Adelle Bastiel
"I don't know," she rasped. The episode had drained her of any fight she'd had left, left her feeling empty and hollow. "I just . . . I don't want to lose what I already have."
Adelle flopped over onto the ground, cringing at how pathetic she must look but too tired to do anything about it. "There wasn't a Family in my past. There was Krayt. There was Rizala. And there was me. There were tasks. Drugs. Rewards. Punishment. I lost nothing. I had nothing. Until I ran. Ran until I couldn't." She barked a harsh laugh. "Can't even remember why."
She finally pushed herself into a sitting position. If they were going to talk about this, they might as well talk about it. "I woke up in a medcenter with hazy memories and nothing else. Doctors brought strangers in and told me they were my parents. My whole life, all that I remembered, was a lie. My mom, she— do you know what it's like to be suddenly told you matter to someone? After a lifetime of being worthless? Expendable?
"Does Na'an?"
Adelle flopped over onto the ground, cringing at how pathetic she must look but too tired to do anything about it. "There wasn't a Family in my past. There was Krayt. There was Rizala. And there was me. There were tasks. Drugs. Rewards. Punishment. I lost nothing. I had nothing. Until I ran. Ran until I couldn't." She barked a harsh laugh. "Can't even remember why."
She finally pushed herself into a sitting position. If they were going to talk about this, they might as well talk about it. "I woke up in a medcenter with hazy memories and nothing else. Doctors brought strangers in and told me they were my parents. My whole life, all that I remembered, was a lie. My mom, she— do you know what it's like to be suddenly told you matter to someone? After a lifetime of being worthless? Expendable?
"Does Na'an?"