Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Adumari Incursion (Mandalorian Crusaders Dominion of Adumar Hex)

Objective 3
Post 3

<<"Hunter Rhyn Makenzie is en route.">>

<<"Confirmation: Affirmative.">> The droid replied through the comlink and his annunciator.

"Affirmative what ?" Iago frowned at the droid while standing behind cover as blaster fire rained upon their position. The situation was becoming hotter by the minute. "Did you just use both your comlink and annunciator ?"

"Clarification: A Hunter Rhyn Makenzie will be attempting to arrive at our position. Observation: There seems to be issues with my integrated comlink."

What an ol' piece of junk. Iago shook his head as he fired a few shots from his ripper and ducked behind cover once again. Their time was running out here and he had to survive. He'd hate to leave the arsenal for the aggressors but the Rekali cherished his life more. Nonetheless, he still would attempt to do what he initially was going to.

"Cover me, I'm gonna start moving the cargo towards this breach." Iago ordered to the droid and the latter jumped out of cover to fire a hail of blaster fire as the pilot tossed himself away from the cover and dashed into the ship once again.

To the cargo hold.

[member="Rhyn Makenzie"] | [member="Voryl Halcyon"] | [member="Atheus"]
Post 3
[member="Iago Rekali"] | [member="Atheus"] | [member="Voryl Halcyon"]

'Keep moving and they won't be able to engage you for more than a second.' Rhyn thought as he continued to plow a path of carnage and bloodshed through the enemy soldiers. A few shots had pinged off the back of his armor, but nothing was penetrating yet.

At first, Rhyn had been going for quick kills as he plowed through the enemy forces. After a few dozen meters of that, though, Rhyn had a mildly malevolent thought. Wounded soldiers often have to be cared for by other soldiers, whereas the dead may be left to lay there. Thus, Rhyn turned his fists from head and chest shots to arms and legs. Focusing on his connection to the Force, that ball of energy within himself that allowed him to do amazing things when he needed to, Rhyn amped up his strength and speed even more. Each time he hit an arm, the blow went through armor and clothing and tore out chunks of flesh, and shattered the bone. When he hit legs, the femurs broke sharply and stuck out from the meat of the leg. Rhyn was truly leaving mayhem behind him, and these soldiers still had to deal with the main force of Mandalorian and allied forces.

'There it is...' He thought as he saw the downed ship. He sprinted the last few meters as he turned off his armors melee mode and grabbed his rifle. The gauntlets on his hands ran red with the blood of his enemies, but the non slip grip of the rifle, and similar coating on his gauntlets palm side meant he didn't have to worry much. It was probably a gruesome sight.

Rhyn slid behind cover, turned immediately, and began firing on the enemy forces converging on the downed ship.

"Someone ask for a rescue?" Rhyn shouted over the din of battle at the man and droid who were next to the ship.

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden

The rhythmic cracking of bone beat alongside howling horns and the deep booming of war drums.

The bellies of several dozen ships writhed, the durasteel of their hulls screaming under the weight of a horde so dark and numerous that their numbers could blacken the skies. Tens of millions had heeded the call to war and blood, billions more were on the galactic horizon and they all craved for Mandalorian flesh between their gnarled fangs. The nearing of war crazed them and with battle almost upon them, the beasts could not hold back the lust for fresh blood any longer. The flight from the stanging area on the Graug colony of Kalee was long and the thirst was strong.

In the lead ship, blood had already begun to flow down the blackened steel of the Graug-forged Star Destroyer. The Graug beat their boots down on the bloody floors as priests dragged human slaves through the crowd, forcing them to their knees before bringing metal clubs down on their skulls. With clawed hands wrapped in alien skins, the priests reached into the gaping heads of the slaves as blood showered the horde. Screams of men and women washed over the Graug as they roared in primitive ecstasy, the priests smearing slave blood into religious symbols on the warriors who approached. Like a crimson paint the blood ran down their bodies as they clawed and beat the slaves to the rythem of the drums and roars of the horns.

Great beasts of war thrashed about in ultrachrome cages, their riders pulling on spiked chains that wrenched cannons deep into their backs and arms. The dark, pus filled blood sank down from the wounds and oozed over crates of Hunter's Bows, Harbinger Rifles and Menace Blasters as the horde ripped and clawed them from the boxes and then one antoher. Even more didn't bother with such weapons. The enlarged Power Hammers each Graug had was more than enough for a large sum of the warriors who made target practice with the unlucky slaves who'd been dragged to war alongside their masters.
The even more unfortunate found themselves bound to the Graug warbeasts by ultrachrome chains, acting as living armor for the artillery of the Great Horde. "Blood for the blood tides!" the priests chanted over the screams of slaves and barking of blood crazed warriors, their hammers striking endlessly at the skulls of sacrifical prisoners.

