Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alchemy Workshop (PM to join)

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[SIZE=14.6667px]OOC/ Since we’re dealing with different alignments and allegiances, and since a lot of our topics have both OOC and IC aspects, feel free to post both IC and OOC in this thread, as long as you clearly mark which parts of your post are which. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Our tentative order of business is as follows:[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Research resources and practices - how to find and recognize the good stuff[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Extrapolating and interpolating - how to turn obscure precedents into internally consistent and creative things[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Scale - relative to canon and, to a lesser extent, Chaos[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Escalation - how to start small without tossing out vanilla nonsense[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Cliches and overdone stuff - how to avoid being known for shield charm/flaming sword #2327245[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Different crafting arts - the Dark Side has a large and fleshed-out canon to draw from, but the Light Side also has a ton of diverse, obscure, canon crafting traditions[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Force orientation - Dark, Light, neutral, and why it matters[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Expectations - what a master alchemist's portfolio actually looks like (both qualitatively and quantitatively), and why to take most 'master alchemists' with a large grain of salt on your own road to gitting gud[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Production level - why small is key and big is complicated[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Personal flair and uniqueness - how to find your own style and voice; how to avoid imitating others' creations[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Degrees of specialization - a rounded skillset versus an alchemy specialist; the tradeoffs that get made in canon[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]How to balance a sub, with reference to both canon and the Factory[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Our first subject is research. Here are some invaluable resources:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]We’ll be talking about scale in a later round of posts. For now, just know that it’s easy to get caught up in the most powerful precedents. Moderate your expectations, even as a Master. Most of the famous objects should be considered the apex creations of experienced Master-level crafters.[/SIZE]

[member="Tydus Wryeens"] [member="Niysha"] [member="Effie Duanna"] [member="Khan Ra"] [member="Mishka Larraq"] [member="Fable Merrill"] [member="Ibaris Varanin"] [member="Veino Garn"] [member="Darth Praetorias"] [member="Dissero"] [member="James Justice"] [member="Julius Sedaire"] [member="Máni"] [member="Valik"] [member="Atheus"] [member="Pravus Zambrano"]


[SIZE=14.6667px]IC/ You find yourself alone in a cold, dark room that resonates with the Force, without alignment. Torches ignite around the perimeter, revealing workbenches and strange machines and half-gutted Force artifacts. Between one blink and the next, there’s an anonymous figure in a black, hooded cloak. It’s watching you.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“You wanted to learn,” it says in a digitally anonymous voice, “and here I am.” One black glove gestures at a data terminal, a rack of holocrons, and a bookshelf stuffed with scrolls. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“A true alchemical artist doesn’t always start with a goal in mind. Often enough, deep study and aimless inquisition spark ideas. Obscure precedents combine as you learn to see them in new ways. Anything can be a piece of your eventual machine. Comb through the overlooked creatures, the stray pieces of broken artifacts, the special qualities of locations. Distill the useful elements.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Here’s an example. The terentatek is a vicious predator, one so deadly that the entire Jedi Order tried to eradicate them and failed spectacularly. The terentatek resists Jedi abilities, you see. Around a decade and a half ago, an alchemist named Rave Merrill got together a group of skilled hunters and began tracking down terentateks one at a time. She skinned them, pioneering an alchemical treatment that would preserve the Force-resistant property in their hides. Then she made leather coats.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Since then, Merrill’s invention has spawned innumerable imitators. None of them, however, could replicate that key moment: the spark. The instant when Merrill looked at a complex, deadly threat, something that Jedi and Sith had known and studied for hundreds of centuries, and saw it as a resource. To become legitimately inventive, you need to learn what that moment feels like, and learn to replicate it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“The next level from that, of course, is to isolate specific elements of complex precedents, then combine them in ways that harmonize with each other.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Go forth.” The hooded, cloaked figure gestures at the shelves again. “Read with an open mind. Comb until you find precedents that you can use.”[/SIZE]
As the figure came forth to me, My instant reaction was to reach for my saber, however, as the man spoke carefully, I released my grip. Breathing in as I wouldn't be fighting, I listened to the voice. The calmness about this personage was eerie. Almost as though he were a ghost. There and speaking, yet not actually there. As he pointed out, there were many forms of reading I had before me that I could learn from. Many that I could comb and scour through. The personage continued on explaining of a Rave Merrill who had created something out of nothing. Figuring out what she needed to do in order to create such an item. It was a mix of Metallurgy, or at the least, altering an already existing item, as well as altering a creature's hide to retain its resistances.

Honestly, I was of the same. My first creation in Alchemy had been my mask. I had claimed myself as Atheus. Discarding my name and removing my past from me. Much like Sith traditions in claiming the title of Lord, or Darth, they removed themselves from the past to become stronger. I likewise, did the same. Moving past my mistakes and my previous life to become something more. Being taught a little by Nickolas before he left me, I took over his company and began to create items of my own. I created my sword. I forged my armor. I replaced my arm, and am currently making another project as I come to learn more. Discover more.

I thirst for knowledge. I wanted more to learn of. Thus, I came here.

As the personage disappeared from my sight as I nodded my head, signifying I had heard everything, I needed, I began to study. Moving my way over previous creations. Seeing the amount of creativity. Having to find the connection between them all. A lot of these items didn't have a listing or would tell me of how they were birthed into this galaxy. Thus, I had to study more and more to find out. Was it made out of metal, or a leather? Was it simple bantha leather, or some special metal?

Of them all, I could see the works coming together. A lot of the creatures used in these fabrications were either forced to become something, or were mutated, or naturally had the gift of death itself. I searched further. Finding more creatures altered by the force, and Sith alchemy. I delved into them so deeply, I lost track of the time. it felt like minutes worth of reading, yet it was hours. Or the other way around, It took forever to read and understand, but was read in a mere moment.

