Objective 3 - The Baron and I will have a talk...
Sauntering was a skill that many attempted, but few did with style. Qarai was not ashamed to say that he had practised sauntering, and swaggering, in front of mirrors until he got the effect down. Mind you, he wasn't ashamed to admit this to himself, alone, in his own head. Even then, it was rare. Qarai held a grin on his mouth as he sauntered through the town. He was deeply in contact with the place in his mind and heart that felt the force most rawly. He had plans for this planet, and would much rather not have a dauntingly large murder count, so he was pushing his mentalism to the brink to take down people who go in his way in a way that wouldn't permanently harm them. For a man like Qarai, it was remarkable restraint, but he had a goal in mind, and taking down the Baron was a step toward that goal.
Some people had large, expansive goals. Some people had small goals, but lots of them. Qarai had an expansive goal, but let the small goals take up the majority of his time. They were often the most fun...and vivacious.
As Qarai drew closer to the Baron's estate, he heard blaster fire. That was both good and bad. It meant that there were people resisting the Baron and doing so proactively. Good, he had allies. Bad, he didn't trust allies he'd never met to not screw things up. It also meant that the guards were distracted. Good, the guards wouldn't be able to resist his abilities as well. Bad, friendly fire is never as friendly as it sounds.
Qarai stepped up to a corner and looked beyond to see the Baron's estate. He saw guards drawn up in a defensive position, with a handful of rebels opposing them. He also saw that both were decidedly indisposed with each other, and paying little heed to what was going on behind them. Qarai, then, decided to turn his mentalism to a different tac. He'd make himself harder to notice, by the simple expedient of casting an aura of blinding mundanity about himself. Any who gazed upon him, would feel instantly bored with it, were the tac to work.
Suffice it to say, it wasn't something he did very often.
He pushed out with the mundane aura, then walked, not sauntering anymore, towards the side of the estate. There were always back doors and servant entrances, Qarai would find one, and have a few words with the Baron.
Then have some of his liquor.
The house was pretty nice too, he might take that as well.
Qarai slipped past the battle easily enough, any who noticed him past the aura simply had no time for him, as someone else was shooting at them and trying to kill them.
It was all very "Blood for the Blood God" out front. The side was a bit quieter, and far more tense.
The aura got him very close to the trio of guards holding hastily made positions around a set of french doors (seriously should call them something else...maybe Alderanian Doors?).
The aura got him very close to the trio of guards holding hastily made positions around a set of alderanian doors, the other side of which held a breakfast nook or some such. Inevitably, though, even the mundane was noticeable to people fearing for their lives. The guards turned to him and aimed at him with their weapons.
"Stop right there!" The lead guard said, this one was a captain, female, and bore a striking resemblance to a young sergeant he had previously met. Without a second thought, Qarai ripped through the mind of one of the other guards and tore out the identity of the captain and her brother. "What are you doing here?" She said, eyes wide with nearly uncontrolled fear. It was obvious that this was more of a job to her, than a career. Good, that.
"Anibel, erm...Captain Sevaro, your brother Septin sent me. He is having trouble at the Hidden Shank Inn rounding up those renegades. He wanted me to beg the Baron for more guards..." Through the lie he wove some truths, not the name of the bar for certain, but the general story. He also wove several small pushes with the force, being finesse with this one where he had been force with her brother and the drooling guard on the other side of the Captain from him.
"Ummm..." She began, her mind trying to work out what it really felt, and what he was insinuating. He fed more power into the mental push, letting it slide past what defenses she had. "Go...go, ask the man yourself, but don't hold your breath." She said, a slightly glassy look coming over her eyes as she did. Qarai nodded, skipped merrily over the barricade and sauntered in through the alderanian doors.
He could hear blaster fire coming from the front and the far side of the building. He hoped very much that they didn't do too much damage to his future abode, but first he had to take it from its current owner. He slipped up the stairs from the kitchen, a servant set that led up to a study. Inside the study was the Baron, and the Guard commander as well.
"Who are you?" Baron von Sigil asked in a cold, angry voice. Qarai couldn't help but grin inwardly. This little backwater thought the only thing to being nobility was taking from your people. It was this type of people that had helped cement Qarai's desire for the simple life of a pirate.
"I, my dear Baron." Qarai started, almost sneering as he stressed the mans title. "I am Viscount Thelonius Teramo. You, my dear backwater Baron, are causing trouble with all the wrong sorts of people..." He continued, exuding an aura of foreboding and menace with his force abilities. As he drew on those abilities, he felt danger and other people in the building. The danger came from the front of the building, where no more people could be felt. He paused a moment, reaching out to the guard captain he had left behind. He fed her the urgent danger from the front, and the certain knowledge that no one was there. It was taxing, using his mental powers so much. It probably stole from his current aura to push the urgent need to handle what was likely a bomb at the front door to someone so far away. There were definitely reasons why Qarai didn't trust allies so easily.
"Viscount...Teramo...from Serenno?" The contemptible little Baron was confused now, and Qarai grinned. Now the battle of wits began.
[member="Katelyn Thanewulf"] [member="Gray Raxis"] [member="x30-20g"] [member="Jagen Wren"] [member="Jack Raxis"] [member="audren sykes"]