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Junction Age of Empires | EE (Empty Hex) + AC (Makem Te) + NIO (Velmor) Junction

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Cleanse the Temple; release and heal the souls
Location: Dark Temple, Dromund Kaas
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz
Ashlan Crusade: Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural
[ Preliator ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina waited patiently until Scipio had finished receiving and sending the data about the task. She saw what tactics could be used in a given situation; she used to deal with such things on a regular basis at home, against demons. The Valkyrja was glad that, at least in Realspace, no one wanted her to be a warlord. As always, she thought she didn’t want to go to war against the living. For her, it was plenty enough to do all this against the demons. Eina's resources and strength were also finite, no matter how strong she always seemed, she could get tired too.

And yes, to be successful in two worlds at times was very stressful, even for her. But she couldn’t say no when someone asked her for help. And she loved Gei, and she loved Heinrich and Isla like her siblings, she couldn't just turn her back on them. So Eina tried to be successful in both places; so far it seemed to have succeeded. She nodded at the man's words, and then even she spoke.

"There is also an Eternal Imperial team out there, the Hellhounds. Don't you mind if I wait for you and I go with you and with the Deus Company?" she still asked kindly.

She watched the man for a few more moments, then looked in the direction of the Dark Temple. The dark side and Bogan's strength were quite strong everywhere. The Valkyrja was confident that this would be eliminated by the end of the day. Eina finally looked back at the mirialan magister.

"The place is still very penetrated with Bogan’s strength. I think it's safer if we stay together and I'm sure Ashla wouldn't want anyone to fall into Bogan's trap inside." she said.


Ziare Dyarron
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent
Objective: BYOO, Remembrance
Location: N/A; Records only
Equipment: N/A; Records only
Tag: N/A
[ New Order ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Recordings of Ziare Diarron's medical files; (ISB junior agent, COMPNOR):

"I’ve really been thinking and have been trying to think about why ever since. Why didn't they kill me? I don't know, I really don't know. They medicated me, drugged me, I had to live through all sorts of hallucinations, they tried to break my mind, that tentacle monster, the Taskmaster was trying to climb into my head. Figuratively speaking, but I had to feel it literally happened as well. I was beaten every day, my fractures did not heal properly. I spent most of my days chained tightly to a wall or strapped to a table. They did everything they could to prevent me from committing suicide again, or to break down my resistance and break me.

It made them angry, damned angry at the fact that I resisted. Whatever they did, I was much more defiant against them. Just the way I am expected to. I’m not going to lie, yes, I wished for death, I longed for it to end. But I didn’t give them that pleasure to break me. It was just a defiance I could cling to and not to disappoint the NIO or the Emperor. And I lived for the hope of being free one day.

I told them I would never serve the Maw, I would never be a slave-soldier to the Maw, I would never be The Mongrel The Mongrel 's. They can try to take my freedom, my free will, but they will never succeed. Because I will fight them for as long as I am alive. I only achieved it with my words because they became even rougher and more brutal. They didn’t let me sleep either, I was in constant pain."

"How have you been able to endure so much pain?" the doctor asked.

"If you’ve been exposed to this all your life since you were a toddler, you’ll learn how to endure it. I’m not saying I’m happy with this experience, but I think that may have been the reason I survived and I’m talking to you here now."

"I have one more question that you haven't mentioned much before. How did you escape?"

[ A long silence of at least half a minute; Ziare just looked in front of her, apparently thinking, but in the end, she shook her head. ]

"I don't know, I don't remember it…"

"You have to remember that this is perhaps the most important point in the whole therapy and in getting you healed."




Tags: Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor Domokos Gyula Domokos Gyula Lena Dracov Lena Dracov Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas
Kit: KC-47 Hybrid Strike Rifle, HH-38 "Geysa" Hybrid Pistol, Lucius-pattern Bayonet, Imperial "Hellhound" Armour Mk. I

It was lighter inside the cave and yet still she struggled to see. Switching to night-vision, Corin swept the entrance chamber alongside those of her team that had accompanied her. Fast and thorough, it wasn't long before she signalled the all clear to those still waiting outside.

Holstering her pistol, the Major pulled her rifle back up. The cave system's antechamber was wider than she had anticipated. Sound echoed back and forth as the group studied their surroundings.

A few of the Ultranaut squads under Lilanna's command followed them in, taking up what room there was left to take. "All right then," Corin began, turning to gaze down the nearest tunnel, "we'd better keep moving. Domokos. I want you on point. As for you, Lena, you can kill the magick now. We won't be needing it just yet." That was the hope anyway. Stepping up behind the big Nelvaanian, the Major swatted his shoulder to let him know they were ready.

"Let's move," she instructed. "Quietly now, quiet as the grave."

With Fenn or Lilanna on her six, Corin made her way deeper into the caves behind Domokos. Stone buttresses supported the ceiling every twenty meters or so. On every other one, a torch blazed. The flames were a strange blue colour, and the smoke they produced smelt of sulphur. Her helmet's filters siphoned off the worst of it. Beyond that, there was the ever-present stench of mildew and rot. The kind of smells one often associated with corruption.

The kind of smells you'd expect from a Sith holdout.

<<"Up ahead,">> Corin warned suddenly. <<"Looks like a stone door of sorts. And what're those sat in front of it?">> Letting the question hang, the Major pressed up past her squadmate, coming to a stop fifty or so meters from the door that sat squarely in the middle of a hollowed out chamber.

Blue torches lit the room, casting shadows over the five figures knelt before the stone. Swathed in dark clothes, and muttering to themselves, the figures paid little notice to the Hellhounds as they stopped to survey the scene. <<"Your orders, ma'am?">> Fenn whispered. Corin noted he had chosen to use comms as opposed to speaking directly. Didn't want his voice to carry, she figured. Not that she blamed him.

There was something decidedly... sinister about the figures. Corin felt her jaw tighten. <<"Something's wrong here. Something's very wrong.">> Pushing left into the chamber, her rifle trained on the kneelers, Corin felt a wave of cold wash over her as, one by one, the kneelers began to turn.

