Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alcohol Is A Jerk: Round 1 {Enigma}

A few moments later the woman reappeared fully. Despite her best efforts she couldn't help but smirk a little. Something told her that this skill would be quite valuable in the future. Of course, she was already versed in the arts of 'not getting caught', but this would be another point to her stealth stat... if you wanted to put it that way at least. Either way there was a chance that what she learned here today (if practiced further) could save her life. Or, in a horrible twist that no one saw coming, only almost save her life. But that was (potentially) a topic for another time.

"You know, you ain't that bad of a teacher, Vanessa. Got any other tricks up your figurative sleeves?"
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[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

"Depends." She smiled. "I mean, after all..." She leaned her head forward, her hair completely covering her face as she did so. "I mean, wouldn't you like to look like someone else for a change?" When she returned to looking at Nyx, her face appeared perfectly identical, and soon after, her hair shifted to the exact same coloration. "It's a simple enough skill..."

"Assuming you can master it."

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