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Approved Starship Alita Class Star Cruiser

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Alita Class Star Cruiser






The Alita class Star Cruiser has all of the standard features and systems that would expected of a ship if this class and size.

Life support and atmospheric pressure is confined to very limited sections of the ship including the command deck and medical bays. Various other sections of the ship can be pressurised in an emergency but the majority of the ship lacks even basic life support.

Ships are built around significant whole force network connectivity.

Vessel is capable of atmospheric flight and landing on a planet's surface or on water to a depth of 40m.



  • Potent Defences: The Alita has very powerful shields and other defensive systems. It is made of extremely durable materials and is equipped with automated repair systems. Its skeletal structure just puts it into down into the second tier of ships of this size for survivability, but it is stillna very tough vessel.
  • Capable weapon loadout: From the multitude of variable mode weaonry to its extremely potent wingtip Malmourral cannons, the ship is a very deadly foe to face and had the flexibility to deal with most opponents.
  • Stealthy: The stealth systems and polymer coating tender it invisible to both sensors and to the force while not firing or activating its jumpmaster drive.
  • Ludicrous speed: The Jumpmaster device gives the ship the capability of reaching very close to the speed of light without entering hyperspace. Whilst this has some sever limitations, it is a powerful tool for mobility, combining this with an exceptionally fast hyperdrive allows Akemi to respond quickly to threats to her family.
  • Inhospitable: The ship is intended to be crewed almost entirely by droids and so life support, pressure and even gravity is limited to areas of the ship where it is necessary. This, combined with the maze of largely unmarked corridors built more like service routes make boarding the vessel a scenario akin to the nightmares of most marines.
  • Powerful networking systems: Akemi built the Alita class around heavy network connectivity and all of the ship's and their crew's AI systems are constantly linked in real time in a shared collective network. This allows for formidable coordination of both ship actions and counterboarding actions.


  • Low carrier capacity: Akemi does not believe in the expendibility of her droid brothers and sisters so the Alita does not utilise fighters in an offensive or intercept role, carrying only enough to deploy a combat space patrol to defend the vessel itself.
  • Vulnerable rear arc: Like many of its contemporaries, the Alita has very limited firepower in its rear arc and the large engine sections make for a tempting target for opponents.
  • Imperfect stealth: The technology built into the Alita is not a cloaking device, it makes the ship invisible to sensors and the force, but it is still visible to the naked eye if you get close enough. The system can also degrade over time as the vessel takes damage.
  • Fight or Flight: The Jumpmaster is a powerful piece of mobility technology but the sensitive nature and power stresses mean no weapons can be fired while it is active. The energy signature when the system is active is also very easily detectable. While maintaining a lock on the ships at luminal velocity is extremely difficult, all semblance of stealth is lost.
  • Inhospitable: The limited life support aboard the Alita class makes it just as inhospitable to friendly organics as unfriendlies making it very poorly suited to carrying organic passengers or performing rescue missions beyond its limited medical capacity.
  • Network dependent: Being built around network connectivity is a blessing but also a vulnerability. Somehow blocking this connectivity can slightly reduce the combat effectiveness of the vessels and their crews. More importantly, if a foe can find some way of hacking or exploiting the well defended network, potentially all ships could be put at risk at the same time.


The Alita Class Star Cruisers of UNITY squadron have been a long time in development for Akemi Io and are now ready for deployment. Fast, highly advanced and capable of instantaneous networking with each other and their crews through their Q7 uplinks, they are a force much more formidable than many ships of the same weight category.

Rather skeletal in design the underside of ships look relatively fragile but the skeletal nature is a result of Akemi stripping out systems and facilities that are uneccesary for a ship entirely crewed by droids and advanced automated AIs, allowing the ship to be tougher for a set amount of weight.

Inside the ship is a warren of dark unpressurised corridors built to make their use by the onboard nuetralizers as efficient as possible. Despite the advanced nature of the ships, the lack of interior lighting, exposed mechanical systems and the like, the vessels seem more like industrial complexes. Except for the crews and anyone connected to the Q7 network. Akemi has always been aware that the universe only appears as their individual sensors tell them. To this end, anyone connected to the network has the option to perceive the vessels interior as well lit and inviting, akin to the more decadent and aesthetic obsessed cultures around the galaxy, with clean crisp white walls and elegant floorings. This augmented reality is designed to work with actual sensor data so the droids can still perceive any obstacles or intruders effectively. During red alert periods, this augmented system is disabled to reduce the data load and risk of accidental misperception of the environment around the droids.

The ship has the capacity to carry around 4000 humanoid neutralizer droids in an active state but can potentially carry another 9000 inactive droids in storage spaces. There is enough life support for around 70 organic crew members split between the command bridge and medical centre but typically this is not utilised other than in exceptional circumstances. The effective crew complement if the vessel to ensure full maintenance and combat readiness is around 400 droids, before factoring in the marine complement.

The most striking system on these ships is their Jumpmaster drives, allowing bursts of near-luminal speed while avoiding time dilation effects. This allows the ships to cross systems or get out of trouble very quickly, however they cannot use offensive or systems during this time.​
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Akemi Io Akemi Io

Nicely made, but please link my permission to the permissions. Yes, Akemi is EE member too, but you cannot use EE subs for different factions without permission (just for the faction or for yourself), no matter you are member there. So please link the permission from my storefront's post.
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