Prophet of Bogan
"Forget the lights, shoot your fething guns!" The apparent leader of the resistance cell raised his blaster and pulled the trigger, barely able to see the Sith in the dim light left behind with the main ones off. However nothing came from his weapon due to it being disabled. "Scatter!" Before he or the couple of fighters next to him could move, the lightning scorched them and threw many of them to the ground as they writhed in pain and died where they stood.
The rest of the resistance members began running around the room, taking cover or trying to find weapons that weren't disabled. Finally one of them pulled out a Vibrosword and just charged right at the Sith with his weapon held high.
Mirerea Denara
The rest of the resistance members began running around the room, taking cover or trying to find weapons that weren't disabled. Finally one of them pulled out a Vibrosword and just charged right at the Sith with his weapon held high.
Mirerea Denara