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Approved NPC Ageha Profzi

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To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before

Image Debit: Ageha wearing her black robe

  • Age: 32
  • Force Sensitivity: Knight
  • Species: Nagai
  • Appearance: As with many Nagai, Ageha sports a very pale skin color, and her hair is also an item that is often noticed early. As such, she sports breast-length black, curly hair. Additional facial features include green eyes and dark red lips. Although she is not terribly slim by Nagai standards, nor overly muscular, Ageha is still a healthy 60 kg at 1.65m. Typically, for work at the Circle's office or with external parties, she will wear a black robe, with or without a cape depending on the temperature.
  • Name: Ageha Profzi (née Ponzi)
  • Loyalties: Utai Magic Circle
  • Wealth: She holds some middle-class amount of cash, but also some amount of student debt
  • Notable Possessions: A lightsaber, a black robe, a makeup set
  • Skills: Marketing (veteran)
  • Telepathy (Knight-level)
  • Mind trick (Knight-level)
  • Memory Rub/Drain Knowledge (Knight-level)
  • Telekinesis (Padawan-level)
  • Force-speed/jump (Knight-level)
  • Force-lightning (Acolyte-level)
  • Personality: Ageha will willingly talk at length with other people that seem skeptical of the usefulness of using Memory Rub and Drain Knowledge for accelerated learning, but acts aloof when with people she feels are not capable of making good use of Force-powered learning tools. She will be all too eager to download knowledge from other people when given the opportunity, and will often approach interactions with new people in terms of either what they can learn from her, or what she can learn from them. For this reason, she may seem obsessed by downloading knowledge from others. Otherwise she will nevertheless approach other people with mercenary motives.

    Ageha isn't typically one to seek direct confrontation until she has no choice left; when she doesn't have any choice left, however, she will seek to close in to be able to use her lightsaber against an opponent, if practicable.
  • Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber
  • Combat Function: As a Nagai, she is skilled in the use of bladed weapons, including but not limited to, the lightsaber. She will be relying on agility and thus Ataru is a good fit for lightsaber fights. Also, in a lightsaber fight, she will also make use of speed. However, since she is a poor shot, she is a liability when opponents have practicable ranged options to bring to bear, or at least beyond the range of Force-lightning.
  • High agility: it makes lightsaber combat easier to perform
  • Opportunistic: when she spots an opening, she will do her best to exploit it to the best of her ability
  • Poor shot: makes her an offensive liability in a ranged fight
  • Highly dependent on the Force, especially for agility

Born to a working-class family on Saijo, Ageha was trained in swordplay from a young age. In addition, she was spotted as a Force-sensitive by the Lords of the Fringe as a pre-teen. The Lords of the Fringe took it upon them to provide them Force-training as well as lightsaber training, and she proved adept at the more mentalistic uses of the Force. She thus spent her teenage years hunting monsters across Wild Space alongside their overlords, leaving the Fringe behind a girl with an education that was far from well-rounded, especially since it was centered on the Force, survival and combat training. As such, she knew it would affect her functionality among NFU society when the Lords of the Fringe were disbanded and that she could no longer partake in pest control operations. She went on foster care but she was having trouble adjusting to life among NFU society, and spent all her time trying to fill the gaps left behind by the Fringe.

As a young adult, she served the Covenant of the Black Rose until its dissolution, taking part in dark rituals of the Covenant when it required bloodletting, and serving as an executioner. She was also working temporarily among the marketing division of the Covenant, near the end of the Covenant's existence, thanks to a shortage of administrative personnel. As part of the Covenant's marketing division, she proved rather adept at marketing despite her lack of formal education in the topic. When the Covenant was defeated to the hands of the nascent Kathol Outback (which later became the ORC) and thus dissolved, she was laid off and returned to Saijo so that she could fill in the holes in her education. She did so by downloading knowledge at every opportunity, while continuing to live a rather carefree life.

A few years into her post-Black Rose life, she found herself rather unfulfilled and formally went back to school for a marketing education and, as luck (or lack thereof) has it, she was also subjected to a rather lengthy list of distribution requirements. It was while attending business school that Ageha met what would become her husband in a marketing case competition while representing their university in it. They got married upon graduation, and her new life as a marketing director in an one-person department was in stark contrast with her previous life, while her husband instead worked for a larger company in middle management among the marketing department, in a different industry.

But this life couldn't last until the Shakurans attack, killing or herding Nagai residents. After the Shakuran Empire attacked Saijo, she survived the attack and, after her last employer closed its doors in the wake of the attack, she seized an opportunity at the Magic Circle to start implementing her new idea for a service. It was perceived by the other employees of the Circle as an intellectual Ponzi scheme powered by the use of Memory Rub and Drain Knowledge. She thus started to open up an express tutoring service that promised the fastest learning to its users by having knowledge downloaded directly into the customer. Little do NFU customers know is that the process is actually Force-powered; Force-using clients would need to pay a different fee for opening the dossier from NFU clients since FUs also have the option to pay for learning Memory Rub and Drain Knowledge.

[member="Irajah Ven"] [member="Jairus Starvald"]
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