It was time for Tempest to take the next step in her life. As a Knight of Kerrigan! Oh, wait, no such order existed.
And so the soon-to-be Knight found herself in the gymnasium, which had often been used by Siobhan for Tempest's education. Truth be told, for a long time Siobhan had not considered herself a teacher. Her own training had mostly consisted of learning by doing, which was a nice euphemism for the school of hard knocks. The only one she had accepted as a master was Adril Tythorin. Still, somehow she had ended up training students here and there over the years, though for the most part those relationships had been ad hoc and not lasted for long. Tempest was the one she accepted as her one true apprentice. The one who could be said to be her legacy just as she was Adril's.
As it turned out the ceremony was rather informal. Aside from Siobhan, Tempest would find Tegaea and Chesna in the hall, along with some of the servant girls. Valriya had obviously not been invited. The same applied to Eyrecae since she and Tempest could not stand each other!
Siobhan gave her a student an encouraging smile as she entered the room. The Countess was sitting upon a throne along with her wife, but once Tempest was in she arose gracefully and approached her. Well, actually it was not that gracefully because she was leaning very strongly on a cane and the limp afflicting her was terribly obvious, but she was still making an effort to appear strong and proud despite the strain it was evidently causing her . She was wearing a flowing blue robe over shiny looking leather boots. The robe was probably a good deal less covering than the brown ones Jedi traditionally wore, but no kiddies should be harmed. Siobhan's two most eye-catching weapons were still prominently poking against the soft silk fabric of her robe. Likewise she wore an ornate silver ring.
"Welcome, Tempest," she said warmly. Most interestingly a part of the training hall was obscured by a long black curtain. All the training dummies and such had been removed for the occasion. "My dear wife, my friends, sisters of the Third Pillar. Tempest has been my apprentice for a bit less than a year, but in that time has displayed great fortitude, courage and skill. She has come a long way since she was freed from slavery on Dahomey. She followed me into danger when it would have been easier for her to walk away...and saved me from certain death. We're not Jedi - they don't have fun in their lives - but it's my responsibility and pleasure to welcome her on the next step in her life and confer upon her the rank of Knight." At that she reached out to stroke through Tempest's white hair and gave the girl a kiss. "Thank you for everything," she said softly, placing her hand on her shoulder.