A black tie party, how fun. Chiasa did so love to see and be seen. Of course the outfit took some deliberation. She had any number of black dresses that would have been acceptable, but most of the female attendees would be wearing black so that was out of the question. She toyed briefly with the idea of something red and feathered, but sadly red was not the orange skinned Twi'leks best look, and if you couldn't look your best, what was the point? Blue on the other hand.. Blue was striking and complimentary when paired with her skin tone, and she had just the dress. Surprisingly conservative, but oh so flattering, particularly when she tied back her lekku. It was on the surface a fashion statement, but it also restricted any subconscious movement, helped to hide her tells and ensure she was unreadable unless she wanted to be read. Finally dressed to her satisfaction, she made her appearance.
An amused smile graced her features as she eyed the red carpet. Definitely not the usual Red Raven style, but oh how it was hers. The once upon a time dancer moved with grace and sureness inside, making certain that no hint of a stumble or uncertainty be caught by any recording device.
Once within she cast her eyes over the gathering, her amusement growing as she caught some of the activities the other part goers were indulging in. This was not unexpected of course, and was more par for the course for both the average Raven and the average Casino attendee. If anything she was surprised by how presentable most of them looked, if uncomfortable in their finery. She moved over to the bar being manned by her favourite Dragon Palace bartender, Anders.
"Lively night?"
"You could say that Miss."
He answered with a grin.
"Has Declan been working this shift?"
He didn't usually, but this was a night when most of the security would be called in, organics and droids.
"Yes Miss, and hasn't stopped whinging about it yet, apparently he and his lady had a date. Did you want me to call him over?"
"If you please."
"No problem Miss."
He stepped away and tapped things into the console placed discreetly under the bar, nodded to her to indicate that it was done and moved to serve some other patrons. She quite liked Anders, always so polite and he got things done. He didn't feel the need to hang around her when there was work to do. A few moments later she saw the heavy browed near-human Declan approaching.
"Anders said you asked after me?"
"I did! Apparently it's been an interesting night so far, and I of course am fashionably late. Fill me in? It's good to be prepared if I need to do any spinning later."
A quick hushed conversation had her up to date on spiked drinks, Sith Lords, dead men and unstable Ravens. It paid to be in the good books of the security team. Declan moved back to whatever post he was manning.
Chiasa considered what she'd learned, absently leaning on the bar. Sith were allies now so if one wanted to stalk about with his lightsaber that was fine, for all that it upset the boys behind the cameras. Dead men were no longer threats, though she might speak to Cryax about it later as it seemed worrying. As far as she was concerned policing the Ravens was not her job, someone else could deal with internal crazy.
Which left the spiked drinks. Curious that. And vexing. They'd done no real damage, save to some peoples pride and reputation, and surely they hadn't thought they'd get away with it unnoticed when Casino security was at its peak, that would have been monumentally stupid. What then was the reason for the mischief? What had prompted it? Who was behind it? The external concerned Chiasa very much indeed.
[member="Valik"] [member="Spectre"] [member="Alec Rekali"]