Jon Burke
Active Member
PR-0649 was a primitive, protected world with one approved approach vector to a single, crude landing zone. The LZ failed even to qualify for the designation of a landing pad as it consisted only of a mostly level area of hard packed dirt. Looking around Jon wondered where the dirt came from… all he could see in every direction was sand - hundreds of kilometers of sand.
The modest research center stood on a line of topographical demarcation. West of it the sands ran completely flat to the distant horizon. To the east, dunes grew in increasing size from modest ten meter rollers to distant towering giants approaching one hundred meters tall. On approach had noticed some megalithic stones protruding from the dunes. Covered as they were by sands of immeasurable depth, it was easy for Jon to imagine them as enormous constructs of some long forgotten race of builders. They were why he was on PR-0649 and why the planet was protected.
Next to the landing zone were the administrative offices of a consortium of universities responsible for the world’s protection and security. Permission to visit this out of the way sandbox was rarely sought and even less often given. Only Aiden’s connections with the archeology departments of several universities gave them the leverage to gain a limited access permit.
Aiden Merritt is, although hard for Jon to admit, a brilliant xenoarcheologist who Jon originally met when the Burke family contracted him to perform research for them regarding their family’s origins. He attracted their attention because of a galactic DNA-mapping project he completed during his doctoral program - something about tracing the migration of humans and near humans across the galaxy by DNA sampling. He was never able to determine a point of origin for the Burke family anywhere other than the known family centers - Dantooine in Jon’s case. That lack of information rather implicitly confirmed some of the family’s own myths about their origins… but, I digress. That’s a story for another time.
Aiden Merrett is also a jedi knight who under the influence of a drug-fueled, post-hypnotic compulsion, tried to kill Jon by imploding a Burke Enterprises office building while Jon was in residence. Again, another story for another time. Suffice it to say, the reason Aiden was still among the living after that escapade was a prime factor in Jon finally conceding that he was not truly evil enough to be a sith and accepting the mantle of a dark jedi much to his Uncle Dallas’s delight.
Jon argued, perhaps correctly, that Aiden was the one who should have made this trip as it was really more up his alley. Aiden, however, claimed he had more urgent matters to attend as he was trying to mend fences torn asunder by missing his own wedding to Melanctha Dallamoor, the voluptuous Duch'a of Cheruba, because of some urgent work on a new archeological dig.
To Jon, the words urgent and archeology seemed incongruent and should never fall within the same sentence. Be that as it may, because of this seeming neglect, or perhaps in retribution for having a building dropped on him, or perhaps simply because the Duch’a has a rack to die for, Jon seriously considered seducing her away from the absentee groom. Something caused him to refrain however. Perhaps it was attributable to his new jedi-esque conscience or maybe he had simply grown to like the young jedi and wished them only the best in their matrimony. Instead, he sent them an as yet unopened wedding gift and indelibly etched her name in the hands-off list.
That left only the third member of the group, Craig Janson, as a possible option to make the trip to PR-0649. Craig was a former university roommate and best friend of Jon’s. After graduation from Corellia University their lives had gone on separate courses. More recently, Jon spent some necessary time away from the rest of the galaxy on Monastery. There he had the occasion to meet a young pilot by the name of Juliette Moliere who had more of an influence on him than he realized at the time. After she left, he came to the realization that he craved normalcy. Drawing people he valued back into his life would be a start to that end and Craig was one of the first he happened upon as he made his way home to Dantooine from Monastery.
Unfortunately for Jon, Craig had other assignments to complete to prepare them for their ultimate quest. That left Jon standing in the dust outside his Baudo taking in the surroundings from ground level. It looked pretty much the same - just as unappealing as it had been from the air.
Sighing, he felt inside the pocket of his flight jacket to be sure the data chip was still there. That confirmed, he walked the few dozen paces to the entrance of the small quonset hut-like building helpfully labeled “CHECK IN HERE.” Rather than finding a reception desk, however, there was a simply a spiral staircase that descended to depths unknown.
Shrugging, Jon took the steps down two at a time until he reached the lower level. There he did find a desk - several in fact - but, only one was occupied. Third from the back on the right side of the room, a young lady was concentrating on her monitor to the exclusion of all else that might be going on around her - like a strange man making an unannounced appearance.
Jon arched a brow and walked quietly down the aisle until he was standing behind her. On closer inspection, he was impressed by the petite blonde. Her hair was sun-bleached almost platinum making the golden strands remaining stand out in contrast. Her face was deeply tanned by what Jon imagined must be long hours in the desert and liberally freckled across her nose and cheeks. Although seated, she appeared lithe and graceful in her minimal movements over the keyboard. Yes, Jon was impressed indeed.
“Excuse me”, he said softly yet his deep resonant voice seemed to reverberate in the room.
“YIKES!” the blonde exclaimed jumping up and spinning around. “Who are you!?!”
Jon tipped his head slightly, smiled and said, “My name is Jon Burke… and you are?”
