Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ain't No Place For No Hero [ TSE Dominion of Tion ]

The Tion Cluster
​Capital City, Rudrig
Slaver Huntin’
Allies: [member="Darth Prazutis"]
Post: #1

In her time with the Sith, Alm had come to believe that they could not be bunched under one banner. While there were certain aspects that bound them together, there were definite personality traits that set them apart. Her Master—[member="Darth Saarai"]—for instance was a good match for the Nasvali. He was patient with her and while Alm was still young and had much to learn, she was not excessively rebellious or disobedient. There was never much need to discipline her, at least not in his eyes. But there were many among the Sith who made her anxious, those who held back little and would harshly reprimand their Acolytes for small missteps.

Alm had counted herself lucky so far, in that regard.

The apprentice had exited the ship ahead of this mission’s commander, Darth Prazutis and stood among The Blackblade Guard, war hammer slung over her shoulder at the ready. She preferred the blunt weapon to a lightsaber, able to properly make use of her race’s incredible strength with it. While only a few inches shorter than the Zambrano, Alm was still an adolescent and had a fresh face full of youth and awkward, gangly limbs. She would grow into herself in time but for now she was a student. Moldable, eager, fierce.

The order was given and Alm turned on her heel, striding through the street with heavy steps. Her stomach began to twist with the grotesque atmosphere but she pressed forward, all stone face and sharp eyes. She was told that these men and women were slavers, that they were one of the ills of the world that the Jedi had failed to extinguish. They deserved death. What she didn’t quite know was that quite a few Sith participated in the slave trade themselves, but that was a matter she’d likely confront at a later day.

A woman shrouded in a cowl tried to flee down an alley but Alm extended her free arm and caught her by the hood, jerking her back and around so that she could face her.

“P-please!” She whimpered hoarsely, tears pricking the corners of her eyes. Alm took a good look at the woman’s face, noting the creases along her eyes and mouth and the salt and pepper whips of hair peeking from beneath the cloth. “I’m ju-just trying to feed my family…!”

A bag fell from the woman’s cloak with a heavy jangle, gold coins spilling to the ground. Alm’s eyes wandered down to catch sight of the slave collar grasped in the woman’s hand.

Down came the hammer.
The Tionese seemed pleasant enough. She stood next to [member="Darth Carnifex"], but slightly behind, as well. She was not as important as him. He was the Dark Lord, after all, and she was the third daughter of a noble Talravani House now working as a diplomat. She clutched the datapad loosely, giving her aura of relaxation. Josephine Lorraine was more than ready, she was eager to begin.

The Talravani watched as the Tionese delagation greeted their Sith counterparts. She watched as her Lord ignored [member="Sasha Santhe"], and gave no outward reaction, but raised an inner eyebrow. She had greeted him as a friend. Evidently, he did not feel the same. Interesting. Always one for remembering the fine details of everything, she made a mental note of this interaction, to use for future reference.

She smiled at [member="Sasha Santhe"] warmly, as well as the other, [member="Alec Sienar"]. They seemed pleasant, at least outwardly. But one of the rules of politics was never to wear your true emotions on your sleeve. She certainly wasn't.

Josephine of the House Lorraine followed her Lord into the meeting room. It was nice enough, for their purposes. She flicked her eyes to the refreshment table. Walking over, she filled a glass with fine wine, taking a polite sip, savoring the taste. It had been a long time since she had wine that had not been flown across the galaxy. She was a noblewoman, with expensive tastes, and she did not apologize for that.

From there, she took a seat, to the right of the Dark Lord. She cleared her throat, set her hands in front of her, and spoke, posh Talravani accent sounding from her throat.

"Shall we begin, my lords and ladies?"
Location: Rudrig
Objective: Murder the Murderers

[member="Darth Venefica"]

I took down a corridor with some office seat moistener to find the inspector in charge of the slave ring problem. The Empire was growing its dominion so fast I was shuffled world to world with little rest. Save the flight time. I'd perhaps been on Rudrig an hour before arriving at the security bureau building. Unlike my operation on Oricon though I was to be working with someone here. A Darth Venefica. Not that I'd ever heard of her before this. There always seemed to be a revolving door of new Sith in the Empire and it was hard to keep oneself informed of all their names, positions, and machinations without devoting more time than I had to the matter. Not that I wanted to either. I wasn't overly fond of the Sith depute working for them for so long. They were violent, unpredictable and manipulative. Best kept at a distance from myself for my own safety if it could be done.