It then just clicked. A light went on in my head, I had an Ah-ah moment. Whatever the hell you want to call it, I got it. I could feel it in my bones. I had no karking clue how I was going to do it, but I knew now what I needed to find. I needed one creature to be caught. only problem, is that it's never been caught before.

Standing up, I looked around the room. Reaching for more, I read more and more about this specific creature, and what it was. I wanted to make something from it. I wanted to create something from nothing. I felt I could do that. I just needed to catch it.

One question, How do you catch a ghost?

[member="Ajira Cardei"],

OOC: for this thread, are we completely stuck in this room, or are we just using it as a starting point? As well, can we leave from this area to search for whatever it is we require?

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

OOC/ Go ahead and leave the room if you like. You'll find it's in an ancient, underground ruin. Just handwave going elsewhere to get the stuff - no need to write a huge amount at this stage. Pace yourself. We've got a long way to go, lol.
Tydus was here, the ancient ruins he had heard about that would teach him the ways of Force User Alchemy. It was a strange art, but it was something he was determined to learn, especially the ability to make Force Imbued Items. He had stolen a copy of some scroll from the Dia Bendu clan on Ando Prime, the scroll read of how to create a Force Imbued Weapon. Next to his light saber it would be used to protect himself, also would be installed within his cybernetic limbs. Being a cyborg force user all his training to use the force was more difficult as many force abilities required organic limbs. Alchemy however was just the blending of Science and the Force, science was something his master taught him a lot about.

He entered the dimly light room to see the cloaked man who spoke and waved his hands about. Hooded men made him a little uneasy, but he knew that hiding ones face while teaching alchemy to both light and dark Users was needed. He might be the only Grey Force User in here, but it was hard to tell with so many crammed into this room.

When the man finished he talking Jaster only nodded his head in a bow and placed his right fist over his heart in a single move. It was a sign of acknowledgement. After such he would walk over to the scrolls and begin reading an assortment of both Jedi and Sith Alchemy. The knowlage of both might spark an idea within him. He would start with the scroll that spoke of the history of Jedi Holocrons. Such items were around the room, but he did not know how to open one.

[member="Ajira Cardei"]

OOC: Just gana roll with it till something sparks, also is there like a neutral type of Alchemy or possibly a mix of both light and dark or would that end with like time and space folding on itself and I'm stuck in limbo, cuz to be honest, that might be fun to.
A presence that was not the Manda permeated the room. Most of the area was shrouded in darkness, the only light coming from flickering torches around the perimeter of the room. Along the walls, not too far from the torches themselves, old wood and metal workbenches were scattered throughout. Mishka walked slowly along the center of the room, inching her way deeper into it. Where desks, tables, and workbenches did not occupy space, shelves and cabinets filled the void. Pens and parchment adorned some of these, books and scrolls adorned others. Jars of every shape and size and dotted the landscape, their contents unrecognizable to the eyes and... dirty. Everything about them felt dirty to Mishka. Wrong. The contents of each were... without a doubt Dar'manda.

Shards of metal, broken stone artifacts, bent religious iconography, and odd bits of bone and hide were... everywhere. Each felt old and heavy in spirit, though most were lacking in the taint of the jetii or darjetii. They simply... were. They existed. They need not be defined by the terms and ideology of something as young as the concept of light-sided or dark-sided.

It was fascinating.

Mishka came to a halt as a figure appeared before her. Black robe, hooded cloak, features hidden beneath shadow and cloth. Mishka took a deep breath and removed her own hood, pulling it back to reveal the blonde hair, green eyes, and young skin of her face. Below the removed hood, a black cloak covered her. Underneath, she wore black robes that she had stolen from a Sith Cultist for this attempt at infiltration.

Ajira Cardei said:
“You wanted to learn,” it says in a digitally anonymous voice, “and here I am.” One black glove gestures at a data terminal, a rack of holocrons, and a bookshelf stuffed with scrolls.

<A hologram?> Mishka questioned silently, unsure for a moment if the figure that stood before her was apparition or technology. The darjetii were, after all, capable of both. "Ni nakar'mir vaii nartimir." Mishka said quietly as she turned and stepped slowly towards the indicated wall of knowledge, unsure if the figure could hear her or not. Cautiously, she plucked a triangular crystal object from the shelf. <The sheb is this?> She thought to herself as she turned the holocron back and forth between her fingers. She was unfamiliar with the technology and had never heard of such data recording devices.

Ajira Cardei said:
“A true alchemical artist doesn’t always start with a goal in mind. Often enough, deep study and aimless inquisition spark ideas. Obscure precedents combine as you learn to see them in new ways. Anything can be a piece of your eventual machine. Comb through the overlooked creatures, the stray pieces of broken artifacts, the special qualities of locations. Distill the useful elements.

“Here’s an example. The terentatek is a vicious predator, one so deadly that the entire Jedi Order tried to eradicate them and failed spectacularly. The terentatek resists Jedi abilities, you see. Around a decade and a half ago, an alchemist named Rave Merrill got together a group of skilled hunters and began tracking down terentateks one at a time. She skinned them, pioneering an alchemical treatment that would preserve the Force-resistant property in their hides. Then she made leather coats.

“Since then, Merrill’s invention has spawned innumerable imitators. None of them, however, could replicate that key moment: the spark. The instant when Merrill looked at a complex, deadly threat, something that Jedi and Sith had known and studied for hundreds of centuries, and saw it as a resource. To become legitimately inventive, you need to learn what that moment feels like, and learn to replicate it.

