Marcus Itera
AI Neural Interface

- Intent: To finally sub an interface that allows Marcus Itera to directly interface with his AI companion Miranda.
- Image Source: Command Neural Interface from Halo
- Canon Link: N/A
- Restricted Missions: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A
- Manufacturer: Unknown; presumed scientists overseeing Project: DREADGUARD.
- Model: N/A
- Affiliation: Marcus Itera
- Modularity: N/A
- Production: Unique
- Material: Duraplast-Desh alloy implant architecture, Pyronium-infused powercell, removable nano-quantum processing chip.
- Together, We Are One
- Hardened
- Energy Efficient
- Armor Lock
- Together, We Are One: Miranda is directly connected to Marcus's brain and nervous system, as well as his numerous cybernetic enhancements. She is capable of enhancing all of his senses to a great degree, monitoring his bodily functions and that of his implants, and providing an augmented reality overlay upon command that is comparable to ARC contacts.
- Hardened: Comprised of a duraplast-desh alloy, it is quite hardened against both EMPs and ionic based weaponry whereas a lack of this protection could quite possibly instantly kill Marcus and Miranda. The desh component adds for just a fraction of flexibility, making the implant not so stiff and seats perfectly on the cerebellum.
- Energy Efficient: Boasting an integrated powercell that is infused with pyronium, the implant is quite capable of holding energy for an exponentially long time.
- Armor Lock: One of its most unique features. It's capable of linking into Marcus's armor systems and providing both daily and tactical assistance when using gadgets and the like.
- [+] Two Minds: While Marcus is wholly just a human, albeit his enhancements, he's still got limitations in the mental state of things. As for Miranda, she's one of the most advanced AI in the entire galaxy. Wielding her plethora of abilities ranging from electronic/cyber warfare and her access to innumerable databases, information grids, and the HoloNet, there's strength in that alone. Marcus isn't capable of utilizing any of that directly but Miranda came stream information through an augmented reality relay. Other benefits include acute senses, improved reflexes, and a companion that constantly monitors your bodily functions.
- [+] Hardened: A duraplast-desh alloy make this baby hardened against EMPs and ionic energy so Marcus won't be instantly killed should such a situation arise.
- [+] Self-Sustaining: That pyronium-infused powercell can power itself by absorbing electromagnetic energy and therefore keeping the implant powered for an exponential amount of time.
- [-] One Shot, One Kill: Any grievous injuries against this thing will mostly likely either cripple Marcus to the point of paralysis or kill him outright.
- [-] Forlorn Consciousness: While this may be situational, there's always that underlying chance of Miranda going rogue and hampering Marcus's abilities when under duress or dire circumstances. It all depends on her mood at the time.
- [-] Side Effects: Like nearly all medical operations, there's always some fine print. Marcus experiences side effects on almost a daily basis. Most of the time they're dull headaches, insomnia, nausea, and vertigo.
- [-] Once In, Never Out: Now that this thing's inside of his head, it can never be taken out. Well, it can, but Marcus would die in the process. Not even the galaxy's greatest medical team can remove this thing without killing the poor mercenary. Though this may seem inconvenient for its host, it's quite the treasure chest for the observant interrogator or captor.
First and foremost, this item is completely and wholly unique. Crafted for the men and women who underwent Project: DREADGUARD during the Galactic Republic's reign in the galaxy, there were a select few who were chosen to have integrated artificial intelligence implants to test their effectiveness in both combatant and civil situations.
Marcus was one of those Dreadguard selected.
The neural implant itself is a small, palm-sized implant seated against his cerebellum. Marcus himself finds this quite bothersome as he has to grow out his hair a little longer to help conceal the damned thing, but he believes the benefits greatly outweigh the cons of a piece of metal in his head. The implant itself is comprised of a duraplast-desh alloy that make it quite flexible and rather comfortable when turning the head, but also hardened enough to provide more than adequate protection against electromagnetic and ionic weaponry.
The greatest strength that this implant grants is the ability to directly interface with his lifelong companion, Miranda. While he himself cannot access or wield any of the abilities that she is, Marcus is granted a second mind, a second pair of eyes and ears for life. She's able to stream data to him, access the HoloNet for funny videos, and also utilize her skills in electronic/cyber warfare. The most noticeable strength is the augmented reality relay that Miranda can provide for Marcus. Whether it be translated written documents or marking allied soldiers with IFF tags. It's quite useful, versatile, and variable in utility functions.
Lastly, it's capable of linking into his armor to assist with his various technological doodads and gadgets. Nothing on the serious side here aside from providing an efficient power source and someone to watch your six o'clock.
However, there are some drawbacks to this. Dreadguard-43, Marcus Itera, claims that he can't have any secrets due to this thing being able to snoop into his deepest and darkest thoughts. Thankfully, he can mentally toggle a mute button, or at least he thinks he's got one. The implant itself is still pretty vulnerable to kinetic and melee weaponry. One awry crack to the back of the head and you'll knock this man out on the spot. Even more serious injuries will probably paralyze or kill him. And, as an added threat, Miranda likes to joke often about becoming a "synthetic overlord" one day. This, more or less, has led Marcus to believe that there's a possibility of her going rogue and otherwise hampering his combat effectiveness or handling his financial matters incorrectly. While he tries not to contemplate it, there's even that underlying chance of her completely turning against him.
Summarily, this is just a simple implant. It offers a few utility perks to Marcus but otherwise merely acts as a direct interface with Miranda's host. They can chat together in silence, collect information from electronic and HoloNet sources, and be together for the rest of their days this way.