Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ain't No Rest For The Wicked

Not exactly a true LOA but a diminished activity. In a few short hours I'll be hauling my behind into work to do that lovely retail worker tradition known as Black Friday. I feel a bit like Wednesday Addams on the inside.


So I do apologize for the delayed posts but I should be caught up by Monday. This goes for that redheaded harpy and the scruffy dork.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Delila Castillon"],

Just because my face grill looks like female reproductive organs, I have an obscenely large chest piece, wide hips that do not lie, tend to have my feelings hurt extremely easily, and once a month become overly aggressive-

I just realized the only manly aspect of HK is his voice
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

I love them both but one slightly more than the other and it's not the one you would guess. I'll never tell. Zing!

Love you Girl, come back to us alive and without too many price stickers on your forehead. ;)
[member="Thessa Kai"] - We stand back and let the customers fight themselves. Its cheap entertainment. I just got people yelling at me for things beyond my control :\

[member="Sammo Hache-Khe of Rae"] - Don't you have an appointment with a scrap heap?

Anyways, I'm slowly getting back into posting everyone. If I miss something just beat me with a stick.

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