Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Advanced Tech Proliferation: A Discussion on Bad Habits

Perhaps it's just me and my old age, but I remember a time when a ship could get by with just a deflector shield and durasteel hull plating.

Nowdays it seems like everything has to have molecular shielding and quadruple composite hulls of super rare metals. And of course it's not just ships that are doing this, but armors and vehicles.

Can we as a community maybe agree that some of this stuff has gotten a little ridiculous? That maybe we've let our desire to 'win' get the better of us? Maybe we can collectively agree to cut back on some of this crazy overstuffing of tech. Let the special stuff really be special. Not everything has to be cram-packed with the rarest, most powerful, most expensive tech that the Star Wars Wookiepedia can point you to.


Well-Known Member
I like having shiny toys, but I try to keep it on this side of the ridiculous line. If I ever get called out on going overboard, I'll peel it back, because while I want to make my wild dreams come true, I don't want to make things unfun for people I write with.
I just flew a cannon Dynamic-class freighter until it got blown up by some random event.... *cough cough* [member="stardust"]

But, true, the special should still be kept special, in my opinion. Besides the monetary cost?? that alone is laughable to have "experimental" or "first rate" everything. Trillions of credits. trillions. not millions or billions. Trillions. Just a little realism to come crashing down on some of this stuff. Granted, my current ship has a remote control circuit, but that is about it. :D

You look strangely familiar..... :D

[member="Ayden Cater"]


I just like military gyzmos, as long as they make sense for the function the vehicle/starship is supposed to accomplish.

Case in point why on earth would a "fast cruiser" be armed as much and be the same length as a Star Destroyer...THEN IT'S JUST A SD NOT A "FAST CRUISER. IT'S NOT EVEN A CRUISER AT THIS POINT.

*grumbles about military function appropriateness and walks off
[member="Ayden Cater"]


How else are we supposed to win SWRP?

Sibar Laval

Ok, I admit I used molecularly bonded armor for the AT-HO (seriouly I think this topic came up because of me) but really I tired to balance it to bloody hell like it have a major weak spot that could easily destroy it and shutdown mode that occurs when it fires its turbolasers

[member="Ayden Cater"]

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Most Imperial ships never used Durasteel after the Victory classes. The started using doonium. I have been debating the molecular shield thing already and had decided to take it off the Vic X since well its not worth the development I need to do for it. Most advanced tech I use has a purpose. Socket guards for anti EW, Cap drains for anti Ionic, Laser comms for battle communications during jamming. but i see your point. My construction materials is a whos whos of advanced materials for anti-concussion and anti- heat/energy. Honestly heavy grade durasteel or doonium is almost as strong as imperivium and much easier to be had.

Connor Harrison

[member="Ayden Cater"] I always stand by the fact we saw the likes of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker triumph against evil with just the robes on their back and a wealth of knowledge and skill. No gleaming suits of armour and no gadgets that acted like something from a James Bond film.

Small X-Wings and Speeders triumphed over superweapons or AT-ATs and other dastardly foes. Nothing simple, just a basic ship and a skilled pilot.

I always try to channel that into everything Connor does, and will fight or talk my way out and take whatever comes with a basic torso armour to hand.

It's a case of someone brings something powerful out to play, we counter with even more powerful armour, then they create even more powerful weapons and ships, and then THEY counter with powerful and crazy NPC armies and armour... and then it becomes less Star Wars to me and more...something else.

IMO, anyway.
[member="Ayden Cater"] - It's in my blood. I can't help it.


But I agree, but on a different point. I don't think all of the tech is as much a problem as its frequency of use. When the tech becomes the focus of the thread for one reason or another (save for dev threads obviously) it becomes a drain. Overuse is a real problem. I feel like any more than twice in an average thread is overdoing it. Using cortosis armor to continuously and essentially negate having to write out an attack is both lazy and obnoxious. It has its' place, but it shouldn't be over played.
Forgive me, but is it not a bit ironic that [member="Ayden Cater"] is warning us about the dangers of tech power creep considering his career in OP where he made such innovative tech? Ayden made some fantastic stuff in the factory...but it was hardly vanilla, thus why I find it curious he now mentions it like it's a bad thing.

Whilst yes, I do find it slightly absurd that lightsabres are practically useless on the board because everyone has ultra-phrik-cortosis armour (disclosure: so do three of mine) but I'm not sure what the solution is.

Technology advances. Do we think the combatants in WWII were bemoaning tech creep because they were now using B-29s and Tiger Tanks rather than biplanes and Panzer IIs?

Competition breeds ingenuity, and to stay with the curve people need to adapt.
I just posted up a defense turret with all that wild stuff, but only so that it's worth buying. I'd love to keep it on a low spectrum, since its also for strictly defense, but if its not useful to a consumer, no one will buy anything from me. If the product isn't sufficient enough to fight the uber weapons, then, well... who wants to buy it? xD
if it is something they enjoy doing and they have fun with. Why tell someone it is wrong to do? There is some simple tech that is amazing and there is some wild tech that is crazy but as Ashin said once. Anything can be abused in the factory if you are looking to do it.
[member="Sarianna Misarr"]

His point isn't whether it's fun or not, or whether people should or shouldn't, but that being top dog isn't the point of CHAOS.

This is not Call of Duty or Battlefield
[member="Galven Solomon"] ehhh why shouldn't people try and make their dream. We have judges who are trained to be versed and admins who can if they see it as to extreme and hardcore can ask for edits and nerfing. Things in the factory aren't made without oversight, they are made with people reviewing it and saying "this works fine".
[member="Sarianna Misarr"]

Not as much a dream as the 'I'm special' syndrome. Except you can be the best without all the technologies. Like back when Ayden played a couple hundred dual turbolaser cannons won any game probably, but people wanted to overcome that. So less 'dream' and 'I'm special' so much as adapting. The point of the conversation is "Can we have some stable tech and not a billion things to make us better, because we can be advantageous without the super tech."

I understand what you mean, and what Ayden means. I moreso agree with Ayden, because nowadays people get super technical if your ship doesn't list 1 item. It's not their dream, it's just really adapting to beat competition. The dream is winning, more tech is just a result.

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