outlined thus far is merely the first phase of the plan, with the planet of Iridonia itself expected to fall within two weeks.” Korvan’s gaze met that of Rausegeber, his joviality evaporating in place of the cool resolve and confidence he had thus far displayed. “Everyone in this room is of course aware that even the best of plans do not survive contact with the enemy. But the timetable I mentioned previously is only to eliminate the organized elements of resistance the Chiss have to offer on one planet. This process will be repeated until there is nowhere left to hide.”

Korvan pressed another key on the podium, which caused the holographic map to advance as if displaying a time lapse. While the forces assaulting Iridonia remained in place, units would launch from Adumar and Nirauan and assault Veroleem from the far east side.

“Phase 2 would involve the leap-frog style assault of fresh and reconstituted forces assembled on Nirauan and Adumar upon the world of Veroleem. The timetable of this assault is flexible depending on enemy reactions to the siege of Iridonia, from within 1 to 3 weeks.”

“After the fall of Iridonia, Garrison forces will be dispatched to take over occupation duties, with ISB assets being deployed and embedded within to address the issues you have mentioned.”

His smile returned as his tone softened, subtly enjoying this moment as he surveyed the effect his subsequent presentation was having on those assembled.

“This process will repeat itself, as fresh forces assembled from Moff Gideon’s sector as well as what units were able to successfully retreat during the initial Chiss offensive, and what conscripts we can successfully recruit and train from each successive world; swell the ranks of our combined forces. While Moff Haskler’s offer was unexpected, I would say that his clone troopers would be more than adequate to serve as reinforcements during the final stage of this phase as we advance upon the Redoubt Cluster. While I am... surprised at your statement that the 501st doesn’t exist; a notion General Saul Vandron Saul Vandron would be most surprised to hear I am sure - we will need to blood Anaxes’ clone troopers sooner rather than later. Why not during this campaign?” Korvan paused as he allowed the question to hang. The answer was obvious and inescapable. Doing so now was the best course of action, before things grew dire in an eventual conflict with the Galactic Alliance.

“But as you said, Lord Rausegeber - there does remain the problem of collaborators and Chiss sympathizers as we advance.”

Korvan was careful to not grieve Carlyle’s pride too much as he proceeded. While he doubted the Triumvir would ever be a staunch ally or friend of his, Korvan possessed enough political acumen to know that one could not afford to burn bridges even with political rivals.

“Although, as I’ve stated, the ISB will be deployed to aid in counter-insurgency operations, I would seek the support of those assembled here for the final stage of my plan to, as you mentioned, make an example of the Chiss for their attempt at supplanting the order of things.” Ignacious keyed a few commands on the podium once again, which caused the image of the sector map to fade and be replaced with a schematic layout of what appeared to be a complex of some sort.

Some among those in attendance would easily infer what the complex was meant to signify, but Korvan did not dally in continuing his intent. This time, his gaze rested solely upon Rausegeber, for he knew that this aspect of the plan above all else would appeal to the man.

“During our advance, among the first orders of business to be done will be the rapid construction and establishment of internment camps, to be operated jointly by COMPNOR & the ISB. Their mission is singular, and all encompassing - to systematically investigate, weed out, and if necessary detain conspirators and suspected agitants within these camps.” Ignacious would again survey the expressions of those around him to gauge their reactions, for it would tell him much about how to proceed.

Haskler had already committed himself to support the Grand Moff. To back out now would cost him dearly. The same was true with Moff Vellas. In short order, Korvan’s gaze would return to Rausegeber: “The leaders of the rebellion, along with those who took it upon themselves to support their uprising will be publicly executed. The general populace will be given the opportunity to prove their loyalty to the Empire prior to each invasion. If they fail to do so, no one will be safe from COMPNOR’s investigation and efforts to weed out such radicals. If each world will not be pacified with grace, then it shall be pacified with the silent cries of the damned.”

“As for the Chiss peoples themselves, regardless of if they participated in this treason or not - their colonies will be dispersed throughout the Empire. Chiss soldiers will not be permitted to serve in homogenous units, or in any great concentration. Their worlds will be repopulated with loyal citizens of the Empire who will take up the task of stabilizing the region. Never again will the Chiss be permitted to stand united as a people. They will never pose a threat again, so help me.”
Korvan would allow the weight of his words to hang before he concluded:

“That, my lord... is the price for treachery. And if you all are in agreement, so it shall be done.”

One could not help but wonder if Korvan’s true colors had shone through - if only briefly.


*Banner credits to Avelion
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Location: Moff Council, Bastion
Tag: Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan Julius Haskler Julius Haskler Akash Guul Akash Guul Iago Zacarias DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber

Adera made sure to keep her expression neutral in reaction to the Grand Moff's response to the Grand Admiral. From the faces of the other moffs, it appeared most were willing to give Korvan the benefit of explanation. She well understood the political balance of the Empire at this moment: even if the Admiral did not intend it, his words and threats threatened to expand the power of the Triumvirate over the Moff Council. Whether or not that was good for the Empire was not for her to say: it was, however, a dangerous precedent that could remove power from whoever was the next Imperator. And so she nodded along to Korvan's rebuttal regarding his further military plans and the necessity of testing the Anaxsi and clones in combat.

