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Private Admiring Atrisia


Location: Atrisia - The Agora
Tag: Sky'ito Yumi Sky'ito Yumi

As something of a reward for his efforts on Ukatis, Jonyna saw it to be fitting that Ko get to spend some time to himself and enjoy some of the hobbies he was passionate about. Allowing him to take a trip to Atrsia. The young Kel Dor almost couldn’t believe that he was getting to do that. It was times like this when he was quite thankful of his Master’s more lax attitude towards training him as a Jedi.

Currently Ko found himself The Agora Valley Temple of the Atrisian Jedi. Bridging his own knowledge about the planet's inhabitants and forcing traditions as well as combat. Knowing that this was the planet that had played a strong part in developing the lightsaber style he had grown to favor, Niman. Largely through its dual weapon variant, Jar’Kai.

One thing that regrettably lessened his enjoyment however was the loss of his eyes. His skill in using The Force to compensate hadn’t quite reached the point of being equal to seeing with his eyes or even surpassing it. But he wouldn’t let that stop him from trying to make the most of it. With some tapping, he walked out of a library with his cane in hand. Even though he didn’t really need it to move around, the concealed sword held sentimental value since it was gifted to him by his master. Ko wondered where else he might want to visit here, or to look into finally heading out into one of the cities here.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
While not really associated with the galactic alliance keeping her skills sharp was never a bad idea so frequenting the training grounds was always nice.

The tapping sound against the temple floors caught Sukai’s attention with ease. The young force user looking around for the source of said noisy as it echoed through the building.

Her gaze finally falling upon a cane walking fellow, though judging from their own youthful look and no apparent limp it wasn’t hard to tell they were blind. “Afternoon, this might be a little rude but are you lost. I don’t want to assume anything”. She replied, while there were raves that didn’t see and relied on the force she knew this person in front was not amount those races.

Ko Vuto Ko Vuto


Location: Atrisia - The Agora
Tag: Sky'ito Yumi Sky'ito Yumi

Through The Force, he had noticed the young woman approaching him. When she spoke to him and asked if he might’ve been lost. Ko’s gaze shifted towards her. Not quite looking at her perfectly. He still wore his goggles, which kept his remaining sensitive ocular tissue safe from the oxygen rich air here. He gave a soft nod to her before replying.

“Uh, yeah a little. I’m not really familiar with this temple… But to be honest I even have difficulty now navigating the NJO temple back on Coruscant.” Ko explained to her, followed by a soft chuckle. Revealing himself as a member of the New Jedi Order. Also letting the young woman know that I seemed to even get lost in my own home.

“I’m Ko by the way, Padawan learner…” He said, introducing himself to her, presenting a clawed hand of his to shake."I was hoping to visit one of the major cities while I'm here." Ko wondered if perhaps he had any recommendations if she was a local on Atrisia.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Ko would notice the women’s accent, clearly she was a local. The force giving him a look at a young women with long hair, probably black considering the planets people. A noticeable scar across their face covering one eyes.

“I see, well, probably not the best words to use. I noticed the cane and the way you look. Is it safe to assume you are blind”? Perhaps a slightly forefront question but Sky was never one to beat around the bush too much.

“It is nice to meet you soo. I am Sukai Yumi, but most people call me Sky. Technically speaking I am a knight member of the Silver Jedi but I tend to spend most of my time here on my home world”. She explained while shaking the padawans hand. “If it’s places you are looking to visit I may be able to lend a hand”.

Ko Vuto Ko Vuto
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Location: Atrisia - The Agora
Tag: Sky'ito Yumi Sky'ito Yumi

Hearing the bluntness of her question, Ko couldn’t help but laugh some over it. “Yeah you can say that, my eyes don’t quite work like they used to anymore.” A bit of an understatement considering that he didn’t have any eyes to speak of anymore.

“A pleasure to meet you as well Miss Sky. To be honest I’ve never really met a Silver Jedi before.” He said back to her. She was a knight as well, seemingly fairly young too. It gave him some hope that he might achieve knighthood sometime soon as well. After having gotten a Master to teach him, that has been his big goal since, and to truly call himself a Jedi.

