Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Elliot Locke"]


She felt like an idiot. Not that she was ever socially aware before. The skills were rusty, the subtle sarcasm detector was certainly out of whack. Eyes drifted back to his crashed ship, looking it over. Didn't seem as if it needed much work on the outside, although there was clear damage.

As for the theory it was a tempting idea. There was nothing like a hot shower with actual soap and a real towel.Even in the heat and humidity the idea was refreshing. Seemed a bit wasteful though. She had nothing in the way of traditional clean clothing.There was no escaping this jungle hell, Delila had already accepted the fact she would die alone on the planet. Enjoying a bit of 'luxury' was only going to make her remaining time even more miserable than it already was.

Delila was quiet for a long moment, upset at her fresh wave of reality. She thought it had become numb background noise long ago. Pushing down any sign of weakness, there was finally an answer.

"Thanks but....its not very practical right now." She craved something to do, a distraction. "You want to walk me through this fence thing? I can be your muscle."
tinker tailor soldier spy
[member="Delila Castillon"]

Her expression shifted from confusion to understanding to embarrassment and then acceptance.

It was over in the span of a few micro-seconds, but it was enough for Elliot in the moment. She mulled things over and he didn't have any problem with it - mostly because everything was currently spinning and it took all his concentration not to fall off the crate right now. The hypo-stim was finally doing its magic and part of it was a severe loss in balance for the first few minutes.

Something about blood and his brains, Locke hadn't really been paying much attention to the class at that point.

Once they told him where to jam the needle in his arm that was about it for him.

The why's and who's could be determined by actual field medics and the sort, who did this as a job. Not a SIS agent who literally just needed to know how to survive and get out alive out of nasty situations.

"Sure." Elly responded, a little bit more steady now, after she finally broke the silence. "After my head stops spinning though. While we wait for that - how long have you been stuck here?"
[member="Elliot Locke"]

It seemed it would take a moment for Scars to regain his composure to be able to direct her. Delila had suspected as much, his head would was rough. If he landed the way she thought, at an accelerated speed then it was going to take him more than only a minutes to recover.

One would think she would have had an answer for him but unfortunately he'd be disappointed. Brain racked for a rough timeline but she was coming up blank.

"Not sure. I gave up around five years ago or so." Delila found a seat on a crate and stretched out her legs. "Gets a bit depressing after awhile so I stopped. Its not important now, time is just a construct if one wanted to be philosophical about it."

"Why are you here?"
tinker tailor soldier spy
[member="Delila Castillon"]

Gave up around year five.

That didn't bode well, not well at all.

But he didn't know how her ship looked like after her crash - hell, Locke didn't know if she crashed. Maybe she had been left here as a punishment or a mutiny, it could be anything or everything. Before he could ask her what exactly had happened, she already asked the same thing of him. Elly would have replied immediately, but instead his eyes went unfocused as he tried to think back.

It was a blur of fire, smoke and erratic attempts to stabilize his ship.

"Got dropped out of hyperspace on the way home. Tried to stabilize the ship, but the inertial dampeners were already shot - got way too close to the planet and its gravitational pull got me good."

Probably some kind of engine failure, but Locke couldn't know for sure, unless he had a team of Alliance engineers track it all down.

[member="Elliot Locke"]

"Eh, I crashed horrifically after a spat with pirates. After my military career I worked on a security detail for a very large mining corporation. Pirates were hitting operations, I was high enough up that I had to investigate. Followed them but they caught wind. Clearly they were more powerful than my corporation-issued vessel."

Shoulders shrugged at the memory. Probably should have been a bit more stealthy but they had spotted her at some backwater shadowport. At this point, she didn't even know what type of backwater she was stuck in.

"How're you feeling?"
tinker tailor soldier spy
[member="Delila Castillon"]


That was the impression Locke had gotten, but it was good to get that acknowledged. It meant that his brain wasn't rattled enough to make him an idiot. So that was at least something, but there was still the blurry fuzz at the edge of his sight that concerned him to a large degree. There were some cybernetics integrated in his body - contacts, so he could see better and a few other helpful additions, but he really didn't want to use them now.

