Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Adrift (Marriskcal Lati)

Qeravert IV,
Home Sector,
First Order space.

She awoke to a soft light streaming into the cockpit. She was slumped across the controls, her face leaning halfway on the instrument panel and the yoke. On one shoulder, her harness had broken, allowing her to fall forward. Sitting up, Kirie checked herself up and down. She’d been knocked about, but as far as she could tell. the power failure had left her with nothing more serious than a few bruises and split lip.

Wincing, she unclipped the remains of the harness, which had saved her from becoming a splattered like a bug on the windscreen, and stood up. The ship didn’t seem to be too damaged, and it seemed to have remained watertight. Though, it was listing quite heavily to the port side.

Performing a quick inspection, she found no leaks in the hull, not even in the cargo bays on the ship’s ventral side, which had borne the brunt of the impact. Peering out the portholes, Kirie saw that there’d been significant damage to the exterior. Panels of durasteel plate had been torn off in the impact, and any delicate sensors or guns had been stripped away. When she made her way back to the cockpit and attempted to restart the ship, she was hardly surprised to find the only system working was the electrics.

That presented a problem. She didn’t think there was any danger of the ship sinking, but she could hardly bob on an unknown ocean for the rest of her days. But she was in First Order space, and she was there illegally. No documentation, nothing. She knew the Automatic Emergency Locator Beacon would have activated as soon as the ship had crashed, so any nearby First Order vessels were likely already on their way. Kirie wasn’t exactly thrilled about the prospect of the First Order finding her here and asking a lot of incriminating questions, but what other option was there but to wait?

Resignedly, she made her way to her cot, mounted like a shelf behind the bulkhead by the cockpit, and fished out a first aid kit, pulling out some antiseptic and gauze, figuring she might as well see to her wounds before the Order arrived.
Praetorian Initiate
Equipment | FO-07K Multipurpose Assault Armour, DE-39 “Deep Fryer” Maser Rifle, Lightsaber (blue), Throwing Knives, Binding Wires
Location | Qeravert IV, Home Sector
Allies | 6 stormtroopers, 1 pilot, 1 air combat officer & 1 loadmaster
Unknown | [member="Kirie Ito"]

[SIZE=11pt]Marriskcal stood on the durasteel hull, her contemplative gaze examining the inert vessel’s exposed parts and mangled remains of its weaponry. Around her, a complement of six stormtroopers were fanned out over its surface, the pounding of their feet and the sparse words breaking through the sounds of waves lapping against the sides of the drifting ship. Their presence in the force was steadfast and unyielding, tempered with caution despite the lack of activity and communications from its pilot. If it had crashed on any other sector other than the Home Sector, perhaps only a small platoon of stormtroopers and officers would have been sent to answer its distress beacon.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]But here, in the heart of the First Order, no chances were taken and her presence was requested. Even now, with her standing here with her aura slowly expanding in search of life within the damaged vessel, a squadron of atmospheric fighters were traversing the skies above, and even higher up in the space of Qeravert IV, a small patrolling fleet of starships waited. After all, the only significant place of interest on the water world was the correctional facility. Any and all vessels that did not carry an IFF identifying them as part of the military were considered suspect and placed under close scrutiny.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“All clear, Agent Skuld. Shall we proceed to slice the controls and open the blast doors[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Once again encased in an incognito assault armour, the blonde took a swift glance back at the Banshee that was hovering slightly above the damaged ship and made a decision. The strong winds created by the carrier and the hum of its engines and drive was making the surrounding waters rough and choppy. The individual she sensed within would probably be alerted to their presence by now. “Go ahead and override the systems. Our pilot would have alerted us if they made contact. Either their communications systems were damaged or the individual within is too hurt to move. If it fails, cut the door open.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The blonde stepped up to the sealed entrance of the vast transport ship. While she remained wary of a vessel that made it this deep into their Home Sector, it was not in her nature to confront an individual with violence unless they have proven themselves to be a hostile. “I will only require two of your men to accompany me. The others will stay here and continue to keep vigil.[/SIZE]
The Order wasted no time in tracking the downed vessel. Within minutes of Kirie waking the ship's sensors detected the blips of approaching starships. Not long after that came a shuttle, and soon the sound of boots on the dorsal surface race through the cabin. She was trapped, hemmed in with literally no chance of escape. Soon they would be inside, and they would realise she was wholly, completely at their mercy. All Kirie could do was hope they didn't kill her.

A winking light on the dashboard caught her attention, directing her to an access hatch on the rear dorsal blast doors. Anxiously, she rushed over to it, only to be greeted by a blinking orange exclamation point on the door control, indicating a breach.

She stepped back, eyes widening in a dawning horror. It had been a sort of vague threat, the idea that the First Order might catch her illegally inside their territory. After the crash, it had become a growing sense of dread. Now, as she realised the imperials were separated only by a few centimetres of durasteel, and only seconds away from making it inside, the feeling transformed into a full blown panic.

At that same moment, a crystal that hung on a pendant around her neck began to glow a blinding blue, brighter than she'd ever seen it before, so bright it shone through her jumpsuit and illuminated her in a cool cerulean glow. That could only mean one thing, a Force user. And this deep in First Order territory, that meant bad news.

Sweat welled to her brow as she leaned heavily on the bulkhead, hyperventilating. This was it. They were here. This was it. A sudden thought sprang to her mind and she quickly tore off her thigh holster, throwing it and the weapon inside to the other side of the cabin. If they came in and saw her armed, there was no telling what they'd do.

Reaching to the fabric belt that hung over her flight suit, Kirie tried to do the same with her Bondar saber, its telltale hilt an instant symbol for an Imperials greatest enemy. Kirie was no Jedi, she'd left that life before it had really begun. But the stormtroopers outside might not believe that, even if it was the truth. However, as she reached for the saber a crack of light appeared in the centre of the blast door.

It was opening.

