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Approved NPC Alexi Mancrow

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[SIZE=12pt]Intent: The purpose behind creating this character is to give someone control over Aceway Security Productions, since I don’t want Luna in control of an advanced weapons company. It wouldn’t make sense for her as a character. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]​Image Credit: [/SIZE] (The artist is a man by the name of David Giraud)
[SIZE=12pt]Role: Alexi Mancrow will be the CEO and lead weapons developer for the Aceway Security Productions company, specializing in advanced weapons development, as well as civilian defense weapons. Luna Terrik and Alexi Mancrow have very little relation outside of the loose connection for both working for the CIS, and both being connected directly to the Dauntless Legion. Luna and Alexi have met once, to discuss what sort of weapons she was looked to have developed, and the commander of Dauntless Legion found the man to be rude and annoying. They won’t be meeting again unless it is necessary. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Links: N/A[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Age: 35[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Force Sensitivity: NFU[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Species: Cyborg human[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Appearance: Alexi Mancrow doesn’t dress typically like a business man, instead opting to wear his patented leather coat, worn shirts, and work pants. None of these do much at all to cover up his cybernetic chest, neck, and hands, all of which have been reconstructed from an experimental weapon failure gone very wrong. This occurred when Alexi still worked in the R&D division of Aceway. After the accident, and off time to recover from his severe injuries, Alexi returned to the company, this time instead in a sales position. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Name: Alexi Mancrow – The Mechanical Buisnessman[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Loyalties: Aceway Security Productions, Confederacy of Independent Systems[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Wealth: Upper 1% of Christophsis. After the CIS liberated the planet from the oppressive government that installed weapon creation restrictions to government use only, the civilian defense industry boombed, which he and ASP tapped into. His contract to create advanced weapons for the Dauntless Legion of the CIS also made him and the company quite wealthy.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Notable Possessions: Solar Sailer – Originally owned by the “former” CEO of the ASP production company. Alexi Mancrow is the now proud owner. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]SC-4 Blaster Pistol – His trusty “Chelsa,” Alexi’s SC-4 blaster pistol never leaves his side. Never know when business becomes less that civilized. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Skills: Alexi is a skilled businessman, a cruel salesman, and a half decent shot with his trusty blaster. If one was a CEO of an advanced weapons and development company, he probably should be a half decent shot. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Personality: Just as Luna described him as, Alexi is a rude, pushy businessman that knows what has to be done to progress in the weapons industry business. Mancrow is completely willing to get his hands dirty, as he did work in the R&D division before the experimental weapons accident that left him scarred. To him, now that he is in a position of power, after all he suffered through to climb his way to that position, he won’t be letting go of it very easily.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Weapon of Choice: SC-4 blaster pistol[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Combat Function: As a businessman, Alexi is one to let the grunt do the work of fighting for him. However, as the CEO of a weapons development company, he can handle himself in a fight. By no means does he have any sort of special weapons training, special forces training, or any sort of basic army training, but in a street fight, the CEO of ASP company can handle himself. He makes weapons that kill people, so by no means does he have any reservations on killing to keep himself safe.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] Alexi Mancorw had a pretty normal upbringing that led up to him being a part of the R&D division of the Aceway Security Production company. A kid who absolutely loved science and engineering, who excelled in many of his classes in the upper levels was granted quick access to working on some of the most advanced of the prototypes. An unfortunate accident with one of the experimental weapons one day let him scarred and without both of his hands. Cybernetics fixed the physical wounds, but the mental ones changed Alexi into a businessman focused on one goal, making himself the most money absolutely possible, to where he would never have to work for someone else’s gain again. His opportunity came to advance high in the company when the CIS liberated the planet from the oppressive government. Purposely helping the Confederacy by selling certain government officials and security forces faulty blasters, his only request was that they out the government sympathizers at the top of Aceway and place him at the top. He got his wish, which is now his position, the CEO of Aceway Security Productions, with a contract to create advanced weapons for the Dauntless Legion of the CIS. His hope to never work for anyone else’s gain ever again might soon come true. [/SIZE]


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Your image exceeds the Codex's 1000x750 px size limit. Put it in a spoiler or resize it.

You need to provide credit for the image itself, this website doesn't show me where it's from or who made this piece of artwork.

Loyalties: Aceway Security Productions, Confederacy of Independent Systems
Provide links for the relevant submissions/factions.

[member="Luna Terrik"]
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