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Ain't No Sass in Our Kaas [Silver Sanctum Dominion of Dromund Kaas]

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

She looked at her and nodded, yep she had the local knowledge... or at least what she coudl find and get while leading the way towards the transport. The ranger's working on it with the new booster frame before she was climbing inside. "Alright take us to the old city and we'll work on getting what we can find from there." There was a small smile on her face though as she looked back and sat down strapping herself in with the harness waiting for Sorel to do the same and the ranger's to take them. THey had more then enough time and there were always more people to help in the long run as she brought up the small map. "The old temple in the city was partially rebuilt when the world was taken by the Primeval. They were strange but generally darksiders so they fixed it up and we get to explore it. Thankfully they weren't as obsessed with leaving traps and monsters."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel followed her new-found friend and clambered on-board. She saw Orihime buckle up, so she too strapped herself into the harness as quickly as she could – not wishing to hold them up. As she did, she craned her neck to check out the map as her friend talked about their likely destination.

“Traps and monsters? They can be entertaining in small doses – but I can think of better ways to spend an afternoon. But a temple that’s part historic and part rejuvenated? That’s definitely got my attention – this could be a lot of fun. Is it vacant now?”

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Orihime held her hand up and rocked it in the universal sign of maybe.... ish. "Yes.. maybe... I don't know. The probes we have for scouting and mapping are there. There might be some of the artifact retrieval teams from Seimei there and there might be some other jedi from the sanctum." She just wasn't certain. "Or it could be completely empty and no one has gotten there just yet." Either way she was happy as the transport was accelerating forward and boosting up over some of the debris while the internal screen showed the full view from the drones along the sides of the vehicle. Heading into the city was easy but there were more sights to behold while the young padawan wondered. "SO you like all of this as well? Exploring? Partnering up?"

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel had visited plenty of old Jedi ruins. Most had been empty for centuries but one or two threw up surprises – and so far none had been good. But that didn’t deter her any. In fact it made it more interesting. Empty invariably meant nothing left to find. At least people meant interaction and a chance to learn something – if only about another Force using group in the galaxy.

So she nodded honestly at her fellow Padawan’s words. “I’m seeking answers and figure the best place to look is old Jedi ruins. The trouble is, I’m not sure what the questions are, but that hasn’t stopped me yet. If I keep looking for long enough, something will turn up. The Force tends to be like that, no?”

“And I’ll be honest, it’s more fun with someone than by yourself, that’s for sure. What about you? Did you inherit your mother’s love of science and invention?”

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Looking at her for a moment as she gave a nod of her head to it. She loved exploring ever since she was a little girl and got to run around exploring on Tython with a smile and her sister.... hell she had all of her other sisters. "Oh yes I do enjoy exploring and invention." She held up her saber when they came out neat the temple and she opened the doors of the transport. "I made this with her help for the design." Her blade of the rose was nice as a shoto saber that could extend out into a quarterstaff and pike.while also possessing a stronger lens and power cell for slicing through things. "Some of the sabers that can be used are quite nice and here we are." She was looking up the large stair case while looking at the black marble stone and everything they had to explore.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel glanced at her fellow Padawan’s saber. “Nice…very nice. I use my old Master’s and must get around to crafting my own one of these days. I’m sure the Force will tell me when the time is right.”

But then her attention shifted to the temple below. The dark side was even stronger here – it must be some sort of nexus. It looked foreboding – even without the taint of the dark side and wondered what the black marble steps would lead to.

Aware she was engrossed in her own thoughts, she smiled warmly. “I was wondering what we’ll find. I guess there is only one way to find out – we go in there. Lead on!” She put a hand on the hilt of her saber – a reflex action and no doubt one born from the need for comfort.

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Looking at it as she gave a nod in agreement of the things, so many things with the force you could do while moving her attention on a few of the things. "Yeah only one way to learn what is there." She started leading the way towards the stairs and heading down as her hand went to her side and out a little. A natural instinct within the situation as she was usually exploring with her sister [member="Reiko Ike"]. Twin bonds was a thing and they calmed each other down when it was dark and scary going into ruins. She barely noticed when she did it now while descending the stairs with a glow rod in her hand as lightning went across the sky illuminating the carvings on the walls.