Mostly because they held a cost.

That was fine, usually. He could always eat an energy bar once he was done. But not now, right now Elly needed to conserve all the food and stuff he already had.

Wasn't sure how long the SIS agent would be here for.

"Like I got run over by a freighter, but that's better than feeling like I was mauled by a vornskr." Locke mumbled out, before shaking his head softly to try and get some focus back to him. "Since you been gone so long, I am guessing you wanna know what's been happening out there?"

His focus returned to her.

"What's the most recent things you know about the Galaxy?
[member="Elliot Locke"]

"Run over by a freighter? Quite an improvement."

Legs stretched out before her, Delila paused to listen after he spoke. A rumble caught her attention, the sound of thunder perhaps. Eyes searched the skies, clouds were building. Afternoon storms were starting to form. It depended on the breezes on which way they blew. In her experience, it typically rained half the afternoons.

"No, I don't really care to know. Way I see it I'm not getting off this rock and knowing would only make things worse. I may only have a short time left and I prefer to make it less miserable as possible."

Realistic as always. Delila didn't expect a ride off this rock. If she did stay, she suspected she could survive just a few more years if that. Best to be cut-and-dry about it. She had no illusions that old(er) age would befall her on the planet.

"Last events? Uhh....I don't know...Confederate Systems were around glassing everything....Republic was busy inviting Sith with hang out with them.....Like I said, really doesn't matter. Its not important anymore."
tinker tailor soldier spy
[member="Delila Castillon"]

Well, that was a depressing outlook on life.

In truth the state of the Galaxy was almost as depressing. So sparing her from it didn't cost much in the way of persuasion - the One Sith were finally buried, as were the Mandalorians, but already the rumblings of two new Sith movements could be heard across the Outer Rim. Only one of them seemed that organized right now, laying claim to the Sith Worlds again. It wouldn't surprise him if they came head to head with the Silver Jedi, especially considering that one lonely hold-out of Dromund Kaas. The other... all that Elly knew that Basion had been attacked.

Its status was still up in the air as of now, which concerned him to a degree.

Bastion was a fortress world like few others. If they managed to conquer it in truth? This new Sith group could be- Locke blinked and realized that it had started raining, while he was musing in his head.

"We will get outta here." He firmly stated, before smirking and shrugging. "Or, you can stay here and I will get outta here. Whichever you prefer."

Eyes went to the half-buried form of his ship. Freighter, maybe about 50 to 70m stretching out farther into the jungle away from this clearing. He had already been inside, most of it was alright. The deflector shield had taken most of the damage, but burned out because of it... alongside a host of other critical systems. Sensor arrays were ducked, hyperdrive, all the things.

"Wanna head inside? I'd rather not sit in the rain here."
[member="Elliot Locke"]

"I prefer to leave. Don't even have to take me far, whatever spaceport you find first can work."

She could figure it out from there. Her accounts were probably no longer active. Apartment had also probably long been sold. There was a semi-secret account she had with a small amount of money inside. Perhaps a terminal would be available to try it out.

Another rumble indicating potential rain. The wind had kicked up, bending tropical foliage. If one had to guess, the storm was most likely headed right towards them. Delila moved off her crate and walked to Scars. He was going to need her help in traversing the space to his ship.

"Sounds like a plan. C'mon on Scars, I'll give you some help over."
tinker tailor soldier spy
[member="Delila Castillon"]

As long as she wasn't gonna try to kill him or something, the last thing Locke was gonna do was leave a fellow spacer behind.

That just wasn't in the cards as far as he figured. If there was one rule spacers followed out there - well, besides no live guns in the starship - it was that at the end of the day they were all together in this. If they weren't? How fast would it be that you found yourself in a similar situation with no assistance? For Locke it was a bit more simple than all that karmic stuff, of course.