The frenzy continued even as the hanger doors parted and a dark throne sitting upon an obsedian platform was carried in on the backs of twenty starved alien slaves. Darth Vulcanus sat upon his black throne, his ultrachrome armor painted in the blood of those who had stood against him on Gratos. The skull of the late Jedi Maseter, Tefka Effet, hung at his belt beside the Sith Sword that had ended his life; it's scabbard made from the skins of Jedi slain that day. The slaves set the black throne carefully at the entrance, only to have several Graug priests snatch them from their perches and drag them to the foot of his throne's steps.

Knives were dragged across their throats, spilling their blood into the path that Vulcanus was to walk. He ruled his people as the son of the God of War and Blood, Grak, and it was heresy to allow him to set foot on 'unblooded' ground. The Sith stood, claws gripping the massive power hammer he had made for himself before stepping foot into the fresh blood. The priests dragged the bodies in front of him, creating a crimson path in which he walked to the head of the horde. Graug and slave alike bowed in his presence, leaving only the beasts to roar alone, for they knew not the fear of their god and only of the blood they hungered for in his name.

Taking to the head of the horde, where the shuttles and freighters awaited their monstrous cargo, Vulcanus gazed upon the glory of his crusade. Thousands lined this ship alone and just outside, in hyperspace, thousands of looted freighters joined the small fleet of capitals ships in a tide of millions. Lifting his hammer high, the Warlord's voice shook the walls of the hanger like thunder that shook the sky.

"Tiō Mor'ta Shakugât Hai-Mandalor!" Vulcanus proclaimed in his coarse native tongue, We bring the end times of the Mandalorians!

The horde flew into a frenzy, roaring in response. "We shall crush them here and when they flee in our presence, we will chase them to the heart of their weak empire! A tide of blood and bone will flow across their planets! A tide so large that Grak will bathe in it for a thousand generations!" Vulcanus turned and marched up the ramp of his personal shuttle, legions of his Horde Guard elites following after. The rest of the Graug grew loduer, beating on one another's armor as they flooded into the shuttles; taking slaves and beasts along with them.

I will be DMing Graug NPC forces alongside any Graug Characters who join! Have fun!
Location: Halbergardia
Forces: Several Hundred Thousand Graug Warriors
Several thousand War Beasts
Objective: Slaughter Mandalorian and Native Forces
@Vorryl Halcyon [member="Iago Rekali"] [member="Rhyn Makenzie"] [member="Driel Beroya"] @Atheus

Like black daggers cutting through space itself, the Graug fleet dropped from Hyperspace. There was not a moments hesitation before the mangled hulls were lit ablaze by the firing of turbo lasers. The spiked, hand forged metals shook as the red beams of fire arched through space and began striking at the Mandalorian fleets in orbit. TIE fighters, spawned from Graug slave pits, jetted into the void; their hulls spiked and twisted as to make them appear more like beasts that crawl through the mud and not something meant for space combat. Crazed and blood thirsty, the pilots dove straight into the oncomming point-defense fire; sacraficing their lives for the sake of war and death as they impacted shields and began hunting down the Mandalorian fighters.

As the fighters struck out at the Mandalorian air power, a dark cloud of Freighters and transports swarmed toward the surface of the planet. The beasts numbered in the low millions, enough to embroil the enitre planet in a battle for survival. War was already brought to this planet, however, and the Graug were drawn to its bloodshed. While millions would be dispersed across the nobleman's planet, the largest horde was drawn to the war that was already drawing heavy losses.

The sky darkned for but a moment before being violently lit ablaze as countless shuttles screamed toward the surface, hulls burning bright against blue skies. The fighters dropping in behind the shuttles opened fire into the clashing armies below, firing through their own shuttles in a rage to be the first to kill the enemy. The anti-air fire on the ground returned in full and within minutes the skies were full of exchanging blaster fire.

Shuttles exploded into firery shrapnel that rained down on the battlefield like brimstone, laser canon rounds targeting indiscriminately.

Transports cut the air, sending sonic booms echoing over the battlefield as they screached in for their landings. The battlefield disappeared behind a cloud of smoke as pilots failed to pull up, crashing freighters the size of small houses into cowaring squadrons of native fighters. Buildings exploded into rubble and fire as cannon and starship alike hammered their structures, shuttles bursting into flame upon impact and setting whole blocks of city ablaze in moments.

Graug warriors, covered in the limbs and blood of the slaves sacraficed in the ships, surged from smoking heaps of crashed shuttles as the endless tide of Graug transports continued to fall from the sky. The killing started immediatly and without hesitation. Bolts from Hunter's Bows shot through the Mandalorian lines as the Horde began amassing through the wreckage, the arrows exploding within moments of impact as beserkers charged at civilian and soldier alike; flailing power hammers.