"The interlopers are here, brothers." A harsh voice rasped, the sound filling the air with dread and bile. "The Reliquary must be defended at all costs. Come. Let us show our fallen Sister the price for Betrayal. The price for Trespass!"

Rising, the five undead Sith ignited their lightsabers. The light in the room shifted, bled from blue to red to red again. Corin felt her nerves fraying as the first zombified face turned to her, its mouth open wide and drooling black ichor. She froze as it took its first step, stayed frozen for all of half a second more.

Then she opened fire.





Location: Aboard the Crimson Empress
Objective: Take part in treaty negotiations
EE: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström Belisarius Vactovion Chamdar the Hutt Chamdar the Hutt Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai
AC: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Ul-Tam-Ban
NIO: Rurik Fel Rurik Fel Akash Guul Akash Guul

Once again Isla listened to and admires the honesty of the Empress discussing her unpleasant diplomatic past, this was mirrored by the speech of the Baron who declared the very simple intentions of just opening a dialogue and establishing a peace, something much easier than formal alliance and treaty. She wondered how this bold move would play with an empire as ruthless as the New Imperials, and one with no true motive to forgive. The Ashlans needed allies, the NIO do not and as such may send the Eternal delegates packing. She was pleased however to see her Cardinal supporting the Empress position.

She spoke to Rurik Fel Rurik Fel , "Emperor Fel, I think the Eternal Empire have shown that they understand your reasons for distrust in them, however, the humble aims of this arrangement, to settle conflict and provide peaceful stability puts you at minimal risk of betrayal. I would not out works in The Empress mouth, nor would I seek cast doubt on your judgement. But from a purely military perspective, the New Imperial Order has very little to gain from continued hostility towards a declared enemy of the Maw. Furthermore, even if you are reluctant to enter into some binding pact that would open you to a betrayal, having their weapons pointed at your enemies would be useful as the Eternal Empire now share a long border with them." She did not doubt the Emperors truth that he felt unease, but a simple agreement that the two empires were on the same of the war was of limited risk.

After she had spoken she leaned back in her chair and gave Pietro a look of confidence in her words and she carefully slid a note from her pad to his. <<What do you think? You know Fel better than I? Man is ruthless, but is he a pragmatist too?>>

The room was abuzz with discussion, the Empire had sent numerous delegates, there were now several that she didn't recognise. She was a little concerned that the number of voices may blur the message, she was suprised to see the Empress allow so many of her subordinates attend, but it's her ship, her empire.​




Location: In the atmosphere above Dromund Kaas
Objectives: hunt down Sith fire support
Tags: Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

Personal Equipment

Piloting: Ballerina Interceptor mk ii

As Rhiza pulled up from her strafing run on the convoy, a plume of smoke bellowed behind her, she didn't know what she hit, but it went up with a large blast leaving nothing of the convoy left. A message came through from Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz .

"This is Dural, approaching from the east, preparing to engage, you have a structure 900m to your north north west that is providing coveting fire to enemy movements, picking up several emplacements heavy weapons. Dural out"

The fighter screamed overhead and Scipio would see twin smoke trails as she launched first a concussion missile, then incendiary two seconds later, she was going the shatter the building then engulf it in flame. It was a violent tactic, but very visual and had the potential to shake the resolve of other similar defenders. Scipio and his soldiers would here the two blasts and see the intense fire as the structure ignited.

The Ballerina pulled up and looped over into a new dive to approach more of the defenders, she jinked right as an anti air missile whizzed past her. It momentarily threw if her aim but she was quick to compensate and let rip along the top of the wall the Missile came from with her four laser cannons. Masonry and pieces of defender blew in all directions as she strayed around 70m of crenelated defensive wall in seconds. Her next turn was lazier as she recontact Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz

"you should very clear to advance to that wall i just lit up, I am searching for new targets. Over."


Location: Dromund Kaas
Objective: Eliminate Targets
Equipment: KC-M74S Designated Marksman Rifle | FS-18-UP2 Omega Phase Assault Rifle | Nelvaanian Longsword | Imperial "Hellhound" Combat Armour Mk. I | MP-042 "Skjöldr" Energy Shield
Tag: Corin Autem Corin Autem Lena Dracov Lena Dracov Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas
At the comment from Lena, Domokos could only let his smirk widen. "Noted" he returned simply, not wanting to take up too much time with the two prodding fun. After all, it was time to move, Corin giving her orders. Domokos was called by name, nodding as he followed alongside the squad. Some Ultranauts were tasked to fight alongside the Hellhounds, a true force to be reckoned with. The Eternal Empire had well trained soldiers as it was, but the forces moving into the abandoned temple were the best of the best as far as Domokos was concerned, soldiers better trained than anything else the galaxy had to offer.

"Copy that. Taking point" he nodded at the orders from Corin, marksman rifle ready in his hands. It would be a little more difficult using it at closer ranges, but he was trained enough to make it work or to swap out if needed. Besides, the thing would do the damage it needed to, all he had to do was breathe and make his shot count.

After a while of leading the group as quiet as humanly possible he stopped, hand raising to his side to show the others he was stopping in place. Corin had seen whatever it was he had too, the kneeling figures in front of a large door. Quietly, Domokos scoped in on them, attempting to get a clear visual. <<"Humanoid. Five targets, clear shots on all of them. No clear species">> he started explaining over radio for the group to hear, keeping his scope on them as they started to turn.

After a moment of pause, he got a clear look at their face. <<"Undead!">> he informed the others on comms, for those at the back that might not be able to see the creatures clearly, before he lined up his scope and took a deep inhale. It was clear these creatures weren't friendly, and that they had some personal business with somebody, but the reason for them being here didn't matter to Domokos.

They were an enemy of the Eternal Empire, which meant they had to die.

As soon as a shot rung out from Corin, Domokos pulled the trigger, his steady breath paying off as a clean shot blasted and the marksman rifle kicked back with heavy force, the Nelvaanian doing all he could to stop the recoil. He barely had a moment to take in and check his shot, the situation suddenly far more intense than it had been prior. Yet a part of him didn't mind, his training keeping him calm and his indoctrination giving him confidence. Now he got to kill his enemies, as he had trained to do.