“The next level from that, of course, is to isolate specific elements of complex precedents, then combine them in ways that harmonize with each other.

“Go forth.” The hooded, cloaked figure gestures at the shelves again. “Read with an open mind. Comb until you find precedents that you can use.”
<Not helpful.> Mishka thought to herself as the figure droned on about some alien beast that she had never heard of. It was a fascinating story, but Mishka needed a more... basic starting point. As she thought this, her eyes found themselves drawn to a particular book.

Sith Alchemy for Dummies.

<Perfect.> Mishka thought to herself as she sat down at the desk and began flipping through the pages, setting the pyramidal crystal next to the book. She'd figure out that particular riddle once she had gotten a better grasp of what exactly she was getting herself into.

Mandoa Translation
"Ni nakar'mir vaii nartimir."

"I not know where begin."
"I don't know where to start."

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio was a mystic at heart. If there was anything that he had learned from Master Roberts it was that the mystery of the Universe was best enjoyed not puzzled out. He listened to the shadowy figure tell him to go forth, read, and learn. He did want to learn more, more than anything. He began working, reading away at the material. It felt like it took days to cover all that was before him, and even longer to fully understand it.

The tomes and scrolls held much for his mind to take in. Almost too much in a way. He delicately set down one of the books as he puzzled over the imperative the figure gave, A true alchemical artist doesn’t always start with a goal in mind. Often enough, deep study and aimless inquisition spark ideas. He rolled the statement over in his mind, like a sweet candy on his tongue, looking to find the meaning of it.

"A true alchemist then, does not look to make something out of plain material," he said at last to himself, "They look to Enhance the properties that are already there, to not totally change that which is into that which it is not, but to make it an even better version of what it is."

He nodded, that made sense. It was easier, more natural that way than it was to try and randomly enforce things on things. It was more natural. And thereby, better for self and subject. With that in mind, he began digging among the artifacts to find what he had in mind to make.

Thanks, very much. This is James Justice's alt that I was thinking of using for this thread. :)

[member="Ajira Cardei"]
Abandoned Sith Empire Archives
Lower Levels

It's good to return to your roots.

Or at the very least, it's good to return to a place of familiarity. Dissero knew this place better than anyone; he'd designed and coordinated its construction from the very most secret underground level all the way to the very top peak spire. How many years had passed since that faithful day he couldn't be sure, but the nostalgia had finally gotten to him weeks ago. Knew he'd come back. Knew he couldn't stay away. Perhaps it was the ulterior motive of moving his family back to Rudrig. Darker things that pulled at him on a subconscious level.

Fiendish whispers from the unlit corners of a psyche long ago corrupted despite all the years seeking redemption.

He returned. He was resolved to conquer those nagging doubts that he couldn't let go.

Repurpose it. Remake it. Remake himself. Dissero would devote himself to this cause.

In the wee hours of the morning he paged through old tomes that had not seen light since the day he fled this place with Velok. This particular room had not been cleaned out nor, so much as he could surmise, had the Empire been capable of getting in. Or even wanted it - Tyrin had been a fickle man. Everything remained just as he left it, including several dusty old holocrons he now pulled from their display plinths and set on a nearby study table.

He wasn't here to work so much as he was here to clean. Detritus. He'd promised it to Ashin in return for a promise of her own that she had seen through. Dissero only realized after the demolition of KDY that he'd failed to uphold his end. So here he was, dredging up the tailings of his old collection perfectly content to give them away just like he said.

Except one of the holocrons began to speak.

The Alchemist turned from the shelves with a raised brow and looked down at the miniaturized ghostly image as it prattled away. Blinking as it spoke of learning, of finding one's own path, he slowly settled down into the chair by the table to listen. He might've guessed it to be a piece of Rave's for the mention of her only he knew the woman had never been one to speak so gratuitously of herself. Perhaps it had been one of Velok's old tools used to teaching, but it seemed far too cordial for him. Ashin then? He supposed in the end it didn't matter.

What mattered was a mind of a man left idle for too long, bereft of creation, exploration, intelligible sustenance.

Maybe it was a sign from beyond. Rave having one last go at him.

He stood from the chair as it finished speaking and moved across the room to the stacks. Lips thin with churning thoughts the Warrior-turned-Archivist-turned-Alchemist-turned-Responsible-Citizen-of-the-Galaxy took a leap of faith and pulled a random scroll from the shelf.
[Member="Ajira Cardei"]

Dressed in an nondescript grey robe, Daxton seemed out of place in the ruins. It seemed like the information he was provided was correct. Although he already was an alchemist in his own right, a true master never stopped learning.

In fact, he already had the perfect subject in mind for an experiment, one quote literally close to his heart.

Mia Monroe

The heels of Calina's boots echoed off the walls of the dark room as she came to a halt in its centre, reaching her hands up to lower her hood her eyes flickered across the workbenches, drinking in the assortment of artifacts that littered their surfaces. So much to see, to touch, yet where to begin. She blinked and a dark figure appeared before her, its voice like that of a holograms. She felt no danger around her, and began to wander the room as it spoke, fingers trailing across the edge of the bookshelves crammed full of scrolls.

Glancing over her shoulder at the mention of Rave Merril, she returned to the centre of the room to pay better attention, lips curling into a slight smile. Everyone had a goal, it seemed unlikely that these people had wandered aimlessly without a end point in mind and discovered such great things. Still, as a student, who was she to argue with a hologram..if that was indeed what this figure was. A torrent of questions flooded her mind. Who was this figure? Why were they content to teach her? If it was a hologram, who created it? She pursed her lips, pushing the questions from her mind. They were, in this situation, irrelevant.

