Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aint no terrapin on Sarapin [OS Dominion of Sarapin]

Location: The Ruins

Amaethon finally found his way into the library after searching for the better part of an hour. The Temple itself may have been covered in the dust of disuse but it was still large and empty enough to feel cavernous. The rooms had yielded nothing of value, bits of clothing, various and sundry articles of living. In general, the deziens had mostly stripped the former Temple bare.

The library itself was massive, easily able to engulf the Korriban Temple's own. As he walked up and down the aisles, Amaethon found only four dust coated data cards, probably filled with useless information, but he pocketed them all the same. Striding down another row, his head snapped up, away from the shelves.

He felt it before he heard it, and his hand flew to his saber, igniting it in the blink of an eye. As he took up a defensive stance, he saw the Vapaad coming towards him. It's tentacles were a blur, as legends said he was unable to discern their number. Snarling, Amaethon focused his hate and gathered the Dark Side around him....
Location: Arriving on Sarapin's surface
Objective: Re-establish the geothermal energy plants

Taeli cracked her neck as her personal shuttle touched down on Sarapin among the Krayt transports that would be scattering around the planet to re-establish the first link in Sarapin's energy grid: the geothermal stations. Technicians and workers started to flood out of the transports, heading for whichever station was closest, all of them in special gear to protect against the heat and keep them cool.

Taeli herself was garbed in similar attire, if not a bit more fitting of her station, but she would be helping right along side her engineers in establishing new stations as well. More transports continued to land, and the offloading of equipment began, along with the establishment of security zones around each station to prevent any wild Vaapads from getting too close.

"Let's get the energy grid back online people," she ordered, striding into the nearest station.

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Location: At the ruins
Objective: Explore Jedi ruins and wipe out all traces of Jedi antiquity
Allies: tbc

She looked up at the crumbling exterior - the irony not lost on her. As the Enclave went, so the Jedi will go. On the plus side, the Jedi were predictable - if you've visited one Enclave, you've been to most of them. The large stone structure visible would no doubt encircle the main buildings. And there would no doubt be subterranean levels too. She she passed the rubble and entered the main courtyard - which was always key to navigating the compound.

The north and east would have been busy in their day - full of hustle and bustle - but little of interest unless someone dropped something. To the south would be the landing platform - again of limited interest unless old ship parts were deemed useful. The west promised the training areas and Archives - which ought to be the most lucrative. Except...that's where every looter would go. And they'd be lucky to find a cheap datacron, the sort you got free with three packets of cereal.

So she headed in an entirely different direction - to the living quarters. Padawans were notorious for 'borrowing' things from the Archives and forgetting to return them. So she figured even if there was a controlled evacuation, people wouldn't start looking under mattresses or search for little holes in the wall behind bedside tables. She smiled. The only fun she ever had on Corellia was to see who could take the most valuable artefact without being discovered. And who's to say the Jedi fools here were any different?
Objective: Jedi Ruins
Allies: [member="Khan Ra"] ... [member="Amaethon"]​
The chamber she entered had signs of plunder written all over it. Broken tomes, tipped over computer terminals, and droid parts were scattered all over the chamber's floor. The walls were cracked in several places and the paint fading in some spots and absent in others. In the far corner sat a workbench, perhaps where lightsaber construction took place. Upon closer inspection, even the workbench had been stripped of its tools while the floor around the workbench showed signs that it too was a target of looters at one time. When salvagers set their mind to plunder, nothing was safe. With nothing to be gained staying here, she left the chamber to its memories.

The corridor spilled out into a courtyard, a gathering place for the Jedi to come and meditate or talk Jedi talk. She knew they loved to talk, but did they listen, she thought not. In the centre of the courtyard rested a small water fountain, now barren, flanked by two statues. She looked at the statues carefully but time had eroded them beyond the pointe of recognition. Then she saw two urns, cracked and corroded, next to the statues; their contents long ago. She looked around the courtyard and realized this was no courtyard, but some sort of Jedi graveyard. Several urns where placed throughout the area and it occurred to her the contexts in those and the ones missing from the two cracked urns must be ashes.