“Uhh, Katie… Katie Lofton, Mr. Burke. You do know this a restricted planet?” Katie asked trying to regain her aplomb.
“Please, Katie… call me Jon. And yes, I’m aware of the restrictions.” Jon pulled the data chip from his pocket and handed it to her. “This contains my access permits, planned itinerary, and the goal of my visit.”
She turned and plugged the chip into a reader on the side of her terminal. After a quick perusal she turned back to him visibly relieved and said, “With a few modifications, we can approve your proposal. First, the only energy consumption allowed on-planet is solar-generated electricity. Therefore you will not be able to use your speeder. We can provide you with an electric-powered land crawler for your trip out to the temple. Unfortunately, it’s over 150 kilometers there so your itinerary will be at least a week longer than planned.”
Jon inwardly grimaced at that information but remained quiet.
“Second,” she continued. “We do not have the authority to grant you access to the temple itself. For that, you will have to negotiate with the local tribe that resides in that area - the Kielbasa.”
Jon refrained from making any sausage jokes; things were going badly enough already.
“So let me get this straight,” he began. “I have to creep across the sand dunes in an antiquated vehicle and negotiate with a primitive tribe when I get there. Any other good news?”
Katie smiled and said, “No, that’s about it; except, you don’t cross the dunes. Their shapes are wind blown and so fragile blowing a breath on them will cause a sand slide. Trying to cross a dune, the crawler would simply sink into the depths of the loose sand and I would never see you again, Jon Burke.”
From her grin, Jon wasn’t so sure she didn’t think that would be a good thing.
“You have to stay on the firmer sand in the valleys between the dunes. It creates quite a winding trip which is why it takes so long to reach the valley of the temple. Maps are useless because the dunes shift almost constantly. Your crawler will be equipped with a landsat receiver that will provide up to date images of the dunes with which you can plot your course. Be sure to update it frequently and especially each morning or you may find yourself trapped in a sand canyon with no exit.”
Things just keep getting better and better, Jon thought. “It sounds quite harrowing. Perhaps I could persuade you to come along... as my guide.”
Katie leaned back and cocked her head to the side as if considering the ramifications of that proposal all the while giving Jon a long look from head to toe and back up to his head.
“As tempting as that offer might be,” she responded leaning forward and looking up at him through batted lashes, ‘“we have a strict non-interference policy. That means,” she continued standing up, “if you anger the Kielbasa and they decide to have you for brunch, we won’t be riding in to rescue you. Got it?”
Jon gave her a smirk and quipped, “So that means no guide?”
She returned the smirk and said "That's right... no guide. We'll bring a crawler out to your ship for you to load up. Oh, and Jon Burke... if you actually survive and make it back - look me up"
The modest research center stood on a line of topographical demarcation. West of it the sands ran completely flat to the distant horizon. To the east, dunes grew in increasing size from modest ten meter rollers to distant towering giants approaching one hundred meters tall. On approach had noticed some megalithic stones protruding from the dunes. Covered as they were by sands of immeasurable depth, it was easy for Jon to imagine them as enormous constructs of some long forgotten race of builders. They were why he was on PR-0649 and why the planet was protected.
Next to the landing zone were the administrative offices of a consortium of universities responsible for the world’s protection and security. Permission to visit this out of the way sandbox was rarely sought and even less often given. Only Aiden’s connections with the archeology departments of several universities gave them the leverage to gain a limited access permit.
Aiden Merritt is, although hard for Jon to admit, a brilliant xenoarcheologist who Jon originally met when the Burke family contracted him to perform research for them regarding their family’s origins. He attracted their attention because of a galactic DNA-mapping project he completed during his doctoral program - something about tracing the migration of humans and near humans across the galaxy by DNA sampling. He was never able to determine a point of origin for the Burke family anywhere other than the known family centers - Dantooine in Jon’s case. That lack of information rather implicitly confirmed some of the family’s own myths about their origins… but, I digress. That’s a story for another time.
Aiden Merrett is also a jedi knight who under the influence of a drug-fueled, post-hypnotic compulsion, tried to kill Jon by imploding a Burke Enterprises office building while Jon was in residence. Again, another story for another time. Suffice it to say, the reason Aiden was still among the living after that escapade was a prime factor in Jon finally conceding that he was not truly evil enough to be a sith and accepting the mantle of a dark jedi much to his Uncle Dallas’s delight.
Jon argued, perhaps correctly, that Aiden was the one who should have made this trip as it was really more up his alley. Aiden, however, claimed he had more urgent matters to attend as he was trying to mend fences torn asunder by missing his own wedding to Melanctha Dallamoor, the voluptuous Duch'a of Cheruba, because of some urgent work on a new archeological dig.
To Jon, the words urgent and archeology seemed incongruent and should never fall within the same sentence. Be that as it may, because of this seeming neglect, or perhaps in retribution for having a building dropped on him, or perhaps simply because the Duch’a has a rack to die for, Jon seriously considered seducing her away from the absentee groom. Something caused him to refrain however. Perhaps it was attributable to his new jedi-esque conscience or maybe he had simply grown to like the young jedi and wished them only the best in their matrimony. Instead, he sent them an as yet unopened wedding gift and indelibly etched her name in the hands-off list.
