Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Ahirom Odredi


Age45 GSY
HomeworldSevarcos II
SpeciesHuman (Sevari)
Height1.80 Meters
Weight118 kg
Force SensitiveNo
VoiceJavier Bardem






Having lived in the harshness of Sevarcos' desert, Ahirom is well-adept in the skills needed to survive in desperate sitatuions. From tracking food to sourcing water in the wilds, Ahirom is the man you want in such dire straights.

Fighter: Clan Odredi is a tribe of warriors first and foremost, and Ahirom was raised from birth to fight off the various threats to spice production his fellow Sevari oversee. He has had to fight everything between the burrowing predators of his homeworld, to bandits and outlaws that seek to plunder the spice mines.


Spice Narcosis: Due the nature of Sevarcos' atmosphere being saturated with spice particles, members of the Sevari like Ahirom cannot travel without breathing spice. His people suffer from a conditon known as spice narcosis, which causes a varied effect. Namely, in Ahirom, is causes him to act more disoriented and sluggish.

Combativeness: Perhaps due to his warrior nature, Ahirom is quick to act with violence rather than settling disputes with diplomacy for the most part. The scathing conditions of Sevarcos does not leave room for one to settle things other than with the blade or rifle.

Ahirom Odredi was born on the rugged and spice-rich planet of Sevarcos II, amidst the fierce and proud Sevari people. As a member of Clan Odredi, a warrior clan devoted to the protection of the vital spice mines, Ahirom's early life was steeped in the traditions of combat and defense. His clan, respected among the Sevari for their bravery and skill, was tasked with guarding the precious resources from predatory spice worms and the ever-looming threat of raiders and thieves from other worlds.

Rising through the ranks by virtue of his prowess and keen leadership, Ahirom eventually became the chieftain of Clan Odredi. Under his leadership, the clan flourished, but so too did the dangers they faced. The encroaching Sith activity in nearby and the increasing exploitation by interstellar spice gangs, particularly the notorious Pyke Syndicate, brought new challenges. Ahirom saw the future of his people being compromised, and the survival of their way of life threatened by these darkening external forces.

In a bold move to safeguard his clan from the growing instability, Ahirom decided to relocate his people off-world. This decision led them to join the Vagrant Fleet, a collective of like-minded travelers and warriors seeking mutual protection and freedom from oppression in the galaxy. In the Fleet, Clan Odredi found a new purpose, offering their formidable combat skills to defend the fleet against pirates and other dangers. This transition marked a new chapter for Ahirom and his clan, promising them a role in a wider community while they maintained their fierce independence and warrior spirit.


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