Utter chaos encompassed the battlefield. The Graug crashed and landed throughout the area, attacking any one who stood in their path. Children were torn from their mother's screaming arms as the Graug burst into the homes of cowaring civilians who'd taken shelter from the fighting.

The Great Graug Crusade had begun...

Location: Yegadon
Forces: Several Thousand Horde Guard Elite Forces
Several Hundred War Beasts
[member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Miss Blonde"] [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] [member="Isley Verd"] [member="The Narrator"]

The more unintelligent and unruly hordes of the Graug would spread the chaos and mayhem needed in any conflict. While those incapable of higher thought stained the rest of the planet with the blood of lesser races, Vulcanus would see to it that the death blow was struck here in the capital. Descending upon the city in a swarm of burning carriers was the Horde Guard, elite forces of The Graug and hammer of the Dark Lord Vulcanus. The Graug Warlord moved his single eye across those who sat in his personal carrier; eyeing the blood stained gold of his warrior's armor. Bones hung from the ultrachrome plates, trophies from the many enemies they'd slain throughout their service to him.

Sirens blared throughout the capital as the Horde Guard ships burned through the atmosphere, dipping through the anti-air fire that lit the sky. Some burst into flame, others sputtered and crashed violently into the city. It meant nothing. Death was not only expected by Vulcanus but welcomed by his people, who knew this newfound war as a genocidal crusade that would finally lead their race to their rightful place as a galactic power. The Blukgoth cared not for whose blood was spilt, only that his tide of blood was kept fresh with the bodies of the newly dead.

Vulcanus' shuttle writhed violently as it impacted blocks away from the capital building. Sparks showered the Mandalorians on patrol around the perimeter, those not blessed with fast feet ending up as little more than red stains on the nose of the craft. Shuttle ramps fell open around the city and from the darkness, Horde Guard spilled into the streets in orderly rank and file. With Hunter Bow and Menace Blaster the Horde Guard opened fire on Mandalorian, civilian and planetary defense alike.

The viscious weapons of the Graug tore the lightly armored and unarmored asunder; gore spraying across the streets as arrows exploded and organs imploded from sonic impact. The city was overcome with the screams of the damned and the capital building was in Vulcanus' sight.

Strolling casually down the ramp, Vulcanus' eyes rested on the building. He could sense them inside. [member="Isley Verd"] and [member="Keira Ticon"]. Two heads he wished to claim beside the old Jedi Master's. His Horde Guard flanked him on either side, weapons raised and firing at the retreating Mandalorians who scrambled to form a solid line of defense on the far side of the street. One alien warrior in particular, face hidden behind a T-visor, lunged at the Dark Lord with Beskade in hand.

With one swipe of his clawed hand, Vulcanus crushed the man's wrist and twisted it. He screamed in pain, falling to his knees as the Sith forced his arm to the side and raised his power hammer. With but a single, powerful blow the Dark Lord struck the Beskar plated warrior dead in the chest.

The armor plates bent inward under the ruplsive power of the hammer, blood squirted from under his helmet as blood filled and was forced from his lungs and his body was sent flying across the street and through a window. "Pitiful creatures." Vulcanus turned his gaze back on the capital building, ignoring the blaster fire erupting around him.

"Do you hear me in there, Ticon girl!? Verd!? Every Mandalorian breath is a challenge to the Graug and I will be the one to end it!" The warlord's voice, amplified by The Force, echoed down the street just as it had on his ship; shaking the windows of the capital building. The voice of a dead monster back from the pits of hell. A devil who would see all before him burn.

Turning to his Horde Guard, he pointed to a squadron setting up a Skyfire Mortar. "Burn them." He growled and the Horde Guard acted without question.

Taking aim and loading a fresh round into the pipe, the Horde Guard ducked their heads out of the way. A thunderous thud shook the street as a firery red orb shot high into the air and arched toward the capital building. As the orb passed over the prestine white stones of the rooftop, it suddenly exploded, ripping apart into dozens of unstable cylinders of plasmatic energy. The rounds tore through the roof, catching the top floors ablaze.

Vulcanus would not lose to these lessers again. If they did not burn in the building, he would burn them himself. Raising his power hammer, the Dark Lord stormed his way forward; a legion of Horde Guard fighting alongside him.

OOC: I was invited here by Kiera Ticon and I have always wanted to have a proper Graug War! The Mandalorians are a perfect fit for that and so I hope we can have some epic battles and stories forged from tlhis!

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Yegadon capital building
Objective: Survive
Allies: Mandos
Enemies: [member="Darth Vulcanus"]

The building shook as mortar rocked it. Catching Miss Blonde completely off guard she tumbled to the ground along with everyone else in the room. Taking a moment to gather herself, the small crime lord stood up and walked towards the window. Taking a peep out she saw a massive figure surrounded by horrendous looking monsters. Graug, the pillagers, murderers, and all around assholes of the galaxy. As of late they had been relatively dispersed and in chaotic clans, but it seems with King Rat back in town they were unified and out for blood.