Her worries deepened, however, once Korvan lay out his plans for the Chiss. She did not disagree with the logic per se, but did they not all see how this would lead to more problems in the future? Short of the unthinkable, this would only create friction and even paralysis at the local level as governors took the message to second-guess their own actions and the non-humans amongst their subjects. She watched the faces of the other Moffs, realising that most were willing to back this without comment.

I can't believe I'm doing this at my first Council meeting...

"If I may, assembled dignitaries," Adera started, making sure she did not appear to be directly countering Korvan. Her support of his plan likely bought some small favour in his mind, and she wanted to ensure most of it remained.

"I wish to bring up some concerns and possible discussion over the Grand Moff's occupation plan."

You just had to go and say something. Fine, here goes...

"While I understand the necessity of many of the planned measures, I fear it may cause unintended problems further in the future. If the intention is to prevent the re-emergence of the Chiss as a threat as a whole, these measures will, however, no doubt arouse great indignation and more resentment, especially amongst those that chose to resist the rebels, have remained loyal this entire time, or returned to the fold once they are given the chance to prove their loyalty."

The words from before in the conversation with Haskler came back into mind:

That the Empire is not merely a machine to crush its enemies, though it is that, but also to oversee and nurture its people through wisdom and action."

"I understand, of course, the nature and necessity of preventing irredentism and insurrection from arising in groups, especially military units, that are segregated from the Empire at large. I fully concur that single-species units will only cause division. With this central issue of separation in mind, then, and to prevent feeding fuel to the separatist claims, might I suggest the Grand Moff consider an adjustment to his plans: instead of dispersing the Chiss colonies -and all the economic and social disruption it would entail and the security issues that would cause- we resettle non-Chiss refugees, displaced and colonists onto the existing Chiss worlds. There have been a growing number ever since moving into Tion, the far rim worlds and the ongoing border... troubles with the Alliance. It would address the strategic concern of ensuring the Chiss can no longer singularly rise up and seize entire worlds, while helping to... integrate their more... reticent identity into a larger Imperial whole."

Adera paused for a moment to let the idea sink in, as well as her words of Imperial unity. Surely none could oppose that, openly or otherwise, if they wished not to be labelled with the Pellaeonist brush. Not a bad thing in her mind, but definitely Not Good to the assembled Moffs.

"And on the topic of integrating into the whole, this synergises with the rebuilding efforts. The Chiss worlds are vital to defence, infrastructure and economy of the Empire. The worlds that we will, hmm, reclaim from the reclaimationists will no doubt be scarred by war. Either from a forced invasion from our forces or, if turned over to us, marked with the scars of civil strife. Sending more people to these worlds would thus also help in increasing rebuilding and security efforts. Depopulation if the world's would leave the western flank a barren wasteland, as unfit for supporting the defense there as a rebellious sector would be. I understand it may be seen as unfair for these colonists to pick up the physical burden of rebuilding. If that be so, even if these non-Chiss colonists do not lift a finger to build their new home, their presence allows them to take over other, non-labourous duties during this process."

Adera hesitated for a heartbeat. Perhaps the earlier conversation with Haskler was skewing her ideas. Should she give this next idea?

The Mission demonstrates, at the Empire's own expense and by direct action, the fruits of the Empire: unity, harmony, and security.

"While military occupation is a necessity, as is filtration camps, it is vital to prevent the transition of this rebellion into a guerilla phase as much as possible, or reignition of open war both in the Western Reaches and in any other sector. As the Grand Admiral and Grand Moff have pointed out," Adera continued, aiming to link her logic with the already raised points, "a guerilla war would rely on popular sympathy, support and local assiatance. Beyond the stick, the carrot will wean the Chiss population away from the rebels. Beyond solely fear, though that is always necessary," she added, "the undermining of popular support for the rebels will be a guarantor of stability. First off would be allowing loyalists to have some measure of local authority to coordinate rebuilding efforts. Diplaying them in contrast to their boorish reclamationist rebels."

"It is but a rhetorical twist to show in words and action how the rebellion does not benefit the Chiss as a whole: their leaders started a war that devastated their own homeworlds, while the Empire is capable and willing to build peace and order. Frame it as a choice between short-sighted self-interested rabble rousers willing to sacrifice earstwhile brothers and sisters, and a mangnanimous -and, of course, firm- New Order. That is why I propose these adjustments to the plan. Not merely to take the wind out of their rhetorical sails, but to back up this framing of the issue with actions. With such a combination, there will be little the reclamationists can use to claim the justice of their cause."