She could head down deeper until the rain and sounds were almost muted going into the stairway and coming out in one of the chambers. Ruined doors were there where someone or something had come through here while she was looking over more of it. "This place is kind of spooky, and tingly." She didn't know how to explain it, her nose was itching and she wanted to scratch it but as soon as she did several places across her body were itching. It felt strange with the hair on the back of her neck raising up to hear some of the things. The chamber they were in not leaving much but it showed up on the maap so the drones had been through here.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
At least it was dry inside the temple – even if the aura was oppressive. But there were two of them and anything too nasty would probably have fled by now. At least that was what she told herself as she followed down the stairs. There was a brief moment when she almost held Orihime’s hand but she shrugged off the instinct.

A flash of lightning illuminated further than the glow-rod but revealed little more than further stairs to ascend. Finally they reached a chamber and the outside world was a distant memory. The exits all looked damaged. Something had wanted in or out badly. He tried to use her Force Sense but the dark side clouded her ability to make much sense of what she could feel – her access to the Force and powers were too weak presently to penetrate the dark haze that surrounded her.

“Spooky and tingly. And downright scary,” she added honestly. “Which way next?”

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

She could feel it and standing there while she looked well... can't look dumb but pretending to know what you were doing could be just as dangerous while she was going with more of her attention on the different things. "We should go left." The padawan started going that way to lead them down the hallway through more damaged parts but it all seemed surreal. The darkness was there pressing on her chest almost but she could feel the glow from the sigil that was made to push back at it. Even her senses were muted down here and she usually prided herself on some instincts compared to other padawans she had met.

"Though scary is good, means we'll be on our toes and focused rather then lax in everything. Also means..." She stopped speaking and looked back using the shadows and low light to focus with some of the force energies to try and brush along the other padawans spine for goosebumps. THey could scare each other down here and have a little fun.... maybe tell some ghost stories to pass the time or something interesting.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel was aware of her faults. She may not entirely agree with the extent to which her former Master saw them as weaknesses – and she certainly would never suggest she’d mastered them – but she was at least self-aware. Which meant she knew she was arrogant and so her fellow Padawan’s words rang true.

“Agreed. Scared means focused and in these circumstances a lot better than than dead and confident. If that’s even possible.” She gave a half-smile at her gallows humour. “So we go left. Carefully.” Her brows were now knitted, such was her concentration. It was as if the dark side was limiting her access to the Force , which it probably was.

And then she felt it. Something brushing down her spine, sending her into an involuntary shiver and covering her skin with goosebumps. “Did you feel that? I don’t think we’re alone. Someone, or something is down here with us.” She took her Master’s saber from her belt now. She didn’t activate it, but she held it in both hands, in the ready position as she slightly crouched down but continued to walk.

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

SOmething spooky was down here, she might be playing with her fellow padawan and exacerbating it by caressing and feeling with the force to send shivers down her spine but she couldn't deny there there was something down here. She had heard rumors the one emperor made powerful monsters to protect his palace and they might still be alive but she wasn't certain. If such monsters existed they might not be skilled enough to handle them as she stood there for a moment looking over a few of the things grinning to herself in excitement.... This was keeping her awake and they would be more alert.

Paranoia fueling their awareness to see everything, to observe each detail around them while she moved to stand next to the girl focusing on the area around them. "THere is something, we'll find out what and report it if it is dangerous. Slow and stead with care rather then being cool and going after something by ourselves. It would be cool to be able to do it on our own but my mother would be very upset if my and one of her students got in trouble in some ruins. Better we stick together and watch each others backs." That was a good enough plan she had with her attention on things while moving with a glow rod to illuminate the pathway.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
There was a real chance that they would scare each other into something foolish – even if unintentional. They were both talking up the prospect of danger to the point that two typical teenagers might be both paranoid and nervous wrecks by now. But they were Jedi and had that as a saving grace. And she thought about her fellow Padawan’s words. If anything happened to her daughter, how could she look her master in the face again?

Once more, it would have been easy to call it a day and walk away – but it was neither bravado nor misplaced confidence that took her deeper into the Temple. It was a sense of duty and a trust in the Force. They would not be foolhardy – but they would emerge with something useful to show for their excursion. Even if it was to say the place was empty. Spooky, but empty.