"You certainly know how to pick them, Keira." she said to herself with a long sigh afterwards.

This was not a scenario that could be won. Across the way Blonde had her ship and while normally she would just hop on in and dip, there was just a good few thousand Graug standing between her and sweet sweet life. So now it was time for the back up plan. Which involved a lot of Graug getting mashed into tiny bite sized chunks. Not that Graug would taste good. Well, maybe if you seasoned them right. Throw a little cumin on there and slow roast them and that Graug meat might fall right off the bone.

Reaching down to her data logger she pressed a few buttons and right outside the capital building her speeder Van roared as it activated and flew up the steps of the building. Crashing itself into the front lobby so half of it was indoors and the other outside, the woman walked into the lobby and waved at [member="Isley Verd"], [member="Keira Ticon"], and [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] who were all still standing around.

"Sup." she said casually as she stepped into the van.

Reaching down on her data logger the upper carriage of the van opened up and dropping down was her back up plan and it looked like a pretty good one at this point. Taking control of the massive minigun the woman primed the electric motor and then slammed the back doors of the van open to line up with the horde of Graug down range. The barrels started to spin up and targets were acquired.

"Catchphrase." And then there was Graug soup.
Location: Yegadon
Objective: 2; survive
Allies: [member="Miss Blonde"], [member="Isley Verd"], [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Vulcanus"]

It was funny, how time passed. The diplomatic proceedings that were taking place had been brought to an end as a mortar struck the capital building, rocking it to its very foundation. Herself and the entirety of the delegation were knocked about from the sheer concussive force alone, that single explosion putting whatever negotiations had been set to take place to a definitive end. The voice that rang out told her everything she needed to know about who was responsible, and she couldn't help the string of curses that fell past her lips as she pushed herself back to her feet, pulling her helmet on with one hand and sealing it to her armor, HUD sparking to life instantaneously with a number of new readouts after the attack.

"You really should watch your language." The commentary was ignored as she looked over the scattered battlefield reports that had been hastily drawn up only moments after the Graug made landfall. This wasn't to be an isolated event, not that she had expected any less, making coordination on the battlefield difficult by a far wider margin. To top it off there was the Adumari delegation to worry about as well, and it was they she spoke to first, "Perator, I won't presume to tell you how to govern your people, but I would advise that you leave the majority of the fighting to the Mandalorians. We're better equipped for scenarios such as these. It would be in your best interests to ensure the safety of your people."

There was no real time to open up stable communications, which meant they would have to play the majority of this by ear. She turned to her elder brother and the new blood that accompanied them, "This isn't something we're going to be able to push back with our standing here now. It's something we're going to survive. I don't like it any more than you do, but our best option right now is to fall back to where we have a stronger foothold and decide how to deal with this. We don't have the men to fight this battle right now as it stands." She looked to Isley, "Of course, I cede command to you, unless you'd rather do this differently." He was the true leader of their Crusade, having appointed her as his second.

It was at about that time Blonde came crashing through in her speeder van, the back opening to reveal a decent-sized arsenal of weapons that instantly drew her eye. Even as the other, smaller woman took her shot at the Graug she claimed one of the guns as her own, taking to accompany it rounds that had been something of an old friend through the years. This was a routine she knew all too well, but it was one she liked a lot better when it was only her life on the line rather than those of her entire people. She had sent out a broadcast to [member="Alkor Centaris"] and those in the vicinity in order to gain some kind of sitrep on the current scenario and to decide how best to move forward, but thus far things had been silent.

Dark eyes looked to Blonde beneath the helmet as she stood next to her. "Cover me." And with that it was out into the fray.
Location: Yegadon
Objective: Survive and reach his ship
Allies: Mandos
Enemies: [member="Darth Vulcanus"] and the Graug hordes

Kurayami was thinking of how exactly to respond to [member="Isley Verd"] when things began to get a bit more hectic. First were the ripples as the ships carrying the Graug entered the system, after that was the sheer number of presences, one far greater than the others and far darker, then the insanity soon after. Looked like diplomacy was off the table for now. Perhaps for good. He had come in gear for a diplomatic mission and as such had little in the way of actual armor. While the flight jacket and utility slacks were considered 'armored clothing' anything above a small blaster pistol would easily punch through. He had to get to his fighter to stand a chance in this engagement. Thankfully it wasn't too far off, but neither were the Graug. He would have to clear a path to get to it. The armor the Graug wore was going to make that more difficult but if he could get his hands on some decent weaponry he could get to the ship without problem.

His thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of a van full of weapons courtesy of [member="Miss Blonde"], it would work, and he would make sure of that. Once he could get in the air he could actually do something to help the Crusaders survive, and i t would help his standing with the Adumari people as well. He sprinted over to the van and looked over the selection of equipment. He would need something with a big punch to get the job done and make sure the target stayed down. Looking over to [member="Keira Ticon"] he noted the rifle she had grabbed and figured she knew enough about these weapons to know it would do the job. He grabbed a Marauder rifle and as many Sith Killer rounds as he could manage. It was time to start clearing the path.

He moved into position to start firing on the advancing Graug forces. Short bursts to maintain accuracy and conserve what ammo he could. Almost as soon as he had started he heard an unmistakable sound, that of a mortar firing. The 360 HUD in his helmet let him watch as the round burst over the capitol building and set the upper floors on fire. Well damn, that was not going to be fun to explain. Thankfully, the ship was only a hundred yards or so away. Given the current number of Graug though it was going to be a bit before he had enough time to make a run for it. Until then he would have to stay here and thin out the ones nearby. He'd fought many different enemies, but none so zealous as these were.
Post 3/20
Objective: Objective 3, All out War on the ground.
Allies: [member="Iago Rekali"], [member="Rhyn Makenzie"], [member="Voryl Halcyon"], [member="Driel Beroya"],
Enemies: [member="Darth Vulcanus"], Imperal Forces, Graug Army
Gear: Iron Wolf Lord Armor, Sith Sword Kyro, Simple Lightsaber, Lightsaber Shoto,
Music/Theme: Fight like Hell - Jt


War has many difficulties. Commanding was difficult as you were knowingly sending people to their death. You endangered the lives of any able bodied man or woman who fought on the field for victory. Stories of commanders and leaders taking the extra step and somehow making all of their men survive, was just that. A story.

Being on the battlefield, You have to worry about your commander being able to make the right calls to lessen the chance of you and your comrades perishing under the weapons of war. You also fought for your life. Quite literally, as such this man was doing right now.

Having swung at me, I caught the active vibroblade in my hand, just before slamming the pommel of my sword into his face. His release of the sword sent him sprawling into the dirt. He fell down onto his rump in the ground that had been trodden. His natural instinct was to fight or flee. At this moment, He realized he was poorly outmatched. Trying to crawl away while holding his hand up for me to stop. Only I didn't. Reaching out, the man squirmed under my grasp of his neck with the force. With the closing of my hand, the vertebrae in his neck snapped. A quick death for someone who was only following orders.

A ship was falling from the sky. I saw it in the last moments before it hit the ground, so I couldn't quite make out it's tags. Was it ours, or one of theirs? As if on cue, I heard in the com system that one of our pilots was down, and needed assistance. However, it came from a droid from the way it named the statements to follow. To which was a reply very quickly in response. I was too far away to deal with it at the moment, as I had another three men decide to challenge me at the same time. I rolled my eyes behind the visor of my helmet and waved my hand lazily. The ground ripped up from beneath the three men, which were conveniently standing very close to one another, and were flung sky high.

More orders were coming over the coms. About the center pulling back just a bit and to lessen on the artillery. And sending ships to take out those flying in the sky. Were they trying to draw them into a defense line? Either way, I was on the west side about a click north of the crash of one of our pilots. Dealing with some of the hand to hand combat. It was then, that ships began to fall from the sky. Not literally falling, but more so deploying what looked to be creatures with an immense size over those that I had faced before.

The creatures were massive. Close to the size of Gen'Dai. Having faced one, I feared were were now going to be greatly outnumbered. Using the singular com system that was connected to Thalia, I made a comment to her that would me to bring everything she could.

"Time for you to learn how to fight Princess."
"On my way."

I could hear in her voice as she had already started running to me. Likely would grab a speeder.

Reaching up with the force, I grabbed onto a ship's engine with telekinesis to blow it up. Preventing more troops from overturning my own. As the first ships landed, I gathered the force into the palm of my hand until one of these troops came a little too close, and released a wave of Telekinesis. Pushing everything in it's path out of the way. This fight just got 100 times more difficult. I needed aid from the force, and from those around me. Thalia was on her way, and she would prove to be valuable. Wielding sword in my right hand, I stood there. Absorbing all of the pain and fear that came from everyone around me. Even these new troops were filled with rage that I consumed. I fed upon it like a Hutt on a buffet ship.

I consumed all I could. I drove my mind filled with the emotions of those around me with a power known as Consume Essence, or Feed upon the Dark Side. Wanting to become powerful enough to survive this encounter.

