Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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By the time [member="Alric Kuhn"] finished, Danger had slid her right leg down onto the floor. She rose in a practiced sweep, her expression somber. Slowly, she would start walking towards the expansive viewport of the Observation Deck, the slow steady tattoo of her heels lightly echoing in the room.

She took a deep breath, arms rising up under her breasts, her right hand splaying her fingers over her mouth. She would rub her chin, taking in the results in the wake of the destruction. A dull ache would rise right in between her eyes, prompting her to pinch the bridge of her nose with her fingertips.

The amount of devastation was reckless.

What did you do Ayden?

For a man who had condemned the Confederacy for what it had done on Druckenwell, to have him pull such a reckless act on his homeworld was baffling.

And disappointing.

Her mind would race, mulling over what had to be done. This was as much for the Corellian people as it was for Ayden Cater himself. The Trade Queen's neutrality is what would come into service here. If she could protect as much of Corellian capitalism and freedoms if she could by sheer negotiation...

Well then, she owed it to Cater. Even if he pushed the button himself.

"No... he did not." came her weary sigh, green eyes staring off into the wreckage and the half built shipyards. Had they've been in a more private setting, she would have been blunt and a bit more informal; their time in the desert had to thank for that.

However, that didn't mean she could not ask specific business centric questions. Casting a look over her shoulder, she presented her profile, her voluptuous body silhouetted against the back lit rays of light from the Corellian sun.

"What are the plans for Corellia's infrastructure?" was her question. What she really meant, what do the One Sith have planned for the Corellian citizens and their freedoms?

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Alric smiled slightly.

She was worried about this world. That was just like her of course, to be worried about such a thing. Of course Corellia was an important planet, its people were equally important due to their knowledge in the construction of ships. Things were slightly different now however. The planet before had mostly been operated by the Protectorate Government, for CEC.

That was about to change.

Or rather, when Ayden Cater had made his decision it had already been changed.

The planet for all intense and purposes now belonged to Titan Industries. Oh sure the Planet fell under One Sith Rule, but it would be Titan that controlled the Shipyards, it would be Titan that controlled the flow of resources and trade to Corellia. It would be Titan that controlled nearly everything.

“Corellia will decide that. As long as the Corellians cooperate, they will find their cities and industry rebuilt. Their people will find opportunity, and their world will recover to the same point it had been within the Protectorate before this unfortunate incident.” The message was clear in that, If Corellia worked with Titan, they would find their planet and people prospering. If not...well things would not go kindly.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

"Have you ever met a Corellian easily swayed, Mistah Serin?" there was a rather melancholy tinge to her voice at that, dropping her arm to cross it under her breasts. Slowly, she would turn to face him anew.

"They are a proud people. Ready and willing to earn their bloodstripes if need be. Their sense of patriotism is strong." full hips would sway in a graceful saunter. Her expression was set in a thoughtful expression.

"You'll have to be wary," while there was no Mistah Serin, it would be evident to Alric that she was speaking to Kuhn as Danger.

"While chaos opens the door to opportunity..." she would come to a slow stop before him, her right hip cocking out to the right as her weight would shift. She would stare down at him with a quiet seriousness that would attest to the level of turbulent thoughts percolating in her mind.

"Ihn Corellisi nyeve min bhiq suman ehin nyiad." A Corellian never turns his back on someone in need, her tongue rolling out the Olys Corellisi, "Reckon one catches far more flies with honey than with vinegar."

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

“As I said. The Corellians will find no stick in Titans hands.” That was the truth of it. He intended to rebuild Corellia, he intended to reconstruct the shipyards and he intended to pay those who worked for Titan Industries fair and equal wages. That was simple fact, and something that he had already stated to those who lived on the planet as well.

They could either believe him, or resist him.

Resistance however would be none too kind to the Corellians, though he expected at the very least some. That was why he would give them a small amount of leeway to begin with.

A small amount.

Alric shifted on the couch, crooking his arm and letting his face come to a rest on the tips of three of his fingers, resting in place as he closed his eyes for a moment. He gave himself a split second of relaxation, of rest, of seeing her. Before long however it was over, and in the span of a breath his eyes folded open once more.

“I have no intent to burn these people, Danger.” His words were a whisper, Alric talking to Danger. “Nor do I want to see them taken to lash and chain.”

That stung extra, given his past with whips. “I intend to rebuild Corellia, make it a haven for Titan and other corporations. I have some autonomy here, but not enough that if the Corellians resist me the Sith won't intervene. It's better business to have Corellia be free, but if they fight me, the choice won't be mine.”

