Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Adventures of Space Dog (Open to Anyone)

Blake shrugged his shoulders. More alcohol? She got it. He handed the flask back to her.

"Keep it, sweetheart. I got plenty more back at my place."

The Comedian furrowed his brow slightly at the night. Cheated, eh? That sucks.

Blake reached out and patted Crix's back lightly, trying to comfort her.

"There, there. He doesn't know what he's missing out."

Eddie looked to his right. A group of leather clad men, Human, came through, laughing up a storm at some comment their ringleader said. The Comedian and the leader both looked at each other at the same time, and it clicked in Eddie's mind who these guys were just as the guy's face smiled, face tattoos and piercings stretching into a sadistic grin.

Underworld swoop gangs. Joy.

The gangs in this area had gotten fairly rowdy lately, beating and mugging whoever they found on the streets. This just happened to be one of those gangs.

Blake cracked his neck in anticipation while the criminal began to whisper quickly to his fellow gangsters. It had been too long since he had worked to take down scum like this.

It would be a pleasure to do so.

"Stay here, and don't move. I'll do the work, you just watch. I'm here to protect you, remember?"

The Comedian had whispered this to Crix before rising. The gang of 8 or more guys were already advancing, knives and chains ready.

"Woah! Looks like we got a fighter, boys! Let's hurt him real slow."

The leader had said this, drawing chuckles from the criminal element around him. Blake sneered and replied, with an ounce of malice.

"Only one who's gonna be fightin' tonight is you, in a hospital, for your life."

Damn, that was a one-liner he would've spat out back in the day.

The guy laughed, brandishing a rather large and nasty looking knife.

"We'll see about that, big boy. Hope your girlfriend over there has enough credits for your funeral. Nah, I think we'll move on to her after we're--"

The Comedian hadn't given him time to respond, instead grabbing the wrist of the arm holding the knife and punching him square in the face.

The fight started.

[member="Crix Aigee"]
[member="Edward Blake"]

One minute, Eddie was comforting her about her breakup and adding to her imboozement, and the next minute they were attracting the attention of some scary-looking fellows walked out onto the road. Crix barely had time to process their arrival and the threat before Eddie was telling her to stay put.

Hell yeah she was gonna stay put! Even as intoxicated as she was, there weren't enough credits in the world that were going to get the Mirialan to go up against a bunch of beefy jarheads with just a pistol. And a teensy pistol at that.

Yup, just gonna stay here, she thought, as Eddie and the gang exchanged words. Just gonna sit here, stay, pretend to be invisible, all's good with the world. Yup.

Being invisible went out the window the moment her new guardian landed a blow. "Whooooo wee!" she whooped, fistpumping the air. "Get 'em cooooooooooowboy!"

This continued on, with Crix offering drunken words of encouragement every time Eddie landed a blow, and cringing in sympathy when he was hit. It wasn't soon, though, before her hollers attracted the attention of a rather wiry member of the gang, who broke away from the fight and began to stalk towards her, a rather lecherous grin on his face.

Uh oh. The merchant awkwardly scrambled to her feet, clutching the empty bottle of rum in one hand and the almost-empty bottle of juma in the other. Even standing, her balance wasn't the best, and she struggled to focus on her new adversary.

Holding the empty jug up like it was a lightsaber, Crix attempted to strike a defiant pose. "Yo ho hooooooooooo an' a bottle of ruuuuum!" she screeched, stumbling forward. She made a swing at the gangman, landing a lucky strike across the jaw before losing her balance completely. As he swung back, she crashed to the ground, dropping both bottles and breaking the rum.

"You little chit," he spat. "You broke my fething tooth!" He charged forward, grabbing Crix by the wrists and hoisting her up roughly.

Up 'n at 'em, she thought bleakly. "You're hurting me," she cried out. "Lemme goo!" The woman then began to kick and wriggle, making it as difficult as possible to keep a good grip on her.
Eddie had broken the nose of the ringleader, bringing him to the floor before violently kicking him in the chest with his steel-toed boot, drawing the satisfying crunch of breaking ribs.

That felt good.

A chain was swung at Blake's head. He ducked, feeling the whoosh of the cold steel above him before throwing a palm strike to the gamgster's throat. His trachea collapsed, and then he was down.

The Comedian whipped out a combat knife and got to work, calling on his professional experience to get the job done as relatively nonlethally as possible. Fingers went flying and survivable stab wounds were dealt, and the remaining men dispersed, fleeing into the night cursing and nursing their wounds.

Blake took a deep breath, flicking the blood off of his knife, then turned back to Crix, who he heard hollering. A lanky, leather-clad thug was grappling her, trying to wrestle the Mirialan. He heard her cry for help, and this enraged Eddie.

The Comedian grabbed the back of the guy's jacket, hoisting him up in the air effortlessly before throwing him into a wall. A resounding thud was heard as his body smacked the hard stone and fell to the cold alleyway. Blake quickly walked up to the stunned thug and kneeled down next to his head, then proceeded to punch his head into the ground. The force of the blow made the wiry scum's head rocket into the rough pavement. A sound like a melon being dropped resonated, and he was still.

Eddie looked around once more at the scene. Downed gangsters littered the floor, either groaning or lying there quietly. He made his way back to Crix, putting an arm around her drunken self, shrugging off a chilled feeling he was getting in that specific arm.

"You ok, sweetheart?"

Holding her up, the Comedian slung her arm around his broad shoulders, supporting her as he lead them out of the alleyway. This was a mess, and Eddie wanted to get out of here as soon as possible, since this would probably be on the news tomorrow morning.

Crix's hand accidentally brushed Blake's bicep, and he winced. There was a rather large cut that he hadn't noticed yet, no doubt caused by a knife, a lucky shot.

So that's why his arm felt cold.

Blood was dripping out of him rather quickly. Damn. Just from where the woman touched him left her hand coated in a thin layer of blood. He had to get somewhere where he could patch himself up quickly. Eddie felt fine for now, but he knew once the adrenaline wore off, he'd start to really feel the pain.

And from then, with the amount of blood flowing out of his arm? He didn't know how long he had to dress the wound.

"Hey, uh, Crix, you have a place nearby?"

Blake wanted to drop her off already, then patch himself up. Hm, she was a textile merchant. Hopefully Crix had some spare clothes or fabrics she wouldn't mind bloodied up a bit...

[member="Crix Aigee"]
[member="Edward Blake"]

Crix was sitting on ground, her mouth slightly agape as she watched Eddie beat up her attacker. There were no whoops and hollers for this fight -- her attacker didn't stand a chance. It almost scared her, seeing him fight like that. And the noise of the gang member's head hitting the pavement didn't sound pretty.

"Uh....yeah, yeah..." Whether it was from enclose encounter with violence or Eddie's own display of his capacity, the Mirialan was shaking, her brain functioning in "alcoholic stupor". " he....?"

The man hoisted her up, and she felt something wet get on her hand. Frowning, she looked, and any lingering thoughts on the previous scenario were wiped away. "Blood!" Crix squeaked. "You have blood! You're bleeding!" For some reason, him bleeding was something which she found hard to wrap her head around, so it took her a few seconds to comprehend his question.

"What...? Oh, uh....yeah.... m'ship..." She mumbled off the location, stumbling as she tried to focus on that and walking straight. "Lez go."

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