She probably saved his ass a few minutes ago with her medical help.

That wasn't something Elly would forget. Well, unless he hit his head again and this time in an even unluckier position than the previous one.

"Yeah." He mumbled, before pushing himself off and immediately steadying himself by her shoulder. As they passed by his equipment, his hand flashed out and disengaged the power source. Last thing Locke wanted was to have rain and crap get in the wiring if the protective covering was blown away. At least this way they wouldn't be blown up high through shortcircuits.

A few moments later they stepped through the door, which magnetically sealed itself against the wind and other environmental issues.

Long corridor, a little bit angled diagonally because of the crash. Three doors, one all the way at the end that led upwards, then two at either side of the corridor - one led to the kitchen and the other to the 'recreational' space.

"Home sweet home."
[member="Elliot Locke"]


She hadn't been in a vessel in ages. Delila had used hers mainly for scrap after the crash. Served its purpose now as metal gates to her 'home', fishing hooks, food cooking surfaces, and various other useful items. Apparently ships still looked basically the same since her sort-of exile, which was comforting to know.

"Where am I depositing you?"

Weight rested on her shoulder as she looked around. Corridors would only be familiar to those who had been aboard numerous times before. If she listened closely, heavy pats of rain were pounding on the hull, reminding them they beat the storm just in time. It was an odd sound to her now, water against metal. She listened for a moment, slightly fascinated.

"Might want to sit down or lay down and relax. Although I'm not sure I recommend sleep."
tinker tailor soldier spy
[member="Delila Castillon"]

Locke blinked as the fog dissipated and give him a clear-cut picture of where they were.

"Your right, recreational area." It would have some seats and couches, a circular table with a holo-projector built inside of it. That table had saved him during long recon missions when nothing much happened - just sit around it and play a game or maybe watch some movie with the best kind of quality.

Everyone needed some recreation every once in a while.

It kept you safe in the tough situations. Which - as they dragged themselves towards it and collapsed on top of the couch - made Locke wonder what the hell this lady had been doing for all these years.

"Don't feel like sleeping anyway, pain everywhere." He coughed which only summoned more aches. "So, Dahlia, how do you like my amazing abode?"

That was the painkillers talking presumably.
[member="Elliot Locke"]

Scars was safely on the couch and she could relax a bit, moving her shoulder around. There was a smaller cushioned chair off to one side and decided to make it her base of operations for now. It let her keep a good eye on her patient.She kept him alive this long, might as well make sure he didn't take a turn for the worst.

"Its something, girls probably just drop their panties when they see it. Don't change a thing."

Small grin touched her face, clearly her snarky sense of humor was starting to come back.

"So what do you do Scars? Besides chase skirts and get in trouble?"
tinker tailor soldier spy
[member="Delila Castillon"]

A snort escaped his lips.

It didn't hurt as much as it would have had a couple of minutes ago. But that was the beauty of the hypo-sprays, injections, the crap stung like a hive... until it dulled the pain entirely. Only thing that would have made this better would be some of the more heavy drugs the SIS supplied them when they got into surgery.

That crap got you woozy real good and that would have been good now.

"Don't suppose you got any panties left then." He quipped back, before letting his eyes drop for a moment. "Because my collection isn't as grand as I would like it to be."

A serious question came next, but Locke kept the smile on his lips.

"Commando for the Galactic Alliance." It wasn't the complete truth. But telling her he was a spy in the service of the Alliance didn't seem to be the moment for it. Not right now anyway.

"Don't pay all that well, but I get to see the Galaxy."
[member="Elliot Locke"]

"Sadly no. When I get a fresh pair you'll be the first to get them."

Brows furrowed at the mention of Galactic Alliance. She didn't know what that was. It sounded a bit diplomatic, almost as if it was a type of Republic. Probably an off-shoot or something. There would be time for questions later. Delila had already suspected him as a military man. Not your typical grunt though....she didn't quite believe commando either. Perhaps something classified?