Today was not such a day though. The office lackey brought me to the inspectors office and I wasted no time allowing myself in. Being greeted to the site of my two working partners on this case. The inspector who's name escaped me and the Sith Lord herself. "Ahh, Darth Venefica, Inspector. Pardon my barging in." I shut the door behind me. Leaving aforementioned lackey cold and alone. "I'm Bastian Briarios, Sith Military Intelligence. I'll be working with you on this slaver case. Have we found anything out about that yet so I can get up to speed?"
Czon Xul
Location: Southern Ocean, Tion
Objective: 1

It was rational idea to be afraid of the unknown, to be afraid of uncertainty. Such was the case with the locals on Tion with their many leagues of missing ships, as the exiled prince’s personal Belbullab-22 roared across the sky. There were a multitude of ways the dreadful situation in the Southern Ocean of Tion could be dealt with. However, Czon Xul had personally tasked himself with his own special mission in seeking, and ultimately routing out, the predatory creature. Firstly, he had done his research on the surrounding location, and was fortunate enough to find that an old marine biologist company’s offshore research platform – once contracted to the Silver Jedi Order – had been forcibly overtaken by a group of mercenaries, with the intention of using it as a base of operations, as the mercenaries had taken advantage of the vacuum of power left behind by the Silver Jedi Order’s departure.

From there, using the old equipment once in use by the marine-biology research company, he would hopefully be able to triangulate the subsea signatures of whatever was causing havoc in the Southern Ocean, and allow for the Sith-Imperial Navy to formally handle the situation with whatever firepower command deemed necessary. As it stood for now, however, the son of nobility was operating on his own accord.

In the physical realm of things, Czon Xul’s starfighter roaringly neared the old marine biology station that was in use by the renegade-like mercenaries. The sound of the Belbullab would no doubt be audible from those at the platform, as he would likely face armed resistance as soon as he arrived. The platform looked like that of something similar to an oil-drilling platform. As the starfighter gracefully neared one of the shuttle’s docking platform, armed ragtag mercenaries with either a blaster rifle or a blaster pistol, rushed out from the double doors that presumably lead further into the complex, garnering for covering as if to provide a wider firing arc.

As the ship landed, The Belbullab’s ramp began to slowly descend, along with the abrupt release of hydraulic gases as if to provide a minor smoke screen. From beyond the hydraulic smokescreen, emerged a figure clad in robes, as the ragtag mercenaries anxiously took aim at the mysterious figure. He could sense the trigger happiness of the mercenaries. They were no mood for any negotiations. He understood what must be done - and in his heart - he knew no remorse for scum such as these kinds of people. Suddenly then, the mysterious figure – Czon Xul – spun through the air with the abidance of the force, ignited his lightsaber that was surprisingly a purple-crystal instead of a red, and connected with a slash that sliced through two of the lumbar regions of the mercenaries, as the rest begun to retaliate with blaster fire. Czon Xul assumed a defensive posture to deflect the opposition of their blasters, as two scattershots from the deflection of the Czon's lightsaber, managed to strike two ragtag mercenaries in their center of mass. There were four enemies left. With a keen skill within the force, Czon asserted his hand forward, that released a force-push wave to two of the mercenaries that send them utterly sprawling to the floor, and off the platform to the sea below. Meanwhile, Czon methodically made his way over to the two mercenaries left standing, blocking and deflecting the blaster bolts along the way. As they tried to separate to gain advantage of the force-user, Czon deftly made a wide-swinging arc with his lightsaber and cut down one of them through the midsection, before reaching across, and force pulling the mercenary that had tried to wedge Czon between the other mercenary, and stabbing him through his main body with his lightsaber, as the opposition outside the facility was eliminated.

He would then need to further himself inside the facility, and to seek out his objectives.

Elements of the 42nd Airborne Division were drafted into a task force, dubbed Task Force 242, and assigned to the operation 'Imperial Solidarity'. Assisting the fellow Imperial-minded people of Tion in the troubles of the power vacuum left behind after the Silver Jedi's exit from the Tion Cluster.