She was no authority on Jedi customs in regards to honouring their dead but she had heard or read that the Jedi cremated the bodies of their fallen. And apparently kept them in urns. She found this to be slightly morbid considering it was Jedi that did this. She felt a sense of creepiness wash over her and decided it was time to leave this area of the ruins behind. She hated the Jedi but even she knew it was wrong to desecrate burial sites or linger about the dead,

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Location: Jedi Ruins
Objective: Destroy (or loot) anything remotely Jedi-like
Allies: [member="Amaethon"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Melori Raaf"]
Forces: One very burly flamethrower-toting Transdoshan trooper named Bob

So far every room hadn't beenw roth looking into. Plenty of training rooms, another severely overgrown garden. Khan was hoping to find an archives or library... That's where the majority of things worth looting would be, would it not? However, he had no luck. Just endless hallways and useless rooms, nothing worth looting, mostly barely even worth wasting thermal detonators on. Eventually, though, Khan came accross a set of massive slightly open wooden doors, the extreme heat and lack of humidity on the planet never allowing them to rot. Was this the enterance to the archives? Khan glanced back at his one trooper, before pushing one of the double doors aside...

The room had a half circle of chairs, statues sitting in the corners, a small podium in the center. A meeting room. Probably where the leaders of the enclave met, made decisions. However, those weren't the first things he noticed. The first things he noticed was the Dozens of oddly built creatures in the room, a few near swatches of gooey eggs stuck to the walls. Dozens of eye stalks snapping towards him, staring at him. "Ah..." Almost as soon as he spoke, the tentacles of two dozen Vapaad snapped at him.
Location: Library, Temple Ruins, Sarapin

Amaethon's ruby-hued blade parried a lashing tentacle and the vaapad screamed as it felt the sting. It was all the Acolyte could do to parry the seemingly endless tentacles. It whipped at him again and again, driven by pain, and he was forced to give ground. He gritted his teeth in frustration under his mask, flicking away another appendage.

He shuffled back and his shoulder was clipped by a plinth, sending him stumbling and the bust crashing to the ground. The vaapad took advantage and brought a tentacle to bear, whipping Amaethon. He hissed in pain and was forced to throw himself under the barrage. Still smarting, he felt his anger surge and he lashed out with a head sized ball of Dark Side energy. The sphere connected, sending the tentacled creature crashing into a shelf.

Amaethon dashed forward and thrust into the spherical body through a yellow eye. The vaapad screamed in mindless agony and he was forced to leap back as it thrashed wildly. It dropped to the floor and spent the next few moments in it's death throes, twitching. The Acolyte came forward, cautiously probing for life.

It was quite dead, fortunately, he found. He deactivated his red blade with a hiss and hooked it on his right side. Nine. He counted nine tentacles.


The Second Seal, broken.
Objective: Capture the Vapaad
Allies: [member="Zambrano the Hutt"]
She pulled a face as the giant slug stabbed one of his entourage for seemingly no other reason but to cause him pain, her fingers curled around the hilt of her blade somewhat more tightly than necessary. With a huff, the woman forcibly averted her gaze from the disgusting Hutt in his chair, suddenly far more determined to hunt down those Vapaad.

"Fan out in groups of five!" she ordered as she turned around to face her troops. "Don't stray and watch each other's backs," the firrerreo continued once she had their attention. "Catch the bastards alive if possible, but grab the corpses too." Her blue eyes swept over each and every one of them, careful, calculating. The Vapaad weren't easy prey, and she was sure that half of those soldiers wouldn't be returning home that day.

The price of victory, she thought ruefully and gave the signal to move out, her expression hidden behind the black visor. She didn't really care if the greasy Zambrano followed or not — it wasn't like he could really pull his own weight — but the slaves he'd brought along would probably attract the beasts they were hunting. Add in the torture the Hutt so liberally visited upon his subordinates, and the Vapaad were sure to flock towards them like moths to a flame.

The armored Knight readied her flamethrower, praying to the gods of AoE that the attacking Juyo would be stopped by the gentle touch of her fire-spitting beaut. If not… well, that's what the pikes and nets were for.

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
Objective: Geothermal taps
Location: One of [member="Darth Arcanix"] 's engineering teams

He'd brought the full toolkit for this: One of the Levantine Scanpacks he'd helped design, complete with geothermal sensors. A Santhe/Sienar sonic servodriver, the same one that he'd used since long before his election to the Senate, and even longer before he'd 'died' and adopted the masked identity of Darth Parash. The Liberty's Veil, cloaked and hovering on overwatch, its more comprehensive sensors linked into the Scanpack. An intimate knowledge of the technology involved in getting geothermal taps up and running.