[member="Marriskcal Lati"]
Praetorian Initiate
Equipment | FO-07K Multipurpose Assault Armour, DE-39 “Deep Fryer” Maser Rifle, Lightsaber (blue), Throwing Knives, Binding Wires
Location | Qeravert IV, Home Sector
Allies | 6 stormtroopers, 1 pilot, 1 air combat officer & 1 loadmaster
Unknown | [member="Kirie Ito"]

[SIZE=11pt]The initiate slowly tracked the presence within as they moved towards the rear of the vessel even as its controls were sliced into and security systems overridden. The movements invalidated her theory that its sole occupant was incapacitated then. Her gaze traced the last several steps as the individual stepped below them and pausing directly behind the blast doors where their small complement were gathered. With them being this close in proximity, Marriskcal could sense the turbulent twist and swirl of emotions, of panic and dread and uncertainty.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The stormtrooper working on the sealed doors lifted a hand, starting a silent countdown for the rest of their unit. Within the anonymity of her helmet, her lips were pursed with indecision. Though Marriskcal has served both as a vanguard as well as an escort, this was the first time she was requested to serve in such a capacity. While the blonde may be a little out of her depth – Heh, you are surrounded on all sides by deep waters[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt], after all[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] – she would just proceed the best she could, based on her own judgment. Her left hand lifted, signaling for the stormtroopers behind her to remain cautious, but to do nothing unless provoked. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She could feel the tickle of unspoken queries and the slight confusion emanating from them, but she knew they would obey her orders despite their doubts. Her dominant arm rested by her side in a misleadingly relaxed manner, though the blonde was primed to seize and lash out with her lightsaber should the situation devolve. It was only the ever-present hum of the force that continued to flow calmly and the clear lack of aggressive emotions from the individual within that told the blonde that a violent conflict was the last thing they wanted. In fact, it was a clear lack of them that caused Marriskcal to find herself suppressing her carefully honed nature to stalk and hunt.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]It was with some difficulty, as the stormtrooper’s final digit fell and the door started to slide open, that she managed to hide the predatory slant and assumed a more neutral poise instead.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Marriskcal took in the figure of the slender female before her, her gaze first falling to the hand that was curling around a familiar hilt. While she remained silent, her fingers trembled lightly at the sight of an unknown entity holding a lightsaber, her instincts to strike warring with the whispers of the force. With a deep breath, the blonde embraced the tranquil flow and allowed it to temper her for this encounter. Her eyes continued to move upwards, pausing momentarily on the strange glow before stopping on her features, taking in the bruises and split lip, wide eyes and dark hair.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“If I may suggest, it would make it less tense for both sides if you were to remove your hand from the hilt of your weapon,” Marriskcal started, inclining her head lightly at the lightsaber.[/SIZE]
A black-clad warrior stood before her, silhouetted in the bright light that cascaded around the forms of soldiers outside to sparkle off the drifting motes of dust that hung in the recycled air of the ship. With the light came a slight breeze, ruffling her hair and carrying the scent of salt. Behind her stood the familiar outline of stormtroopers, but she was dressed in something Kirie had never seen before. It was some sort of form-fitting combat garb. It implied that whoever stood before her, they were important.

But their stance betrayed no arrogance, confidence, or any other emotion. The figure just stood straight. They were taller than her, much bigger too with the padding of their armour. Their eyes were hidden by the red visor, the shape of their features obscured by the helmet. The warrior was inscrutable. In fact, they might have well been a bot. The armour dehumanised them, the stormtroopers too. That was how they forced their iron will upon their people. They were cogs in a machine, and how could any one person resist a machine of that scale?

Her slender fingers gripped the hilt of her saber, white-knuckled, and Kirie fought to keep her hands from shaking. A terrible fear electrified her nerves as she looked to the soldiers outside. The creeping dread she'd felt was now a real terror, electrifying her nerves, stiffening her muscles, coating her palms with a cold sweat. Time dilated, seconds stretching into interminable infinities, her thoughts scrambling for something, anything to get her out of this situation.

She found nothing.

The warrior moved, tilting its head. Studying its prey. Trembling, Kirie placed a second hand on the hilt of her saber, raising her head to lock her gaze at the centre of the mask. She didn't dare ignite the blade, but she stood without relenting, in a pointless, irrational defiance to her inevitable fate.

[member="Marriskcal Lati"]
Praetorian Initiate
Equipment | FO-07K Multipurpose Assault Armour, DE-39 “Deep Fryer” Maser Rifle, Lightsaber (blue), Throwing Knives, Binding Wires
Location | Qeravert IV, Home Sector
Allies | 6 stormtroopers, 1 pilot, 1 air combat officer & 1 loadmaster
Unknown | [member="Kirie Ito"]

[SIZE=11pt]In an act of clear refusal, the intruder lifted her chin and rested a second hand on the hilt of the saber.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The complement of stormtroopers that were arrayed around her in a loose arc shifted at the threat posed. In anticipation of the situation devolving into a conflict, their armoured forms straightening and their limbs firming their grip on their blaster rifles. The earlier notes of wariness that surrounded them sharpened into staccatos of intense dislike as they noticed the other holding the weapon that marked her as a potential force user. Or worse, a Jedi. The low whine of energy particles being charge and formed within the frames of their rifles began to fill the air as they kept an intent eye on her every movement.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“You heard the agent. Put down the ‘saber, Jedi.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]While she was not a formal part of the military, the initiate knew enough from working frequently by their sides that their standing directives would have several of them setting their weapons on stun, while the remaining would have theirs set to lethal.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Sergeant, let us not jump to any conclusions for the time being. Allow me to make one final attempt.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Though[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt], if the other did prove herself to be one of those heretics or was found to be allied with them, Marriskcal will not hesitate to subdue her with extreme prejudice.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The only reason that the blonde continued to stay her hand was the overwhelming cloud of terror emanating from the dark haired female, though her gaze remained unwavering despite the turmoil she felt. But considering she was alone and adrift, outnumbered and surrounded, Marriskcal could not fault her for the show of defiance. The resolve and courage the other displayed caused a spark of respect to blossom within her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]But esteem alone is not enough.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The praetorian carefully measured the distance between them, her mind swiftly formulating and discarding tactics. Coming to a decision that even if she was unable to move fast enough to counter the other should she show signs of aggression, her escorts would still be able to retaliate and fire without harming her, Marriskcal telegraphed her actions. A hand moved slowly to tap at the hilt of the lightsaber that hung from the side of her hip. She then lifted both of her arms slightly, with her palms facing upwards in hopes that the quiet gesture would be able to pierce through the haze of fear that reigned upon her senses. Taking care to keep her tone gentle and nuance calm, the blonde spoke.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“If you do not wish to escalate this any further, please unarm yourself.[/SIZE]
An armoured hand drifted towards the holster where the warrior's own saber hung ready, and Kirie felt a new surge of panic. In an instant her hand was over the ignition key on her blade, the button half depressed, a twitch away from letting the shimmering green plasma free. But she knew if she did that she would die. That final act of defiance would be her end, then and there. So she paused.