Checkpoints every few blocks, aerial support and intersecting patrols of Whiteguard and Sith-Imperial troopers filled the city where the Tionese accords were being held. Scipio had caught a glimpse of the Dark Lord of the Sith [member="Darth Carnifex"] himself upon his landing. The lieutenant had been only once close to the Lord in battle during the Battle of Malachor. A dreadful presence for the enemies and a beacon of strength for the allies is how Alta could describe him.

:: Stiletto Two Actual, this is Stiletto Actual, how copy? ::

:: Loud and clear, Cap'n. ::

:: New intel came in, possible further acts of aggression while the accords are going. Have you and your men twice more alert as you were. ::

:: Affirmative, Cap'n. ::

The comm line went silent and Alta made sure to inform his platoon of the new information via the HUD feedback they received within their helmets.
Compared to the rest of the procession, Darth Carnifex was woefully (read: hilariously) out of place.

With his massive, towering physique setting him an entire head's worth above most others and his broodingly dark sense of fashion, it was clear just who belonged to this world and who didn't. Even Josephine seemed more at place here than her Lord did.

However, if it bothered the Dark Lord at all he didn't show it nor did he bring it up in conversation. In fact he presented himself as a man of few words after the initial greetings, he didn't even spare an extra word or even another harrowing glare towards Lady Santhe. Truthfully he harbored her no ill-will, and he didn't think lowly of her either. He was just surprised that she had even bothered to show up at all, and Carnifex was not a fan of old flames showing up unannounced to matters of great importance such as this.

It perturbed him to a small degree.

The conference room was standard enough. The table was large enough to seat all participants with ample wiggle-room to spare, and Lord Sienar had even possessed the foresight to acquire a larger, reinforced chair for the Emperor himself. That on its own was a good indicator of how well the talks would proceed.

Carnifex took up his spot at the table, allowed Josephine to speak on his behalf, and then gestured to Alec to indicate that they should begin.

[member="Sasha Santhe"] | [member="Josephine Lorraine"] | [member="Alec Sienar"]

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
Sasha moved with an exuberant purpose normally reserved for her more prurient pursuits. Stepping forward she practically pushed by [member="Darth Carnifex"] to get at [member="Josephine Lorraine"]. “No need to be so formal, least in private. I am her Ladyship Sasha Santhe, but from now on you may call me Sasha.” Was it a snub to the emperor? Maybe, but she had met him before on many occasions including once when he was dead. She was just as impressed with him now as she was then. “I have to admit you lighten the otherwise morose atmosphere projected by your lordship. And that hair,” Sasha looked genuinely thunderstruck with pleasure as a giddy school girl. It was a facial expression and mannerism well practiced throughout the years, “the paparazzi will be utterly entranced when you land and planet, and you really must. I insist on taking you to all the best places.” She left out what she thought all the best places were. Better to get to know this woman before figuring out what exactly that meant. Sasha was herself as comfortable in a nightclub as she was a concert hall.

With a pleased look she glanced over at [member="Alec Sienar"] and gave him a polite smile. “But first my dear let me get you a drink, an entire fleet of drinks!” Indicating over towards a bar that appeared neatly upon Sasha’s arrival her staff setting it up adjacent to the conference room. Complete with servants and servers the young woman started to maneuver the entourage to her little contribution. Hundreds of bottles lined the hastily erected shelves threatening it with the illusion of instability. Truth was there was repulsors and energy fields holding the chic arrangement in place.

“This bar setup was made by an artist out of lower Lianna City. A bunch of them painted little decorative works. No one else would because It’s all very avant garde. They signed their names, its all very underground.”

Yes Sasha. Keep acting like a pretentious heiress. That’s what everyone expects anyways. Never mind your accomplishments, you’re just a ditz. The bartender nodded his presumptive approval at her comments before pouring several drinks onto the table for anyone wishing to sample. Sasha for her part took a glass and began to consume. The effects of the force nullifying alcohol would see her sober yet.
The Tion Cluster
​Capital City, Rudrig

They didn't stand a chance.