N̳̥̼̫͟e̮̖̯̙͢v̭͓̪̙̼e̗͜r͙̰͍̟͇̣ ̺̭͈̱͞c̨on̫͞t̰̖a̗̙̪̙i̦n̩͓͖͔ ̵̠̙t͎̲̩͜h̥̝͘ę̞͙͙̮̝̩ͅ ͖̻r͍̠̤̬̮͔a̖͓̗g͍é̤͔!͉̟̤͕̥͙

I could feel the Dark Side welling up within me. I could feel it tearing at my flesh and bones as though it wanted to be set free.

R̶e̡̟̙͍̹̭̳͉l͢e̹͖͕a̼͇̯͝s̩̞̭̦͓e̼ ţ͎͉̬͕̞̱h̲̖̥̫̖̦è̫͉͍̝̖̥̩ ͎̖͓̹̮͕̯W̗͍r̪̻̪̞͟á̩̠t̶̘̮̫ͅẖ͖̫̻̺ͅ ̟̩̫̬̼́ọ̴̠͙͍f̨̥̫͙̻̫̮ ͕̭̬͔͕̀o̞͖̩͍͍͚̠͜u̝̮͎̹̖͖͞ṟ̟̪̬̻̻ ̯p̡͔̰a̸̼̤͚͓̲͖̠i̗n҉̫̟̖̗̘!̙̲̪
I released my energy stored within me to be a destructive ball of energy. Shot out of my arm like a cannon at a ship. Winding its way past to fling through a second and a third. Destroying them before they even touched the surface. Shaking my head. I drew up my sword and ran at the men on the ground.

K̺͎̫̹̞̺̣̳ͮ̽̒ͅÎ̓ͦ̏̈̚͘͏̸̖̺̳̱͍̣̥ͅͅL̛̮͚̬̻̰̣̩͐̌͌̊̈́ͭ͑L̮̗̟̗̙̭̣̑ͪͥ̇ͦ ̷͙̟̄ͫͯ̍͢Ȁ̛̰̳̦̝̿̈̃ͬL͎̘̬̖̋̇̉̌͒L͎̯͖͛ͩͅ ͥ͛̃̄͘͏̜̲̼̭̘̤͡ͅW̵̸͓̘͋ͮ̋̂̂Hͨ̽͗̌ͭ͋̍͏͔̹̪̹͎͉̟ͅO͇̟̗͈̬ͩ̾̿̆ͣ̔̑́ ̰̫͚̺̱̱̥͉ͪŞ͉̝̞̞̺̙͙̘̠̔̅̎ͦ̃ͬ́̕T̢͎͍̲͗͑͛̓͋̾͑͐̚̕Á̡̬͓̜͚͎̅̽ͅǸ̵̺̯̜̏͊̔́͟D̡͍͈̳̤̦͍̤͗̇̓̅



Standing among the Generals of the Mandalorian, and Adumari forces that were banding together to fight against the One Sith Imperials, I could hear the various sounds of people communicating with one another to figure out what they were doing. The main woman leading the forces on this end was someone who I had never seen before.

Even as the fighting started, I could feel through the force the power and the magnitude of my master Atheus as he released himself upon those who stood in his way. I could feel the fury of the man even from here. My Master was one who released all of his pent up anger, and wrath on the field. It was from this I learned that he didn't just fight with 110% of his possible powers, he fought with literally everything. Even if it meant killing himself in the process.

I was scared of what he would become if he allowed himself to completely fall to the wrath of the Dark side. Someone who I considered my Brother would become the darkest thing possible. I didn't want that to happen. Even as the orders were coming around, I heard Atheus' voice to come to him. Slapping on my helmet, I moved past the tent and spoke as I ran towards a speeder.

"On my way."

As soon as I spoke those words, I got on a speeder, and began to make my way towards my brother. However, I could feel a chill go down my spine as I drew closer to the man filled with a rage only gods could rival. I could feel the Dark side. I could feel, death.


Cartann High Forces:

As more forces began to come to fruition, it seemed that the old Graug from the Empire had decided to join us. Their forces raining down from the sky like it would be raining Blood in Hell itself. The Ships that the resistance had sent out would be hard pressed against both the forces of the One Sith Resistance, as well as the forces of the Graug. I smiled as they tried so hard to fight to gain Air support. It seemed that at first, they were defensively retreating their center lines. The commander stood in front of the holoprojector and thought critically about his decision.

"Send only a fourth of our central forces after them. We don't want us to be surrounded by the left and right flanks if we push in."
"Yes sir. Very good. Any other commands for your forces?"
"Make sure that the filthy Graug lead the forces. They are expendable, and powerful enough to keep most of our troops alive."
"Very good. I will send in the reports."

The commander looked over as the men were trying to protect their city with very little help from outside forces. Suspicions of the Mandalorian Crusaders were aiding them, but there wasn't enough to defend against the Graug, and the One Sith Forces.

