Cross Ikon
The Red Admiral
NAME: Cross Ikon
RANK: Admiral
AGE: 35
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'8"
WEIGHT: 150 lbs
EYES: Gold
SKIN: Light Tan
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+) Brilliant Tactician - Good at commanding fleets in space
(+) Great Pistoleer - Good with any kind of handgun... Not rifles
(+) Scientist - Loves to experiment with genetics and machines
(-) Heavy Drinker - At least he doesn't get hung over
(-) Bad with Heavy Weapons - No rifles or cannons for this guy
(-) Stasis - He has almost no knowledge of the last 850 years
Tall, red-haired, with a goatee. He loves wide-brimmed hats and long coats.
Nearly nine hundred years ago, Admiral Ikon was court-martialed for experimenting with the genetics of clones and machinery. As punishment, he was banished outside the Hapes Cluster on a mission: To get outside the galaxy before the Republic's Outbound Flight project. To this end, he was given a fleet of seven Hapan Battle Dragons, fourteen Nova Battle Cruisers, and all the accompanying fighters.
But that was not to happen. A virulent disease killed the crews of three of the Battle Dragons and eight of the Novas. All in all, the fleet never even got past the Unknown Regions. The survivors were put into stasis for preservation... But the slave-rigged computers deactivated shortly afterwards, and the ships are lost near Nemexia until somebody finds and repairs them.
Cross was the first to wake up, but when he went to wake up his family, his wife and parents were dead, and the majority of the passengers onboard were still comatose. He managed to get most of the crewers, including his brother, awake. So, he managed to get the ships running, but they have nowhere to go, now.
He's basically willing to join anybody who can help the rest of his people, and will allow him to keep his fleet.
The Virgin Duchess
His actual battle armor. He doesn't wear it much.
Threads (In IC chronological order):
The Admiral Returns (Charlotte) - Star Wars: Private Role-Playing ...
Cross and Charlotte go to Hutt Castle - Star Wars: Private Role ...
[Private] Red and the Horned Beauty (Cross Ikon ... - Star Wars RP
RANK: Admiral
AGE: 35
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'8"
WEIGHT: 150 lbs
EYES: Gold
SKIN: Light Tan
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+) Brilliant Tactician - Good at commanding fleets in space
(+) Great Pistoleer - Good with any kind of handgun... Not rifles
(+) Scientist - Loves to experiment with genetics and machines
(-) Heavy Drinker - At least he doesn't get hung over
(-) Bad with Heavy Weapons - No rifles or cannons for this guy
(-) Stasis - He has almost no knowledge of the last 850 years
Tall, red-haired, with a goatee. He loves wide-brimmed hats and long coats.
Nearly nine hundred years ago, Admiral Ikon was court-martialed for experimenting with the genetics of clones and machinery. As punishment, he was banished outside the Hapes Cluster on a mission: To get outside the galaxy before the Republic's Outbound Flight project. To this end, he was given a fleet of seven Hapan Battle Dragons, fourteen Nova Battle Cruisers, and all the accompanying fighters.
But that was not to happen. A virulent disease killed the crews of three of the Battle Dragons and eight of the Novas. All in all, the fleet never even got past the Unknown Regions. The survivors were put into stasis for preservation... But the slave-rigged computers deactivated shortly afterwards, and the ships are lost near Nemexia until somebody finds and repairs them.
Cross was the first to wake up, but when he went to wake up his family, his wife and parents were dead, and the majority of the passengers onboard were still comatose. He managed to get most of the crewers, including his brother, awake. So, he managed to get the ships running, but they have nowhere to go, now.
He's basically willing to join anybody who can help the rest of his people, and will allow him to keep his fleet.
The Virgin Duchess
His actual battle armor. He doesn't wear it much.
Threads (In IC chronological order):
The Admiral Returns (Charlotte) - Star Wars: Private Role-Playing ...
Cross and Charlotte go to Hutt Castle - Star Wars: Private Role ...
[Private] Red and the Horned Beauty (Cross Ikon ... - Star Wars RP