He could make it work either way, but he knew the PR from building a free and flowing Corellia would be much better than a one riddled with slavery and death.
[member="Alric Kuhn"] [member="Danger Arceneau"]

Taeli was keeping one eye on the progress of the shipyard restoration and construction, while also keeping an eye upon the situation on the ground. Rivers of data were flowing into the bridge about the activities going on, including that the first Type III was halfway done, with the other two not far behind it.

"Put me in contact with Mr. Serin and Miss Arceneau, we need to coordinate the building and relief efforts and would like to speak with them both," she said.

While Taeli was just a Sith Lady, she was currently the ranking Sith present at Corellia until a Voice or Hand arrived, and right now she was going to take advantage of that by jump-starting Corellia back to prosperity. She would prefer a Corellia that was willing to work with the Sith, where Corellia could still have their planetary government and their economy was thriving. She knew people below might resist, she was Corellian after all and now understood why she was so stubborn about things.

She hoped the other two business people would answer and they would agree with her.
The slow ticks of seconds would pass on by, Danger's bright emerald eyes staring down upon [member="Alric Kuhn"]'s oceanic blue. There she would gaze upon his chiseled angular features; sweeping over the wide forehead, where the dark forelocks of his hair would slightly curl. Past the often broken bridge of his nose, the high patrician cheekbones, and the trimmed beard over his swarthy jaw.

She saw past that and would remember. Remember how he reacted on that relic of an ISD when the lives of millions hung in the balance.

That made her decision. She would trust on his word.

Her chest would rise against the deep boat-neck of her red dress, fingers lightly strumming across her arm. Shifting her weight from her right leg to her left, she gave a small confirming nod.

"Then I'll help you." she'd say in a low, but telling drawl. That had nothing to do with infrastructure or with the desire to turn a profit.

It went beyond that.

She would help him bring Corellia under his control.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"] [member="Darth Arcanix"]

Alric suddenly got a very dangerous look in his eye. His face turned from exasperation to a stern Stoicism, his jaw locking and his muscles shifting slightly. Though his hand still rested in his fingers, he suddenly looked all the more authoritative, commanding, as if he was showing that not yet everything had been revealed.

“Don't mistake me, Danger.” His voice was low, ice cold and drifting with supreme authority. “I will do what I have to do to bring this world to compliance. If even a tenth of a tenth resist me, they will be crushed.”

That was all he said on the subject, that was all he had to say.

He knew that she would help him, he knew that she would help reign in Corellia, but there would be resistance no matter what they did. Corellia had been the boon of the Protectorate for so long that there was no avoiding such a thing. Alric knew they would face resistance, and he wanted Danger to have no illusions on what would happen when that happened.

She had to know that. She had to know if she was going to help. This would not be all about humanitarian aid.

As his ice blue glare focused on her feature, a small chirp erupted from behind him. A signal that a comm-line was busy for him. He frowned, swiveling his head slightly and turning to Danger, before checking his glasses. “One of the Sith.”

Alric told Danger with more than a hint of something else in his tone. Alric Kuhn really only liked one Sith that he had met so far, and she was...something else entirely.

A press of a key, and a flash of a large Holo-projector, and an image of Lady Arcanix blipped into life.
[member="Danger Arceneau"] [member="Alric Kuhn"]

"Mr. Serin, Miss Arceneau, thank you for receiving me. I would first like to thank you for everything you are doing here already, as the ranking representative of the Sith present," Taeli said, bowing with a smile on her face. "I wished to speak with you regarding coordinating our efforts in rebuilding the system and making it stable once again."

"As of right now, I would like to say I would like to see a return to the status quo these people were used to under the Protectorate and CEC, but instead with the Sith and Titan Industries leading the way. In that vain, I believe re-establishing the planetary government and getting the shipyards and industrial centers up and running as quickly as possible would help with pacifying a great deal of the population. My workers are alreayd hard at work, along with your own Mr. Serin, in establishing new shipyards for both Krayt and Titan, and rebuilding those lost. Show them we aren't monsters, but instead are bringing order, prosperity and peace to Corellia, especially after what the Protectorate did and the damage incurred by Ayden Cater's actions. My people on the ground have been making sure those left without food or water are being provide dfor, but more assistance is required."