​These were criminals and slavers who preyed on the weak and helpless, they weren't battle hardened soldiers. The Blackblade Guard were infamous killers of both jedi and mandalorians, slugging it out with both on the front lines in years past. To say that bringing them was overkill was putting it lightly. But there were a few reasons that the Shadow Hand chose these elite warriors to smash aside the enemy. One of them was a massive PR benefit as videos and live feeds would show the invincible Sith Empire cracking down on the enemy, their full might on display.

​They were also more accustomed to such a slaughter.

​All around the Dark Titan bodies fell as twin crimson blades spun in the air. Even in the face of such a foe there were still the brave, and the foolhardy ones who thought they could kill the giant with the single pull of a trigger. The Sith Lord's attention was taken by the sudden death march of prisoners as they were marched past the fresh site of carnage and lined up directly against a nearby wall. There were at least twenty of them all identified as slavers. Just as the guardsman lined up a distance away readying their weapons a simple word stopped them dead in their tracks.


​Darth Prazutis strode over to the line of prisoners his massive height and muscular frame easily towering over every single one of the slavers. He approached one of the lined up individuals and placed a hand on their head. It was a violent intrusion into the individuals mind to rip the locations of kidnapped persons turned slaves out. The man was weak minded and could do little to stop the Sith Lord from taking what he needed. The Destroyer walked away from the line to begs and pleads for mercy. All they would get from him in response was a single word.


Barrels flashed as the Blackblades unleashed a full torrent of laser fire into the lined up prisoners, shredding their forms with bolts of green energy. It wouldn't be the first group to fall to a firing squad on this day, and they wouldn't be the last. The Shadow Hand used his comlink to contact General Dietrich Marr, this Blackblade Legion's commander. "We have a second objective. Secure any and all slaves we find and bring them to the central square of our staging area. They are to receive proper care from the medical corps there." ​Prazutis ordered. The General simply replied "Yes my lord"​.

Meanwhile his eyes passed over to the young [member="Alm"] engrossed in the hunt. She was Lord Saarai's apprentice and a young one at that. The youths people reminded him of the Epicanthix with their size and strength, she was young but she was growing. This mission would be the perfect chance to teach the young acolyte a thing or two along the way. The Shadow Hand moved over to observe Alm execute a slaver, watching before he spoke "There's a den of these mongrels hold up not far from here. You'll come with me to end them." ​Darth Prazutis said his tone making it clear that it wasn't a request. He didn't wait to see if she accompanied him or not, he made a clever assumption she would. It was then that he spoke only if she followed him. "Share with me your observations of our assault here Acolyte. Tell me what you see."

Post 2
The Admiralty
[member="Sasha Santhe"] | [member="Josephine Lorraine"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"]

Oh, Sasha was acting like a fool, but she was anything but and that was something Alec knew from experience.

She straddled the line between foolish and eccentric.

It was a good role to play. A foil to his cool operator style, the dignified Lord and his spoiled brat niece, quite the pair they made. But it all had a purpose - or so Alec hoped - perhaps the purpose of drawing out Josephine and finding her measure. Or maybe seek to put her at ease and become more pliable. Or maybe to try and put her off-balance completely.

Alec would let her work and accepted a glass of wine for himself.

He would not actually drink from it, seeing as he didn't have the luxury of the Force detoxifying it from his veins, but a sip here and there? That would only help to put their guests at ease. "That seems like a grand idea, yes." A nod of acknowledgement back to Carnifex, before he focused on his diplomatic aide. "You must understand, the Tionese nobility and business beings are anxious about this overture to the Empire. We have already established a treaty once with the Silvers and they broke it the moment it became convenient for them."

Hand raised up a fraction to forestall any attempts to ease his mind.

"Do not misunderstand me. It is not me you need to convince, I have fought for the Empire before its fall, but many here are afraid they will be taken advantage of again."

The fact that the Empire could take the Cluster at any moment in time, but decided to approach the diplomatic side was appreciated and had done much to dissuade the most vocal of voices. "Guarantees of the tangible sort must be displayed to earn their trust." Now it was Josephine's turn. He had disclosed the primary concern amidst the ruling families, but Alec was uncertain what the Empire was prepared to show in return to earn that trust.
Location: Tion - Moon, Outer District.
Objective: Investigate.

The tension in the air was tangible. Darth Ophidia felt as though she could strum it with her fingers.