These particular taps ran fluid down for miles, then back up through a series of hydraulic ram pumps, and the temperature differential fed into the generators proper. Major issues included breakages in the deep pipes and replacement of several pumps, all inaccessible by humanoids and too far away for reliable Force use (which meant much more than it used to). As such, he and the teams had brought a variety of small scanning and repair droids, from Mando-built E4GL3 scanballs to more aggressive little machines. They blurped into the pipes' murky hatches and vanished into the stagnant depths.
Objective: Learn
Location: Classroom

The Zabrak would continue to watch the lesson, crouched down as the master went on his lesson. It seemed to be something about the history of the Jedi Order, specifically on a time long past. While it was nothing of major importance, it was still interesting to learn about. Blue eyes would drift about the room to each of the students. Children it seemed. Probably picked up as the Jedi always had. Away from their families and friends without warning. To become monks.

Shortly after the lesson was finished, the Zabrak stood, moved over to the datacron, and crushed it underfoot. Useless, as to be expected. The Jedi were truly selfish beings. Without pause, Ferus would turn from the room. Of course, the supports had a bit of a change. After he walked out, the room itself would explode, crumbling down into nothing. There were other rooms to explore though.
Objective: Secure repositories and re-vitalize energy collectors
Allies: [member="Yvette Dusong"]

A crimson eye bored down upon the woman, young as she was, especially in respect to the overwhelming age of the Hand of the Dark Lord. "Sir...I'm not a sir, child. I work for a living." As the ship set down upon volcanic rock, legs clamping within burned trenches of molten origin, he turned his eye from the front of the ship back to the human. "When are we setting down? I"

The ramp opened to reveal an inescapable heat, the likes of which were responded to by the Sith Lord unzipping the flack vest and approaching the ramp. He looked back to the young human and raised a hand, beckoning her to follow. He sensed a meekness in her, beyond just the typical nature of recruits, but behind such fragility, was the capacity to bend and adapt. Great strength could be derived from such things, if given the proper nourishment. As his heavy footedness led him down the stairs, he spoke towards an energy collector, though his attention was to the woman with whom he didn't even know her name. It's not that he trusted her, not in the slightest. But he harbored no fear towards her intentions, however malicious or benevolent they might be.

"We have a responsibility to the core our dynasty, to the One Sith and their responsibility to their people." He smiled as he gestured towards an energy collector. "The infrastructure on this planet is ancient, but the technology is ideal for our purposes. With this planet, we can provide energy and power for nearly three quarters of the core world needs. That sounds adequate to me." A trooper responded to the gesture as Gabriel padded his chest and denoted the intended location with a swing of his arm. "Get the units back on line and begin conduit repair to the allocation repositories."

"Yes, my Lord." The trooper took a slew of assistance on his way to the collector. Gabriel turned to the young woman and curled his lips to the corner of his mouth. "You have me at a disadvantage, I didn't catch your name."
Objective: Explore the Ruins
Location: The ruins?
Allies: People.
Enemies: Other people, probably.

Anja Aj'Rou had continued her lending of assistance to her benevolent allies, The One Sith, although they were likely without need of help; it was something that proved the continued growth of a relationship between the two factions. The zeaolus Primeval were not without their own motives, however. The Host Lord was interested in seeing this development lead to shared knowledge and technologies, whether it be from their worlds or The Primeval's. "What is this place?", she muttered under her breath... Truly there were many mysteries in the galaxy awaiting to be explored.

Accompanying her was no one, she was in all ways on her own -- well until she finds a venerable ally, to say the least. Who they would be or what form they would take was unknown as of now, she may have been a prophet but she did not fancy herself an oracle or fortune teller. Strapped to her waist was a sheathed vibroblade, the choice weapon of the witch. Her Umbaran eyes circled the scenery as her body did a slow 360 and examined the carved stone that was once a temple.

How humbling, to be in the presence of history; a voice now lost as a whisper.


The Second Seal, broken.
Objective: Capture the Vapaad
Allies: [member="Zambrano the Hutt"]
As expected, the Hutt wasn't much help. Aside from his slaves, who served as bait for the swift Vaapad, the obese slug didn't so much as lift a finger to aid the Knight. Well, not like she needed the assistance of an overgrown, live booger.

"Incoming, ten o'clock!"

The shout interrupted whatever derisive remarks the woman was conjuring up in her head, and she turned in the indicated direction. Her group consisted of experienced hunters, but if pressed, Vrag would put her money on that one guy from Dagobah; the planet was famous for its murderous wildlife and harsh conditions, after all. Still, armed with everything the Sith possessed that didn't kill outright — and yes, you are right in assuming the selection is quite poor with those conditions in mind — her little group was sure to break even the fabled Juyo.