Now came the fun part.

Blood Witch of Dathomir

Location: Dromund Kaas
Objective: Eliminate the targets
Equipment: Imperial "Hellhound" Combat Armour Mk. I | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | HH-38 "Geysa" Hybrid Pistol | KC-47 Hybrid Strike Rifle | Lucius-pattern Bayonet
Tag: Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor Corin Autem Corin Autem Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

As they entered the cave Lena cautiously glanced around, ensuring there was no sign of life. The sweep took little to no time, soon enough they were accompanied by squads of Ultranauts. Lena herself preferred to leave the Ultranauts out of operations, a small squad was always best. The Hellhounds were well trained enough to handle it, but she couldn’t deny the support would be helpful with the enemy they were facing.

They entered the antechamber as she once again scanned the surroundings.

"All right then," Corin began, turning to gaze down the nearest tunnel, "we'd better keep moving. Domokos. I want you on point. As for you, Lena, you can kill the magick now. We won't be needing it just yet."

Lena killed the magick as ordered, following Corin’s example she holstered her pistol and raised her rifle as they marched on deeper into the cave. Her mutated vision made it quite easy to see in the dark, and she trusted her vision more than some piece of technology. This certainly seems like a sith holdout. As she spotted the blue flames

It took a few seconds for the smell to hit her, she grimaced as she kept on following Corin and Domokos. She saw the door as they moved towards it, a strange door it was, but the figures were stranger. She heard Fenn speak, but it was drowned out by the thoughts going through her head. They were Sith! She could feel it, the dark side in them. She immediately aimed at the figures sitting on the ground, ready to fire. Domokos's analysis came over the comms seconds later.

Her jaw clenched as they began to turn from her kneeling position.

"The interlopers are here, brothers." A harsh voice rasped, the sound filling the air with dread and bile. "The Reliquary must be defended at all costs. Come. Let us show our fallen Sister the price for Betrayal. The price for Trespass!"

As the Sith began to rise, her hands and body were covered in a faint green mist, Lena realised she must have unconsciously summoned it, she was about to dismiss it when she remembered the threat standing in front of them. Ok, maybe not. She began to quietly chant words in the Dathomirian language, barely audible, though the effect it had would hopefully be great.

Suddenly Corin fired at them, and then Domokos. Lena knew it would have no effect though, and so she hung her weapon on her back and unholstered her pistol again, opening fire with her left hand as her right went to work with her magick. Then, she fired a bolt of green electricity at the Sith, not waiting for the result.


O B J E C T I V E II: Holdouts
Location: Planetside, Dromund Kaas​
Forces: 10th Ultranaut Regiment 'Oathbreakers',​

<<"Form up on me, keep your fields of fire open, keep yourself in groups of four. Switch to night-vision, and keep your heads on a swivel. You see something, call it out and mark it, our HUDs will pick it up.">>

She frowned, turning to enter the tunnel behind Corie, and signaling for her first squad to follow in behind. Giving orders like this was difficult, even more so when she had so many variables to work out. The sound of rain and the clash of lightning soon became little more than a distant murmur as the cave muffled the sounds. The green tint of night-vison flooded Lil's view, but she focused more on the darkness that seemed to linger at the edge of her senses. She didn't know the rest of the squad all that well. Lena Dracov Lena Dracov was an unknown, and as was Domokos Gyula Domokos Gyula . Regardless, Corin seemed to trust them.

The inside of the cave was much like she expected, old hand chiseled steps marked the entrance, though the confines were initially tight, after several paces it opened into a much wider space. Rain water from outside made the steps slick, the sides of the stone structures seemed like a small stream with the downpour from outside, and at the bottom of the stairs, the pooled up water spread out coat the ground floor. In a mix of mud, stone, and puddles, the squad would enter and see the stone doors ahead, five figures kneeling before the structure in a position that Lil found discomforting.

Her hands squeezed into tight fists, her senses flaring up as danger was near. While the rest of the squad kept to their firing positions, Lilanna let her rifle hang from it's strap, and pulled hard on the force. Only to see the five figures move, red blades ignited and moving to attack.

<<"Keep your distance, do NOT let them break the formation!">>

She felt like she was stating the obvious, but she had no idea how many of these soldiers had faced Sith in close combat. A saber in the midst of a squad usually resulted in an surplus of body parts hitting the ground. Lilanna had started at the rear of the squad, but as the hostiles approached, she shoved herself forward. Corie was too close to this conflict to play by the book, and as the dark energies began to manifest about the Captain, she found she was not the only one containing the force within them.


Her hands lashed out, and an eruption of black lightning erupted from her left palm. Her saber erupted from the concealed compartment on her hip, the black blade ignited in her right hand, and smacked aside a blade that had been hurled towards her squad. Her black lightning struck the target, and latched on, the energies bubbling and tearing into the target. Lilanna didn't stop there however, latching onto the fleeting energy seeping from the target, and drawing it into herself; the reward for her efforts made her stomach turn.

With one foe seemingly dispatched, she refocused her efforts on protecting the squad; though she found it a tad difficult to dodge the friendly fire from her team as she did so. As one of the undead lunged towards an Ultranaut, Lilanna made a hasty hand motion, and the Sith's saber 'mysteriously' deactivated mid leap, opening him for whoever had the faster reaction time.

There was a silent discomfort at the back of her mind however, and it was the sense that this feeling she had building in the pit of her stomach was familiar. Though, she couldn't place why.

Which only allowed that discomfort to fester into worry.

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Ziare Dyarron
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent
Objective: BYOO, Remembrance
Location: N/A; Records only
Equipment: N/A; Records only
Tag: N/A
[ New Order ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Recordings of Ziare Diarron's medical files; (ISB junior agent, COMPNOR):

" I don’t know, I really don’t have many memories of that day. I mean, not about the whole thing. From that time everything blurs, getting even more blur as time goes on. I remember the beginning much better than the end. Medications, lack of sleep, torture, pain… all blurred. I only remember flashes, not even in my dreams come out more of this. I remember three of them came into the cell where I was. They laughed, they mocked, they thought I had no strength for anything anymore. Actually… I think even I thought so.