She knelt down inside the building where the explosion had gone off. All around were the White Guard of Tion, armed guards standing watch, Tionese investigators making a detailed holo-model of the scene. The explosion had been intense enough to leave a distinct track. Through the track, they were just about able to localise its origin.

The ground was still warm under her boots, radiating against her fingertips as they hovered just over the pulverised duracrete. There was something familiar in the air. Coruscant? No. Balmorra? No, not Tibanna gas. Korriban, Mirial? No. Where, where did the bell ring?

She stood up as one of the investigators exclaimed. He had pulled something from the wall: A twisted shard of metal, clearly foreign to the building around them. Memories flooded her mind. A speeder loaded with explosives, the scent of them. An attempt on the Dark Lord's life - A distraction. There was no speeder here. No, they did not need to move the explosives.

And yet.

"A distraction."

The bomb had claimed lives, drawn the attention of the White Guard, thinned out the ranks. It would have to be investigated, certainly. But Ophidia? Ophidia suddenly saw a greater scheme at hand. Who could she trust?

None. They needed to think she did not know. She needed to know who they were.

This enemy from Tiss-Sharl.
The Tion Cluster
​Capital City, Rudrig
Slaver Huntin’
Allies: [member="Darth Prazutis"]
Post: #2

The woman’s body hit the ground, nothing left of her head save for shards of bone, bits of brain matter and a whole smattering of blood. A quick way to go as Alm had yet to see the point in torture. Her stomach twisted once more at the grotesque sight, the smell of blood and the cries of pain and panic that bounced off of the alley way. She’d only been subjected to this sort of thing once, very early in her life when bandits had raided her tribe’s camp.

It was all still new and foreign but she’d been assured that this was necessary.

The Lord who’d been leading the mission approached the Nasvali and handed her an order—you’ll come with me to end them—and she fell in step beside him quickly with only a grunt of understanding. Though she could now understand Basic very well, her own speech lacked fluency and she was often nervous speaking to those higher above her on the food chain save for a few patient Sith she knew of.

An opportunity to follow The Shadow Hand would not go unheeded and Alm had no intent to be disobedient but nerves struck her. She squinted ahead of them as if narrowing her vision down to a pinhole would allow her to see some sort of great truth in all this. But she couldn’t, so Alm went with being honest.

“Bad people.” She managed to get out, licking her lips shortly thereafter. She didn’t realize how dry her mouth was until she spoke. “Death.”

That was the good thing about having a chronic stone face.
This [member="Sasha Santhe"] was not what she expected at all. Warm, bubbly, blathering. It was far from unpleasant, but Josephine of the House Lorraine wasn't sure she bought it entirely. Perhaps it was her cynicism and paranoia speaking, but she didn't believe people were that pleasant honestly. There was always an ulterior motive at play. Still, she liked the flattery.

"Thank you for your compliments, my lady. Those ventures sound wonderful. We simply must meet up after this business is concluded."

Then it was time to grow serious again. She considered the request. A tangible show of loyalty, hm?

"The Empire is prepared to send a chapter of the Imperial Mission to Tion. Peacekeepers, healers, feeders of the poor and educators. Of course, a permanent military garrison, and perhaps a lend-lease of Sith arms and armor, to better equip the Tionese soldiers?"

This was haggling. She had shown her initial offer, and now it was up to [member="Alec Sienar"] to take it, or negotiate. Or [member="Darth Carnifex"] to correct her at any moment, of course, all hail the Dark Lord.
The Dark Lord reclined back in his chair, taking a more supportive role as he let Josephine come into her own as the chief diplomatic voice of the Empire for the duration of this meeting. He was never one for diplomacy, he was a warrior through and through. Violence was his preferred method of communication, it was something that everyone in the galaxy understood. There was no risk of mincing words, no subtleties to uncover.

It was visceral, and it was honest.

Carnifex liked that.

Still, he completely understood that not everything could be accomplished with violence. Lord Saarai pounded that notion into his head on an almost daily basis, as if he was deathly frightened that Kaine would go on some berserker rampage because he felt like it. The Thirriken should know him better by now, he wasn't some slack-jawed brute who flew into a foaming-at-the-mouth rage because he couldn't comprehend something or something didn't go his way. Neither was he a child that had to be reminded every five seconds not to do something, he often contemplated wringing the bird's neck every time it happened.