She brought her attention again the the scrolls once more and drew a deep breath. She had a goal, not in alchemy, but in life, perhaps she would find something...or create something to help her achieve her freedom. Something she would never truly have while Anaya Fen and Jared Ovmar still roamed the galaxy. She raked her eyes over the collection, pulling one or two oout to read the titles before pushing them back into place. She recalled Valik's Tomb, and the sand kraken that had been within its belly. She'd been fascinated, ever since, with the creatures that alchemy had produced.

She poured over a handful, drawing a battered notebook from the inside of her cloak and scribbling a few notes here and there where things took her interest. The Hssiss with its dark side poison bite, the lightsaber resistant scales of an akk dog. The Leviathan and its many qualities. She smiled, there had been weapons containing the blister traps that brought permanent death to those it struck down. She closed her eyes, blowing a sigh out of her nose. No, she was going about this all wrong, she was still focusing on murder. She needed to turn her attention elsewhere.

Something on amulets caught her eyes and she began scouring through that, instead the force energy in the room sending a shiver of excitement through her. "I met a Sand Kraken in Valik's tomb, its mind was easy to control, even as unskilled as I was. But intelligent creatures, like the Tu'kata are not so easily swayed." she was talking aloud, not looking round to see if the 'figure' was listening or not. "I wonder..." she bit her lower lip. Yes, there was plenty here, amulets that allowed you to communicate in any language, another...a talisman used to control the minds of others. she had no interest in controlling the minds of sentients. A prisoner...for the lack of a better word...for most of her life, controlling, enslaving and containing others was not on her agenda...but non-sentients...semi sentients. Animals, monsters and all things that lay in between, to get a greater understanding of be able to control them, with less effort on her part.

That was something worth looking into.

"But where do I even begin?"

[member="Ajira Cardei"]

OOC/ Those links are incredibly helpful! My doc is growing with bits and bobs that have caught my eye.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Tydus Wryeens"] [member="Niysha"] [member="Effie Duanna"] [member="Khan Ra"] [member="Mishka Larraq"] [member="Fable Merrill"] [member="Ibaris Varanin"] [member="Veino Garn"] [member="Darth Praetorias"] [member="Dissero"] [member="Akio Diachi"] [member="Julius Sedaire"] [member="Máni"] [member="Valik"] [member="Atheus"] [member="Pravus Zambrano"] [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Calina Ovmar"]

"I feel the need to talk about scale. There are those who consider the acme of achievement to be mass-production, but this is a lie. The closest thing to a truly great mass-produced alchemical creation would be something self-propagating, like a rakghoul or another prolific Sithspawn. Proliferation on a massive scale is not for the great creations, and you should be suspicious of anything common which claims transcendent powers. Too often, you'll find that such objects have been outsourced to a staff of Acolytes and lesser crafters, with predictable implications for quality. Virtually every competent alchemist worked at a unique or semi-unique level, regardless of how many lesser crafters worked for them.

"A few modern examples come to mind. Consider the following. Akure Executive Interstellar diluted its brand when it began making mass-market items, even or especially because those items were of lesser quality than Akure's flagship products. The same brand that brought us the Terentatek Duster I mentioned earlier was responsible for mass-market trivia like tinned meat, pectoral implants, and the fittings on NeuroSaav prosthetic arms. These products -- crafted in bulk, shoddy in execution -- were a direct result of Akure's expansion. We see the same with Sasori, which floods the market with bulk nonsense. In Sasori's case, we see butter scraped over too much bread: a push for mass-production of relatively high-end Force artifacts, relying on an overworked and incompetent staff. And don't get me started on Merr-Sonn's dabblings in alchemy. Suffice it to say that the patterns are the same.

"If you want to be a great alchemist, make small batches of items, or make unique projects. Nobody ever caught Warren Valik or Disciple mass-producing alchemy. So for this project, whatever it may be, consider making it unique or, at most, a handful of objects, no more."

[member="Akio Diachi"]​

Akio Diachi said:
"A true alchemist then, does not look to make something out of plain material," he said at last to himself, "They look to Enhance the properties that are already there, to not totally change that which is into that which it is not, but to make it an even better version of what it is."

"Precisely," said the figure, though it hadn't been addressed. "Everything worthwhile comes from a precedent. It's possible to make an object that works because you say it should work -- a cliche flaming sword, for example -- but where's the ingenuity in that? And such objects usually wind up weak and unimpressive."

[member="Calina Ovmar"]​

Calina Ovmar said:
"I met a Sand Kraken in Valik's tomb, its mind was easy to control, even as unskilled as I was. But intelligent creatures, like the Tu'kata are not so easily swayed." she was talking aloud, not looking round to see if the 'figure' was listening or not. "I wonder..." she bit her lower lip. Yes, there was plenty here, amulets that allowed you to communicate in any language, another...a talisman used to control the minds of others. she had no interest in controlling the minds of sentients. A prisoner...for the lack of a better word...for most of her life, controlling, enslaving and containing others was not on her agenda...but non-sentients...semi sentients. Animals, monsters and all things that lay in between, to get a greater understanding of be able to control them, with less effort on her part. That was something worth looking into. "But where do I even begin?"
"The Witches of Dathomir have talismans that can summon and empower creatures," said the figure. "Their arts are generally incompatible with Sith alchemy, but a few have managed to combine them. Isley Verd comes to mind, and Rave Merrill. Without spending decades on multiple crafting traditions, though, I'd turn to something a little closer to home. Perhaps a derivative of the species-specific compulsion traits of the Muur or Syn talismans, or even an extrapolation from some kind of primitive shamanic item." A snort. "I understand the Ewoks may have something applicable."​

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Khan looked up at the ruin as he approached it. He had heard rumors of this place's existance. The rumors were vague and varied, some said that it was the fortress of some great Sith Alchemist, others say it was the workshop of Dathomiri Witches that had strayed far from their planet. But whatever it was, all rumors said that it was a place of knowledge in the Force. That is why he had come. Khan analyzed the building for a moment. Yes, the rumors were true. This was... something. The Force resonated from this place. A Nexus, but not Dark nor Light. Just, simply, the Force. It was odd. Nontheless, Khan made his way into the ruin.