“Well as far as locations go, I figured it would be neat to check out the city of Jar’Kai. Partly for the historical significance that goes beyond just Atrisia.” Ko explained to her.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
She nodded at her suspicion being proven correct, after all, she was somewhat familiar with the mannerisms of being visually impaired. "Indeed, the use of a cane and the way you walk, I had similar experiences myself when almost losing an eye". She explained coming to stand at the Jedi's side

"The silver Jedi are somewhat defunct, we had our worlds but never really ruled them, once those within our borders became self-sufficient we let our power go and downsized. Quite a few planets are now a part of the alliance now that I think about it and I myself remain here on my homeworld, should it come under threat like it has in the past". While certainly youthful-looking she spoke with the tone of someone with a few decades behind them. Whatever age Sky was it wasn't reflected physically, but through the force, one could sense it, someone who was certainly above 30.

"Ah you have come to see the sights, well Jar'Kai certainly is rich with history and culture, personally both are of interest to me, the many temples and architecture, to the street festivals of traditional foods and fun".

Ko Vuto Ko Vuto
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Location: Atrisia - The Agora
Tag: Sky'ito Yumi Sky'ito Yumi

“Oh really? Huh, I guess I might be pretty telegraphed huh?” He replied, commenting how ‘blind’ he must’ve looked to her. Ko listened to her explain some of the Silver Jedi to him. Which helps to grow his understanding of his fellow Jedi brethren.

“There’s nothing wrong I think about Jedi who settle into a particular space and are responsible for a specific world or system.” He said to her in regards to being here on Atrisia. Kel Dor also wasn’t quite able to gauge her age either. He has made assumptions in the past about people’s age when meeting them and could be completely wrong. Like when he met his Master’s significant other and thought he was well into his golden years.

“Oh, are there festivals occurring now? If so I hadn’t actually anticipated such events. Perhaps it’s the perfect time to get to experience it. Since I’m unsure as to when I may be able to visit this world again.” Ko replied, expressing some interest in getting to experience any local festivals that may be currently going on in Jar’Kai.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
"Well, I don't know too many Jedi that needs a cane despite not being old". Sky 'joked' though with her tone it's kind of hard to tell. "And to be honest I wouldn't really call myself a Jedi, not in the normal sense, my joining of the Silvers was more, being around them long enough to just sort of accept me, I don't think I officially joined like my bother did". It was kind of funny but it worked out, but most of that was in the past now. Ko himself was able to note her force presence being somewhat balanced, leaning a bit more towards the light but certainly with a grey tinge to it.

"Festivals are rather common but there is one going on now, are you interested int he food or activities"? She asked she questioned, her voice showing inflection of interest at the mans excitment. "I could certainly show you around, be your guide in more ways then one".

Ko Vuto Ko Vuto


Location: Atrisia - The Agora
Tag: Sky'ito Yumi Sky'ito Yumi

That was a fair point she made, and considering it wasn’t particularly fancy it wasn’t like it was some fashion accessory for himself. “Well there are plenty of unorthodox Jedi, be it how they become one or the manner in which they conduct themselves.” His own master fit that bill pretty strongly. She had a very different notion of what it meant to be a jedi given her background. When Ko thought about it, she was in every sense a Bokken Jedi.

This was quite the opposite of Ko since he was recruited and brought in as a child. It didn’t seem like there were many Jedi like himself that experienced the ‘youngling’ stage of development in the order. Many of his own peers joined in their adolescence.

He glanced over at her question about what he may be interested in with the festival. “Well Food is largely a no-go for me…” Ko replied before gesturing to his mask, it wasn’t like he could remove it to enjoy any local dishes, at least not without bringing it back to somewhere safe for him to do so. “I’m a big fan of teas however, and thanks for wanting to help me too.”
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Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
She nodded at the mention of how one conducts themselves, "Ture, I think my mother once talked about a 'Jedi' that said it's not the power its how you use it". If a skill of force power could be used in practical ways to help others even if its origins were somewhat dubuoise she felt that it wasn't a bad choice. "It is nice to hear you have those views, even in this day and age there are those with more rigid looks of the force, be it Sith or Jedi".