But he couldn't do that. Not because Saarai was the leader of the Inquisition, but because by doing so he'd be proving Saarai right.

And Carnifex would rather die than hear him say 'I told you so' with a chit-eating grin. If it was possible for Saarai to grin, he'd never seen it before. Could a bird grin with a beak? It was these types of questions that kept the Dark Lord up at night.

[member="Sasha Santhe"] | [member="Josephine Lorraine"] | [member="Alec Sienar"]
Czon Xul
Location: Southern Ocean, Tion
Objective: 1

There was an eerie quiet aboard the research platform that stood tall above the oceanic waters that housed a multitude of unspeakable subnautic horrors.

Czon Xul walked through the double-door that automatically opened for him, that lead from the outside docking platform to the inner complex of the research station. He was bridled with a cold sense of determination and concentration, with seeing his task through to its end. As coolly calculating as ever, Czon Xul briskly walked through the doors, and was met with a less-than elegantly refurnished reception lounge; it was effectively trashed, from the unsanitary nature of the ragtag mercenaries that occupied it. Several ceiling boards hung from the ceiling from the structural wear-and-tear, as a single ceiling light was left repeatedly flickering. Czon Xul was disgusted, and ultimately despised unsanitary conditions such as this. To him, they were uncultured swine.

Nevertheless, Czon Xul proceeded through the reception room. He saw the reception terminal, but he understood that he wouldn’t find what he was looking for in this room alone. He closed the distance between the computer terminal, as he then opened the interactable mainframe with the press of a button. Navigating through the various files on the terminal, he eventually found a top-down layout of the structure that included the sonar system, that would allow for him to track the beasts, and would allow for him to coordinate with the Imperial-Sith Armada in taking out the undesirable sea monsters from the skies.

It was all going as planned – until he felt, through the force, the presence of an individual down that had just entered from one of the hallways. He felt his anxiety. His bewilderment. His fear. In his hand, he could feel the tightening grip of a blaster pistol. He could feel that the mercenary had held it with intent - yet so with regret - from the encompassing fear of the sudden situation.

However, Czon remained calm, as he turned around to ominously stare down the bewildered mercenary. It was another remaining mercenary, as he was no doubt in some sort of shock from the horror of all of his squadmates suddenly being practically eradicated. The mercenary shot first, but ultimately missed, as the blaster was flung from his hand mid-shot with the use of the force from Czon. Czon caught the blaster in his left hand, and without hesitation, calmly raised the blaster and fired a volley into the chest of the once bewildered mercenary, now another corpse like the rest of his comradery and mercenary brethren. Czon flung the blaster aside.

Likewise, moving away from the terminal like nothing had happened, Czon briskly continued through the complex, to find the sonar station aboard the research platform.
Location: Tion - Moon, Outer District.
Objective: Investigate.

Even though her mind was racing, Darth Ophidia looked perfectly calm as she strode back to her speederbike. Her fingertips traced the leather seat as she considered her options; was this a trick of her mind, or was the Force telling her something? She had seen other Lords of the Sith fall into madness. He had fallen into madness. She was stronger, and yet forced herself to consider.

Her eyes closed, mind stilled. The Sith Lord reached through her veil into the deep ocean of her passions. It was a deep, dark, and treacherous place, so in tune with the dark side of the Force. It felt as though the ground broke beneath her, and her body plunged into ice cold water with no surface in sight. She let herself sink and held on tight to her sense of self. In the depth, there were monsters.

Then, she reached out, sensing with a thousand tendrils of her mind. They touched the ripples of the Force. While physically, her eyes were closed, she opened her sight to the force and saw clear the fire that could be. She saw the grey-clad man with the long range blaster, the grenade going off, her fall - Tiss-sharl.

Was this the same?