She knew these two people had larger companies than her, and Serin would control the majority of the shipyards here. She didn't mind that, but Krayt would still have a piece of the pie here, and she was determined to give the people of Corellia no reason to resist Sith rule. She knew which Voice would have jurisdiction here, and Vitium was not known for kindness.
[member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Alric Kuhn"]

There was no denying the promise of cruelty in Alric's ice blue eyes. He had made himself clear.


Danger would slowly lift her head, her expression calm and seemingly undisturbed, but there was nothing more to say on the matter. A lifetime of working alongside the Sith, Black Sun, The Hutt Cartel, and even Tion Hegemony made Danger well aware of just what sort of repercussions would follow for resistance.

She had exhibited a similar doctrine more than a few times of that herself in the past. Yet that didn't mean she wouldn't try her best to ensure that those caught in the wake were minimal.

As soon as he said whom would be on the call, her body language would change. Like a cat her muscles would relax and that slow cordial smile would draw over her lips.

The hologram would bring a familiar face. Taeli Rae.

One of her newest neighbors in the business of going into Otherspace.

Back to their roles.

She too, gave an incline of her head in cordial greeting. One must keep up appearances y'know. Her time in the Tion Hegemony with some of the most powerful corporate Sith in the Galaxy would prove that.

"A pleasure, as always my lord," she would not reference the Darth's real name unless stated to do so. Minding one's tee's and que's. This was, afterall, another associate which she would work with.

"Arceneau Trade is at the One Sith's service for any humanitarian aid and resources required to bring Corellia back into full capacity." the woman standing beside Henrich Serin would drawl out. This would be easier with a Sith who was already familiar with how Danger would operate.

Networking had its benefits after all.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"] [member="Darth Arcanix"]

Alric simply stared at the holo-image for a few moments.

He didn't like Sith. As a general rule he found them to be boring, pedantic and excessively shallow creatures. In his head, all but one particular Sith Lord was completely written off, even the ones that he had never met before. Some would have called that being shallow minded in it of itself, but Alric had never denied being a hypocrit about many things.

“Titan is working in conjunction with your forces Lady Arcanix. Construction as you said have already begun and with Arceneau Trade now in the mix relief on Corellias surface will flow more easily.” There was a distinct lack of concern on his face, clearly Alric was far more concerned about the long term rather than the now. Construction on the shipyards would take weeks, maybe months.

Similarly infrastructure on the ground would take just as much time to rebuild.

Everything here would take time, and then the governmental handling would all change as well. For now, Alric had to assert Titans control over Corellia. “The Dark Lords Hand, Reverance, has assured me of Titans Autonomy, and as I understand it Lady Vitium will soon be arriving to assess matters.”

There was a slight skip in his words there, one that Lady Arcanix would likely miss, but Danger would certainly not. It came from his thoughts for [member="Silara"], for his connection to her.

The idea of seeing her even in this capacity was beyond pleasing to him.
"And this does not contradict the Hand's assurances at all, Mr. Serin," she replied. "But, I would think showing Lady Vitium progress would be best don't you? I personally would like to say we have something to show for our efforts already by the time she arrives."

And this was why sometimes dealing with other business people could be a challenge, but at least she had worked with Danger before. The woman was always sensible and knew exactly what would work best to better help herself and maintain commerce.

"Miss Arceneau, your aid is of course welcomed and appreciated. If there is anything you ever require of the One Sith, we will remember this generosity and compensate you accordingly."

True, this was probably our of Danger's own self-interest and Serin was more interested, she suspected at least, in establishing a Titan monopoly in the system and quite possibly beyond. Well, sadly he wasn't going to get the whole pie as there was plenty of room to grow and expand in the current crisis.

"How would you suggest we optimize our efforts, Mr. Serin? Miss Arceneau?"

[member="Danger Arceneau"] [member="Alric Kuhn"]
[member="Alric Kuhn"] [member="Darth Arcanix"]

There was a slight narrowing of her gaze over at Alric's direction. She caught that subtle pause, the catch of breath.

Now what was that all about?

"Arceneau Trade used Corellia as their main headquarters for the Protectorate, Lady Arcanix." Danger would inform the Darth and her business associate.

"One of our main Trade Stations is within the Corellian Sector; I can divert those resources and provide humanitarian relief for the good of the Corellian people."

It had been on of the reasons why she had personally come to Corellia; not only for the new Headquarters but in order to conduct business with ArcAngel Research. She would have to investigate that her associates had not been harmed and offer aide in whatever capacity.

They did, after all, provide her with Number Six.

A glance would be briefly spared at the man beside her from the corner of her eyes.

Even if the HRD had the unfortunate fate to have been detained for period of time.

