Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler
[SIZE=14.6667px]OOC/ Since we’re dealing with different alignments and allegiances, and since a lot of our topics have both OOC and IC aspects, feel free to post both IC and OOC in this thread, as long as you clearly mark which parts of your post are which. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Our tentative order of business is as follows:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Our first subject is research. Here are some invaluable resources:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]We’ll be talking about scale in a later round of posts. For now, just know that it’s easy to get caught up in the most powerful precedents. Moderate your expectations, even as a Master. Most of the famous objects should be considered the apex creations of experienced Master-level crafters.[/SIZE]
[member="Tydus Wryeens"] [member="Niysha"] [member="Effie Duanna"] [member="Khan Ra"] [member="Mishka Larraq"] [member="Fable Merrill"] [member="Ibaris Varanin"] [member="Veino Garn"] [member="Darth Praetorias"] [member="Dissero"] [member="James Justice"] [member="Julius Sedaire"] [member="Máni"] [member="Valik"] [member="Atheus"] [member="Pravus Zambrano"]
[SIZE=14.6667px]IC/ You find yourself alone in a cold, dark room that resonates with the Force, without alignment. Torches ignite around the perimeter, revealing workbenches and strange machines and half-gutted Force artifacts. Between one blink and the next, there’s an anonymous figure in a black, hooded cloak. It’s watching you.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]“You wanted to learn,” it says in a digitally anonymous voice, “and here I am.” One black glove gestures at a data terminal, a rack of holocrons, and a bookshelf stuffed with scrolls. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]“A true alchemical artist doesn’t always start with a goal in mind. Often enough, deep study and aimless inquisition spark ideas. Obscure precedents combine as you learn to see them in new ways. Anything can be a piece of your eventual machine. Comb through the overlooked creatures, the stray pieces of broken artifacts, the special qualities of locations. Distill the useful elements.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]“Here’s an example. The terentatek is a vicious predator, one so deadly that the entire Jedi Order tried to eradicate them and failed spectacularly. The terentatek resists Jedi abilities, you see. Around a decade and a half ago, an alchemist named Rave Merrill got together a group of skilled hunters and began tracking down terentateks one at a time. She skinned them, pioneering an alchemical treatment that would preserve the Force-resistant property in their hides. Then she made leather coats.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]“Since then, Merrill’s invention has spawned innumerable imitators. None of them, however, could replicate that key moment: the spark. The instant when Merrill looked at a complex, deadly threat, something that Jedi and Sith had known and studied for hundreds of centuries, and saw it as a resource. To become legitimately inventive, you need to learn what that moment feels like, and learn to replicate it. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]“The next level from that, of course, is to isolate specific elements of complex precedents, then combine them in ways that harmonize with each other.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]“Go forth.” The hooded, cloaked figure gestures at the shelves again. “Read with an open mind. Comb until you find precedents that you can use.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Our tentative order of business is as follows:[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14.6667px]Research resources and practices - how to find and recognize the good stuff[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14.6667px]Extrapolating and interpolating - how to turn obscure precedents into internally consistent and creative things[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14.6667px]Scale - relative to canon and, to a lesser extent, Chaos[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14.6667px]Escalation - how to start small without tossing out vanilla nonsense[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14.6667px]Cliches and overdone stuff - how to avoid being known for shield charm/flaming sword #2327245[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14.6667px]Different crafting arts - the Dark Side has a large and fleshed-out canon to draw from, but the Light Side also has a ton of diverse, obscure, canon crafting traditions[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14.6667px]Force orientation - Dark, Light, neutral, and why it matters[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14.6667px]Expectations - what a master alchemist's portfolio actually looks like (both qualitatively and quantitatively), and why to take most 'master alchemists' with a large grain of salt on your own road to gitting gud[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14.6667px]Production level - why small is key and big is complicated[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14.6667px]Personal flair and uniqueness - how to find your own style and voice; how to avoid imitating others' creations[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14.6667px]Degrees of specialization - a rounded skillset versus an alchemy specialist; the tradeoffs that get made in canon[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14.6667px]How to balance a sub, with reference to both canon and the Factory[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Our first subject is research. Here are some invaluable resources:[/SIZE]
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- [SIZE=14.6667px][/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] (don’t mess with this stuff unless you’re a Witch - it’s almost always incompatible with Sith alchemy)[/SIZE]
- [SIZE=14.6667px][/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]We’ll be talking about scale in a later round of posts. For now, just know that it’s easy to get caught up in the most powerful precedents. Moderate your expectations, even as a Master. Most of the famous objects should be considered the apex creations of experienced Master-level crafters.[/SIZE]
[member="Tydus Wryeens"] [member="Niysha"] [member="Effie Duanna"] [member="Khan Ra"] [member="Mishka Larraq"] [member="Fable Merrill"] [member="Ibaris Varanin"] [member="Veino Garn"] [member="Darth Praetorias"] [member="Dissero"] [member="James Justice"] [member="Julius Sedaire"] [member="Máni"] [member="Valik"] [member="Atheus"] [member="Pravus Zambrano"]
[SIZE=14.6667px]IC/ You find yourself alone in a cold, dark room that resonates with the Force, without alignment. Torches ignite around the perimeter, revealing workbenches and strange machines and half-gutted Force artifacts. Between one blink and the next, there’s an anonymous figure in a black, hooded cloak. It’s watching you.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]“You wanted to learn,” it says in a digitally anonymous voice, “and here I am.” One black glove gestures at a data terminal, a rack of holocrons, and a bookshelf stuffed with scrolls. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]“A true alchemical artist doesn’t always start with a goal in mind. Often enough, deep study and aimless inquisition spark ideas. Obscure precedents combine as you learn to see them in new ways. Anything can be a piece of your eventual machine. Comb through the overlooked creatures, the stray pieces of broken artifacts, the special qualities of locations. Distill the useful elements.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]“Here’s an example. The terentatek is a vicious predator, one so deadly that the entire Jedi Order tried to eradicate them and failed spectacularly. The terentatek resists Jedi abilities, you see. Around a decade and a half ago, an alchemist named Rave Merrill got together a group of skilled hunters and began tracking down terentateks one at a time. She skinned them, pioneering an alchemical treatment that would preserve the Force-resistant property in their hides. Then she made leather coats.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]“Since then, Merrill’s invention has spawned innumerable imitators. None of them, however, could replicate that key moment: the spark. The instant when Merrill looked at a complex, deadly threat, something that Jedi and Sith had known and studied for hundreds of centuries, and saw it as a resource. To become legitimately inventive, you need to learn what that moment feels like, and learn to replicate it. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]“The next level from that, of course, is to isolate specific elements of complex precedents, then combine them in ways that harmonize with each other.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]“Go forth.” The hooded, cloaked figure gestures at the shelves again. “Read with an open mind. Comb until you find precedents that you can use.”[/SIZE]