And it was a good thing too, the warrior's hand stopped, and their palms turned up in an open gesture, a sort of shrug. It was a strangely human movement that completely shattered the tension. This was not a droid. Behind the red, expressionless visor was a human, a person with thoughts and feeling and motivations. The two of them stood opposite each other through circumstance only. What was the point of this charade of resistance? This show of defiance. What purpose was there in refusing to bow?

There were no principal she was upholding. Nobody she had to defend, or fight for. Nothing she was searching for, not really. She would be foolish to let this be the hill she died on.

With a sigh, she dropped her saber, and it fell heavily to the ground. She stood for a moment, taking in the slight rocking of the ship, the slight vibration of water slapping against the hull. She absorbed the slight breeze that slid through the open door, and the light that streamed in with it. For a moment, her fear was dampened by a beacon of determination, one different to the desperate defiance she'd had earlier.

Her eyes fell to the floor, and she raised her hands above her head in surrender.

[member="Marriskcal Lati"]
Praetorian Initiate
Equipment | FO-07K Multipurpose Assault Armour, DE-39 “Deep Fryer” Maser Rifle, Lightsaber (blue), Throwing Knives, Binding Wires
Location | Qeravert IV, Home Sector
Allies | 6 stormtroopers, 1 pilot, 1 air combat officer & 1 loadmaster
Unknown | [member="Kirie Ito"]

[SIZE=11pt]The tension that has been steadily rising dissipated when the young woman acquiesced, her lightsaber hilt falling on the durasteel hull with a hollow clatter. And while her intentions were clear enough to everyone present, Marriskcal maintained a watchful gaze over her as a stormtrooper moved forward to retrieve the discarded weapon, before making his to her side and placing it into a waiting hand. Now that the trespasser has proven that she had no intention of being hostile and was willing to be cooperative, the rest of the squad lowered the barrel of their blaster rifles as a show of goodwill.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Your blade will be returned after this investigation is concluded and you are cleared,” the blonde reassured even as she hung the confiscated lightsaber beside her own.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She then turned to the stormtrooper standing a few feet to her left, inclining her head to gain his attention. “Sergeant, I will stay here and question her. Please accompany your men and do a search of the vessel and secure it… Please report to me immediately if you or your men happen upon any bodies.” Grim as the thought may be, Marriskcal was only able to sense the lone presence of the brunette, so casualties were still a possibility. And while many of the more subtle social norms escaped her understanding, even she knew it was considered distasteful to pose the query to the other.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“The engines and drive are probably damaged, but get an assessment and communicate with the fleet and have them arrange for a cruiser to recover it.” Depending on the outcome of the enquiry, both the young woman and her vessel would be taken to the nearest world with repair facilities, or imprisoned and impounded.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]It would probably take them awhile.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]With her instructions elucidated, Marriskcal allowed the sergeant excuse himself to disseminate and divide the tasks between his squad members while turned to give her full regard to the other female.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She stepped closer to the brunette, her body language relaxed and amiable now that it was more or less evident that the situation would not be escalating any further. As a sign of tentative trust, Marriskcal entered her own personal code into the wrist datapad, her helmet decompressing with a soft hiss. Pulling it off, she held it in the crook of her left arm and gave the other a reassuring smile and a dip of her head in a belated greeting. There were plenty of questions that she would like to ask the other, of course, but the blonde was not about to add to her concerns until she has ascertained her condition.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Do you require urgent medical attention[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]?[/SIZE]
A stormtrooper stepped forward and retrieved the Bondar saber from the floor. The moment it was placed in the warrior's waiting hand, a chill rippled through her flesh, starting in her finger tips and running through her capillaries and veins like icewater. A trail of gooseflesh followed closely behind, and finally a shudder that wracked her spine, leaving her teeth chattering and skin crawling. Some strange sacrament had been completed, and Kirie felt a rare twinge in the Force.

For an impossibly brief moment, the visions that had haunted her for the past year returned. An endless darkness congealed at the edges of her mind, and through some third eye she was struck with the image of a tall, magnificent woman, with flowing blonde locks. A figure standing upon a pile of smouldering rubble, gleaming blue blade in hand, eyes burning with a fierce, unstoppable determination. Each one like an individual star, buring bright, consuming all.

Then it was over, and the flash faded back into the small confrontation, adrift in her wrecked vessel. The wind blowing, the sun shining bright overhead.

Chest heaving, the panicked girl looked on wildly, dark eyes glazed over as the warrior appeared to talk. They would gesture slightly, head dipping or nodding. Of course Kirie could hear not a word, and the helmet obscured even the general meaning of the words. The warrior had a short exchange with their soldiers, and turned back to Kirie, stepping forward, closing the distance between them.

Instinctively, Kirie flinched, but after a moment she saw the person's demeanor had changed. Perhaps, at this moment, they were not going to kill her. Wide-eyed, she watched as the warrior raised their arms and removed their helmet.

The warrior was a she. Not quite the person she'd envisioned in the flash a few moments before, but perhaps some earlier version. She had kind features, the sort that concealed a harder underlying ferocity. Most surprising was the reassuring smile that graced the woman's features. It was the kind that was utterly disarming, one that sent a wholly different shiver down her spine, overloading her nervous system with a potent mix of confusion, fear, and relief. A smile that Kirie did not return but instead simply stood unable to comprehend exactly what was happening. Still paralysed by fear, her brain overloading at the situation before her.

Bewildered, Kirie barely registered the woman's question. Her knees were shaking, and embarrassing as it was, she suddenly felt the overwhelming need to go to the toilet. Still, there was at least some part of her brain that still functioned, and understood that standing there gaping like a fish would only make things worse.

