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Adventure into the Unknown (Open To All Jedi)

@[member="Ella Nova"]
As if on que, Donatos approached the female Corellian and spoke in a raspy voice, "At least one more." The Mon Calamarian gave a slight bow of his bulbous head, blinked and tugged a small smirk at the corner of his large lips. A dark red Mon Cal was a unique variant to come across as most usually were born of common colors such as hues of brown or orange, red though could be misleading to many cultures. His natural birthmarks were also shaped intrinsically that if not for his pleasant demeanor, he could have been mistaken as a Sith cultist or appreciator at least.

Donatos repeated the same greeting to the lanky Kaminoan female @[member="Nala Tu"]. He found her to be very fascinating, she was the first Kaminoan he had met in person, and now also the first Jedi of her species he met as well. "My name is Donatos, it would seem I am the lowest ranking member of this venture. I should hope to learn a great deal if not by the archeology then by my fellow Jedi as well." Donatos hinted with his large orb eyes at the two women in front of him. He was fairly new to the order, originally he left his flotilla fleet on a pilgrimage to study and work at the Galactic Senate. His dream was to bring his race back into their ancestral system, now occupied by the Sith, by giving them proper representation and maybe the backing of the Republic. While he was working at the Senate a Jedi escort to the Vice Chancellor had sensed his potential to manipulate the Force and introduced him to the Order. However due to his age, Donatos was given a non traditional welcome to the order. He is by skill and rank considered an initiate, lower than a Padawan. He is given the freedom to roam and learn as a Padawan would, but his training is still considered at a child's level.
@[member="Donatos"] | @Je'daii | @Tracyn Ordo | @Aika Kawakami | @Nala Tu | @Caid Centurion | @Meta | @Ella Nova | @Aronis Vilgar | @Rianna Organa

Phylis seemed quite pleased at how big her expedition had gotten. She greeted each in turn. Finally she turned to Donatos.
“Rank is of no importance here. We are all journeymen on the path of knowledge and enlightenment.” This rather deep statement was followed by a vague wave for attention.

“Right, well if you will all follow me, we’ll lead to the shuttle now. If you have anything you need to tell me before we leave do so.”

With that she headed from the room.
Donatos cocked his head, a sign of understanding of Master Alince's words of logic. She was right, this was a study venture, not one for self proving or competition. Donatos felt a bit forced in that scenario since he was caught between the roles and levels of initiates those of his skill, but his peers, Padawans who were around his age. It was an awkward place to be in, but Donatos has ambition to learn and achieve his set out goals.

Donatos watched as the Master left the room and various students began to follow her, the Mon Cal had held back and waited for @[member="Nala Tu"] and @[member="Ella Nova"]. "Ladies first." He said with an extended arm, as female students went in front of him he gleamed at the corner of his grey eye that most of them carried actual lightsabers. He chided himself for doubting himself, he was only given a training saber, a simple cylindrical hilt with no designs or modifications....yet.

Caid Centurion

Caid had remained seated when Phylis began to make her exit. For a moment, his silver-green gaze lingered on the small collaborative groups already beginning to form. With a thin smile, he grabbed his go-bag and came to his feet. Slinging the bag over his left shoulder, the large Jedi began to make his way towards the exit. The chivalrous actions of the Mon Calamari in the room past through Caid's mind with little more than a thought. Given that he was still at the rear of the room, it merely made sense for him to exit immediately. For his part, the tall Jedi did at least hold the door open for the individual most immediately behind him...whoever that ended up being.
When @Donatos had first introduced himself, Nala was a bit surprised to see him. She heard of Mon Calimarian Jedi but had not seen one herself. The only one she'd ever seen was an old holorecord of an ancient master. What also struck her as odd was his age, seeing that he was clearly an older generation and yet still a padawan. And she thought she was embarrassed when she had trouble controlling the force. Still she bowed in greeting him and said "Very glad to have you join us." When it was time to board and he allowed her and @[member="Ella Nova"] to go first she nodded and said "Thank you." before entering.
| @[member="Donatos"] | @[member="Nala Tu"] | @[member="Phylis Alince"] |

Ella winked at the Mon Calamari and gave him a cheeky grin. She said, "Thanks," before turning around and moving towards the doors. Her hazel eyes were locked on Master Alince, who was leading the group of Jedi to the transport. She looked up to Nala, who was significantly taller than her and asked, "So will you be flying, Nala? You should teach me sometime." She gave her a warm smile.
@Phylis Alince | @[member="Vexander Graves"] | @Tracyn Ordo | @Aika Kawakami | @Nala Tu | @Caid Centurion | @Meta | @Ella Nova | @Aronis Vilgar | @Rianna Organa | @[member="Rianna Organa"] | @[member="Nala Tu"]

Je'daii looked at the others as they all started filing in and she had to admit that it was getting interesting while listening to all of them and when the jedi master led the way out she had to admit and stood up grabbing her bags while clipping her lightsaber to her belt. There was much going on while she put the duffel bag over her shoulder and then her satchel bag. She marched behind the others while she went towards the ship that Phylis indicated. She heard her datapads clinking in the poncho while she smiled listenign to all of their names. There was going to be much going on and she exited the room while speaking. "Ah Master Phylis is there any other equipment we might need, I have a full compliment in my bags but this is my first time really outside of the temple and Tython system."
@Je'daii | @Vexander Graves | @Tracyn Ordo | @Aika Kawakami | @Nala Tu | @Caid Centurion | @Meta | @Ella Nova | @Aronis Vilgar | @Rianna Organa | @Rianna Organa | @Nala Tu

Phylis considered. “A hammer, some nails, and lengths of string. Very important for grid marking sites. Hmm, we also should get some chalk, yes. And cheese too. Hmm, rations, got to have rations.”