Khan followed the Force, making his way to where the little nexus was strongest, until he was in a pitch black room. Then, without warning, torches burst into flame and there was light. As the room was suddenly lit, a figure appeared in it's center. Khan reached for his vibroblade, expecting an attack, but the figure didn't move. It was wearing black robes and a hood that completely concealed it's face. He reached out with the Force, hoping to detect who or what the figure was, but... detected nothing. Not lightsided, not dark, but the Force resonated from the figure as it did from the workshop as a whole. Slowly, Khan put away his vibroblade.

Suddenly, it spoke. "You wanted to learn." It spoke in a digital voice that gave no clue as to what it was. It certainly wasn't a droid... "And here I am." Khan watched as it gestured to shelves and racks that littered one side of the room, filled with holocrons and scrolls. Khan's eyes widened for a brief moment. A data terminal, dozens of scrolls, holocrons... Khan slowly looked back at the figure. He didn't sense that it meant harm, or that it intended to attack him... Whatever it was here, he had the feeling that it wanted to do exactly what it said. Teach.

Khan quieted and listened to the figure as it spoke of what Khan had hoped he would learn here. Alchemy. The Sith nodded as the figure spoke, listening carefully. It spoke of how many alchemists had no idea what they were going to create when they began. That was true for Khan. He had no specific thing he wanted to make or create, he wanted to learn Alchemy simply because of the power it held. He had heard seen and heard stories of the amazing things that had been created with Alchemy... He wanted to be able to do that. To accomplish that. So Khan listened to the figure.

After the figure finished speaking, talking of Terentateks and an alchemist who managed to create armor from their skin, it gestured to the stacks of scrolls and what Khan assumed to be the remains of force artifacts that cluttered the shelves. "Go forth." It has said. "Read with an open mind. Comb until you find precedents that you can use." Khan nodded to the figure before quickly moving towards the shelves and stands. There was so much to be learned here, holocrons, dozens if not hundreds of scrolls... Where could he start? Khan looked over a stack of scrolls for a moment, before grabbing one. It was a place to start. Khan began to read.

(OOC/ Dangit I was waiting to post this until I had read all your links, and you posted again before I did. xD Sorry for being so late to post! Irl stuff is going on so I haven't been too active on Chaos. Sorry about that. Just going to post this now, I'm still reading through the links. They're very interesting. [member="Ajira Cardei"] )

Atlas Kane

The young Acolyte was kneeling when the torches illuminated the dark room, revealing the various resources he would require to perform the task he had come here to accomplish. The workbenches that would give him a stable surface to create, the strange machines that would let him perform various alterations he required and the many bits and pieces that once formed powerful Force artefacts, ready to be reshaped and reassembled to become functional once again. He looked around more, to see if he was alone, and at first it seemed so, but then a cloaked figure appeared. Ahren's muscles tensed as he prepared to be attacked, but the figure didn't advance, instead they started to talk, so Ahren listened.

The figure pointed at more resources that were at the Acolyte's disposal, whilst continuing to instruct. He looked over to the various scrolls and holocrons besides the data terminal, examining the various scrolls briefly, though keeping his attention directed towards every word the figure was saying. He was a stranger to the ways of Alchemy and wished to learn as much as he could here, a wish that seemed likely to be granted. As the figure recanted a tale of a savvy alchemist, who had originally started the trend of creating Terentatek leather coats, he shifted his gaze back towards the figure. This "spark", this moment of change in perception, it seemed that this was the foundation upon which an artefact would be built and as one grew more and more versed in the ways of alchemy, the possibilities of how to expand upon this "spark" would grow even more, but first, he would have to experience this first spark of invention.

After the figure's instructions were given, the Acolyte wandered to the various scrolls and holocrons, skimming their various titles and starting with those that he was most familiar with, the artefacts of the Sith. The variety of the artefacts amazed the young Acolyte. He was intrigued by the many capabilities of alchemy. From simple amulets that allowed for healing to powerful artefacts that could make a being go mad when worn, the possibilities seemed endless, yet Ahren didn't feel that spark as he spent his time reading through the various scrolls and listening to the various holocrons. So he moved on to the next pile of scrolls, then the next, then the next and so on and so on until he had read through nearly half of the scrolls and listened to a majority of the holocrons. That is when he came across a very short, yet compelling scroll. It was a short summary of an encounter with an outlandish creature that the young Ahren had never heard of before. They were curious beings that drifted amongst the stars, only ever having been encountered whilst in hyperspace or whilst drifting in the vacuum of space.

Then the spark happened. Though used to regular and hyperspace travel, most people would certainly not have encountered a creature like this, for not many spent the majority of their time amongst the stars, especially not those who were gifted with a strong connection to the Force. This ignorance could be exploited, by perhaps creating a perfect illusionary recreation of the creature and its terrible sound. An amulet or talisman that could replicate these beings through illusion would certainly be a powerful tool to use against those not familiar with these creatures. Yet, how would he go about infusing the likeness of the creature into the illusion, as well as their destructive scream? And more pressingly, how would he best go about making it as close to reality as possible, to achieve the maximum effect?

