Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Adrift In Space

"Hey I'm sure if I have another force wielder with me, I could get past some Jedi. Just make up some excuse or something." He laughs a little at what he said, walking next to Laphisto.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
With a small chuckle he would shake his head gently " well I unfortunately stand out and you, well stand out even more than I do with that armor, we would need to aquire some Jedi robes in order to blend in" half chuckling again he would shake his head " well that is if they still wear robes, can't say if met a Jedi of today's era "
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
", we could yes, though we have a sector or two to search to conclude the we can head on over to the temple and do a scouting run, your eyes will be far more useful than my own" shaking his head softly he would half chuckle pushing his way back onto the bridge
"If anything I can take my starfighter and go do recon now so we can have somewhat of a good plan for whenever we decide to do this, then I'll meet back with you and report everything I find."
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Giving the man a soft nod he would lightly chuckle arms crossing over his chest ", your ship should be finished in a few hours, you are free to go scout the temple of you please lad, we will be near the Thakwaa system I'll leans you a Lilaste beacon just activate it and any of our ships in the area will come to your aid"
"Well, while I wait for my ship, I have modifications I need to do for my Armor." He nods his head "Let me know when my ship is ready and I'll leave shortly after. Hopefully, I can manage to do this quickly and return."
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
" give the mechanics an hour by then we will be out of hyperspace and you will be free to undock " reaching a hand out twords the mandalorian he would give them a small smile " welcome to the Lilaste order my friend"
He reaches out his hand and shakes it. "It's a pleasure, now I better go work on my armor before I go." He lets go of his hand and walks out of the room and heading back to the workshop to change his armor.
After about an hour, He gets his newly designed armor and puts it on, and checks that everything is working as it should. He then makes his way down to the hangar and looks around for his ship.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
His ship was within the hanger, shiny and new, once he arrived a few maintenance staff would be adding final touches such as the ships new paint job to better match the mans armor coloration, and a brand new Lilaste sigel on the left wing
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
As one of the maintenance techs approaches, they would grab a rag from their belt, shipping oil and grease from his fingers " well, we stripped the durasteel clean off, rebuilt the frame out of Fyrirdögun, smelted a new hull from Dral kayatr, though we had to trim the ship down some and make it a bit slimmer in order to deal with the extra weight of its new design. inn the front you have two LO-23c rapid fire blaster cannons, excellant for anti-starfighter capabilities, or least on unshielded targets, but be mindful they have a tendency to overheat if fired for to long without breaks, best to burst fire them. these are placed in the central nose of your ship, and on the side are two LO-14C cannons, they shoot a bit slower than the 24s but they pack a heavier punch. and you don't have to worry about overheating, we also took the liberty of installing them in the rear of your ship as well added a new coat of paint as you can see behind me, other then that shes all yours."
"Impressive, Most Impressive." I walks to the landing ramp and starts to head into the ship. "Thank you for the repairs."
He walks to the control panel and turns on the ships systems. The Computer makes a small sound and shows: System Online. He reads through the system diagnostic and finds everything online and operating effectively. He sits and awaits the signal that he may leave.
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High Commander of the Lilaste Order
as soon as teh ship turns on one of the flight crew rushed over holding up two batons with glowing lights at the end, motions for the mandalorion to begin his exit
He flicks on some switches and closes the boarding ramp, he fires up the afterburners and begins to hover up before exiting the hangar. Wanting to test it out, He flies around the cruiser and tests its speed and handling performance. "Works like a charm, I'll contact you as soon as I get our information."
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
" Understood. have a safe flight lad, ince you get what you need rendezvous with us, in the Thakwaa system, turn on your beacon and we will come find you, good luck out there lad, and may you find balance " crossing his arms over his chest he would look out of the view port watching the ship get ready to make the jump to hypserspace.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
crossing his arms over his chest he would give a small chuckle gripping his chin in thought for a moment before turning to the navigations officer on the bridge" alright lets get moving take us through to hyperspace"

and with that the ship jumps forwards leaving the system behind as the two part ways\

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