I remember the spilling blood, the weight of the dagger in my hand, a heavy, bulky weapon. Bigger and more brutal than what I usually use or what we use in NIO. I was sick, dizzy, everything blurred. There was an irritating odour and dimness in the hallway. I remember for a few moments, greenish or just reddish lights, rising steam, dripping water. It was definitely not a very modern place.

It was hard to move, to walk, I had to lean against the wall. I remember the cold getting hotter and colder. I finally got outside, I think there were some mountains. It was snowing outside, cold. There may have been some kind of back exit. I just remember going in the snow, stars in the sky, it’s dark. Then I recovered on a boat. I don’t even remember much from the trip, I was unconscious almost all the way through the trip.

I don’t even remember who saved me, who brought me home. When I asked questions later, they said they might have been smugglers. They were just exposed to me in a medical container and then disappeared, leaving the planet. That's it, I don't remember more. At the hospital, the doctors said that these memories might never come back, so my mind protects me. Honestly? It is possible I really don't want to remember it.

I don't even remember too much of the first two weeks at home in Bastion, even there, even though I was already with myself and safe, in safe hands. Away from the Maw. It took me weeks to recover and I even had memory losses of that time. Over time it got better, of course, doctors say the trauma caused it, and it’s all perfectly normal. But they also said I had to come to you to talk about it. Standard protocol…

I just want a normal life, that is, one that is relatively normal, the kind of life I got from my superiors when the NIO occupied my planet, freed me from Sith rule, and joined COMPNOR.

Maybe I want too much?"



The first shot was fired, a disruptor bolt vaporizing its victim from their armor and flesh. Not a trace left behind, all that would be honored would be the memories they imprinted on others. Purging at its absolute form in the physical plane of existence.

The drones reacted and retaliated as efficient as they could, though they were hopeless against this ambush that sprung up on them. All they could do was fight and die, die without a coffin for their bones. Servants and pawns of the Dark Side shouldn’t have the honor of having one.

Had the Force not been nulled, he would’ve pushed the drones with a powerful wave from the Force and have them slaughtered from their disadvantaged positions. As much as he was cut off from the Force, so was anyone adept with it. A greater handicapped to a defeated, yet insolent foe.

The first drone was sliced with ease, cutting through their flesh and organs by his lightsaber. The second one managed to tackle Simon to the ground, causing the old man fall on his back and wrestle with his enemy. His hands reached for their face, wanting to stab their sockets with his thumbs. A cruel way to incapacitate someone, though little it did to discomfort him. He left the drone screaming from his blinding pain, surely a Black Hand would want the glory of disintegrating the poor drone.

“Clear the vicinity! We’ll regroup afterwards,” collecting his lightsaber from the ground, not hesitating to rush into battle. Old bones would not impede his ability to fight.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Try to make some kind of deal with NIO with the help of the Ashlan Crusade which is normalise relations between the factions.
Location: Aboard the ENS Crimson Empress, orbit around Dromund Kaas
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Eternal Imperials: Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström | Belisarius Vactovion | Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai | Chamdar the Hutt Chamdar the Hutt
Ashlan Crusade: Ul-Tam-Ban | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici
New Imperials: Rurik Fel Rurik Fel | Akash Guul Akash Guul
[ Valhalla Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

She waited in silence and let the others speak. For her, the Third Civil War had disappeared into the past, it had taken place centuries earlier. Ingrid did what she had to; the only thing she really always regretted and regretted was that she didn’t work faster and she wasn’t the one who bled out the Sith Empire. It would certainly have been the culmination of her career as an agent and spy. But there were things that could not be talked about that had to be kept secret, only the huge and accumulated files reveal these.

She nodded a little, barely noticeably, at Overseer's words. She may have been immersed in her own thoughts, but she paid attention to the others nonetheless. It was not difficult to divide her attention in two. However, her thoughts were disturbed by what the Black Knight thought who was sitting near to her. It was quite confusing and loud that the man kept thinking that he wanted the woman to hear it. Ingrid didn't look in his direction; she did not betray this little interlude. The red-haired woman was still watching Rurik, motionless.

~ The NIO is not anti-Force, there are groups in their ranks, yes. I know some of them personally, but that doesn’t mean everyone is. The Imperial Knights are no doubt not anti-Force, only anti-Darksiders. I agree with the rest of your words, Field Marshal, and the time will come when we can mention this. ~ she replied telepathically to Vactovion.

During her captivity, she met with senior NIO officials who shared a similar view as the Eternal Empire. But this was not true for everyone. But they had to be careful, Tacitus left behind an empire based on lies. Ingrid tried to be much straighter than her predecessor, but there were secrets she, too, had to keep to protect her people. Among other things, what they think about the Force. The truth was that the Eternal Empire hated all Force Users equally; at least the Wardens.

The woman only moved as Pietro spoke, her gaze and head turned to the cardinal's direction. She nodded a little too, thanking him for his words; after that, however, she turned her gaze back to Rurik. Fortunately, she was no longer the young woman she had been years earlier. She watched the Iron Emperor with an unflinching face, just running through the woman's thoughts for a moment to break the man's nose. Did he really talk about reputation? Rurik Fel? Who, without a word, terminated all contracts, alliances with everyone after Coruscant? At least Ingrid stuck to her goals, even though it almost caused the fall of the Eternal Empire. The man had a really interesting idea of the double standard…

"I see. I see there are misunderstandings here and you have half the information, Emperor." she said in a cold voice.