He considered the question for a few moments and came up with a theory. The scroll mentioned a hatred towards Force Sensitive beings. Perhaps the Acolyte could open himself fully to the Force, broadcasting his presence within it into the vast expanses of real and hyperspace, thus attracting one of these creatures onto his ship to then get more accurate data on them. He looked towards the figure.

"I believe I have experienced this "spark", but for me to create this artefact I have envisioned I must ask some time to gather the necessary information personally, as the scrolls and holocrons lack the necessary material, I fear."

| OOC: In hope it's okay if I change the order of events on my part a bit. I'm also curious if there are any good sources and examples one could read through to get more of a feel of how the actual process of alchemy, i.e. infusing things or creating artefacts with the Force, works ICly on a more descriptive level? |

[member="Ajira Cardei"]
Abandoned Sith Empire Archives
Lower Levels

He had himself a small assortment of scrolls, a tome or two. Dissero sat hunkered in his chair, elbows on the armrests and one leg propped over the opposite knee. As he perused a roll of parchment in his hands the Holocron began to speak again, this time eliciting a snort from the man and a curious glance.

"What are you..." he muttered under his breath as he turned the page of parchment over, ponderous as a man over the flimsi-news with his morning cup of caffe.

A cup of tea, actually, would have been perfect right about then. Alas he had not come so prepared.

There was, somewhere within these bundles of old texts, several passages on the detection of Force affinity in children as young as infancy. Such a topic had escaped the man in his younger years for being vastly irrelevant to his pursuits, but as time had a way with things - that had changed. His thoughts traveled as they so often did now to Verie and their newborn son Gabriel. Though less than two moons old the tiny boy had shown great panache for life, the universe and everything. A child after his own heart - bold, adventurous ... as much as an infant could be, Dissero was apparently seeing all sorts of himself in the child much to Verie's chagrin.

They would have to have more, he thought with a growing smirk, so she could raise a little ballerina.

Dissero turned another page. Ah. Force Affinity in the Youth. It spoke of standard tests and procedures he'd read about before and he realized after several paragraphs that this was a tome taken from one of the Jedi Archives. Something mistakenly plucked up by Velok perhaps in his efforts of scandalizing the Jedi Code. Not that such a thing would be of much interest to the old Whiphid, though he'd continued to surprise the younger Dissero in the too-short time of acquaintanceship. The very thought of Velok having children struck him as amusing.

... also disturbing.

He looked to the Holocron, now sitting silent and twitched a brow in its direction, "Some things are better crafted and left as unique."

Some people, too. He digressed.

Gabriel had been tested for a midichlorian count several days after birth; something that was largely standard procedure for two Force-Sensitive parents. Dissero had not been disappointed with the results. But what to do with this knowledge? He was admittedly impatient to, dare he say, experiment with a few things. Test the limitations of an infants ability to connect to and use the Force. Was it possible at this very delicate age? The pages before him did not detail much of anything before three years of age - not so surprising given its origins. Dissero set it aside and filtered through the other tomes, searching for something less Jedi in nature.

[member="Ajira Cardei"]

Ibaris Varanin

She had been started on this path from a very young age, walking, talking, and learning to learn, to be attentive and studious, having long-since been mastered (well, perhaps not mastered at the age of five, but certainly a promising child) in her at-the-time short life. Her first, and as yet only instructor in the matter was one of her many 'uncles' and 'aunts' - men and women in the higher echelons of the Fringe Confederacy - and thus one of many very powerful people, most of which she had not seen in many years, on account of their being dead or otherwise. One of her uncles, her godfather Ovmar had absolutely no qualms about imparting the knowledge of dark-side alchemy to a barely school-aged child. From there, she was not unfamiliar with names such as 'Merrill' when attached to the concept of alchemy. Uncle Valik had been another; the canine at her side was a testament to his work, and the only thing of him that she had, though for how much longer was uncertain. Her fifth year had been the start of a lot of things.

"Come on, boy," she muttered. Giving Adas a scritch behind one ear, she stepped away from the fringe of the gathering. So far, she had only watched others get involved in the workshop, and listened to the figure as it spoke... but why? Well, the answer was found in her circumstance, circumstance that caused her to unconsciously toy with the ring on her right hand: somewhere between her thirteenth year (when she left home) and now, her study of the material now presented in this workshop fell by the wayside. It wasn't that she had forgotten how it worked on a simple to nigh-intermediate level; no, it was that she felt as an outsider. Even with the ring as intermediary between her and the dark-side energy required for the most well known and widely practised form of alteration and imbuement, it ran afoul of the the ideals of the Light. Ideals that, perhaps, without the influence of her friends and her mother, she might never have truly ascribed to. Of most concern, her connection to the Alliance was problematic to this vein of study - they had lava-cells reserved for the dark-side touching, dark-side touting variety of force-user - and there was virtually nil in the way of light-leaning participants. At least she had cracked a half-smile at the mention of terentateks. She'd been absolutely crazy for them as a child.

Perhaps this was why she had stopped, but stopping had left a hole - one that couldn't so easily be filled by anything else. There was emotion - pain, love, fondness - and memory attached to the art. The thought of the act of performing it was not unlike recalling how to ride a speeder bike for the average being, in anticipation of doing so. She knew she could never find herself in a position of pure Light, and to top it off the desire had never been there. Ibaris brushed her fingers over materials, noting what she could from touch, proximity, and glance, until she came to where the information on nightsister talismans was found - and [member="Calina Ovmar"]. She hadn't the faintest clue whom she had just put herself beside, but Ibaris had some heritage with the clans of Dathomir (albeit with the Light-aligned Singing Mountain), so in this way it piqued her interest, but only to a certain degree - the speaker wasn't wrong about the incompatibility of Dathomir magic with that of Sith alchemy. She'd never acquired the remotest lick of interest in Ewoks... they were never quite big enough to devour her whole, but maybe a visit to her grandmother wasn't an unreasonable thought.