Shakily, she shook her head. No, she did not need a doctor.

[member="Marriskcal Lati"]
Praetorian Initiate
Equipment | FO-07K Multipurpose Assault Armour, DE-39 “Deep Fryer” Maser Rifle, Lightsaber (blue), Throwing Knives, Binding Wires
Location | Qeravert IV, Home Sector
Allies | 6 stormtroopers, 1 pilot, 1 air combat officer & 1 loadmaster
Unknown | [member="Kirie Ito"]

[SIZE=11pt]Not realising that the other had received a vision in that one fleeting moment, Marriskcal glanced over her figure with worry. The brief pause before the brunette had given her a nonverbal answer was a cause for concern. Perhaps she is suffering from a mild concussion[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]?[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] While she would have liked to press further on the matter, the initiate suspected that it would only cause the swirl of anxiety that was already plaguing the other to worsen. “I’m glad to know that it’s just superficial injuries then. But when we get you back to our ship, I have to insist that you allow the doctor onboard to give you a thorough examination.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]And that was the last of the compassion she had to give for now.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Though the blonde would prefer to give the young woman before her more time to calm down and gather herself, she also knew it would be better for the both of them if they finished the questioning before the rest of her squad returned. “Alright then~ As you probably already suspect, I will need you to answer some questions truthfully.” There was a slight stress on the last word Marriskcal uttered, a small reminder that she would be able to sense any fluctuation that rippled through the force if the other tried to lie.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]While others would open their volley of questions by first requesting travel information and ship manifest, she knew that the information would be obtained in the midst as part of the stormtroopers’ objectives anyway. And to someone like Marriskcal, who has always entered and exited the worlds in First Order territories without ever facing any issues, such information were not deemed as high priority. If the sergeant realised the thoughts that crossed her mind, he would have looked skyward and prayed for patience.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]But which questions should she pose first[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Obviously, it would be something that was close to her inherent curiousity. The account of the events that preceded the brunette crashing into the ocean world of Qeravert IV and her proximity to Home Sector would probably be asked once again when they all returned to the awaiting patrol fleet. Marriskcal was less interested in the hows and the whys for now than she was in the fact that she was conversing with a force sensitive that was potentially an outsider.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]So then.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“What are your intentions[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]?” And, “[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Where are your place of origin[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]? Are you allied with any Galactic powers?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Short and simple, but her answers would determine Marriskcal’s subsequent approach.[/SIZE]
Her intentions? That was surprising. Kirie had thought that a storm of questions would ensue about proper identification and permits, and of course how exactly she came to be drifting on the surface of Qeravert IV. But no, first and foremost was the question of her intentions.

Whoever this woman was, it was quickly becoming clear she wasn't some ordinary Imperial officer.

She nodded, and began to sign.

'Before the accident my intention was to travel to a system in the Unknown Regions, just outside First Order space, to investigate rumours of a priceless archeological site. Now that I have crashed, I intend to return to Balmorra, my system of origin.'

Pausing for a moment, Kirie felt her jangled nerves calming slightly, but she still searched the woman's face for signs of aggression, distrust, hostility. She could see nothing behind the mask of the woman's reassuring smile and gentle gaze. Only the slight change of inflection, the focus on truth, conveyed who was in control.

'As for my relationship with Galactic Powers, I've operated independently for the past several months.'

The woman asked for the truth, and that is what she received. Kirie could do nothing else but cooperate, by now that much was clear.

[member="Marriskcal Lati"]
Praetorian Initiate
Equipment | Armour, Maser Rifle, Lightsaber (blue), Throwing Knives, Binding Wires
Location | Qeravert IV, Home Sector
Allies | 6 stormtroopers, 1 pilot, 1 air combat officer & 1 loadmaster
Friendly | [member="Kirie Ito"]

[SIZE=11pt]The blonde found herself vaguely confused, and more than a little wary when the brunette lifted her hands. It took several moments of the other signing before it dawned on her that the other was unable to vocalise her words and was explaining her situation using sign language.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=11pt]A faint blush found its way to her features at the thought of her earlier ignorance. As her gaze tried to follow the fluent movements, Marriskcal found herself desperately trying to rummage through her memory on the brief GBSL module she took a long time ago. But due to the passing of time and the lack of a need of its usage… whatever literacy she had once possessed has fallen to the wayside. The blonde only managed to gain a slight understanding, barely half of what the trespasser signed. While some of her memory of the letters came more easily to her, the blonde has trouble telling apart ‘i’ and ‘j’, as well as ‘l’ to ‘o’ and ‘u’ as they were too similar in form.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]It was fortunate that the young woman’s explanation was straightforward enough that she managed to piece together a gist of what the other was trying to convey.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]But even then, the smooth and swift signing was a little beyond what she was capable of following. Her blue eyes widened in panic, Marriskcal lifted both of her hands in a silent plea for her to stop or pause. “Please, please, slow down.” Even as she spoke, the blonde found herself grateful that the other could speechread. “[/SIZE]I did not know you were a GBSL-speaker [SIZE=11pt]… I’m not very well-versed at signing[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt],” she admitted sheepishly after giving it some thought. It was better for her to be honest about it, than to pretend she able to follow the flow of conversation.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“But let’s make the best of it! I’m going to reiterate what you have explained as I was unable to follow some of the details you have signed. Please feel free to interrupt me or correct me at any time.” She paused to take a breath, then continued to forge on. “You were attempting to reach– was it the Expansion or Unknown Region[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]?” The First Order had territories in the space of both regions, after all. “And you plan to return to… Ba…” All the initiate knew was that it started with ‘ba’ and ended with… maybe an ‘r’? Or was it a ‘ra’? Bakura? Ba’har? Balosar?![/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Marriskcal has never once thought that sign language was something that she required as part of her skill repertoire, but she was beginning to feel the acute need to brush up on it. Without a protocol droid, nor a spare datapad, it was difficult for her to converse with the other. “This is not working,” she shook her head slowly before lifting her right hand, her palm held out flat upwards in the young woman’s direction. “Until we are able to get you off of the planet, we will just have to improvise,” she said, spelling ‘sorry’ on her palm slowly with her other hand. “I will take care to keep my questions more specific so you can give short answers after this.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“But yes, which system did you say you were from again[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]? And you mentioned something about being independent? Can you explain that with more details?” With the knowledge that the other has been truthful so far, Marriskcal met her gaze with an amiable grin. “And since we are spending some time together, may I know your name?[/SIZE]
Confusion, the slight wrinkling of the brow. The barest tilt of their head. The woman didn't understand. Like far too many sentients, especially this far out in the Galaxy, she didn't speak GBSL, wasn't taught it, no doubt she was barely exposed to the deaf. That was the problem with these empires covering swathes of emptiness in the remote corners of the Galaxy: So focused were they on expansion they forgot all about their humanity. That was what made them scary, intimidating. Why the mention of the First Order's breach into the Core with Atrisia chilled many to their core. They were foreign, distant, somehow fundamentally different from everyone else.