Her eyes opened, fixed on the horizon as she swung her leg over the side of the swoop and placed her hands on the steering. The engine's furious hum began, and it lifted up under her touch before suddenly speeding off like a proton torpedo set for the inner district of the moon.
​It was a short and simple answer that [member="Alm"] gave him but unbeknownst to her they spoke volumes. The thick accent in her voice told him that her grasp of basic was tenuous at best. It was the kind of answer he had expected from such a young initiate into the ways of the dark side. She didn't have the proper education, knowledge, or experience yet to see the complete picture. This operation was as simple as it could get for Alm they had a clear enemy and it was up to them to destroy it. She wasn't in any position where she needed to see all of the angles. But someday she would be if she was devoted to her studies, relentless in the pursuit of power, and willing pay any price she just might.

But for now he wanted to see what the acolyte was capable of.

"Right. But what else? The mongrels we fight are slavers, cowards who strike and prey on unsuspecting citizens not battle hardened soldiers. Yet for this operation we brought some of the best soldiers the empire has, why do you think we did that?" Darth Prazutis replied.

​Before they knew it they were down roughly two blocks or so standing before a building. The Shadow Hand already had guardsmen covering the back door. Inside was roughly eight slavers using the two story office building as a hideout against the occupying force. He stepped forward and reached out to the doors wrapping it in telekinetic energy. A simple gesture forced a violent reaction breaking the doors wide open.

"Kill them all." ​He ordered waiting for Alm to go forth before following in behind her.

Post 3
The Tion Cluster
Capital City, Rudrig
Slaver Huntin’
Allies: [member="Darth Prazutis"]
Post: #3

Alm followed along, ever the dutiful apprentice. Though Prazutis was not her master he outranked her by a galaxy’s length and she willingly took every opportunity to learn. She was not the first Acolyte to come from an isolated background and would likely not be the last.

The young woman hesitated with her answer, hefting the hammer over her shoulder where she balanced its weight. This was a rather excessive amount of force to take out a simple slaver right. Perhaps things were not as simple as she imagined them to be.

“More.” Came the response. “There are more.”

It was the only thing that made sense. Her people were wary of resource allocation, so when it came to hunting it made sense only to send out enough hunters to gather what was needed.

She watched with fascination as he ripped the doors nearly off of their hinges without even touching them. Though Alm could perform simple telekinetic maneuvers, they were brash and untrained and not very powerful. Her physical strength and meager ability in pyrokinetics are what she’d gotten by on. Then the order came and she froze.

A wave of uncertainty washed over her. Was this how it was going to end? Not for her, but for the mission in general? Slowly she turned, partially so she’d be able to face Prazutis.

“Why all?”

A simple, wide-eyed questions. She did not understand why they could not take prisoners, why all this death was necessary.
Location: Southern Ocean

Legends spoke throughout the ages of the Force working in mysterious ways. Talking in a way considered indescribable to even the great and ancient masters of the divine, untamed power. Today, it moved through Vahliath in such a way. A way which felt to have imprinted thoughts into his mind, associated with that almost limitless, frowned upon power: the Dark Side. In his mind, it rang like a violent, unshakable hum, splitting into singular forces. He’d felt this before: in the presence of another Sith. Two - perhaps three Sith. A fluctuation even a master scientist like him couldn’t describe. And then, there was something different.

Something strong.

He looked out of the window of the cockpit - and saw nothing. Rain descended from the heavens in a violent burst, hitting the sea which was already appearing distressed through its violent waves and undetermined sways against fierce winds. But something was definitely out there. The Force moved through him, telling him. Like a hefty stone was balanced on his head. This was exactly the kind of experience he needed; however, finding nothing would not contribute to his efforts in trying to master its arts. He needed to be around allies. Ones he could feed off. Mature from. Those fluctuations he felt earlier - they were definitely Sith. Whatever was beneath the waters would have to wait. Vahliath publicised his communication kink, and licked his lips to tongue a verse out to his fellow Sith. He wanted to help, and at the moment, he seemed to be helping nothing.

“This is Vahliath Imperious - broadcasting from the Southern Ocean. Is anyone receiving this broadcast? I want to— need to help. If there is anyone within the domain of this atmosphere, please respond for assistance.”
​The question was one he expected at some point of their mission from [member="Alm"] but it was still unusual. In his line of work as Shadow Hand he was the direct subordinate of the Dark Lord and Emperor himself, when he issued orders they were usually followed without question. There wasn't a single person in all of the Sith Empire who could question his loyalty, who could question that he didn't act in the best interests of Emperor and Empire. Other lesser men might've given her a stern warning for questioning his orders and moved on. But Braxus Zambrano wasn't a lesser man.