"Push the Graug Forward if you can. Lets see how well they can fight against forces that are built for war as well as the Mandalorians are."
Location: Heading towards the battlefield
Objective: 3 (am lazy, pls forgive)
Allies: [member="Atheus"] [member="Rhyn Makenzie"] [member="Iago Rekali"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Vulcanus"]
Equipment: Just a lightsabre he can't wield for crap
Post 3/20

All things considered, Voryl was making good time.

He'd drawn close enough now that it was easier to sense the chaos being wreaked ahead, hundreds of colorful flames surging and clashing and dying. It was like a brilliant strobe light concert, or like watching abstract art in motion. Not that he'd know of either.

The boy was close enough now that he had a better read on the object of his pursuit. He was a powerful individual, whoever this person was. Powerful, and deadly. His presence was, even from this distance, like a great orange flame, burning and raging with every slain enemy. Writhing tentacles of red pulsated within his aura, tainted by a thin veil of black. Suddenly, the young Miraluka paused. While the man was most definitely not the same as those who'd been responsible for the deaths of his parents, his presence in the Force gave the boy a reason to hesitate.

And then, he had another reason.

​Tremors rippled through the Force as the skies above burst with foul creatures blinded by a lust for blood. Voryl froze in place, not a single muscle twitching as his somewhat-sheltered brain struggled to comprehend what he was witnessing. Dark, putrid green specks of beings alight with red streaks the color of blood, and pulsating with a black, grungy taint swarmed the battlefield, causing more death and mayhem than should have been possible. Above, the ships caused sonic booms so loud Voryl collapsed to the ground. Hands clasped over his ears, he couldn't help but let out a howl of pain, his voice cracking as a wave of dysphoria overtook him. Never before had the boy been exposed to such a primitive, animalistic thirst for blood - even from so far away. "What is this?!" he cried out, palms pressed against his head.

​Panting, the boy forced himself up - only to let out a groan of despair. Even through the dizzying onslaught of unhindered emotion from the newcomers, Voryl was lucid enough to sense the change in his person of interest...and it did not leave a pleasant taste in his mouth. Something had changed in the man, something that caused his signature to swell and darken, pulsating and throbbing in a way that reminded the boy of a monster trying to break free from its prison.

He tightened his grip on his mother's lightsabre. Great, he bemoaned. Just great.​ The lad was now faced with two choices: continue on to the battlefield, where the creatures were, and hope the person of interest didn't kill him in his battle rage; or stay back, and risk being taken down by said creatures.

​From behind, loud roars of savagery mingled with the screams of the civilians, no doubt being subjected to the cruelty of the newcomers. Instinctively, Voryl tilted his head back, listening. Even now, those beasts sent a far stronger shiver down his spine than anything the man had caused. It didn't take a genius to figure out that if he were caught by those monsters, things would be less pleasant than continuing on. The boy shook his head. The lesser of two evils, then.

​Taking a deep breath, Voryl maintained his grip on the lightsabre and began to run as fast as his legs could carry him, praying to the Force or whoever was listening to please, please​ don't let him die today.

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Location: Yegadon
Forces: Several Thousand Horde Guard Elite Forces
Several Hundred War Beasts
[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Miss Blonde"]

Metal, bone and gore showered the streets as a lesser female opened fire with a slugthrower mounted in the back of a speeder. The rounds didn't so much exactly pierce the Warrior's Skin on contact, rather it dented the armor inward and tore the Graug limb from limb through sheer kinetic impact. Vulcanus weaved through his Horde as the numbers dwindled rapidly, the assault force that had landed directly on the street with him being tore to shreds. Horde Guard ducked for cover, using corpses, walls or even civilians for cover in attempt to escape the death being reined upon them.

Mandolorians on the street took cover and running out from their midst was the one Vulcanus was truly interested in fighting. "Ticon Girl." he hissed, a fang filled grin breaking his already ugly features. The girl ran forward through the gunfire and Vulcanus used that to his advantage, mimicking her movements so that she was always between himself and the lesser on the gun. He marched in sync with her charge, waiting for the moment to strike.

Meanwhile, the gunfire continued, chewing away at the street and Graug numbers. The crew on the Skyfire hurridly tried to retake aim, adjusting the tube and readying a shell. Just as the round was loaded, the gunfire from the chain gun tore up the street; littering the crew in a hail of lead. The loader dropped the round as the tube fell backward through the bloody mist that'd been created.


There was a harsh whistle as a firery orb launched straight into the air above the street; a hellish glow casting over the roofs of the buildings for a split moment. Then the air cracked, glass shattered and the street shook as the orb exploded mid-flight. The round missed the capital completely, instead raining unstable shards of plasma energy down on the street. Buildings burst into flames, vehicles exploded into shrapnel that cut down even more Graug. One, sparking cylinder of energy even shooting straight for the Sith Lord.