She looked at the woman after Isla's words for a moment, only with her eyes, not turning her head away from the other emperor. But then she looked into the man's eyes again. Allegiance; yes the woman told the NIO that her marriage to Adrian was to confirm her alliance with the TSE, that was the only lie. It was never about this. That marriage was never about the TSE and the EE, but about the two of them and the security of her own noble house. If she wanted something like that within TSE, she would have chosen Telis, who has always been stronger, more influential than Adrian. But her late husband was noble, on Serenno; that's why she chose him. And she had proof of that.

Allegiance; still Ingrid is the only one to beat TSE at the negotiating table twice. Yes, Darth Prazutis and the others wanted her allegiance, but Ingrid refused. She went there that day as a winner and left Dromund Kaas in the same way, the other opportunity would have been her death. Mutual-defensive-pact was the result, not allegiance.

"An agreement that only one person knew about and existed in mere words. Please don't be a naive or double-dealer Lord Fel. Otherwise, in my situation, would you have believed if I had told you that your predecessor had approached me for something like this and that is what the Imperator told me? We both know the answer, no. My last order was to destroy the Sith from within. I had been present in the Sith Empire for a long time as a double agent when my Emperor disappeared. As for allegiance. It was never theirs. My allegiance is my people. Yes, I needed the Sith to maintain order, the law in the Eternal Empire, and to protect them, as well as the Galaxy. They were a tool…"

She was still speaking emotionlessly.

"Has it never occurred to you or your predecessor why we didn’t take part in any of the attacks? Why was the army of the Eternal Empire not present during any of the offensive? Why did we protect civilians from both sides? No, we did not hinder you, we protected the innocent population who could not defend themselves. Yes, Byss happened… but beyond that. You know exactly how we avoided a clash with you, but even with GA, even though we were really at war with them. And you know I didn't even want to kill you, just wanted to send you back to Tavlar. You are one of the maybe half a dozen people who know the most about me, who have seen emotions, thoughts from me, which ones almost nothing know about me… but as I see it, Lord Fel, you have never tried to interpret what you have seen, felt and experienced." mondta.

Among other things, that she was not corrupt, there was no darkness in the woman despite the pain. Yes, she loved Adrian, but not the Sith. No, she didn't mean to tell anyone she betrayed someone, and it was TSE when GA attacked Ziost for the second time, Ingrid was there secretly and saved Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe 's life and took him home to Coruscant, she didn't tell anyone, that on Coruscant she saved millions of lives by teleporting Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall 's bomb to Netherworld.

"Before and after the death of Lord Vandiir, there was a reason to maintain the alliance, the Eternal Empire wanted to use the Sith Empire as a bastion against Bryn'adûl. Before his death the reason was only to destroy them, after to use them as well. That was the only two reasons. But I’m not going to explain it, I’ve done it countless times in the past and I explained it. That’s why I took prisoner of war, and worked with you and GA on everything. We never wanted peace because of TSE, but it was only the Ashlan Crusade who opened their eyes and was able to see the truth. Like you, we care about order, peace, justice. Our methods may be different, but our goals are the same, and they are the same. Now, here, there is an opportunity for us to perhaps make our methods similar and to achieve, avoid previous misunderstandings."

She added to it, but not the others anymore, she would have said these only at a younger age, and that the situation was at least as much the fault of the NIO as that of the Eternal Empire. Because the NIO tried to treat the Eternal Empire as an object and a tool and they were offended, because the Eternal Empire was not informing the NIO about their own actions.

Fortunately, she was no longer that young person who would have said that words out loud what she thought recently about what happened on the last NIO and EE meeting, because she would have provoked a war with her words; even though the opposite was the case she wanted to achieve here, to put it right the relationships with the NIO, after all, she had some allies amongst their ranks...




G R A N D _ M O F F
Saigo's fingers tapped against each other as his eyes glanced from the Baron to the Ashlan Prime Minister and then to the Empress L'lerim as each took a turn to talk. His eyes slightly widened in disbelief at the words of the Empress before they settled back to their usual calculated state.

"I would suggest saving the 'secret double-agent' rhetoric for your subjects, Empress L'lerim. Whether that is indeed true or not matters little to the Empire - it is actions that define us, not words." he said, voice steeled with composure, "Clearly if the Sith had been victorious in the Great War, I would've presented a similar case like yours to the Zambranos but I digress."

He turned to the Baron next, "Now, Baron, my understanding is that the topic at hand is normalizing the relations between our two states and as such I merely echo the sentiments of the Emperor -- what assurances can be provided to the Empire? Words are not going to have the intended effect."

EE | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström | Belisarius Vactovion
AC | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici |@Isla Draellix | Ul-Tam-Ban
NIO | Rurik Fel Rurik Fel

Alternate Location: Abandoned Sith ruin near southern Pole
Objectives: Get back to the Marzanna
Tags: open

Velmorite bladed lightsabers
Comm device
Blaster pistol
Rappelling line
FC-20 Speeder bike

Mairéad dropped the lifeless and unnaturally grey corpse of the man to the ground, she felt invigorated, not stronger, but not longer dieing, her arm only bled slowly now, leaving a dotting trail for blood behind her as she walked, if she was lucky she would get away witha new shoulder, but she may need the entire arm removing, it hunt limply by her side, the flesh was ragged and pieces of her humerous now lay somewhere in the snow, scorched by the blaster.

As Mairéad approached where had left her speeder bike, the pain began to return to her, the fear of dieing was receding, and with that, the barrier between her and her pain was collapsing. The injured woman slumped on to the speeder and grabbed the handlebar with her good arm, the accelerator was on the wrong side, kark! She leaned across and twisted the accelerator with her working arm, the bike lurched to one side as the twist of her center of mass told the internal gyros she wanted to turn. She let go of the accelerator and screamed. The force had forsaken her today.

