Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Adored Ancients

Instead of executing her, one of the miners grabbed the woman by the back of her head, pulling her along the corridors as they left the science laboratory. Having to carry her would minimize their combat effectiveness, and considering how little they were in numbers it was not a risk they were willing to take. Rounding another corner, the group would spot the turbolift at the end of the corridor, along with four members of the security department that also stepped out from another hallway further down. The two miners aimed their blaster barrels, the woman held in front of them as a hostage. This caused the team to hesitate, long enough for two of them to be gunned down. Somewhere behind the fugitives further down the way they had come, a door could be heard opening, more soldiers on the way no doubt.

Leaping out of his seat, the security officer made his way towards the entrance of his station, standing at attention as Thetan walked in. The old man was not pleased, his brow arched downward as his face contorted into an angered glare. "Sir, I can explain! I was going to notify you immediately, but-" no more time was given to explain, as the dark side of the force warped itself around the man's neck, narrowing in on his trachea in order to have him suffocate on the spot. Stepping over the body, Lord Garonnin himself began to monitor the security screens, trying to locate the location of [member="Dzuhol"] and his crew.
"Kill anything that emerges." Dzuhol broke into a break-neck sprint at this point. The miner would have no choice, the female would be struck on her head, ultimately knocking her out. He couldn't risk the plan being divulged if his men failed him. Dzuhol was no fool, the man he was dealing with was very intelligent. It was one thing to catch him unawares, but another entirely different matter to make a fool of him. Disabling the weapons grid would no doubt cause concern, but he knew the Scholar would see through his move.

It would mean he was trying to escape.
And now they both knew there was only one place where that was possible.
"Kark." He'd mutter under his breath, he emerged from the branching corridors like an apparition. A blur of black garb weaving to and fro with saber in hand. For a split second, they would've caught his eyes, and in his gaze, he possessed something terrifying.
It was desperation.
He'd continue his advance. [member="Thetan"]
The miners spun around, not bothering to watch [member="Dzuhol"] as he dispatched the security group ahead. Charging forward and catching them by surprise, the men that had nothing to lose hurled themselves into combat, opening fire on the security guards who had tried to ambush them. Arriving at the turbolift, the Pureblood would enter, noticing a panel that contained a general summary of the all floors on the starship. Main engineering was his destination, and so he emerged into a large main chamber, the cruiser's reactor and many other essential components being tended to.

There were work stations with computer terminals near the entrance, one with a large monitor most likely being the main console. Not many personnel lingered in the area, though a few were at their terminals going about their job. Thetan had been monitored the live security camera feedback for sometime now, pushing off of the desk as he turned to exit the office. Using his wrist-comm, he opened a channel directly to the barracks on this level, alerting the guards who had been asleep or simply going about their own business.
"At last." It was time for the grand play to reach its ending. There would no mockery, chiding, or idle threats. He could feel a palpable force ushering him to complete his mission, or soon he would never be able to see it through. He didn't just need to disable the weapon systems, this was a crew of highly disciplined men and women. He had watched them before and knew how quickly they would be able to remedy a simple disruption.

He would need to cripple the ship. He searched through the force for guidance, his hand would need to target several key functions. Ah, one came to mind within an instant. "Life support systems." The red hot blade would draw a jagged through what he surmised would throw the ship into chaos. Next, he aimed to gouge the weapons array with another careful slash of his blade.

But this is where he aimed to get even. "Hyperdrive." He aimed to disable that too, if he could. Regardless, now that his damage was done he would surely have caught the attention of several workers sadly he couldn't take the time to slaughter them like he wanted.

Besides, he couldn't destroy the ship too much while he was still on it.

That was suicide. [member="Thetan"]
Time to head to the hangar.
The crew took notice of the wanton destruction, [member="Dzuhol"] even slicing up consoles that had people working at them. The main controls for the systems had been disabled, while other critical ones were damaged irreparably. Weapons were strictly off limits in main engineering, and so those who were present ran for their lives. There was no telling what the chamber would be exposed to, toxic chemicals, deadly radiation. It could have been worse. Once the Pureblood had moved on, he would notice the heavy footfalls of many guards heading his way, a noticeably dark presence along with them too.

Red sirens flared as the klaxon alarms went off. The ship was entering red alert, evacuating certain areas and making sure that the security teams were armed. The turbolift was still accessible for the moment, capable of being taken to the first floor where the hangar bay awaited. The corridor to the main entrance had been secured earlier, two armed guardsmen rushing towards the Pureblood and opening fire once he appeared. Inside the hangar was a Conqueror-class assault ship, separated from what appeared to be rows of mining vessels.
Dzuhol senses the approach of on-coming death. The bolts that would've previously assailed him were deflected into the ceiling and roof respectively. He hadn't the skill to redirect the beams to his pursuers, but none of that mattered now. He had been captured, forced to work with pitiful aliens, and now they tried to take his life for daring to escape.

A single hand motions in their direction in the attempt to slam them together. His emotions fueled this attack, amplifying it many times over. If his attack was successful, he waited to hear the sound of a sickening crunch before continuing. He was powered by instinct, driven by rage, and compelled by the dark-side.

He was a machine.
But even machinery had its limits.
Fatigue was finally starting to settle in. His skin shimmered with crystals of perspiration that coated his entire body. "Do not stop now, Dzuhol."
He couldn't stop now.
[member="Thetan"] had to be close.
The guards managed to fire off a few blaster shots, but ultimately fell victim to [member="Dzuhol"]'s primal and instinctual telekinetic display. They slammed into each as they ran, collapsing and sliding across the floor. Now with access to the hangar, the Pureblood could enter and survey the area. If he were to, he'd find that mostly droids had remained behind, while any humanoid crew members continued with the evacuation procedure. The catastrophic damage that had been dealt in engineering became apparent, as the giant Asteroid Prospector was ripped from hyperspace.

The entire ship shook violently, toppling some ships that had not been secured. The Conqueror-class assault ship was held down via docking clamps, and so it was fortunate enough not to receive any damage. While the ship itself was locked down, it was only a matter of freeing it from its restraints and getting it open. By now, Thetan had arrived on the first floor of his cruiser, just barely catching himself as it exited hyperspace. Many soldiers were thrown against the walls, though most of them were capable of continuing forward.

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