Even the Sith, you could see their humanity. They were ruled by greed, passion, hunger for power. They could be related to, even if they were an abhorrent stain on the face of the Galaxy. The First Order, they were an oddity, a collective of automatons, directed by reptilian brains and cold hearts. She could see it in the Stormtroopers that guarded the woman. Kirie suspected it was the same with the warrior, she just hid it well.

Despite the situation, a small, breathy sigh escaped her lips as her captor struggled to understand her signs. She didn't even have a protocol droid to assist with translation. It looked like she would have to resort to speech; as halted and grating as her voice was, it would be easier than explaining something as complicated as her background in GBSL. Kirie cleared her throat, and began to answer the questions.

The first words tumbled out like a mouthful of razorblades, and felt more like a gurgle than enunciated syllables as they rolled over her tongue.

"I... Will speak."

She sucked in a deep breath, concentrating, remembering her lessons as a girl, a hand clenched involuntarily by her side. This was always hard, but especially so under this pressure.

"I am headed to the Unknown Regions. The exact coordinates are in my navicomputer."

Kirie gestured lamely to the console in the cockpit, lights still blinking, warning of the myriad failures that'd struck, resulting in the ditching of the ship into the watery surface of the planet.

"I... Intend to return to Balmorra. It is my home."

Feeling her control slip on the last few words she paused and cleared her throat. The movements of speaking had opened up her lip, and it stung painfully as a small trickle of crimson ran down her chin, stark against her skin. Kirie was suddenly struck by how much she wished she was back home on Balmorra. Her cottage on the edge of the city was lonely, after all she had no friends these days, but it was peaceful. It was out far enough from the city that she could have a garden, and she didn't have to go far to take walks as she did as a child. At that moment, she missed it painfully.

"By independent I mean that- That I do exploration and archeological work for universities in the Core. They hire me out as a contractor."

The girl smiled unnervingly, and asked her name.

"I am Kirie Ito."

That round of questioning seemed to satisfy somewhat, and a command was given, the specifics of it were missed by Kirie. Moments later a Stormtrooper approached and gripped her arm, forcefully but not roughly, and she was escorted off the floating hunk of junk, to the group's ship, painted a drab gunmetal, in the usual unassuming yet intimidating style so typical of Imperials.

Kirie was taken aboard. Not daring to crane her head to look around, she lost track of the warrior. The troopers brought her to a holding cell, and she was placed inside, the door hissing shut behind her. She sunk to the floor, head hanging. She'd got herself into serious trouble this time.

[member="Marriskcal Lati"]
Praetorian Initiate
Equipment | Armour, Maser Rifle, Lightsaber (blue), Throwing Knives, Binding Wires
Location | Hangar Bay of FIV Kali, Qeravert IV, Home Sector
Allies | RA-7 Protocol Droid (black & silver)
Friendly | [member="Kirie Ito"]

[SIZE=11pt]With the inquisitiveness born of ignorance, her gaze fell to the young woman’s mouth as she began to speak. Her words spilled out coarse and rasping, with the tone slightly off and making it seem like the other was doing her best to form the sound, while being unfamiliar with its nuances and inflections. But even with the halting speech and imprecise articulation, Marriskcal was able to follow the conversation with more ease than before.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The coordinates and other relevant information and documentation could wait until they were on their way back to the waiting fleet and the sergeant found time to debrief her. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]As for where Balmorra itself was situated, the only reason the planet was familiar to the territory-bound initiate was its strategic importance as a prominent industrial world, known for manufacturing weapons and droids. She tilted her head curiously as she caught the wisps of longing that coloured the brunette’s aura, finding it peculiar that the young woman held such a deep sentiment for a location. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Just as the young woman – Kirie Ito – enlightened her to the last of her queries, the sergeant and the rest of his squad reemerged. Marriskcal greeted their return with a smile as the other approached, the casual flick of his arm indicating that they had gotten all the preliminary information they needed and everything was in order. Though he deferred to her command due to her position, the older male was more experienced than she was when it came to military procedures. Despite the lack of instructions from her end, the blonde knew that he would have communicated with the officers of the cruiser above and made all the necessary arrangements.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]As one of the stormtrooper stepped up to escort the young woman towards the Banshee, the Praetorian lingered behind to walk beside the sergeant, listening intently as the other transmitted the necessary details over to the wrist datapad of her armour. “Mm, from what I was able to discern… there’s nothing amiss,” she said absently, her eyes flickering through the information and records they have sliced from her vessel. It added up with what the young woman has disclosed to her. “She does not have any negative intent towards the First Order. I would say that it’s safe to issue her with a temporary visa and take her to a nearby planet so she can get her starship fixed or make other arrangements.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The sergeant gave her a searching look, before he gave it up as something that he would never understand. “I’ll personally oversee that she will get the documentation she requires when we are back on the Kali then,” he offered, allowing the agent to climb onboard the vessel first.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Thank you, I appreciate it. I’ll probably escort her to the infirmary once we are back, or the mess deck… or her cabin…” After all, the young woman was a force sensitive. Though she has spoken the truth and gave them her cooperation, Marriskcal was not about to leave her alone. “Either way, I’ll be close to her side at all times. Comm me if you need our location.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]As their transport entered the vast hangar of the battlecruiser, the blonde made her way towards the holding cell. Despite realising that the other was unable to hear any sound, it was a habit for her to knock before she disengaged its locks. She waited until the brunette’s gaze was on her person before she spoke, “Hello again! I hope it wasn’t too uncomfortable?” she asked rhetorically, stepping aside for the other to exit the small area and follow her out of the vessel. “I thought you would like to know your options before I escort you to the infirmary to get your wounds seen to.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Marriskcal nodded in acknowledgement at the petty officer and the accompanying protocol droid waiting for them. She patted the arm of the mechanical being in an affable manner, before turning to introduce the brunette to the droid, “Miss Kirie Ito will be a guest on the Kali for the time being. As she is mainly a speaker of GBSL, we will require your assistance until she leaves us.” Knowing that the droid will carry out its duties without needing any further prompting, she turned her attention back to young woman. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“We are currently on one of the capital ships that forms part of a fleet,” she continued conversantly, making sure the other was informed of her situation in hopes of placing her more at ease. “Your starship will be brought onboard… soon, after which we will depart for the Seswenna sector.” There, they will be meeting up with the rest of the fleet and proceed towards Sullust, the former stronghold of the Galactic Alliance. “If you like, I can forward a request to the Admiral to allow you to disembark on Eriadu.” Despite her dislike for its polluted environment, Marriskcal knew that there was a dependable shipyard located there from the last time she set foot on the planet.[/SIZE]
The woman came to fetch her just as she was getting uncomfortable. She'd chosen to remain standing to appear in control and disciplined, but her aching muscles and strains from the crash had protested. The warrior explained her options, offering safe passage out of First Order space and partway towards Balmorra. From there, she'd be able to catch a ride along thee Rimma Trade Route. Kirie's first response to the offer was confusion. She'd been sure she was about to spend years in a First Order prison camp.

