Vykon Halke
Interim Chief of State
c26,000 for the Gem and c46,000 for the Pearl.
Vykon entered it into his pad, then hit 'submit'. He had always had a fascination with Gems and Pearls, he just hoped the bidding wouldn't get too out of hand this time. He examined the other wares, nothing caught his attention at the moment, but maybe he could get something for a bargain later. He looked around at the crowd surrounding him in disgust, why couldn't they do something like this on Coruscant instead?
Vykon entered it into his pad, then hit 'submit'. He had always had a fascination with Gems and Pearls, he just hoped the bidding wouldn't get too out of hand this time. He examined the other wares, nothing caught his attention at the moment, but maybe he could get something for a bargain later. He looked around at the crowd surrounding him in disgust, why couldn't they do something like this on Coruscant instead?