Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Staff Age of Chaos - Mandates


"Legends never die
They become a part of you.
Every time you bleed for reaching greatness,
relentless you survive."

Link for the lazy:

Archival Alliance
"Whatever possession we gain by the sword cannot be sure or lasting." -Alexander the Great
Strength: Whenever an Invasion is declared by or against a bordering Major Faction, this Major Faction may join it as a third competitor and will be considered in Victory Judgement.

Carrion Fields
"And the dead bodies of this people will be food for the birds of the air, and for the beasts of the earth, and none will frighten them away." -Jeremiah 7:33
Strength: When another Major Faction is recalled a second time, if it has more hexes than this Major Faction, this Major Faction will be provided the option to swap influence clouds.
Weakness: If two or more Major Factions possess this Mandate and choose the same viable targeted Influence Cloud in any given period of time, an Invasion thread must be launched on the recalled Major Faction's Capital Hex to choose the victor with all valid Major Faction's that possess this Mandate invited to join.

Contagious Assault
"Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories." -Art of War
Strength: When this faction invades, it can choose an additional neighboring hex that will be included in the invasion. This cannot be a capital hex.

Chaos Swarm
“Our torments also may in length of time become our elements.” -Paradise Lost
Strength: Any Invasion launched against or by this Major Faction mutates into a Rebellion, and may opt to add successfully deleted hexes to it's Influence Cloud if declared Victor.
Weakness: Major Factions that border this Major Faction's Influence Cloud may join Rebellions.

Fortress Worlds
"A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!" -Richard III
Strength: This Major Faction may designate up to three hexes that count as a capital for purposes of invasions. These hexes must be listed on the Mandate page and can only be changed every 60 days.
Weakness: This Mandate may only be possessed by Major Factions with 7 or more hexes in their Influence Cloud.

Grasp the Void
“Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it.” -Macbeth
Strength: This Major Faction gains the ability to submit an additional 2 Dominions per month which are subject to Rebellions.
Weakness: Hexes in this Major Faction's Influence Cloud that border other Influence Clouds are vulnerable to Rebellions.

Hybrid Support
"In a gentle way, you can shake the world." -Gandhi
Strength: Other Major Factions, if prior approved by this Major Faction's Owner, may join this Major Faction's Dominions and submit them as Junctions.
Strength: This Major Faction may designate up to three hexes outside of it's Influence Cloud that count as a Major Faction Capital hexes. These hexes must be listed on the Mandate page and can only be changed every 60 days.

Manifest Fleetocracy
"It is a blessing for a man to have a hand in determining his own fate." -Edward 'Blackbeard' Teach
Strength: Invasions and Rebellions this Major Faction partakes in have a 5th Victory Condition: Fleeting. The winner of this Victory Condition is not determined by the amount of ships, fleets, admirals, or battles won or highest scores tallied. The winner of this Victory Condition will be determined by subjects such as, but not limited to, the actions of individuals and groups in naval scenarios, the use of ships, space stations, or other Fleet elements in play for the story's narrative. The determination and strategy of each Faction is not usually the deciding factor, but rather how it impacts the story as it unfolds and is influenced by the actions of each Faction, and how engaging it is towards the collaborative writing scene for all writers involved. For example, the Millenium Falcon can win this Victory Condition against an entire fleet of Star Destroyers and a Death Star.

Rampant Frontier
"One needs a vision of the promised land in order to have the strength to move." -War and Peace
Strength: In the place of Dominion threads, this Major Faction may submit four quality unique Codex Location submissions by four unique writers completed that month to the Map Update thread.
Weakness: This Major Faction may not submit more than one Dominion thread a month.
Weakness: This Major Faction may not submit more than 12 Codex Location submissions to the Map Update thread a month.

Rapid Expansion
“No, no! The adventures first, explanations take such a dreadful time.” -Alice in Wonderland
Strength: This Major Faction may claim a fourth Dominion per month.
Weakness: All Dominions started by this Major Faction are vulnerable to Rebellions.

Relentless Horde
"If you had not committed such great sins, God would not have set a punishment like me upon you." -Genghis Khan
Strength: This Major Faction may invade two different Major Factions simultaneously.
Strength: This Major Faction may submit a completed Invasion thread as a Dominion to the Map Update thread to claim an unrelated hex.
Weakness: At any point while this Mandate is active, Major Factions on the map may not move or change their Capital Planets.