"To that end, I would also suggest bringing in the Imperial Mission to conduct the reintegration and lead the rebuilding of these worlds. As experts on providing aid to communities, it shows that the Empire is not merely a machine to crush its enemies, though it is that, but also able to bring order: to oversee and nurture its people through action."

She changed her posture and tone now, as if merely discussing details now.

"I understand the Mission has had a reduced workload in recent years as the Empire has reached the astrographical limits of the known Galaxy: there are fewer and fewer independent worlds outside our borders period, less said about ones wishing to join. It would be a good way to make use of this pool of talent and resource in this critical matter."

And now to await the response. A few small-time Moffs like herself appeared to be deep in thought, but she knew whose opinions mattered the most. She hoped her suggestions did not appear too much an attack against Korvan, and importantly, swayed someone like Haskler or even the Barran himself.
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Location: Moff Council, Bastion
Tag: Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran Iago Zacarias Akash Guul Akash Guul Julius Haskler Julius Haskler Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan Adera Vellas Adera Vellas

Moff Bastion's eyes flickered around the room as he watched, waited patiently while he felt out the political situation. So far things seemed relatively stable, there was the usual inuendo's and passive aggressive suggestions as the various Moff's tried to place the blame for the Chiss insurgency on others all the while proposing their own plans for dealing with the problem while simultaneously building their own power base further. It was politics at it's finest.

Moff Bastion didn't have enough of a power base to interject or propose either himself or his own plan. Not in this company. Oh he was significant enough to warrant an invitation, his rank if nothing else, saw to that. The Bastion family may have been an old one of Imperial loyalists, but even in Imperial circles, but it was hardly the most powerful. Not in this room at any rate.

Honestly the greatest opportunity for Marcus at this moment was in some ways just to learn. Moves and counter moves. It was fascinating… and daunting. Personally Moff Bastion admired most of the men in the room and wasn't sure whose play he would back just yet.

The plans proposed to quell the Chiss rebellion were almost if not secondary then peripheral. The Chiss would be dealt with. The how was almost immaterial rather than whose plan was implemented would give the person who proposed them immeasurable reputation and significant power.

Before attending the meeting Bastions plan had been to listen and learn, but one didn't survive the Game by not seizing opportunities when they presented themselves.

"If you'll excuse me learned colleagues and allow me to interject." Moff Bastion cleared his throat. "I have kept my own counsel up till now because I did not believe I had anything of significance to offer. However I believe I may be able to see an opportunity building off of what some here have suggested."

"I believe the two suggested methods of dealing with the populations once the battle has been won need not be mutually exclusive."

"I have built my career up until this point by stamping out the smaller insurgencies within Imperial space. It is obvious that once the rebellion is crushed methods must be taken to ensure it does not rise from its own ashes."

"A COMPNOR and ISB Task Force is of course necessary to rooting out such embers. However they can just as easily fan those embers into the flames that rebellions thrive off of. An overt demonstration of force can just provide a useful target of opposition to our rule. There is also the fact that such a Task Force may need to work subtly in order to investigate in the shadows"

"The Imperial Mission could provide a useful cover under which such a Task Force can operate with impunity. From an overt and public perspective there will be no banner from which the rebellion can rally against. If we are seen to be magnanimous and charitable to the local population. Most people will be more than willing to comply even if they suspect otherwise."

"All the while our agents can root out the hard liners against Imperial rule with a legitimate surface reason for being present and involving themselves in the lives of the local populace. The more the Empire is appeared to be helping people the better. Any action taken against us will seem barbaric, while at the same time our reach and rule will be integrated more and more so that these society's depend upon us."

"As for the integration of the Chiss people and the disintegration of their unity. Perhaps there is a way for us to have atleast a surface reason rather than only forced compliance. We could state for instance that we wish to avoid similar internal strife by offering to include the Chiss people in more aspects of Imperial society. It would appear as if publicly we value their opinion in all levels of structure while in reality we would be diluting their influence and power as a single united force."

"The reality would of course be somewhat more insistence but at the very least we will have something we can reassure people of when the rebels or other powers in the galaxy start grumbling about exclusion or specific targeting of populations."

"It would also give the suggested programs a legitimate reason to be funded rather than solely relying on covert budgets. Money and resources which could be saved or diverted for other uses."

Moff Bastion paused as he let his points sink in to those around the table.

"As I mentioned earlier. I have experience with stamping out Rebel Scum and would like to offer myself for this mission… as a compromise to those in the room who may have… reservations."

Bastion decided to let what those reservations might be unsaid. It was clear that the powerful in this room would be reluctant to give such a potential power base to one of their rivals, but a relatively minor Moff like himself may be considered minor enough not to be a threat but rank enough to be granted the Task Force.

"Of course I may be getting ahead of myself." Bastion admitted with a polite smile "We can worry what to do with them once we've won."
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