The emotions swirling within the acolyte and the subtle cues of her body language spoke of uncertainty. Alm had just begun her journey down the path of the dark side she wasn't born with the darkness, nor did it claim as much of her yet. Such orders elicited a need for understanding and he could understand that. Alm was part of the next generation of the Sith the future. This was his chance to leave an impression on her, to guide and teach. The acolytes question didn't elicit any visible reaction on the Shadow Hand who simply closed the gap from the steps she had taken moving so she was directly facing him.

Darth Prazutis reached within the folds of his robes and for a moment it looked like he was reaching for the lightsabers again, but he in fact was reaching for something past them and pulled out a small datapad. "This operation isn't as simple as you might think Alm. We seek to accomplish far more than just victory here. For years the Tion Cluster was occupied by the Silver Jedi Order who had a treaty with their nobility. After all that time look at how they were treated, taken advantage of and deserted the moment it was most convenient for them leaving their people to fend for themselves." ​Darth Prazutis said pulling up images of Rudrig's streets filled with dead bodies, homes left deserted and flashed the datapad to Alm to show her the terrible conditions before they arrived. "This is just from this city alone look at the suffering these people have endured. The Tionese nobility and the Tionese people are understandably worried that they're going to just be taken advantage of again. The fact that we could simply invade and take the Tion Cluster at any moment but decided on the diplomatic approach spoke volumes to those concerned voices but it's not enough on its own. We need to show not only their leaders but their people that problems like these slavers that the Silvers allowed to fester will not be tolerated in our regime, that imperial justice is decisive and swift." ​He said pausing to pull up live news coverage of the Rudrig events going on around them to show Alm.

The video footage showed Blackblades in combat with these slavers it was very clear who the winning side was as the slavers were cut down. The video then flashed to many of the rescued malnourished slaves who were tortured, abused, terrorized by their captors. These slaves were in groups being escorted by Blackblades those who were too weak to walk were carried by the dark armored warriors, in one of the instances a guardsman actually carried a young boy in his arms who was so malnourished his ribs could be seen. The footage switched then to a medical center being set up by the medical corps where rescued slaves were brought to triage so they could be sorted, where they quickly were sorted and given the proper medical care.

"We needed to make a statement to the Tion Cluster of the might of our indomitable empire. This was about making an example of these slavers to show the people that the monsters who took their families, who tortured and killed their families would be cut out like an infectious stain. This is a grieving, hurt people who crave safety, security, and above all vengeance on mongrels like these that the Silver Jedi could never give them by tossing slavers in jail only to get out in a few years and return. We needed to bring them all of that and to make sure we are seen doing so with the best the Empire has. That is the reason for the excessive measures. We will win the people over to our side." ​He took the datapad back after the last short video of live coverage showing the cheering crowds that now came out in the streets. the people long oppressed and terrorized who now collaborated and turned on these criminals. "Our actions will not only sway the minds of the nobility to accept our terms but it will win the people over. When occupying a new territory operations run at a far smoother pace when the people are on your side. When looking at any problem perception is key. Open your mind and consider every option, don't take what you see for face value. There just might be more going on beneath the surface."

Post 4
The Admiralty
[member="Sasha Santhe"] | [member="Josephine Lorraine"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"]

Alec studied Josephine for quite sometime after that offer was made.

It was a interesting offer, one made in good faith, but it was not one that would go over well with the Tionese. "The Imperial Mission would be an interesting addition, this I know for certain." Sienar retorted diplomatically, while wondering how to breach this delicately. "The presence of an Imperial garrison could be seen as occupation, Lady Lorraine, whilst what needs to be underlined is sovereignty."

Tionese Laws and Tionese Ways.

"The Whiteguard can be expanded, but it will need assistance... imperial assistance." A different approach. "Training, mixed practice runs, these are the things that could bring us together and foster trust."

Anything else would remind the Tionese of the Silver Jedi occupation.

Which was entirely unnecessary considering that beyond the mistrust there were common grounds aplenty. They shared roots in the same Imperialism, the old days of the Sith Empire had been good to the Tionese.

It were these grounds that had to be underlined.

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