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Approved Species Aesomtil

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Carliah Dakrone

Walking the Path to Redemption
Image found here:

Name: Aesomtil
Designation: Semi-sentient
Homeworld: Deleritas
Language: Aeso
Average height of adults: 27.5 meters from nose to tail tip
Skin color: Grey
Scale color: Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Black, Brown
Breathes: Type 1

  • Extremely Large

  • Can fly

  • Extremely hard scales that protect them from most vibroswords and other weaker weapons (basically anything that isn’t a lightsaber or high powered blaster)

  • Long talon-like claws and large powerful jaws

  • Large size can make reaching certain locations difficult

  • Requires a large amount of food to be able to function. Can starve within a matter of days if unable to consume roughly 50% of it’s body weight.

  • Weak to lightsabers and blasters as it’s scales offer very little protection from such weapons

  • Extreme sensitivity to cold, extremely cold temperatures will put it in a hibernation-like state that leaves them vulnerable

  • There is a patch of scaleless skin where each foreleg joins the body that if pierced will swiftly kill an Aesomtil as there are numerous blood vessels located in those areas.

  • Large scales

  • Wings

  • Talon-like claws about 2 meters in length

  • Dragon-like appearance
Average Lifespan: 100 years

  • Vesanian Aesomtil (Blue, Green, Orange)

  • Tesanian Aesomtil (Purple, Black, Brown)
Estimated Population: Only about 50 left on Deleritas, roughly 15 in Vesania and 35 in Tesania

  • Ijunkai

  • Qiknal

  • Calbolg

  • Nioam

  • People (in some cases)
Communication: roars, snorts, low growls
Culture: Though largely solitary, the Aesomtil will, once every ten years or so, find a mate. Males scout out for a ready female; if there is more than one male, they fight each other in a great free-for-all until all but one is dead or has submitted. After mating, the female lays a clutch of eggs, and the male leaves once they hatch. Unfortunately, due to their size, the female may occasionally crush an egg, and with both the small number of eggs and the low survival rate of their young, their numbers have dwindled to the point of extreme rarity. Only around fifty remain.
Technology level: Most tech is too small for them, so they haven’t learned to use it.
General behavior: Live in caves or large, rocky gullies. Mostly solitary creatures, only really leaving their dens to hunt. They typically swoop down and grasp their prey in their large talons, carrying them off to their lair when they small their catch on the ground, breaking their bones before consuming them. It’s simple to tell where an Aesomtil lives as their will be large piles of bones surrounding the den.
History: The Aesomtil is a naturally occurring creature on Deleritas. They are creatures of legend and the inspiration of the Watanagashi festival in the Tesania region of Deleritas. These large dragon-like creatures are rumored to have destroyed whole villages of Calbolgs before the Maz-Ko-Toe discover Deleritas and began organizing massive hunting parties for these creatures. These hunting parties usually consisted of between 40 and 50 people. They succeeded in hunting the Aesomtil to the brink of extinction, though these fearsome creatures are slowly being brought back on wildlife preserves now that advanced technology has provided more ways to defend towns and cities from these creatures.
Notable Player-Characters: None
Intent: To create a more dramatic natural enemy for the people of Deleritas and for possible use in events on the planet and for the Vitae.

*Not all species in their diet have been subbed yet, because I can't flood the Codex with 8 subs at a time, but they will all be subbed at some point over the next few weeks hopefully.


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Carliah Dakrone said:
Designation: Sentient
My only issue that from what I'm reading, they don't exhibit properties of a Sentient species.
Bump this down to at least 'Semi-Sentient' and we'll be good to go.
[member="Carliah Dakrone"]
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