Well, or not.

As it turned out, the stories really didn't exaggerate; the beasts were hardly more than a blur when they launched themselves at her team, and Vrag had only her reflexes to thank that she didn't end up with one of them wrapped around her neck. The tentacles wouldn't do very well against the durasteel she was wearing, of course, but it was doubtful she'd ever live down the unfortunate incident.

I'd have to shoot them all, the woman wondered absently as she squeezed the trigger of her trusty flamethrower, engulfing the hardy monster in a searing white blaze. It only lasted a few moments, so as to spare its life, but the fire had done enough damage to have that particular animal out for the count.

Her hunters had done a good job of holding off the rest in the meantime, and while one lay in a pool of its own blood on the side, there were five more struggling under a tightly drawn net. The sight brought a satisfied little smile to her lips, and the Sith threw herself into the fray with gusto.

Time to see if Form VII had been aptly named or not.
Objective: Jedi Ruins
Allies: [member="Khan Ra"] ... [member="Amaethon"] ... [member="Melori Raaf"]​
The day was growing close to an end and still she saw nothing worthy or valuable that justified her wiping away any Jedi antiquity. Anything that held some semblance to value had been already plundered or looted, and anything that didn't seemed to have been destroyed out of frustration. Whomever was responsible for these actions had inadvertently aided the Sith here. However, despite how she felt at the onset of being here, a part of her had hoped to come across something; mainly a Jedi holocron. Those artifacts fetched a high price on the black market but she had no need of wealth, only knowledge of her enemy. That was the true value of a Jedi holocron. Learn about your enemy and use their own teachings and knowledge against them. Especially one Jedi Master in particular.

She continued walking through the ruins with no apparent destination in mind when she felt a ripple in the Force. Something was close and drawing closer to her by the minute. Stopping in the middle of the hallway, she removed her lightsaber, the Dagobah Curse, that was dangling from the right side of her utility belt and held it tight. Again she felt the presence of something behind her forcing her to spin on her heels to see a brown shaped ball with yellow eyes staring at her. Her black and red flecked eyes looked at the whipping of tentacles from the creature, a vaapad. She knew they inhabited this planet and the surrounding moons but she never thought she would come across one here in the Jedi ruins. They were both lethal and quick in combat or trapping prey. She would need to be cautious dealing with this creature.

Her first instinct was to kill the brown creature until she recalled that a certain Sith Lord wanted to study these vaapad. How would she capture one? Carefully since she had no means to restrain the beast.

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Location: Jedi Ruins, Council chambers of some kind. Also a Vapaad nest.
Objective: Destroy (or loot) anything remotely Jedi-like, Don't get eaten by land octopi
Allies: [member="Amaethon"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Melori Raaf"]
Forces: One very burly flamethrower-toting Transdoshan trooper named Bob

Felactian's were known for their reflexes. It would not be too difficult to fight a single Vapaad, maybe even too. Three would be difficult. Twenty-four would be suicide. As tentacles shot all around him Khan chopped his vibroblade down in a quick arc, removing two tentacles. However, they kept coming. He heard the familiar small pew pew of Bob's blasterp istol behind him; he had had the forthought not to use the flamethrower, but that quickly ended as a few of the Vapaads turned to the other threat. Within seconds, Khan's blade was nowhere to be seen, and tentacles warpped around each of his appendages. The Felactian tugged viciously against the tentacles, to no avail. They were pulled from all angles.... Slowly ripping him apart. Suddenly, the tentacles loosened. All at once the Vapaads truned their attention away- off to the other side of the room. Bob had gotten free of the Vapaads attacking him somehow- and taken a combat knife to some of the gooey eggs stuck to the wall. Sucesfully attracting the attention of every single Vapaad in the room- and freeing Khan. The Acolyte quickly got to his feet, all but ignored by the Vapaad now as they lashed at the Transdoshan with dozens of tentacles. Being ignored was a fantastic advantage. It gave the Felactian time to quickly grab his vibroblade... and start hacking at the distracted Vapaad. Of course they werne't distracted for long after that- but only a few would turn their attention at a time to Khan, others were busy succumbing the lizard-like trooper who tried to destroy their eggs. However, the Transdoshan was strong, kicking at the things when he was pulled too close, and ripping apart tentacles as they wrapped around his arms. Between the two of them, the Vapaads didn't know who to attack- the one killing them from behind, or the one going for their eggs. Meanwhile their numbers dwindled one at a time.