At least for the rancors.

She had no questions, yet. Adas tensed underneath her hand, the low growl he emitted ceasing at her touch. Even now, aged in his canine years, the barkspawn still predictably acted the role of protector for which he had been created. Her eyes looked askance to the other blonde, and only other female she had seen in the cool, dimly lit room.

"Of course, if you're looking to command beasts, rather than assimilate their image..." she said offhand, continuing somewhat on the line of thought started by their host, "...there's methods that lie outside of alchemy that can achieve it."

It was something she knew at least a little about. Beastia Blackthorne had been a hard, yet worthy teacher.

[member="Ajira Cardei"]
The young Valkyri boy listened studiously to the hooded figure, though kept his mind open to his surroundings. Events on his recent trip to Korriban had left him slightly distrustful of any that he came in contact with. The darkness had gripped his mind for a brief moment, though that brief moment felt like hours that he had to resist. A Jedi Master by the name of Audren Sykes had come across the boy, crippled and retreating, from the darkness that had nearly overwhelmed his mind. Since that time he had taken great care to avoid all beings of darkness. It wouldn't be a lie to say that he was afraid of what that individual darkness would do to him, afraid of what influence that it might have on his own mental health. After the figure finished speaking the young learner immediately set his mind to the shelves of scrolls and books.

He felt in his pack that he had brought with him for three objects that were of great value to him, given to him by someone that he valued. He gingerly retrieved the three object and nearly instantly felt his God's sense awaken and react to the crystals that now rested in his hand; Dantari, Adegan Pontite, and Kasha. Each exerted a certain influence on the padawan that would be beneficial to him and each held special meaning to him because of the person that gave them to him - though she seemed a lifetime away now. His adventures had separated the two of them and put light years between them, but still he held onto the gifts that she had given him.

Casually calling to the God's sense, he gripped the crystals with his mind and willed them to rise and rotate in a circular fashion. He divided his focus in that moment, to the number of scrolls and codex's sitting on the shelves. He delved deeply into the God's sense, allowing the peace of the Kasha to flood through him and center his being on the problem at hand; Connections.

He found himself recalling a conversation with Mara on the use of the crystals in his desired weapon, a true-to-the-name sword. He had no love for the Jedi weapon of choice, the Lightsabre. He didn't trust himself with one, he wanted to stick to something he knew - and that was Swords. His family had dabbled in blacksmithing and that knowledge would certainly come into play. He had found his mind made up, he would utilize the figure and its teachings to craft his weapon, no longer having to face conflict unarmed. He was going to craft a sword of his own making, and learn some new tricks while doing it.
[member=Ajira Cardei]
A bit rough, hopefully I am not moving too quickly. I left out him finding the materials because I wanted this post to be about his decision process and why he decided to do what he chose.
[member="Ajira Cardei"]

Veino nodded slowly as the dark figure spoke- eyeing the materials and room around him. It was strikingly suspicious, to be sure, but he had desired to learn. That was what the price for such knowledge. Alkahest and Imbue, he had some experience and knowledge with both. But this was something different. A chance to look at arts that went far deeper and as he sifted through the various categories, far darker. Some of these sent nausea coiling through his gut.

Many of these creations warped the very will of the Force, twisting and tearing it to put it to uses that would defy its very nature. Only a truly twisted mind could come up with these and only one that lacked a heart would go as far as many of these would cost.

He sat back in shock, leaning against the stonework, pale as he continued to read. He had read some of these things before. The Jensaarai had some ancient Sith writings in their possession and apprentices were required to study them. In their texts were the foundations of the secrets the Jensaarai held in the construction of their armor. He had even used some of what was being described.

The truest, darkest intents of the Sith warped the reality of the Force. He could see where it left dark gaping holes in the nature of reality. That was the essence of the Dark- to bend reality to their own will with no regards for others. Personal satisfaction, personal will. The cost of, throughout history, undoubted billions of lives.

But the nature of Light was to live in accordance with all other living things. To heal and restore what was destroyed. A little spark ignited in his mind. What could he could do to create something to heal these wounds?

Veino stepped forward to the workbench again, sifting through the documents and artifacts, studying each of them. There was some potential here, but not much. Not yet with his skills, anyway. But perhaps in time, he would be better suited for it.

Mia Monroe

Ajira Cardei said:
"The Witches of Dathomir have talismans that can summon and empower creatures," said the figure. "Their arts are generally incompatible with Sith alchemy, but a few have managed to combine them. Isley Verd comes to mind, and Rave Merrill. Without spending decades on multiple crafting traditions, though, I'd turn to something a little closer to home. Perhaps a derivative of the species-specific compulsion traits of the Muur or Syn talismans, or even an extrapolation from some kind of primitive shamanic item." A snort. "I understand the Ewoks may have something applicable."​
Calina smiled slightly. "I have years," she said quietly. "But perhaps, not for this." she scanned the scroll again, racking her brain for information she'd not pondered on for a long time. "Muur..." she muttered "wasn't that talisman responsible for the Rakghoul plague?..yes...I remember." she shuffled through the scrolls and flicked through her notebook again when someone interrupted her thoughts.

A blink was all she gave as a sign of her surprise, she had thought she'd been alone, so absorbed in her work that she'd stopped paying attention to the rest of the room. Eyes flicked over the blondes face and down to the growling hound at her side, quieted with a touch, then back to her face. Was that...? No, she was far too young...but the likeness was uncanny. Her mothers obsession with Ashin Varanin and Spencer Jacobs had imprinted their faces into her brain from a young age.