"Never pays that well."

A slight pause.

"I was Special Forces for the Galactic Republic, until they mascaraed us at the Battle of Roche. Went to the Omega Pyre after that. Nearly died during a Bando Gora attack.....hope those things still aren't around. Were mostly disappeared by the time my crash happened."
tinker tailor soldier spy
[member="Delila Castillon"]

From the depths of his pocket he managed to take out packet with cigarettes.

Took him a little while, mostly because everything was getting woozy at this point, but eventually he got one out. A glance was spared at the figure next to him, before he got another one out.

"Cigarette?" Of course, she probably wouldn't have had the opportunity to smoke for years, maybe she hadn't been a smoker at any point in time. But it was merely polite to offer, right? Whichever way she went - Locke put his between his lips and after fiddling with the lighter lit it up.

"Trade ya one for those future panties."

Hers too, if she had accepted it.

"Bando Gora haven't been seen in years - Republic dead, Pyre dead and buried, but the PMC is now backing the Alliance, because they are based off the same territory." She hadn't been interested then, but now Dahlia was sharing and that was enough for Locke to share too.
[member="Elliot Locke"]

"No thanks. Never smoked, wasn't my thing. Now if it was some fine Corellian Whiskey...."

She hadn't drank in years. Given the length of time, she was probably a lightweight now. She did a little fermentation experimentation throughout her years in the jungle. Clearly nothing as strong as a smooth whiskey on the rocks. Her back sank into the cushioned seat. It was odd to sit in something so plush after all this time. Not that she was complaining in the slightest.

"You can still have the panties if you like."

They drifted back to military talk.The Pyre PMC was backing this Galactic Alliance? Apparently they were in the same territory. Fondor used to be her home, she wondered if it had been revamped. War had ravaged it over time.....Was her old apartment still there? Hadn't been there in ages, even before her 'accident'.

"Pyre was dead before I disappeared. Hence working for that mining corporation."
tinker tailor soldier spy
[member="Delila Castillon"]

Another heavy snort followed in between inhales-exhales, before he shrugged.

"Think I might have a bottle somewhere stashed around the place." That wasn't a joke, he did keep a lot of alcohol in this place and most of it not in glasses. So, maybe something had survived the crash, they wouldn't know until they looked. "We will take a look, once my head isn't spinning six ways from hell."

Not that Locke would partake.

Not right away anyway. It was probably not a smart thing to drink with the head-wound and the drugs still flushing through his systems, maybe the next day or something.

That could be good.

"Yeah, Galaxy's changed a lot, but calmed down in the past years. We will see how long it will stick."
[member="Elliot Locke"]

"Not important."

Delila waved a hand at the mention of the whiskey. They had too much work to do to be getting tipsy and enjoying the day. Perhaps it could be saved for when they actually got off planet, if the bottle survived anyways. It would be a shame if it was wasted.

"Ten years? I've been stuck here for roughly a decade? Yikes...puts some things into perspective."

Yawn escaped her.

"Anything I can do for your spinning head? Not used to sitting still in relative comfort for so long."
tinker tailor soldier spy
[member="Delila Castillon"]

He tried to count back towards the Roche crisis.

That was a long time ago, but his head... it didn't want to cooperate. Maybe after some sleep, some relaxation, after it was given some time to just heal, that it would come back to him. Hopefully. It wouldn't be good, if his head stayed this fuzzy for always. Would make him essentially useless as a field operator - they would probably stuff him in some kind of cubicle and throw away the key.

Locke was aware that a cubicle didn't have a lock and wasn't really a cage... but it was practically the same thing.

"Nah." Elly mumbled between his cigarette. "Unless you feeling like giving my temples a massage."

A shrug and a smirk.

"Wouldn't say no to that."

Hey, if she was already giving the panties, might as well go the whole league here.

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