As they talked about food she gave a small 'ah' and nod to the motion of the mask, a shame, the food was a big selling point at festivals, but tea, she could do that. "Say, Ko, have you ever been to an Atrisia tes ceremony? I belive that might be something worth seeing, quite a calm meditative experience if you ask me". She responded, moving to lead him from the temple grounds out the front.
"My grandmother is rather fond of that sort of stuff, taught me a thing or two".

Ko Vuto Ko Vuto


Location: Atrisia - The Agora
Tag: Sky'ito Yumi Sky'ito Yumi

Ko could understand that, he’d heard similar notions before about using the Force. It wasn’t a difficult conclusion to come to considering how a seemingly evil ability like Force Lightning had its own counterpart for the light which seemed to take an equal amount of skill and power to use.

But the mention of him being described as having less ‘rigid’ caught him off guard some. Among his peers Ko was more of a traditionalist within the NJO. He even apologized to a Master after using a blaster pistol to defend himself for only a moment. Fearing that he had committed some sort of transgression in the presence of a superior. But the Master didn’t actually mind at all that he used such a weapon.

“Uh, no I haven’t actually ever been to an Atrisian tea ceremony, although I have wanted to experience one.” Teas were one of the main things he consumed to allow himself to feel closer to the worlds he found himself on. Given that even just breathing fresh air could prove lethal. As she helped guide him out of the temple Ko remarked. “I suppose your grandmother and I might have something in common.” Based off what Sky said the same could even be said of her mother as well.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
"Perhaps, she is.... very unorthodox". If by unorthodox a full-on former Sith lord that while 'changed' clearly hadn't given up the core forms of its teachings. "She doesn't live with us those visit often, she may be around today but if you wish to do one".

"Else we can continue with the street festival, are you able to eat with that mask on"? A major attraction of Atrisia festivals was the food, toffee apples squid balls, and so forth along with games and such. "Snacking on a street stall treat while doing a game is the usual activity, something we can do much easier being force users and all, to hold the food of course, not cheat on the games".

Ko Vuto Ko Vuto


Location: Atrisia - The Agora
Tag: Sky'ito Yumi Sky'ito Yumi

“Well if we run into your mother, then that could be very pleasant I think.” Ko replied to her with a kind smile behind his mask. Back on Coruscant he had only ever managed to have imported teas from Atrisia, which were never the best quality.

“Oh, well um. Yes but also no…” The Kel dor said, thinking about how to best answer her question on whether or not he could eat with his mask on. “Only certain foods. Otherwise I would need to take it and eat it somewhere where I could remove my mask. Which obviously isn’t very convenient.” Thus eating out at restaurants and markets were largely off limits to him. “But soups that aren’t super thick or have a lot of stuff inside of them are okay for me to have. Although I imagine that drinking soup from a straw isn’t very traditional.” Ko said with a slight chuckle. Even though the same could have to be said for any kind of tea drinking ceremony. Picturing himself needing to pull out a bendy straw to be able to enjoy any of it.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
"We can always stop by my house once the festival is over". She offered, that it was a decent house, and had enough room for the main family along with a few servants and space for visitors, most of which were usually students of her mother's Dojo. As for the food issue, the mask did raise several problems.

"Hmmm, Miso soup is quite common, and can range in flavors heavily, we also have a few customary drinks too, I am sure we can find something down the street". Else they could always buy things and eat them later. "In addition there are fireworks, and while it is usual to dress up in customary clothing I think your Jedi robes will do enough". She is usually adorned in a more Atrisia-styled outfit even when in battle. "Shall we depart now? the sooner the better".

Ko Vuto Ko Vuto


Location: Atrisia - The Agora
Tag: Sky'ito Yumi Sky'ito Yumi

Ko flashed her a curious look, even she could tell with his mask obscuring his features. “Would you be okay with inviting some random alien to your home?” He asked with a slight chuckle. “I would certainly appreciate that.”