"I am already getting reports that while there was some damage, the bulk of the spaceport, warehouses, and my merchant fleet are operational.

It is just a simple matter of allowing expedited access to the planet as well as the assurance that my merchant fleet will be allowed to support humanitarian efforts unhindered."

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"] [member="Darth Arcanix"]

Alric sat back on the couch and smirked, his hand still resting in her face.

Lady Vitium.

Oh how he enjoyed hearing that from the Sith's lips. Of course she couldn't know, she wouldn't know, but it would be a delightful surprise. Alric simply watched Danger and Lady Arcanix interact for a few moments, not bothering moving from his spot on the comfortable sofa. His smirk didn't leave him either, even as Danger began to list out how Arceneau Trace could aid in the reconstruction.

It was still a game to him, or rather, it was a new game now.

“I suggest we focus our efforts on the ground.” He piped in with that same little smirk on his face. “The shipyards are not a priority, not when Corellia itself is still in harms way. Though much of the planet held no military installations, the damage that was done was still significant. Miss Arceneau, I believe your company as well as Krayt can be a great help in this.”

That was the truth at the very least.
[member="Alric Kuhn"] [member="Danger Arceneau"]

"Then the majority of my workers will devote themselves to helping on the surface, but you'll have to forgive me for keeping those working on my shipyards going," Taeli said, her smile turning steely for a moment. "As a ship-building company primarily, war is a merchant's delight and I can't pass up the opportunity to expand here."

Typing out a message on her datapad, she directed more of her workers, plus supplies and materials, down to the surface to accelerate the rebuilding of Coronet and the other areas that were damaged by the attack and Ayden Cater's last action in the system.

"80% of my people are going to be working their way down, while the remaining 20% will finish assembling the Krayt yards," she said. "I think should be most helpful don't you?"
[member="Alric Kuhn"] [member="Darth Arcanix"]

When Alric spoke, only the most subtle of glances from her emerald eyes would dart over to the Tetan. While she kept her expression cordial, she knew what he was doing. They had not spent the last three years together for her to not know him as well as he knew her.

Ahh, there it was; that arrogant smirk. He was playing a new game.

But there was something more in there. Maybe it was because she was a bit more attentive to what Alric was doing. He had canceled their meetings twice already.

But that was for another time.

That smile would flash with cordial and business pleasantry to Lady Arcanix.

"I would be happy to divert the attention of Arceneau Trade to the planet in it of itself. I have several connections with various company owners like Archangel Research, Incom, Whyren's and what remains of CEC across the Corellian system that I can get in contact with to touch base and perhaps, ease concerns.

While we are dealing with Corellians and their hot blood, I believe I can be of some use as a bridge to ease negotiations with the business community as well... "

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"] [member="Darth Arcanix"]

He smiled.

It was the same smile that he had been holding, having only disappeared for a few seconds while both Arcanix and Danger spoke. In the end however, it returned to his face, that same lackadaisical air about him that had been there when the holo-call first started. The only hint of interest he showed was when Danger spoke about other businesses that were located on Corellia.

Of those she spoke of Alric knew all but one.

Archangel, Incom, and of course CEC were known to him. CEC was entirely out of the picture, the companies infrastructure was all but ruin and their CEO had abandoned them. The Corporation would likely never recover, at least not within the next decade.

Alric would make sure of that.

As for the others. Incom was known to aid the Republic, that could be forgiven, though he doubted that the corporation would work for the One Sith. Archangel was another matter entirely, and they would be welcomed with open arms by Corellias new government, that much Alric was sure of.

“Excellent. Miss Arceneau and I will...ease the concerns of the locals. Lady Arcanix, I suggest you oversee the reconstruction of Coronet City. I believe that was where CEC was headquartered.” Meaning that was likely damaged throughout all the hubbub.

Of course if Lady Arcanix chose not to do that then there was nothing he could do.

Though he had autonomy, he had no authority.

Not yet.
[member="Alric Kuhn"] [member="Danger Arceneau"]

"I'm certainly amendable to that," she said, smiling more pleasantly at Serin. Hearts and minds, and seeing a Sith putting her all into helping rebuild their capitol might win some good will over from the Corellians, especially if they knew she Corellian herself. "I will personally be going dirt side to oversee the reconstruction efforts there, while Arys Jaxson, my right hand man, will remain in orbit to oversee the shipyard efforts for Krayt."