'You're letting me go?'

Then she caught herself. Questions would only get her in hot water, surely it was better just to take this at face value. It was a miracle. Or was it mercy? She was hardly familiar with the First Order, especially not their laws, but it seemed against Imperial protocol to allow tresspassers free without even a warning. Why was she being spared? Was this all a lie?

'I mean, thank you.'

She found it hard to trust this woman. This girl must be of immense importance for someone so young to be commanding a ship as large as this. What else could her innocent appearance be hiding? Did she actually have something malevolent in store for Kirie? It was no use wondering. All she could do was hope that it was true, that she'd get out of here alive an unharmed. One thing was very clear now: It had been stupid to come here. It had been stupid to come alone, stupid to cut corners with a backwater shortcut through First Order space, stupid not to tell someone where she was going.

But that was the thing, wasn't it?

Kirie didn't have anyone that'd care she was gone.

Not anymore. So many people had faded away in the last two years. For a time, she'd been happy, working for Lady Kay, facing her demons through the Jedi, even fighting Sith-Imperial tyranny. But those had all been fleeting moments, brief relationships, sparks that flickered and died because of one simple truth: She didn't belong anywhere.

Tears welled, but she blinked them away.

'Yes, please. Eriadu is perfect.'

Her eyes drifted down to her sweat-soaked, dirty flight suit, her skinned elbows and scratched arms.

'In the meantime, could I get a change of clothes and dress my injuries?'

A sudden thought came to her mind, and she quickly signed a few words before the woman could respond.

'May I know your name?'

[member="Marriskcal Lati"]
Praetorian Initiate
Equipment | Armour, Maser Rifle, Lightsaber (blue), Throwing Knives, Binding Wires
Location | Hangar Bay of FIV Kali, Qeravert IV, Home Sector
Allies | RA-7 Protocol Droid (black & silver)
Friendly | [member="Kirie Ito"]

[SIZE=11pt]She blinked in bemusement as the droid interpreted the young woman’s query. Why would she think that they would not let her go? Though there had been a brief moment of miscommunication during their initial meeting, Miss Ito has been compliant and honest about her intentions since. While the prevalent issue remained that she has entered the Home Sector space without proper documentations, it was not like she had purposely crashed her vessel into the ocean world of Qeravert IV. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“You are welcome. Though for future endeavours, I suggest applying for the documentations prior to travelling.” Was she even disseminating the correct advice? Marriskcal only vaguely knew that one required them when they wanted to enter a planet, but did one need documentation for travelling through a territory? Other than her brief sojourn to Terminus a long time ago, she had never left the boundaries of First Order space. And with her so clearly marked as an instrument of the Supreme Leader, the blonde had yet to encounter any barrier in her path.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]When she was done with her vague explanation, the Ren caught a glimpse of too bright eyes, only made familiar because she found herself needing to comfort one of her older brothers. Did this Kirie Ito miss Balmorra so much that she was relieved to discover she was allowed to return to her ‘home’? Or was this just a delayed response to the crash she had experienced less than an hour ago? She felt a clear sense of unease, her stomach twisting in discomfort at the faint hint of vulnerability the other revealed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Despite her bright and pleasant veneer, Marriskcal was aware that she was not the most attuned when it came to the matters of emotions. All her life, she has only strived for perfection, allowing her instructors to form and shape her so she could better serve their Lord and Master. Flaws were something to be despised, and exposing one’s vulnerabilities was a failing. To see another person close to such a state was…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The blonde dropped the line of thought even as she averted her eyes, remaining quiet and merely nodding in reply when the other confirmed she was agreeable to Eriadu.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]It was only when the droid continued to speak for Miss Ito did Marriskcal brought back her gaze. “My name?” she asked, remembering belatedly that she had yet to introduce herself. She seldom found the need to do so, as she was usually presented with a callsign for assignments and in most situations, a simple ‘agent’ sufficed. “Most people address me as Agent Skuld… but you may call me Marr if you like.” Her smile turned soft and gentle as her thoughts turned towards her brothers and sisters, “That’s what my siblings uses.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Just a few more days, and she would be able to see them.

Ah yes! I’ve already forwarded a request for a cabin to be assigned to you. For security reasons, you are stuck with me, so your cabin is located next to my own. I’ll take you there after we visit the medbay and have them take care of your injuries so you can clean up and change,” she paused, a finger going to tap thoughtfully at her chin.

[SIZE=11pt]“We can both head to the mess deck after that for a meal or a warm drink.” Perhaps if Miss Ito was amenable to it, she could ask her for tales of her travels? While nothing would ever make her turn from the path she has chosen, Marriskcal was still passionate and insatiably curious about the galaxy and the thought of being able to travel from world to world in search of relics.