Vox Populi
"If you want something you've never had, you must do something you've never done." -Thomas Jefferson
Strength: This Major Faction may start Rebellions on any hex on the map as if it were a Minor Faction. Hexes won and adjacent to this Major Faction's Influence Cloud may be gained in this manner.
Weakness: This Major Faction may only start a Rebellion once every 30 days.
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I absolutely adore these. There’s something engaging and exciting for everyone here.
Looking forward to seeing these in use!
Relentless Horde
"If you had not committed such great sins, God would not have set a punishment like me upon you." -Genghis Khan
Strength: This Major Faction may invade two different Major Factions simultaneously.
Strength: This Major Faction may submit a completed Invasion thread as a Dominion to the Map Update thread to claim an unrelated hex.
Weakness: At any point while this Mandate is active, Major Factions on the map may not move or change their Capital Planets.

Tefka Tefka

I'm probably just misreading here, but does this mean that if say CIS had this selected as a mandate, then other major factions are not allowed to change their capitals or is the CIS not allowed to change it's capital?

I'm liking these new mandates though.
I am confused by the second strength of the Hybrid Support. Is that stating that a faction can control hexes outside of its influence cloud? If so, does that not link back the the discussions that have been held on colonization type maps, where factions can have influence clouds that are in multiple places across the galaxy? Or would they be a more informal claim.

Like, if the Mandalorian Union decided to make Csilla a capital hex outside our influence cloud, would we that be added to the worlds we control, or how would it operate on the map.

Tefka Tefka
if they're watching anyways
Hybrid Support
"In a gentle way, you can shake the world." -Gandhi
Strength: Other Major Factions, if prior approved by this Major Faction's Owner, may join this Major Faction's Dominions and submit them as Junctions.
Strength: This Major Faction may designate up to three hexes outside of it's Influence Cloud that count as a Major Faction Capital hexes. These hexes must be listed on the Mandate page and can only be changed every 60 days.

1. Does the Dominion have to reach a greater post count for approval if used as a Junction?
2. Can the Major Faction with this mandate still launch a normal Junction thread?
3. Can a Major Faction who joined the other Major's Dominion still launch a normal Junction thread?
4. Can a Major Faction join multiple Dominions of the Major Faction with this mandate?
I am confused by the second strength of the Hybrid Support. Is that stating that a faction can control hexes outside of its influence cloud? If so, does that not link back the the discussions that have been held on colonization type maps, where factions can have influence clouds that are in multiple places across the galaxy? Or would they be a more informal claim.

Like, if the Mandalorian Union decided to make Csilla a capital hex outside our influence cloud, would we that be added to the worlds we control, or how would it operate on the map.

Tefka Tefka

It would not gain your influence cloud, no. But it would be treated as a Capital hex, therefore gaining the immunities that Capital Hexes give.

Hybrid Support is all about sacrificing your own wants and needs as a Major Faction for the bigger picture. Very useful in alliances or diplomatic situations with other Factions.
1. Does the Dominion have to reach a greater post count for approval if used as a Junction?
2. Can the Major Faction with this mandate still launch a normal Junction thread?
3. Can a Major Faction who joined the other Major's Dominion still launch a normal Junction thread?
4. Can a Major Faction join multiple Dominions of the Major Faction with this mandate?

1. Gray area. The other faction has to claim it according to Junction rules, but the Hybrid Support faction may just claim it as a Dominion.
2. Yes.
3. No.
4. Yes, but it can only claim one as a Junction.

Sun-Shin Tae

For clarification on the codex mandate

Would we be gaining three hexes by this method?

12 Quality Codex Subs = 3 Hexes
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It only has to be 4 unique writers per map update thread post.

So if your Major Faction has 4 dudes who love doing Codex subs, you're set for life.
Thanks for the clarification! One last quest though, for now. Would the location subs need to be for the hexes you are trying to gain via map update, or just within the territory you currently occupy with your influence cloud?
Vox Populi
"If you want something you've never had, you must do something you've never done." -Thomas Jefferson
Strength: This Major Faction may start Rebellions on any hex on the map as if it were a Minor Faction. Hexes won and adjacent to this Major Faction's Influence Cloud may be gained in this manner.
Weakness: This Major Faction may only start a Rebellion once every 30 days.


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