(Tl;r: Fighting Vapaads.)
Objective: Capture the Vapaad - Objective Two
Location: Serapin's surface
Allies: [member="Vrag"]

As expected, the Knights team was far more professional than his. The Vapaad immediately swarmed the area, one even passing past the line of freed slaves (now probably dead), and planting itself on Vrag. Of course, she unleashed a gust of flame over the tentacled beast, so she was left unharmed. The slow Gamorreans attempted to charge at a few only to be either ignored or killed. Zambrano took the opportunity to swing his whip at a Vapaad is it killed a nearby Gamorrean, unfortunately it didn't do much but graze a few tentacles before it ran away...

Of course, that was all he needed. The barbs that "grazed" even a single tentacle, would transmit a fast acting paralytic drug, rendering that particular limb inoperable within a short span of time. As the creature dodged around the rest of the whip, and rounded the Hutt, it would seem the Vapaad had gotten slower, perhaps even tripping slightly on that limb. As it attacked a live slave upon his throne, again he took the opportunity to strike the distracted and slowed Vapaad with his electrified pike. Mouth opened with a painful gaze, his ash colored black tattooed face light up with the bluish light as he thrust the metal pole into the Vapaad, watching it writhe in agony as it was electrocuted. Luckily, before it likely died, a Juyo attacked him from behind, causing the Hutt to roar out some blood, only his toughened hide protecting him from the attack.

He turned coming backwards with the pike, to strike it with the blunt end and remove the creature from his back.Though it was clear that would not work. In desperation to see the creature writhe in agony like the one unconscious upon his heap of corpses. So... even under the tremendous pressure upon his mind... he pushed. His eyes rolled upwards, his nose began to bleed, and his roar grew louder as he directed his mental influence upon the Vapaad. The effect though, wasn't going to be predictable... not that the Hutt was trying to predict anything.


(Zambrano is attempting to Mind Trick/Befriend Animal the Vapaad directly on his back. Zambrano is particularly good at Mind Trick than any of his other abilities currently. What is the result [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]? :D)
Location: The Library

He still felt the pain where the vaapad had struck him vividly as he continued his search. His breath was ragged which forced him to wrap himself in the Dark Side to buffer the injury. The Acolyte buried thoughts of pain and instead focused on finding anything of use. Mostly dust and empty shelves.

He found himself back in the center, near the head librarian's desk. On a whim, he walked over and sat on the chair. The data terminal was useless, probably even with power it would short out. Amaethon pulled drawers out at random until at last he found a sheet of faded flimsy-plast. It was apparently a manifest for the removal of materials elsewhere and he was terribly disappointed to see all holocrons had been taken.

That meant the expedition had been pointless. Unless the data cards yielded something, which he doubted. The Jedi Librarians had been meticulous in their inventory on the flimsy-plast, such as an Imperial Army logistics officer could only dream.
Location: A geothermal plant
Objective: Get it up and running again, along with the others
Allies: [member="Darth Parash"] [member="Reverance"]

Taeli smiled as her workers moved around, trying to get all the computer systems up and running again. Whenever the workers here had vanished, they must have been terrified and panicked from the state of the room and equipment.

"How much longer until we have a clearer picture?" she asked, sitting down in front of the view screen and a keyboard.

"Should be . . . now, my Lady," an engineer said, and as he spoke, the screens around the room lit up and Taeli had a perfect image of the state of each plant and the collection equipment in the region. It would seem any of the plants were simply inactive right now, but several were showing signs of overload from not having proper oversight over the last few days.

Directing her teams to trouble spots, Taeli began typing console commands on her keyboard that would highlight areas for new taps and observation stations that would need built. Her engineers were still scurrying around this station, getting everything ready for the influx of energy that would be coming.

"System is at 80% efficiency and rising, my Lady," one technician yelled from his terminal. "We've got some power being sent out on the subspace waves, but more facilities need to come online first before it will make an impact."