It was all about maneuvering and counter-plays, usually when it came to business, but Taeli didn't feel like playing those games. She didn't want all of Corellia, that could be left to Titan and ATC depending on their deal they were probably making, she just wanted a chunk of the pie for herself and her company. Other worlds were more primed for a Krayt monopoly than Corellia and she wouldn't deprive these people their chance to reap profits from such a situation.
[member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Alric Kuhn"]

"Then we have an accord, Lady Arcanix." Danger would smoothly relay to the Sith Lord, giving an incline of her head. A smile would curve upon her mouth; pleasant and cordial. Above all, neutral. "My merchant fleet will have specific transponder codes that denote them as under Arceneau Trade and her subsidies." that should prevent any issues from the surrounding One Sith Fleet from engaging those who were under her payroll.

"Any developments shall be reported as they come to pass; for the present time, perhaps it is best to focus on the people of Corellia." Once the call would end, that meant that her and Alric could get to the finer details on the next steps. She would also then begin to contact the various other businesses and associates who used Corellia as a branch of their business.

Not to mention -- Those almond shaped emerald eyes would drift over to Alric. A smile curved his mouth. It looked no nicer than what pretense it gave, and she wasn't deluded by it for a moment.

Was it her imagination or was there something else lurking within those ice blue eyes? He had never had the best personal opinion about the Sith. While Danger would play the game of a neutral corporate entity, Alric had come into the One Sith as the head of Titan. He had his own checks and balances to adhere to; his place.

But that didn't mean he wouldn't play some manner of game to amuse himself with.

Either way, there were other matters to attend to. Once they were in a more secure location where they could both speak privately, Danger was sure to pick his mind.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Alric cut the call between Arcanix and them, there was work to be done and Danger would meet up with them soon. Then Alric simply looked up at Danger with a pleased expression.

She knew exactly what he had done, and what he had gotten away with. There was a slight twinkle of mischief in his eye, one that you might expect to see in the eye of a boy who had just pinched a girls bottom. His gaze shifted away from the buxom redhead and out towards the viewport, looking towards Corellia.

“If they begin to resist.” Alric said solemnly, his smile suddenly disappearing. “Don't try to handle it yourself.”

For some reason he thought she would.

That was what Danger was like. She would try to solve the problem before it came to anything too drastic. She would mediate and negotiate. Of course some of the Corellians would welcome them with open arms, but he knew that others would not be so kind. Those that supported Cater, those that supported the Protectorate, they would fight.

He could feel it in his bones.

His eyes closed for a second, mind drifting, wandering in thought. He began to think about a trip to the hospital, of a looked of pain and worry, of the sounds of a whimper in his ear. They stung him, greater than the sting of the whip upon his back.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

The soft click of a platinum cigarillo case would echo lightly in the Observation Room. They were alone again. At least, from what she could tell.

But was it secure?

Carefully, Danger would pluck a slender brown cigarillo from the platinum case. Quietly, she would hold the open contents over to Alric, her expression inquisitive as he would open his eyes anew. Ice blue met emerald and lingered for a moment. It was clear she had things she needed to say, but wouldn't now until she knew the area was secure.

The cigarillo would then be lightly tapped against the platinum case, a frown drawing over her brow as she looked at him. Really, really looked at him.

She wasn't in the trade of Companions to miss even the subtlest of signs of distress upon Alric Kuhn's face, much the less a man who knew her as well as she knew him.

There was something different there. Concern would bloom in her chest, settling down in her gut with an uneasiness.

"I don't know if you've heard or not, Mistah Serin." she would reply, but in a low hush of a voice that would not register much if they were being watched, but nonetheless relayed that said she appreciated the concern. "But I once had the Lord Protector set to place Arceneau Trade Company on the Protectorate's Hostile Trade Entities for espionage, conspiracy to commit espionage, conspiracy to commit fraud, and conspiracy to commit unfair trade acts."

Of course, she knew he knew, and he knew she knew. She'd told him about the little known fact years ago. But a man never likes to be told what he does or does not know. And if there was one thing Danger knew, it was men.

Her expression would soften, watching the contours and angles of his face. "But it never took." Yes, she appreciated his concern, and knew that he said it because he cared for her.

But she wasn't stupid.

"I will ask for assistance if necessary." that was her concession, well aware that with the events going on in Corellia, she would be required to use as much of her networking sources as possible.

"But I would ask the same of you."

Hidden in that was her own method of expressing her own worry. The three years they'd spent together had forged a friendship and affection that grew upon their natural chemistry. Mentally, physically, and in business. They worked well together, even if the rest of the galaxy had not a single inkling of it.

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