She closed her eyes and concentrated deeply, fighting herself through the pain and feeling the force around the accelerator, her fine control Telekinesis was poor, but she managed to move the handle just enough for the bike to east forward. She leaned slightly, turning it toward Marzanna in a slow an lazy arc. The bike moved little faster than walking, but at least she wasn't walking, she just needed to keep up this concentration for another 20 minutes, she could channel her anger or despair to give herself more power, but then risked cold shocking the engine of the bike, so this was her challenge, fight the pain for for a third of an hour, then key her droids drag her onto the shuttle.
Overseer of Imperial Armed Forces


TAG: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Belisarius Vactovion Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai Chamdar the Hutt Chamdar the Hutt Domokos Gyula Domokos Gyula Ul-Tam-Ban Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Rurik Fel Rurik Fel Akash Guul Akash Guul

OBJECTIVE: I - Orbital Summit

LOCATION: Audience Chamber within the ENS Crimson Empress

And so the Empress emerged. She did not hesitate to give voice to her grievances against the New Imperial Order, something that Ström had expected, but was also no less chagrined to witness. That did not mean her point was without merit, though. For the first time in his role as Overseer, he had heard his Empress speak with a freedom yet unseen. There was a fire in her eyes, as if someone was speaking so as to set the record straight after years of falsehoods or misnomers reigning supreme. He did not fault her for clarifying the record, nor for the few statements within her address that bordered on the provocative. There was a time and a place for that, yet the Baron could not help but feel as though the time was not now.

His suspicions rang true at the words of Moff Saigo. He had not quite gained the measure of either NIO representative. One’s face was literally covered in metal, the other might as well be. There was only a brief breach in the Moff’s otherwise impassive and calculating demeanor, which the Baron took as a visible cue that his Empress’s words caught him off guard. To his credit, the Moff redirected the conversation to that of what was tangible, rather than the exchange of mere words.

Reinhardt took a moment, clearly choosing his words carefully yet again. He sensed they were at a critical juncture in the discussion, and that he was positioned to directly effect the outcome of the discussion. On one hand, he did not dare contradict or undermine the position the Empress positioned herself within, but on the other – he would not see his Empire at war with yet another galactic power simply because of a botched diplomatic meeting. Regardless of the rightness of their stance over certain issues, agreements were not made based off of the rightness of one belligerent party. A wise man once said: ‘Peace was made between enemies, not friends.’ He glanced at his Empress, and said in a gentle, soothing tone: ”Surely assurances are not too much to ask for my lady. If the NIO intended to reject our proposal out of hand, I’m sure they would have left by now.” A soft chuckle escaped his lips, as if to cut through the tension rising within the room. Although Reinhardt was not, by nature, an overly jovial man; he possessed the ability to express it nonetheless. The Empress had revealed herself to be the fangs within the Imperial camp, so it fell to him to be the voice of reason.

”I would agree that mutual assurances to guarantee the intent of both parties is in order. Words are wind, but action is what matters. Thank you for reinforcing that point, Moff Saigo.” The Baron’s voice was once again, and he even went as far as to give his peer a nod in acknowledgement before continuing: ”As has been stated by several of our esteemed delegates thus far, both of our nations have more in common than may meet the eye, both in ideology and in goals. In light of that, along with the clear mistrust that still lingers between us; perhaps a formal treaty is in order between the Eternal Empire & New Imperial Order – with the Ashlan Crusade as a signatory to enforce the terms of said treaty.” He paused so as to gauge the reactions of those present. In truth, the Baron was unsure if discussions would progress to the point where a treaty could even be discussed. Yet, now they were here.

”I believe a non-aggression pact should be the basis of said treaty, wherein both parties will agree to no overt acts of aggression against either party. No infringement on the sovereignty of either nation, and no direct military actions against the other without a valid casus belli, such as in response to a preceding act of aggression. The terms would need to be discussed and ratified by all three signatories, and should either the Eternal Empire or New Imperial Order violate said terms, the Ashlan Crusade would be obligated to intervene on the side of the wronged party. We could take the agreement a step further, in establishing embassies upon the capital worlds of both nations as a mutual sign of good faith.” He met the gaze of each person as he stated the initial terms, before he concluded: ”Thoughts?”

Last edited:



Tags: Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor Domokos Gyula Domokos Gyula Lena Dracov Lena Dracov Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas
Kit: KC-47 Hybrid Strike Rifle, HH-38 "Geysa" Hybrid Pistol, Lucius-pattern Bayonet, Imperial "Hellhound" Armour Mk. I

Switching to slugs, Corin let off, short, precise bursts slicing into the undead as they charged. At this range, the former-Ultranaut could have made a headshot with her eyes closed. The Sith closest to her brought it's blade up to intercept her bullets. The molten slugs carried on their course, splashing across arms and hands, faces and throats. A few made it past the Sith's guard to tear chunks from the walking cadaver, inflicting wounds that would have been fatal to a mortal man.

And yet still the Sith drove forwards, its smile a rictus grin in the freeze-frames her rifle's muzzle flashes created. <<"By the Empire!">> Fenn cursed, adding his fire to her own as the undead gained ground, <<"why won't these things just die?!">> A good question, Corin thought, her magazine running dry as she peeled back the top of a Sith skull. The Sith in question didn't even grunt, the blows as ineffectual as they were infuriating.

Corin reloaded, driving home a fresh clip as the empty slapped the ground by her feet.

Taking aim, the Ultranaut was about to fire again when the Sith leapt. Lightning flashed in her periphery, magick prickled her skin. Throwing herself sideways, Corin had little time to think of her comrades and friends as the Sith landed where she'd stood not moments before, its blade cleaving the ground, cracking stone as ancient as the planet itself. Bringing her weapon up, Cor managed to fire off two quick bursts before the weapon was torn from her hands. An unseen Force pushed her backwards off her feet, slammed her hard against the nearest wall.

Something inside her popped and shattered. Pain consumed her, tossed her down to the floor. Through bleary eyes, Corin watched as a shadow loomed over her. Encased in red, the shadow-Sith lofted its blade high. Gritting her teeth, Corin rolled aside just in time to avoid the blade as it came down. "Stubborn, this one," the voice from before spoke, undeath stealing whatever emotion it had once possessed. "Stubborn, and Marked by the Traitor. Killing you will hurt Her, and please our Master."

Rolling shakily to her feet, the wounded Major couldn't help but shake her head in disgust. "What the feth are you on about?!" She demanded, the fight fierce around her. Dragging her bayonet clear of its sheathe, she took on a defensive, warding stance.