“I’ve got your back, never fear.” And she walked deeper and deeper into the Temple, along the dark corridor, wondering where it would lead.

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

That was the spirit and she was walking deeper into it, handling things now as the pathway emerged into an area looking up into a largecircular hole leading upwards. The remains of spokes down embedded in the floor as there seemed to be some large creatures impaled that radiated the dark sensations all around. It prickled at Orihimes head making it tingle but it wasn't something she liked. "Well I guess maybe this is the bottom of a trap or something." She wasn't exactly certain of what it was while going over some fo the things about the creature in her head while movign forward carefully.

"Careful.... it might still be alive... maybe." She hoped not, scary monsters were one thing alive but if they were dead they weren't a threat and studying ways to synthesize or counter thick hides was something the jedi could use. The thickest being with sithspawn who were nasty creatures. Looking at the tusks protruding from its mouth and spines along its back the padawan saw the small pool below the creature. "I am not certain what it is but I think it might be dead." There was evidence of things scavenging at the soft underbelly and innards of the creatures leaving a dried crusted pool.

Okay so it was old and dead, she could work with that and the hide looked tough all over save the soft sections that had been eaten. Orihime looking around where she could see drag marks seeing things getting pulled across the floor. "I think I know what happened here, a trap door above dropping big scary monsters or intruders down here to be impaled and I think this is a sithspawn. We'll be able to check at least one monster off the list. Though what might be eating it could be dangerous so lets keep looking." They could stay here and say part of it was clear at least touching it.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
As they continued into the Temple, she saw up ahead the corridor led to a large area that went up. Glancing down she saw spikes and the remains of whatever was caught on the trap Orihime spoke of. It was better to approach the spot from here – as opposed to above. But Sorel made a point of checking her footing, using her newly found ability of Force Sight to see if the floor was real or an illusion. They didn’t want to end up on another set of spikes.

She hadn’t paid attention to the spikes properly until she was aware that the creature was largely intact. Except a closer examination revealed that what they saw was effectively a husk and most of the creature had been eaten – only its tough exterior remaining.

She smiled at the concept of having a checklist and ticking things off as they found them. Like some macabre treasure hunt. “I’ve never seen a Sithspawn before,” she admitted. “So I’m glad it’s a dead one.” She’d faced the occasional nasty humanoid before, as well as the odd monster, but never in a dark side nexus. “What next?” She didn’t finish the sentence, frightened she would tempt fate. Her imagination was running away with her right now.

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

What next indeed? She was thinking about it and Orihime moved off to the side making a nod of her head before she set down a marker for the droids and they could use it to study. "I have seen a few, my mother fought several of them exploring when we were little." She said it with a smile though and had been young when seeing it while moving towards some of the doorways she saw. Going through it while there seemed to be sections leading to rooms that could house servants. She was guessing at least from the binders and manacles found on the skeletons they passed. Leading the way deeper down it the macabre treasure hunt that was an amazing idea.

She was checking things off though while moving and they entered another room, the sound of lapping water as light reflected off of it and moved along the walls. She could smell it before moving with most of her attention while touching it and there was rain water coming down in tubes to drop out in faucets that were busted open. She was guessing the water refilled or had a chance to go through a system collected from the roof, then could be used down here while she was looking as it. A mural on the bottom showing some of the people under the water before she touched it coming away with the water dripping off her fingers.

"This is maybe a servants bath house... maybe, I suppose refreshers were more for the sith then those who could just hope for rain or snow." The water wasn't much but the idea of for a moment, if they hadn't been in the rain and cold outside..... it was there that small thought of pointing, calling out a distraction and then 'accidentally' tripping for her to knock Sorel into the water.... Accidentally of course, she could pass that off and lighten the mood from the darkside sexus that was this world. She could at least though work on some of the things while closing the faucets to keep the water from overflowing.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
She saw her fellow Padawan working with the droids and took notice. She was herself adept at working with technology yet often overlooked it as a means to a solution, tending to rely on the Force almost exclusively. She decided to change that approach.

And she wondered what it was like to have a mother. She didn’t begrudge her friend the fact, but she’d known no parents of her own – at least she had no real memories of them. And then her attention snapped back to Orihime.