That left only the third member of the group, Craig Janson, as a possible option to make the trip to PR-0649. Craig was a former university roommate and best friend of Jon’s. After graduation from Corellia University their lives had gone on separate courses. More recently, Jon spent some necessary time away from the rest of the galaxy on Monastery. There he had the occasion to meet a young pilot by the name of Juliette Moliere who had more of an influence on him than he realized at the time. After she left, he came to the realization that he craved normalcy. Drawing people he valued back into his life would be a start to that end and Craig was one of the first he happened upon as he made his way home to Dantooine from Monastery.
Unfortunately for Jon, Craig had other assignments to complete to prepare them for their ultimate quest. That left Jon standing in the dust outside his Baudo taking in the surroundings from ground level. It looked pretty much the same - just as unappealing as it had been from the air.
Sighing, he felt inside the pocket of his flight jacket to be sure the data chip was still there. That confirmed, he walked the few dozen paces to the entrance of the small quonset hut-like building helpfully labeled “CHECK IN HERE.” Rather than finding a reception desk, however, there was a simply a spiral staircase that descended to depths unknown.
Shrugging, Jon took the steps down two at a time until he reached the lower level. There he did find a desk - several in fact - but, only one was occupied. Third from the back on the right side of the room, a young lady was concentrating on her monitor to the exclusion of all else that might be going on around her - like a strange man making an unannounced appearance.
Jon arched a brow and walked quietly down the aisle until he was standing behind her. On closer inspection, he was impressed by the petite blonde. Her hair was sun-bleached almost platinum making the golden strands remaining stand out in contrast. Her face was deeply tanned by what Jon imagined must be long hours in the desert and liberally freckled across her nose and cheeks. Although seated, she appeared lithe and graceful in her minimal movements over the keyboard. Yes, Jon was impressed indeed.
“Excuse me”, he said softly yet his deep resonant voice seemed to reverberate in the room.
“YIKES!” the blonde exclaimed jumping up and spinning around. “Who are you!?!”
Jon tipped his head slightly, smiled and said, “My name is Jon Burke… and you are?”
“Uhh, Katie… Katie Lofton, Mr. Burke. You do know this a restricted planet?” Katie asked trying to regain her aplomb.
“Please, Katie… call me Jon. And yes, I’m aware of the restrictions.” Jon pulled the data chip from his pocket and handed it to her. “This contains my access permits, planned itinerary, and the goal of my visit.”
She turned and plugged the chip into a reader on the side of her terminal. After a quick perusal she turned back to him visibly relieved and said, “With a few modifications, we can approve your proposal. First, the only energy consumption allowed on-planet is solar-generated electricity. Therefore you will not be able to use your speeder. We can provide you with an electric-powered land crawler for your trip out to the temple. Unfortunately, it’s over 150 kilometers there so your itinerary will be at least a week longer than planned.”
Jon inwardly grimaced at that information but remained quiet.
“Second,” she continued. “We do not have the authority to grant you access to the temple itself. For that, you will have to negotiate with the local tribe that resides in that area - the Kielbasa.”
Jon refrained from making any sausage jokes; things were going badly enough already.
“So let me get this straight,” he began. “I have to creep across the sand dunes in an antiquated vehicle and negotiate with a primitive tribe when I get there. Any other good news?”
Katie smiled and said, “No, that’s about it; except, you don’t cross the dunes. Their shapes are wind blown and so fragile blowing a breath on them will cause a sand slide. Trying to cross a dune, the crawler would simply sink into the depths of the loose sand and I would never see you again, Jon Burke.”
From her grin, Jon wasn’t so sure she didn’t think that would be a good thing.
“You have to stay on the firmer sand in the valleys between the dunes. It creates quite a winding trip which is why it takes so long to reach the valley of the temple. Maps are useless because the dunes shift almost constantly. Your crawler will be equipped with a landsat receiver that will provide up to date images of the dunes with which you can plot your course. Be sure to update it frequently and especially each morning or you may find yourself trapped in a sand canyon with no exit.”
Things just keep getting better and better, Jon thought. “It sounds quite harrowing. Perhaps I could persuade you to come along... as my guide.”
Katie leaned back and cocked her head to the side as if considering the ramifications of that proposal all the while giving Jon a long look from head to toe and back up to his head.
“As tempting as that offer might be,” she responded leaning forward and looking up at him through batted lashes, ‘“we have a strict non-interference policy. That means,” she continued standing up, “if you anger the Kielbasa and they decide to have you for brunch, we won’t be riding in to rescue you. Got it?”
Jon gave her a smirk and quipped, “So that means no guide?”
She returned the smirk and said "That's right... no guide. We'll bring a crawler out to your ship for you to load up. Oh, and Jon Burke... if you actually survive and make it back - look me up"