The Jedi Master bustled off to get more rations loaded aboard. When she was ready, she welcomed the diverse Jedi aboard.

Her ship was an old Corellian freighter not unlike the old Millennium Falcon from so long ago. Regardless, everyone fitted aboard comfortably, and she finished the process of loading supplies and materials on board.

Any latecomers still could come aboard if they wished, but they were raising ship very soon.
The Jedi followed the whole team, he remained silent throught the whole walk. There was nothing else he could add, in fact, he just wondered if he was going to need any of the things that he brought with him... still, he already had everything he thought he might need.

Master @[member="Phylis Alince"] eventually brought all of them to an old YT-1300 like ship... at he moment he stepped in, he felt at home... a lovely corellian ship, almost an antique, but it was quite comfortable and it was actually in good shape.

Eventhough he had offered himself to pilot the ship, he decided to leave Knight @[member="Nala Tu"] in charge of the stunt, looking at one of the empty seats in the living area, he took a seat around a corner and just decided to look at each one of the presents... without saying a word... that was how he usually felt comfortable, or so he thought... lately he found himself talking more than he should.

Still, without giving much head to the subject, he proceeded to meditate and to repel the visions in his mind. He was not having them, but it was normal to have them in empty space, when it was vulnerable and easily distracted by the thousand stars that they would pass by in their window as they traveled through lightspeed.

@Je'daii | @Tracyn Ordo | @Aika Kawakami | @Nala Tu | @Caid Centurion | @Meta | @Ella Nova | @Aronis Vilgar | @Rianna Organa |@Rianna Organa |
Seeing that Knight @[member="Vexander Graves"] opted to sit out piloting, Nala looked to @[member="Ella Nova"] and answered her question with "Looks like I am. You can come sit with me in the cockpit if you want." Nal then walked to the piloting area of the ship, overlooking the entire control system to the ship, and nodded. "I see." she said to herself. "Older model. Older controls. Still, not too different from some of the junkers that used to be in the ship yard." Once she sat in the seat she pulled out a pair of piloting goggles, remembering how her father gave them as a gift to her when she was younger, and secured them over her eyes. Checking all the systems she finished and looked to Master @[member="Phylis Alince"] and said "Ready to launch."
“A hammer, some nails, and lengths of string. Very important for grid marking sites. Hmm, we also should get some chalk, yes. And cheese too. Hmm, rations, got to have rations.”

Je'daii looked at the master while she went over her datapad of inventory and spoke looking around. "But but but I don't have those, I am unprepared and I don't even know if transporting cheese would carry over it could go bad by the time we get there or if there is heat is could go into the realm of bad and create a noxious smell. We might not even be allowed to transport food items between systems what if standard Republic customs forbids it. We could be in trouble or worse."
@[member="Nala Tu"]
Donatos was the last to leave the classroom, allowing the door to close behind him. He would have volunteered to pilot, he grew up nay was born on a star ship like his fore fathers before him. The seas of Mon Calamari could only be visited in recordings, stories and dreams for his people. True there were still Mon Cals and Quarren on the home world, but its been under the rule of the Sith for centuries. There is a tight blockade around the system, let alone the planet. It was incredibly rare for any natives to leave Mon Calamari and live to tell about it.

The Mon Cal followed the rest of the group outside to a docked freighter, it looked like a ship he discovered near Raxus Prime, but it was beyond repair and left behind by his migrant fleet. They did scrap it of course, but still more parts to add to a mutt compilation of rickety fighters and systems through out home ships. He walked up the boarding ramp and took in the nostalgia of that memory and the day dreams it provided him in his youth to have an actual working ship that was not broken down and reassembled with half a dozen different parts. Coming back to reality of the moment, he spotted the two Jedi who did volunteer to pilot. Nala Tu and the Corellian Jedi @Vexander, who had now taken up a meditation pose in the living quarters of the ship. He heard the Kaminoan call back to Vexander to stay with her in the cockpit if he wished, since the human was already comfortable, Donatos instead joined Nala Tu.