The Sith's rictus grin spread across its ugly features, revealing teeth black and rotted. Corin hated that smile, wanted to slice it off his face.

"Good! Let the hate flow through you!" The dead man laughed, sensing her emotions, and slashing at her head in a vertical strike. Meeting the blade with her own, Cor turned it aside. Something in her chest complained as she pushed in close to bring her helmet down on the bridge of the Sith's nose. Pallid skin sloughed away from cracked bone. The Sith writhed, tried to run its blade across her stomach, or up under her arm. Cor twisted with him, sliding two feet of phrik-coated steel in and up.

The Sith laughed as she shoved it's disembowelled corpse away. The red blade flashed towards her face, missing by inches. Pausing, breathing steadily, the Major stared wide-eyed as her foe tottered and regained its balance. "Not bad," the Deathless commented, before following it up with, "not good enough."


Pausing for what felt like the first time since the fight had started, the Sith tilted its head to study Corin. "Agreed?" It asked, a moment before Fenn's blade chopped into the back of its neck, sending its decapitated head spinning to the floor. It bounced and rolled as it hit, before coming to stop by her feet. Confused eyes stared up at the once-Ultranaut. "I'm not good enough," Corin clarified, returning the look through red-visored eyes.

"He was."




Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad

Like Simon, Aemilio was assailed by the roving drones, but the Black Hand Commander was covered in the Tenebrae's protective plating, and strength enhancing servos. As the first reached out, the Major's hands abandoned the rifle, and with the crushgaunts for gauntlets, clenched down on the wretches' wrists. His blood pumped, he didn't even hear the crunch of the decrepit being. Hands clapped inward, and the possessed soldier's cranium exploded.

At the Knight's words, Aemilio nodded, signaling the rest of the troopers forward.


Rifle back in hand, the Black Hands were on the move, most of them departing from the Templar as they raced up the steps and into the Temple. Running and firing as they came into contact with the hostiles.

<"We'll re-establish contact when the first bomb is armed.

Voidwalker out.">

Belisarius Vactovion


Belisarius Vactovion
Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud | Field Marshal of the Eternal Army
The Black Knight of Vengard


Objective: I Orbital Summit | Get the Likeminded together
Location: Crimson Empress, Audience Chamber
Equipment: Ultranaut Field Marshal Uniform, Shroudsaber (concealed)
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström , Rurik Fel Rurik Fel , Pietro Demici Pietro Demici , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Ul-Tam-Ban , Akash Guul Akash Guul

{✠} The Black Knight {✠}
<"High Nelvaanian"> | " voice " | << comm. channel >>
Post III
He heard the thoughts, the telepathic message of his liege and turned his eyes back to the imperials, not for a second lingering on the Ashlans. She was justifying the actions of the Eternal Empire in the war, the diplomatic stage in full flames now as they were trying to get on top of each other with words about past deeds and actions. Justification, explanation, elaboration, it mattered not. The matter was distrust.

Belisarius could relate to the old-enemy picture and prejudice which the New Imperials held towards the Eternal Empire. On the other hand, the case of breaking the Bastion Protocol without warning and explanation was creating a much more difficult base of thought. They had a mutual enemy, they had a mutual front and they just abandoned it. Calling the Eternal Empire untrustworthy was hypocritical at best. They broke their treaties for their very own sake.

The Field Marshal was not in an inner conflict though. Trying their luck with the New Imperials was a far better solution than sucking on the good-will of those zealots. He did not see a reason to prove anything to either side. If we offer to look past of what has happened, they can do so as well. The Sith were still there, the Bastion Protocol never having lost its actual validity, but it was ended. A more devilish tongue would imply Sith influence right there, right in the ranks of the New Imperials, but luckily no such person was present.

As for his thoughts, Belisarius would not speak up until asked. His presence here was more that of a glorified bodyguard than to actually contribute to the diplomacy. He would simply smack the heads of the children together until they understood they are siblings in the same house which is threatened by outsiders, outlanders.

And Feth, the Overseer was not fallen onto his mouth. This was too much water, too much soft-washed. It was the chatter of an old noble who believed to bring some reasoning into the midst of an emotional dispute.




"Emperor Fel, I think the Eternal Empire have shown that they understand your reasons for distrust in them, however, the humble aims of this arrangement, to settle conflict and provide peaceful stability puts you at minimal risk of betrayal. I would not out works in The Empress mouth, nor would I seek cast doubt on your judgement. But from a purely military perspective, the New Imperial Order has very little to gain from continued hostility towards a declared enemy of the Maw. Furthermore, even if you are reluctant to enter into some binding pact that would open you to a betrayal, having their weapons pointed at your enemies would be useful as the Eternal Empire now share a long border with them."

His steely eyes shifted in the direction of Isla as she spoke up in mediation, seeking to cut through the icy demeanor between the two. A tall task for the woman with which Rurik had little repore, but he listened regardless.

"There is no hostility that exists between our states." Was his only reply before shifting his attention to Ingrid once more.

It would be difficult for Rurik to admit it, but he still didn't understand the true aim of the Eternal Empire. The glossary tone of Ingrid's pattern of speaking depicted someone coping with guilt by explaining away wrong doing in moral absolutism. That they know they made a mistake, but they could not be at fault due to other circumstance and that Rurik would understand if he was privy to more information. Namely, her feelings. Something Rurik couldn't ever fathom paying more than a modicum of thought towards outside of the critical analysis of this

"I don't care about 'the complete story' nor do I care about your 'emotions' or your 'feelings'. I am the Empire. Nothing shall be put before my state and its people. I act in its interests and nothing more. None of it changes the reality that you put your people in a position of danger at odds with my own. You exposed yourself to be caught in the midst of our righteous crusade and you urged my predecessor and myself to stop our struggle in order to fight a war far from our borders. The Bryn'adul were a threat, yes, one that needed to be put down. But no less a threat than the Sith and yet you sought to put my people, my Empire at risk to side with Sith as your people did and for that 'alliance' with them. But you discovered, as they all do- that there is never an 'alliance' you can have with Sith."
Rurik iterated.