"Then let's get those facilities rebooted then," she said, noting reports coming in from her outside teams that construction on two new taps and a storage capacitor had begun. Another green light went up to show another station coming online . . . excellent. She wondered how [member="Melori Raaf"] was doing in her little field trip.
Zambrano the Hutt said:
(Zambrano is attempting to Mind Trick/Befriend Animal the Vapaad directly on his back. Zambrano is particularly good at Mind Trick than any of his other abilities currently.)
*The Vapaad creature is most susceptible to the effects of Mind Trick, turning it into a loyal companion, and a very loving one, at that.*
Objective : Secure repositories and re-vitalize energy collectors | Assist Reverance
Allies : [member="Reverance"]

Light whimpers slipped through the girls quivering lips as she peered back into that crimson orb looking down at her, embarrassment coursing through her unsteady frame as the man corrected her almost nonchalantly. Silently she pulled herself back upright, head hung low as she stared down at the cold metal floor beneath them in order to avoid further admonishment from him, teeth biting down upon her lower lip as she could faintly hear the muffled chuckles of the mercenaries on either side of her. Eyes widened in a mixture of shock and surprise once the ship finished its descent and finally landed upon the volcanic land of the planet with a groan, unintentionally pushing the fidgeting woman against another as she lost her footing for a few brief moments. No apologies were uttered this time around as she saw the Sith beckon her to follow through the corner of squinted eyes, hurriedly unwrapping her digits from around the bar as she obediently followed his footsteps down the heaving ramp and into the scorching surface of the planet. Both hands clutched the middle of her dress firmly as her breathing became heavy and ragged, beads of sweat trickling down her reddened face as the searing heat washed over her. Flimsy eyes followed the gaze of the Sith as they directed hers towards the nearby collectors amidst the rocky surface of the world, a low buzzing like sound ringing through her ears as she listened intently to his words.

"But wouldn't it be . . ." She spoke in a soft tone of voice, cut abruptly once the man turned to finally face her and address her properly. "Ah, of course! My apologize S- . . . Lord?" She asked nervously as she turned to face the man as well, blue eyes tentatively peering into the crimsoned orb of the man as she hastily bowed before him for a brief moment. Twitching fingers toyed with the cloth draped over her body as she incessantly tugged upon the red fabric, desperately attempting to fan herself before she would pass out from a heat stroke. "Yvette Dusong, at your service at the behest of the Sith." She continued in a somewhat cordial and confident tone of voice, lips curling upwards in a warm yet quivering smile as she forced herself to maintain eye contact with the much taller man. Even still, the longer she looked up towards him the more uncomfortable she felt, the damp air of the planet in conjunction with it's temperature doing nothing to calm her nerves. "Wouldn't it be better . . . to simply upgrade them however? If this planet alone in its desolate state can provide for nearly a third of the core worlds, couldn't we simply take the time to improve on this foundation and supply the entirety of the Core as well as have something extra to barter away if need be?"
Objective: Secure repositories and re-vitalize energy collectors
Allies: [member="Yvette Dusong"], [member="Darth Arcanix"], [member="Darth Parash"]

It was so rare that he was given the opportunity to flex his brain in the midst of a mission. More often then not, the One Sith required his brute strength and physicality and merciless persistence, leaving his degrees and laboratory training by the wayside. It often gave him the fleeting sense that such time spent upon Arkania, when not being tortured by an overly loving father, were going to waste. But when he had the opportunity to sit down and really think, or in this case, stand and think on his toes, he relished the idea of it. So when presented with the questions about changes in technology, he merely smiled as he beckoned her to keep pace. It was a decent hike to get to the facilities.

"I think most of our ranks would agree with you..." He lifted a large arm to scratch the interior of his vest, a scar running across his abdomen, a piece of metal flung from an exploded mechanical unit on Annaj. If he recalled that correctly. "However, it's quite a production to get this sort of machinery into such a hazardous conditions. Most metals can't deal with this sort of volatility and really, most systems aren't built to function in such a 'sooty' condition." He stopped, mid stride, as he pointed towards the sky. Almost as if he had lassoed a thought, mid air, and was pulling it down to himself. His sanguine gaze fell upon the young women, who was slowly piquing his interest for the time being. "Sarapin is a closed system. As the volcanic plates and geysers release heat, that heat is trapped in the atmosphere. That energy continues to build in the planet and as it does, homeostasis is met. We pull the energy in specific increments not because we are incapable of doing better, but because doing better would render the planet useless to us. To do anymore would disrupt the cycle, leading to the eventual dilapidation of the planet." He picked the pace back up, they were almost to the abandoned facility now and he was prepared to break the rusted locks open to enter. "Everything in moderation, Yvette. We don't want to destroy this planet, we just want to use it."

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