I suppose by then, your ship would have been brought onboard… It would probably take several days for us to arrive at the Seswenna sector, so let me know if you would like to retrieve any personal belongings.
'It is nice to meet you.'

And it was. All the stories she'd heard about the Order, their cold cruelty, their merciless authority. It was there, signs of it, in the looks of the officers, the grip of the Stormtroopers, the way nobody looked each other in the eye. Everyone onboard the FIV Kali wore a mask, physical or otherwise. That was why Kirie could not relax, why she would stay looking over her shoulder, always alert. Nobody here could be trusted, Kirie could tell.

But Marr was different, wasn't she? She had an aura on genuine kindness. Sure she was clearly a ranking officer in a notoriously cruel and ruthless empire, so she wasn't all she appeared to be. But when she spoke, Kirie could detect no hidden hostility on her face, no hidden intent in the contort of her lips or wrinkling of her brow. She was the only one who wasn't faceless, the one with personality. Of all the people Kirie had seen thus far, it seemed like Marr was the only human.

Unless... ?

No, it was better not to doubt. She was being shown mercy and kindness. It would be better just to accept that, and just stay alert. Especially when everything she'd witnessed indicated that Marr was likely a perfectly good person.

First, Kirie followed Marr to the medical bay, where a surly-looking man retrieved from a shelf a small red first-aid kit. At a leisurely pace, he examined her injuries -all superficial- and dressed the various cuts and scrapes with strips of adhesive fabric, coated with some sort of solution. It took less than five minutes.

Next, Kirie followed Marr up the corridor, pondering over the fact that the woman had introduced herself by her nickname, instead of her codename. What did that mean, familiarity, pity, or something else? It was best not to worry, she knew that, but this was all so strange, so unfamiliar to her. The urge to be guarded was not easily let go. But Marr's complexities hardly mattered right now. What she desperately wanted was to treat the various bumps and scrapes accrued during the crash, and more importantly, to change out of her filthy clothes.

Soon, they had arrived at her room, and Kirie waved her hand across the scanner, prompting the door to slide open. She glanced back, and stepped inside the dim space, leaving Marr and the protocol droid in the hall behind her. As the door began to slide shut she turned and signed her thanks again. A moment later, it closed and she was cast into darkness. Her slender hand searched for the switch on the wall, depressing it when glided over the button. A soft, cold light filled the room, and Kirie was offered a view of her room.

It was modest, and small, as starship bunks so often were. But it contained all of the amenities she needed. There was a cot, a bathroom, a wardrobe and a desk and chair. Inside the wardrobe she found a pair of thin grey pants and a light t-shirt. Similar to the kind of thing she was wearing underneath her flight suit. Kirie grabbed the clothes and made her way into the bathroom, which turned out to be a shared space with four adjoining rooms. Though at the moment, it was empty and quiet. Kirie grabbed a towel from the rack and stripped down, thankful to remove her torn and battered flight suit and her sweat-soaked clothes. She took a quick, economical shower, relishing her first chance to get clean in days. A few minutes later, she padded back to her room and dressed herself in the simple garments provided. She yawned, things suddenly seemed very pedestrian. Alone she allowed the tension to loosen from her shoulders. Her heart rate slowed, and the feeling of dread faded almost entirely away without her realising it.

Realising her stomach was rumbling, she left her room and moved to the next cabin along, Marr's room. Kirie rapped quickly on the door, waiting for the woman to answer.

[member="Marriskcal Lati"]
Praetorian Initiate
Equipment | Black Robes, Code Cylinder, Lightsaber (blue), Kirie's Lightsaber
Location | Mess Deck of FIV Kali, Hyperspace
Allies | RA-7 Protocol Droid (black & silver)
Friendly | [member="Kirie Ito"]

[SIZE=11pt]‘It is nice to meet you.’[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Perhaps she has yet to meet more than a rare few outside of the safety of the First Order that were willing to converse instead of rushing headfirst into an altercation, but Kirie Ito was the second person to say these words to her. They were simple pleasantries, but it meant much to the reclusive initiate. They may not even be entirely true considering that they have met under less than ideal circumstances, but there was nothing about them that implied it was false either…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]As she has given them her tentative trust by giving up the only weapon she had on her, Marriskcal made the decision to extend the same courtesy to the archeologist. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]In the privacy of her own quarters, the blonde began the familiar process of divesting herself of her weaponries. She started by carefully removing the slim belt which held both Kirie’s and her own lightsabers, placing them on her desk in a more gentle manner than she usually did. As someone who did not possess much in the way of personal effects until she has been allowed to leave the sanctuary of Skye, Marriskcal has the tendency to take utmost care whenever she was entrusted with another person’s belongings. And considering that a lightsaber can be one’s salvation in a dire situation, it was even more imperative that she ensured that it was returned to its owner’s hand in pristine condition.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]A sharp rap on her door, followed by the familiar voice of the stormtrooper sergeant drifted into her quarters. With a grin on her features for the longsuffering man that has been assigned to her, she took the file he proffered to her with a sincere ‘thank you’, placing them alongside the two lightsabers. Ever responsible, the officer apprised her that the damaged vessel has been transported and stowed into the hangar and that they were scheduled to enter hyperspace soon. With his responsibilities discharged, the older male left soon after, leaving her alone once again. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]With every errand she could remember off the top of her head completed for the moment, the initiate continued with the removal of her armour, placing its individual pieces into a biometric-locked storage. Letting out a contented sigh when she was dressed once again in a simple set of loose dark robes, Marriskcal was about to reach for her datapad to access information on her upcoming assignment when a much softer rap echoed through her assigned room.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Perking up in delight, the blonde moved swiftly to open the blastdoor for her guest, taking note of the slightly damp hair and the new set of clothing she wore. “You took less time than I expected.” Even Kirie’s presence in the Force seemed to be calmer, and she appeared a lot more composed. “Let me grab your documents and our lightsabers and we can make our way there.” Disappearing back into her quarters for a fraction of a minute, Marriskcal reappeared with both items, passing the folder containing a visa and a datachip that the brunette would require for her travels.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Collecting the protocol droid that were waiting for them at the intersection, the praetorian took lead and guided their small group of three through a series of identical dull grey passageways. Perhaps it would be confusing to someone who was unfamiliar with the layout of a star destroyer, but after spending most of her time travelling between sectors that were under First Order mandate, Marriskcal could navigate the durasteel maze with ease. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Always impatient when it comes to the inconsequential things in life, the blonde lifted a hand, waving it in front of a large set of blastdoors before them, a soft tsk leaving her lips when it took a second longer than she would have liked for them to slide open. As it was not a designated hour for meals and most of the crew and military were just starting the next shift, the number of people milling around the mess deck were sparse. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The slight tension that lined her shoulders dissipated as Marriskcal stepped in to the large space, her mood becoming even more bright. As an individual serving under the direct command of Sieger Ren, her presence was always greeted with an air of suspicion and unease. And while she used to the careful indifference they affected, it was not something she wished for Kirie to notice. Turning to face her companions, the initiate gestured towards a table that was located at the middle of the far left in the designated dining area, “Why don’t you wait for us there, RA-7? Unless you’d like to take a look at today’s offerings and comment on the weird things we organic beings deem as sustenance?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]A soft laugh left her when the droid did not take her up on her invite and moved towards the table she indicated, before giving her full attention to Kirie “Feel free to take as much as you like. We also have coffee, or tea if you prefer that,” she explained, her steps light as she herded the brunette towards the counter.[/SIZE]
The mess hall was quiet at this hour, with only a few haggard crewman sitting together eating their meals. They looked up as Kirie, Marr, and the droid entered, but they soon returned to their conversation, apparently disinterested. Kirie still felt slightly out of place, but the scent of food wafting from the kitchen and the lighthearted joking of Marr put her at ease. Her saber hung at her side once again, and its familiar weight reassured her. She had not realised how accustomed she'd become to its weight until it had been taken from her. Weirdly, it had felt as if a piece of her had been cut away. Consciously she'd never considered it that important, but now she was immensely relieved to have it back.