There was a co-pilot chair next to Nala, and also a few passenger seats behind her. Donatos came around and stood next to the co-pilot chair. He assumed Master Phylis would want to sit here, so he only stood unless she decided to sit somewhere else. "I have heard that the Kaminoans are renown for their ingenuity, though this ship is high quality to my standards, you must have flown grade-A vessels right off the hangar bay?" The Mon Cal was almost eye level with Nala Tu, even though she was sitting down. He studied her expression, he also read in his databank studies that Kaminoans are a severely apathetic or at least that's how Donatos interpreted their reluctance to display emotion. If that were true then in theory, Kaminoans would be the ideal choice for Jedi Candidates. However that brought another question to Donatos' series of thoughts, if the Kaminoan population are for what he has read an entirely cloned is it possible even one could manifest Force abilities if the predecessor copy did not? He displayed his thinking physically as he stared blankly out the front view port, stroking his gullet slowly.
As Meta entered the ship, he ducked under the ships doorways and went to the cockpit to see if he could find any of his 'friends'
The cockpit doors slid open and he found @[member="Nala Tu"] and @[member="Ella Nova"] conversing whilst Nala worked at the controls. "Nala, Ella." Meta said, greeting both of them. Luckily, there were several seats in the cockpit. "Mind of I sit in here?" He asked, he was already ducking under the frame of the door that extended to the cockpit. Ready to leave if he was not wanted, he stood half arched ready to come and sit or leave.
Looking to @Donatos when he asked about her past flying experiences, while she was still checking to make sure everything was ready, she said "Well I mainly flew practices with my dad. And he flew large shipping frigates. Biggest I every flew was one of those and that was for about.....10 minutes." She blushed a bit at how awkward that sounded but still knew what she was doing. During her time among the Jedi she'd done flight simulations and the like to still keep her piloting skills fresh. When @[member="Meta "]asked about sitting she said "Feel free." indicating the free seats still around.
| @[member="Nala Tu"] | @[member="Meta "]|

"Thanks," said Ella, with a grin. She took the co-pilot seat and strapped herself in with the seat belt. "How do you fly this thing?" She looked at the several buttons and indicators on the dashboard in front of her. When Meta arrived, she looked back up and gave him a warm smile. "Hey Meta. Sure, you can join us."
Meta nodded to both and took a seat behind Ella. "So, where are we headed?" He asked leaning over Ella's chair. His large arms looming over Ella as he leaned. Strapping himself in, he leaned back again. Still awaiting a reply, he took out his Glaive. Studying it for a moment as he kept himself content.

@[member="Ella Nova"]
@[member="Nala Tu"]
@Ella Nova
@Nala Tu

Donatos took the seat behind Ella when she claimed the co-pilot seat. He sat down next to a new Jedi, Meta apparently. The Mon Cal examined him and wondered what species of humanoid he was if at all human? Instead of poking at Nala's flight experience any further he simply gave her a nice compliment, "I am sure we are good in hands, Nala Tu." He said with a wink whether or not the Kaminoan could see him, and or pay attention to him at all since she was focusing on the launch sequences. The masked Padawan named Meta had strapped himself in and pulled out some sort of object. "What is that, you are holding?" The Mon Cal inquired with a raspy voice and a point of his webbed finger. @Meta.

Then he answered Meta's question on their destination. "I believe Master Phylis said it was a world called...." He tried to remember the correct pronounciation of the name. "Pur-Goria" was what came out. "Its not a world I've ever heard of, excuse me if I butchered the name."
@Je'daii | @Vexander Graves | @Tracyn Ordo | @Aika Kawakami | @Nala Tu | @Caid Centurion | @Meta | @Ella Nova | @Aronis Vilgar | @Rianna Organa | @Rianna Organa | @Nala Tu | @[member="Donatos"]

Phylis gave the Zeltron a friendly pat on the shoulder.
“Nil desperandum, dear. We’ll make do. As for the cheese, don’t worry about that, we’ll use vacuum packing. I have one somewhere. Anyway, no time for that, climb aboard. We’re not going somewhere in the Republic. It’s hmm…more remote.”

And so, with or without cheese, they were departing. Would this be a vital detail which might cause their downfall? Unlikely.

Heading up to the cockpit she saw the A-Team was already settled in.
“I think we’re good to go, when you’re ready, all speed ahead…or whatever you say. I’ve put the coordinates for Perugia into the navi-computer, so when you’re set get us into hyperspace.”
With the all clear from @Phylis Alince, Nala secured her goggles before starting the engines and slowly moving the ship out of the station and out into open space. As she punched the coordinates for lightspeed to Purigia, Nala took a deep breath and smiled as her hands gripped the controls. "Just like old times, dad." she said to herself before the ship zipped into lightspeed.

@[member="Ella Nova"] @[member="Donatos"] @Meta
Meta turned to the Calamari beside him, looking at his bulbous head for a moment before replying. "This is a Glaive." He said, resting it clearly in his palm. "It's quite like a double bladed saber, it extends at each end into a much longer double edged sword." He would demonstrate, the blades extended and the Sith markings were clear on it. It was a Sith weapon, however Meta took no note if the markings. On each end was a shimmering red blade, almost glowing in its nature. "See? It extends like so, I use it against multiple opponents." He explained, tilting the blade a little to give the calamari a better view.

@[member="Nala Tu"]
@[member="Phylis Alince"]
@[member="Ella Nova"]

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