Latching his hammer to his armor, he cast his hand toward the projectile, Vulcanus called upon the darkside. The misery and the death that built around him with every passing moment. The projectile impacted his palm and vanished into thin air, the energy surging down his wrist and into his arm. He groweld in pain, building upon the energy with his own darkside aura as it passed into his shoulder and through his chest. The energy ripped and tore inside him, barely contained as the lord of fire built upon it with Sith Sorcery; calling upon the realm of darkness to aid his attack. The scaley hide of his host body began to crack at the sheer intensity. Bone turned to ash at his jawline, leaving a blackened wound gaping on the right side of his face as the energy began passing into his opposite arm.

Throwing his hand forward, the energy ripepd though his body and expelled itself in a ball of purple, firery energy that lashed at the air irradically with tendrils of barely contained darkside energy. The air shimmered as it tore through it, metal plates from dead Graug turning bright red as it passed overhead. Faces and hands reached out into the world from the burning center, damned souls that latched onto the light and tried to pull it within. Chaos fire that would attempt to pull her soul away from her useless husk of a body. Vulcanus' laughed boomed over the streets as he backed into a nearby building and watched the projectile barrel toward the Ticon girl, his body clawing at the darkside energy it in eradic attempt restore his energy; flakes of ashy skin still falling from the bone of his left hand.

As the Dark Lord attacked, reinforcements began pooling several blocks down the road from the capital building. The Horde Guard ran from cover to cover as they advanced, a looming shadow casting them in darkness. A Glycon, crushed a speeder as it thundered down the street step by step; metal helmet protecting it's nocturnal eyes from the sun. Civilians writhed from on its oozing hide, chained to the bleeding skin of the beast by spiked ultrachrome.

The rider pulled the reigns and the beast roared in pain and halted, leaning over to put the mass-driver dug into it's back on target with the capital building. There was a flash and the air rippled as crude magnets hurled a solid projectile toward the capital building faster than the eye could track. Like a comet crashing through a moon, the projectile tore into the middle of the capital building. Stone turned to dust and floors collapsed, causing an avalanch of steel and rubble pouring down the front and interior of the buidling.

A cloud of grey dust plummed, flooding the streets as the reinforcements advanced through the dozens of shredded Graug bodies.
Location: Yegadon
Objective: Survive and reach his ship
Allies: Mandos
Enemies: Darth Vulcanus and the Graug hordes
Post: 3

Kurayami had done a decent amount of damage with the Marauder rifle, but he knew that his ship was not far behind them. That was where he needed to get given his lack of armor right now. He threw the Marauder back into the van having used the ammo he had grabbed already. He grabbed an Equalizer this time, a weapon that was a bit more his style. Grabbing more of the Sith Killer rounds, he slammed home the first mag and loaded a grenade into the underslung launcher. He grabbed 4 more grenades and 3 more magazines. He extended the stock on the rifle, flipped the selective fire switch to burst setting and began moving towards the ship's landing pad.

The beast that hit the capital building was one he definitely wanted to avoid. Given that he was nearing his ship he took a slightly longer route to get to the fighter. By the time he reached it, he was on his last mag and out of grenades, having had to fight his way there. IT was quite a testament to his ability that he was only covered with a few streaks of blood, and that if memory served had only sustained relatively minor shrapnel wounds thus far. Upon reaching his fighter, Kurayami quickly synchronized the HUD to the ship's targeting and flight computers as he threw the rifle behind the seat. He jumped into the seat and slid the canopy shut, Strangely he didn't immediately lift off, allowing for some of the creatures to advance a bit closer towards him first. Once they were in range, he lifted off the ground slightly, still not making any attempt to fly off just yet. He calmly stepped on the left pedal and spun the craft in place, opening up with a continuous burst from the 8 forward mounted Ls 9.6 laser cannons. This opened a bit more room for him to move as he eased the throttle forward and entered a counter-clockwise ascending turn.

Once he was sure he could clear the nearby buildings he pushed to full military power and rocketed towards where Blonde and Kiera were still holding off the blood thirsty hordes. He opened a secured comms channel to each of them. On their HUD the IFF would read as 'Aquila 13'

"Kurayami here. I am airborne and en route to provide air support at your location. ETA 1 minute. Will stay on location until requested elsewhere or we are in the clear."

He cut the channel as he angled back towards their location staying above most buildings for the time being. As soon as reaching them he began to work on clearing the fighters, even if it wasn't really a fight. They were just fast moving target practice. Once the area was cleared for the moment, he pulled into the vertical, kicking right on the rudder and while rolling in the same direction as he lined up for a strafing run fro the right side, so as to avoid hitting either of his allies below.

[member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Miss Blonde"] [member="Isley Verd"]

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