She closed her mouth, realising it had hung open. A rapid succession of choices ran through her mind and she settled for the most logical. "True, but that in itself takes time to master. I'm not strong enough to master that, not yet anyway. Something, perhaps to enhance the power..."

She looked back at the figure. "Both the Syn and Muur talisman have elements of being able to control sithspawn, enhancing abilities they already posses and allowing it to be used by others, but they could only control what they created." She glanced at [member="Ibaris Varanin"] and shrugged. "Its a start."

[member="Ajira Cardei"]
There were other methods known throughout the galaxy for finding and defining one's Force Sensitivity, few of which quite so humane and straight-forward as the Midi-chlorian count. Delving deeper into the study of Force Sensitivity took him to datacrons containing excerpts of old manuscripts written by Scientists, Masters of dubious Force followings, and none other than Plagueis himself; a man so driven to live forever that he was willing to cut short the lives of others for his own benefit.

Truly he had been the very epitome of Sith.

Dissero felt a frown crease his face as he poured through the various texts stored within, blue eyes illuminated by the light of the holoscreen projecting them. Experiments of differing natures, humane and not, brought to light the galaxy's determination to understand the phenomenon of the Force. Some Darkside sects had gone so far as to torture infants and young children in order to produce latent Force defense mechanisms in Force Sensitive younglings. Those that did not survive the trials were deemed weak in the Force. Those that did went on to become emotionally scarred and damaged individuals.

He switched to another file.

The Force Detector. Now there was a piece of ancient technology he could subscribe to, if only in working theory. Crystal-lense paddles placed on either side of a person or being connected to a holographic unit powered by a thaissen crystal. The resulting holographic mirror of the subject in question would bear a glowing blue corona about the figure if they were Force Sensitive. Any smattering of red indicated Darkside corruption. Dissero wondered briefly what his mirror would produce under such scrutiny now, though he wasn't sure he could handle the truth of it.

It occurred to him just then that he'd not interacted with thaissen crystals in a very long time. As he recalled his last work with them had been fleeting at best - used as a standard for the development of the Twin Rings of Erebos. Red had been their color then, angry like the pit of Faenrovon's stomach after a long stint of hibernation. They'd proven far too obvious for the otherwise discrete means in which the rings were supposed to operate. But what had he done with them afterwards?

What could he do with them now?

Mind tingling like a pot boiling on the stove, ingredients strewn about the countertops, he turned from the datacron display to return to his original table. As he reached it his comm chirped.

"Ve," Dissero smiled faintly at the sound of his wife's voice. He could hear Gabriel babbling in the background.

Hope I'm not interrupting, just wanted to let you know I'm making stew for dinner. It will be ready within the hour.

"That's perfect, I'm heading out now."

Can you pick up bread and spices on your way? Oh, and some milk.

"As you wish. Be there soon."

Pocketing the comm he gave the chamber a considering look. Once upon a time he had been someone worth knowing; another man like Plagueis driven by self-serving need. He never would have guessed years ago that he would be where he was today - running errands for dinner ingredients and eager to leave his place of study in order to spend time with a woman and a infant. It had been good to return. He had thoughts, ideas brewing, but he needed time to let it all marinade. Indicative of his present train of thought he also needed to eat. The man looked down at the holocron on the table as he picked his jacket off the back of a nearby chair, "Until tomorrow, friend."

Then he was gone.
I had to answer my question. What was a possible way to catch a being that couldn't be felt or touched. Hell, would it even work? I had made things from physical constructs. Hide of a Wampa. Blood of a Corellian. Durasteel, and leather. But how would the fabric of the force work underneath my hands? Would it even function? I had my doubts. I had a mindset to push that thought aside. It hasn't been done before because it can't be done. Beings who couldn't be touched can't be manipulated physically. I bowed my head and sat the datapad down on the counter.

For the past hour I had been pacing back and forth trying to think of anything I could do. Was there some potion I had to make? Or a special pair of gloves? I didn't have enough information. I had been fighting my entire life, for my life. As a child I fought against local bullies on the street trying to take my credits. As a teen, I fought against adults who could have done better at the job I was given. As a young man, I fought on fields of blood for my life, and those of my countrymen. Now, as I stand here, I fought to become stronger. But why?

I didn't need power. I already had that. I didn't need skills. I hold no throne of authority. I wear no crown upon my brow. And that is what made me push myself. I didn't want to be a King. I had become a Monster. Someone who was willing to kill for any price, and felt that a code of honor after credits was worth it. In some cases, many would lie down and call it a day. I didn't. I needed to test myself. I didn't want to prove anything. I had nothing to prove. And that was my purpose.

With nothing to prove about this "ghost." I had to study it more. Looking up instances of when it was seen. Even if it was determined to be a completely different being, if it showed signs of being there, I studied it. Flying through space. Having no gravity affect it. Even if it happened to be in an environment where gravity was artificial or natural. It's "voice" could injure people, and cause even the most powerful of force users to reel back.

Going through history as far back as I could, I looked for any consistencies of these creatures. Places they were sighted. Were they all met under the same conditions. I found where they took place, but I needed to draw them out. How could I find one without being at random. I needed to entice it into coming for me. Only problem, is that in all the instances they were killed, The apparition would leave nothing behind. So that mean's I would have to capture it alive.

Perfect. Just karking perfect. Even with all this information, I couldn't figure out how to hold down a creature quite like this. What was it that made this creature different? It couldn't be touched by any physical means. So.... non-physical? Come on I should know this. Standing up from my seat, I paced once more back and forth. Running a hand through my hair, and it was when I felt stupid, I gave myself a facepalm.

The Force!

[member="Ajira Cardei"],

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