The Kel Dor listened to the mention of different miso soups. “I’m sure that would be great. I've had Miso soup once before, but I can't really recall much from the experiance. It’d certainly beat nutripaste.” Something much better to add to his normally liquid diet thanks to his mask. The mention of his clothes left him thinking some. “Yeah, robes like these are mostly what I wear on a daily basis. I don’t possess anything more locally fitting.”

“But yes I would love to depart. I’m not sure how far it is from here. Looking at maps isn’t quite what it used to be.”
He joked, referring to his blindness. Something that always offered him new challenges for tasks he once took for granted.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
"While you would be 'random' you are also a fellow Jedi, also I doubt you'd be much of a threat to my entire family, we all have long military services". She replied with a hint of pride but also a note of 'we could mess you up with ease' attached to it. "That being said if all you have had is that paste stuff some miso soup and tea at my place would probably suit you well, I doubt your taste buds are happy with your choice at the moment".

A small smirk crawled up Sky's mouth as they began to make their way. "I have a ship so won't be far, though it's a little bit to walk, unless you are up for some physical exercise and running, though we are in no real hurry". It was a day to relax so no need for over excursion at the moment.

Ko Vuto Ko Vuto


Location: Atrisia - The Agora
Tag: Sky'ito Yumi Sky'ito Yumi

Ko hadn’t meant for his words to sound threatening. But still found her blunt response rather endearing. “I suppose that’s something we have in common. My own family had a long and proud military history as well.” Ko remarked, sharing that commonality between them and their families. He also let out a soft chuckle on her comment about his taste buds. "If I’m being honest, my taste buds are always extra appreciative whenever I have good food.”

“Well I hadn’t anticipated being very active. I’d been in a brief recovery not very long before arriving here on Atrisia.”
The Kel Dor explained some. Thinking back to the recent conflict he’d been involved with. Having suffered some damage to his lungs during it. “Unless you're making some subtle challenge for a race?” He asked with a laugh. He was sure he’d lose such a competition since he was largely unfamiliar with the setting and didn’t exactly know where her ship was located.
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Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
That was interesting if but probably to be expected, most Jedi usually had members in the service one way or another. Could make for good conversation once they had finished up the visit of the festival. "Well then we will have a good conversation and yes on the subject of those taste buds let's get you something to drink and more calmly, let's take things slowly and head out on a ship".

Sky leads Ko to the nearby landing pads, boarding a simple shuttle-like craft, and getting in the pilot seat. "No need to strap in it's only a short trip". The craft slowly rose up and descended into the brightly colored city.

Ko Vuto Ko Vuto


Location: Atrisia - In Transit
Tag: Sky'ito Yumi Sky'ito Yumi

“Well to be honest I’m not all that knowledgeable on the past military exploits of my ancestors.” Ko really only knew that the Vuto Clan had become moderately influential on Dorin partly due to its history in the armed forces. All the while Ko kept a bit close to Sky as he boarded the shuttle with her. He couldn’t quite see out to the city below as he sat in the vessel.

“Hmm, what time is it? Actually I think a better question is if it’s still daylight out or not?” Ko asked, after the loss of his eyes, tracking time had always been a bit difficult for him. He’d previously considered looking into picking himself up a vintage analog watch. However, it would probably only work on a single planet and specific time zone. With the different rotational periods, Not to mention if they had tilts on their axis it might be impossible to have an analog watch that could accurately tell the time.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
"I can really only talk about my mother in terms of military experience, the rest of my family is, strange to say the least". And mostly still alive, vampires tended to live quit a long time if but in secret. She mused to herself as the vehicle began to lift up, revealing a slowly setting sun as evening approaches, ideally the best time to experience the festival which would slowly liven up as night took hold.

"It's getting to late afternoon, sun set will be fast approaching and then the night life will be on, fire works promptly followed". Sky replied as the craft began to make it's way towards her family estate, the area below them abuzz with activity as the craft came to slowly lower at the traditional home. "Where here, the festival is basically right outside our walls". She remarked slowly getting out.

Ko Vuto Ko Vuto

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