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Unreviewed Alani Crake | Second Among Firsts


  • Age: 18
  • Force Sensitivity: Force User
  • Species: Half Stennes Shifter
  • Appearance:
    • Alani stands five foot ten inches, with long raven hair and pale skin akin to porcelain. One eye glows with a sulphuric burn, while the other is missing - leaving her with assymetrical features. Her nose, her eyes and brow, even her jaw is sharp and cut from marble - but all of it is overshadowed by the deep and vicious marks of her birth. Born from a genetic pairing that was never meant to happen, she is cracked china - a face of ceramic littered with the shatters of her forebears sins. Scars and gaunt skin pull close to her skull, and make her look half skeletonized, adding an air of terror to her interactions.
  • Name:
    • Alani Crake // Iron Maiden
  • Title:
    • Second Among Firsts
  • Loyalties:
  • Notable Possessions:
    • U-01 Standard Academy Uniform
    • Custom Sith Sword
    • Alchemized Nails that drip with Sith Poison
  • Personality:
    • Alani is not a creature of anger or fire and brimstone, but an icy wind from the north. She can be friendly, even appealing to some, but the natural distance she places between her and others gives hints at her distrust and underlying nature. Deeply, she is apathetic to the world at large - and looks inwards for her drive and determination. Vengeance for her upbringing, power at all costs, she is a highly politically apt student with a long career ahead of her in manipulation.
  • Training:
    • As many of her peers, Alani is cast from the iron Sith are notorious for. She is resilient, hard working, intelligent, and dangerous. She has not been a participant in sports, or large festivals of fan fare to celebrate any of her abilities, but she has seen and done more under the tutelage of her anonymous master than most would care to ever deal with. From blades to books, there are few equals to her in almost any regard, and she has often been known as the 'Iron Maiden' for her cold and unbreakable nature.
  • Combat Function:
    • Although not as vibrant of a duelists as some, nor as powerful as others - her cunning with the blade is well founded. She has a supreme mastery of Shii-Cho, and uses it in tandem with various Juyo techniques to keep her foes on the backfoot. Her skills, in both the Force and with a blade, are focused less on the overwhelming nature of power itself - but the surgical application of it. She is not as naturally gifted as many in the Order, or even the Academy, but her intelligence and instincts have placed her far above duelists that would normally outclass her.
  • Force Abilities (Force User Companions Only):
    • Dark Side Powers (General)
  • Darth -
    • Alani has intelligence that is almost unfounded, and her affinity to use it at high levels is unmatched. She has often been understood to the be the smartest student in the Jutrand Academy, and thus has made a name for herself in various research journals even in her short tenure. This acute intelligence has made her a dangerous foe, whether it be in the arena or the classroom. Any who choose to face her must find a way to overcome an ice wall of intelligence many hundreds of feet tall.
  • Isolated -
    • Alani does not have traditional backing of a sponsor, as hers has chosen to be anonymous. This limits her ability to get resources she would otherwise get with ease, and thus is highly isolated on a political level in the school. Ranked as highly as she is, there are no friends to be had - no allies to be shared nor conversations to bud into friendships. She is a target, a stepping stone for the Throne of the School, and as thus she lacks any amount of trust in her fellow students or Sith, even to her own detriment.


Alani was a Space Born, a child birthed in the hyperlanes of the Galaxy with no soil to christen their feet. It is unknown where she was born, or even to who, but genetic markings have placed her likely as an artificial birth - a creature made of two species that would not otherwise be able to mate. There are no records of her life besides her own admissions of having been to Nar Shaddaa, yet all can not be confirmed until her arrival at the Academy in 902 ABY.​
Prior to this, she served under the tutelage of an anonymous sponsor. Through this Sith, she killed her first person at 10, and never stopped from then on. She is a cold and calculated daughter of violence, and it has shown itself in her trials to the Academy. Scoring middling in her entry exam, it was during the Labrynth she first proved herself through the clever application of cloaking and camoflauge techniques. This allowed her to elminate over a dozen students, including her own teammates. She alone emerged from the trial out of the three who had entered - and she has not spoken as to their fate since.​
After, during the tournaments, she engaged in a public debate instead of a traditional duel. Her opponent and her engaged in heated Dun Moch, and as thousands watched - she convinced the student of their bleak future, and left them no other choice but to surrender their life to the cosmos. The student was restrained before they could commit the deed, and was hospitalized following the 'duel', but the display she made earned her a place as the Second Rank among 128.

Now, she fights to hold onto that power, and eventually move to dominate the school at large.​

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