They took a place in line, and the droid moved to a table across the hall. Kirie watched Marr's lips, taking in her words with ease. The girl was well spoken, as most imperials were. She spoke in enunciated words, so it was easy to disentangle the syllables from each other, and extract a meaning.

'Thank you for your generosity. A cup of caf would be really good right now.'

Kirie was partial to tea, but she was also incredibly exhausted. Besides, ever since sampling Lady Kay's selection of Commenori Sapir Tea, no tea tasted quite as good.

They moved further up the line, and Kirie filled a bowl with a steaming stew emitting an inviting aroma, her stomach rumbling in anticipation. She picked up a dull metal spoon, worn and battered from use, and got herself a cup of caf, black. The brew was the sort of cheap thing you could find at any spaceport, designed to be bought in bulk, capable of being stored for months. It tasted hot and metallic, but it instantly warmed her chest.

Following Marr back to their table, she took a seat near the patiently waiting protocol droid.

'So,' she signed, looking up from her bowl.

'If you don't mind me asking, who are you? You clearly command a lot of respect here.'

[member="Marriskcal Lati"]
Praetorian Initiate
Equipment | Black Robes, Code Cylinder, Lightsaber (blue)
Location | Mess Deck of FIV Kali, Hyperspace
Allies | RA-7 Protocol Droid (black & silver)
Friendly | [member="Kirie Ito"]

[SIZE=11pt]The selection of warm meals served onboard most starships were typically simple fare, with more emphasis placed on how well it kept and its nutritional values rather than for its variety. Without giving it much thought, the initiate adhered to her strict dietary requirements with her choices of steamed vegetables and lean meat for her own meal. As someone who found herself being assigned with increasing frequency to the forefront of the First Order’s expansion into the void left by the fall of the Galactic Alliance, her body was a weapon she honed alongside her skills. It was only during the rare respites in between assignments that Marriskcal allowed herself to indulge in treats, usually coaxed by one or more of her Ren siblings.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The blonde nodded to quiet satisfaction when her brunette companion opted for the coffee, making a similar decision for her own warm drink. From the amount of coffee and tea she has sampled across the fleet, it was usually the former that tasted the least offensive. From Kirie’s sip and the lack of a grimace on her features, the brew was probably fine. But not wanting to take the risk of being stuck with the trace of burnt charcoal on her palate for the next hour, Marriskcal tipped in an appalling amount of blue cream and sugar into her mug, the dark colour of her coffee turning a milky beige and almost spilling over at the edge as they made their way back to the droid’s side.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]A part of her was immeasurably pleased to see that her preferred seat was waiting for her. Even as Marriskcal placed her tray on the table and pushed it slightly inwards, her clear eyes was making yet another careful sweep of the area. While everyone onboard the Kali was deemed as an ally, the knowledge did not lessen the discomfort she felt when their gaze lingered on her back, their unconcealed emotions prickling at the edges of her instincts. Sliding into her own seat, she wrinkled her nose at RA-7 when he nudged her tray in front of her. Perhaps she was ascribing too much personality to a being that was incapable of forming any facial expressions, but Marriskcal could almost feel the disdainful look that protocol droid gave to both of their meals.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She had just picked up her fork was about to spear at the first stalk of vegetable when the query came. Marriskcal’s eyes flickered from the mechanical being to the young woman, looking at her with a strained smile. Though she could spin and weave a story for Kirie, the blonde did not like to speak of the untruth. Especially when the other has been nothing but honest. Especially when Marriskcal found herself genuinely liking the archeologist.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“I… don’t particularly mind, though it is not something I can delve deeply into,” the Ren started, placing down the equally worn fork on her plate. Her words were slow and thoughtful as she considered how to best explain her position. “You can think of me as an agent who has been granted the autonomy to act on the behalf of an individual who holds ample authority within the First Order.” Considering that the only being she was required to obey was the Supreme Leader, it was a severe understatement. But due to her own wishes not to lie to the brunette despite their fledgling bond, Marriskcal chose her words carefully.

What you have observed thus far is their respect for this individual reflected onto my person.” The blonde allowed Kirie to reach her own conclusion.

Their wariness, their suspicion, their unease. It remained unsaid.

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