"They are not to be trusted or bargained with in any capacity, Empress. Surely you understand that now but if you wish to commence normalized relations with the Empire, that will be your policy henceforth. I believe it has been exceptions. I don't care what means of manipulation you care to act on them, the Sith are destined only to be burned in the fires of righteousness to join the darkness in being annihilated from this Galaxy." He said in reply to the Empress, regarding the Sith as they were in his mind. Parasites, vermin that need be eradicated. They were not human, they were not sentient in his mind. They were a disgusting, depraved ilk that deserved no relent. The floor then yielded to Saigo and the Baron serving as impromptu counterparts as second hands to the two sovereigns.

Saigo's sentiment was as clear as Rurik's if somehow less coldly depicted in his words and the Baron replied with his offer of reassurances.

”I believe a non-aggression pact should be the basis of said treaty, wherein both parties will agree to no overt acts of aggression against either party. No infringement on the sovereignty of either nation, and no direct military actions against the other without a valid casus belli, such as in response to a preceding act of aggression. The terms would need to be discussed and ratified by all three signatories, and should either the Eternal Empire or New Imperial Order violate said terms, the Ashlan Crusade would be obligated to intervene on the side of the wronged party. We could take the agreement a step further, in establishing embassies upon the capital worlds of both nations as a mutual sign of good faith.”

"I will not trouble the Ashlan Crusade with the anxiety of worrying that they may need to dedicate military or political resources to quell a potential spat from my Empire towards your state, Baron. I can make things very simple. Embassies shall be established as is common decorum as will an official 'ceasefire' between our nations. There is nothing that will be gained from an outright exchange of fire between us. However, if defeating the Sith is truly your aim as it is to establish trust with the Empire, then you shall abide by the permanent basing rights of Imperial Army and Navy assets within Eternal space in order to open a second front against the Brotherhood of the Maw. The potential to do so will accelerate the Imperial High Command's projections of a Maw defeat. If that is your aim, then you will allow it. If the destruction of the Sith is not your aim, then we have little more to discuss." Rurik specified.



Pietro Demici: Cardinal of Ashla

Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Ul-Tam-Ban, Nol Akkos

NIO: Rurik Fel Rurik Fel , Akash Guul Akash Guul

EE: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström , Belisarius Vactovion, Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai , Chamdar the Hutt Chamdar the Hutt


Age of Empires

The negotiations were going more smoothly than anticipated, despite the tense air that lingered about the room. Pietro expected the tension to be even more palpable, yet somehow they were managing to move the proceedings along without significant incident. The machinations of politics were always a tightrope, however, and should one misstep, the fallout would be significant. As such, Pietro let the other delegates say there peace as he sat quietly in his seat. There were obvious truths here, namely the threat of the Maw. Yet, such realities weren't always enough to bring nations to stabile relations, and in the case of these two empires, there were many question marks left to be addressed. As Isla slipped him the note, Pietro took a moment to write one in return, taking care to make sure it remained away from the prying eyes of others.

<<In truth, I knew his predecessor better. I can say that Fel is a man of singular vision and unwavering determination. If he deems this a benefit to his empire, then I expect he will see it through.>>

That was a big if, of course. It was no secret that the New Imperials could stand on their own; their efforts against their enemies thus far had proven as much. A galactic superpower such as them would have little need for allies. Nevertheless, relations with the Eternal Empire had their merits, as Pietro had seen himself. Their position near the Maw was something that could work to their advantage, should they seize the opportunity. After passing the note back to the Grand Admiral, Pietro stood once again.

"The Ashlan Crusade will do as it sees fit, as we always have, through the eyes of Ashla. Our actions will remain our own. This being said, we too see the benefits of establishing another front against the Maw, and as the Eternals know, have already begun preparations for such an offense. I support Emperor Fel's proposal to grant his forces the ability to assist on that front. Should the Eternal Empire choose, we would be willing to work closely with the Fel and his forces in this regard, and share our assets in the region to minimize the cost on all involved parties."


Blood Witch of Dathomir

Location: Dromund Kaas
Objective: Eliminate the targets
Equipment: Imperial "Hellhound" Combat Armour Mk. I | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | HH-38 "Geysa" Hybrid Pistol | KC-47 Hybrid Strike Rifle | Lucius-pattern Bayonet
Tag: Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor Corin Autem Corin Autem Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Domokos Gyula Domokos Gyula

Lena continued her fire on the Sith as one approached, the Sith struggling to move forward with the weight of the electricity going against his lightsaber, she shot a few shots at the approaching Sith with her pistol, the Sith barely managing to deflect it. Then suddenly, she shot him in the knee out of his lightsabers reach, it did damage, but the Sith was unfazed. "Just die already!" She muttered.

Holstering her pistol and stopping the stream of electricity being directed at the Sith, she only had moments before he was on top of him, but she was ready. Her eyes glowed green as she lifted her hands towards her enemy. This technique was mostly used for defending ones self, but it could be used on others if careful. The undead Sith crashed into the green wall as he suddenly realised he was being contained in a sphere of green energy. "You can't hold me for long!" He spoke in a raspy voice.

"But I don't have too."

She fired a quick bolt of electricity at the sphere as she softened its defences, along the bolt to enter it and strike the Sith before it could block it. With the Sith stunned she summoned her Spirit Ichor blade and charged the him, dropping the shield just as she neared him. She could see him preparing to block the attack that would no doubt come from the top, but instead she slid on the ground, slicing off his leg, then quickly recovering to decapitated her enemy from behind with grace. Before his head fell though, he spoke one last time. "My Master will see to it that you all die a painful dea-."

Lena kicked the Sith in disgust, studying it. He once might have been a great warrior, now he was just a body among dozens. She turned her attention back to the fight where she found her team mates and others fighting the undead. Suddenly, she remembered what the Sith had said, 'My Master', someone else was here. Someone they didn't want to meet.

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