And she’d seen plenty of atrocities the galaxy had to offer but slavery and enforced servitude was as bad as it got. She couldn’t imagine the Sith were benevolent masters and wondered what it would like to be enslaved here. Of course, she was so preoccupied that it would be easy for her fellow Padawan to play a trick on her right now!

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Orihime was noticing it and oh it was so tempting but much like that last piece of chocolate cake you needed to have some self control. She would find a way to have a little tension breaking fun with her fellow padawan. Break them out of that cold oppressive feeling but not by getting her all wet when it was already raining outside. Didn't need her sick, that would just welcome a grouchy personality. Going through the bath as she was searching it there wasn't much else, a wondow was broken and it had blood and fur on it. She was guessing that was one of the ways the creatures got in afterwards. There was a hot box like room she guessed was for punishment.

The bath area was mostly not the thing it was looking outside and along the pathways in the back that had her interest as the rain was coming down. THe statues seemed almost life like with their eyes following you as you moved. She edged around it looking at the other doors and going into one of them with claw marks but no signs it had been opened. The remains of the kitchen as she smelled rot from some of the food on the counter and saw large doors leading to a walk in. "I don't think we'll need to look in there judging by the smell." Sometimes she was wondering what to do with it while checking the map and tapping it as searched.

Continuing while she looked at Sorel who didn't talk as much at times but seemed to be in her head, she got to really look at the padawan seeing her. With the flashes of lightning well it illuminated her face and Orihime pushed on focusing on exploring but well back to the small things like a small whisp of the force to try and tickle the small hairs on the girls spin to get something. She was curious how aware she was after being a student of her mother. Joshua had proclaimed his power as a jedi, while a couple of others seemed to have enjoyed it and learned more about the smaller things in the force. Subtle before she pushed one of the dors open into an old style library with books on the shelves.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
The general darkness was oppressive – even without the nexus. But she was growing in awareness that the silence was also adding to the feeling. She had been loner for too long and was comfortable in silence. But that didn’t mean her companion was. So she tried to think of a subject to talk about and felt oddly stumped. She didn’t want to talk for talking sake, but she needed to break the silence.

“Tell me,” she said a little loudly before reining the volume back in. “I mean, I’m interested to know, what’s the oddest Force ability you know?”

She spoke as she wrinkled her nose at the smell. It was one thing to wear a bracelet that stopped you being poisoned but it didn’t mute the aroma – which was decidedly pungent.

And no sooner had she asked the question than she spun on the spot. She was asure someone touched the back of her neck. She was sure she wasn’t imagining it and glowered at the dark for whoever it was to show themselves before putting it down to her imagination and returning her attention back to her fellow Padawan. “Sorry, I got distracted. It was nothing…I hope.”

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

She worked hard to suppress the laugh on her face but she grinned a little on the inside while thinking about the question and going through the library with a nod of her head. The strangest force power she had ever seen.... There were a couple. Joshua had well glowed all whote and as he put it became the ultimate jedi... Though her mother had explained that one as simple ego and force barrier. No the strangest had to be. "Well my mother studied with the Aing-Tii and took me and my sister to meet them. Their way of using the force is strange, just sitting there but mother said they could go anywhere in the galaxy."

She wasn't certain if it was true and her mother had been vague as she didn't seem to fully understand it as well, Orihime was guessing it had something to do with being a master while she picked up a book and opened it looking at the pages. "There isn't much here, I think all of this would be in the databanks if we are lucky but more knowledge is important and who knows maybe one of the sith was arrogant enough he let his secret tome of forbidden knowledge here where he thought no one would look. We could totally be all cool and lock away some of the siths secrets for destruction after the council finishes voting."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel was unused to this feeling. It was fear. She was always to sure of herself but whether it was the unfamiliarity of the underground complex, or the nexus or the sights and sounds – or even the combination of factors – but she felt as uncomfortable as she had in her entire life.

And then she heard the answer her fellow Padawan gave and she was distracted by the answer. She whistled. “Anywhere? I mean really? Anywhere? That’s cool not weird, surely? But certainly not standard, I admit that.”

Then she looked at all the books. She didn’t even pick one up, she learned through doing, not reading. She enjoyed knowledge but would rather be told something than have to read about it. “I’m sure this counts as a decent find – even if it is run of the mill stuff. We should lock the door. I can do that, it’s probably my weirdest ability.”

[member="Orihime Ike"]

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