Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction All For One [ CIS ]


The room came to life, as predicted.​
Fear, anger, confusion. An uproar of dissension, and a call for reconsideration. The disbelief that they could be called into question. How dare they be held accountable?
They did not know him. They could not believe the decision to name a non-player in their game as Exarch. It stung them to know that the rules had changed. Everything Metus had intended and more fell into place like pieces in a puzzle closing in on completion.​
Alkor did not care what they wanted. Summarily, they had not earned the right to make demands of this body. For years, the Southern Systems stood and some of these people had held office from the very beginning. They had been given a chance to lead by example and failed. So, to all of their voices, the newly ordained Exarch held up a single finger. Slowly it came to his lips.​
Alkor waited. As Luna Terrik finished speaking, his eyes moved over the crowd. He waited for dead quiet to fall over the chambers. Once it had been achieved, he lowered his hand.​
"Members of this body," Alkor greeted. "Esteemed representatives, bureaucrats, whatever you claim to be, or feel that you are, listen well."
He stepped past Isley, and took a seat with his legs hanging off the edge of the platform. He leaned forward, closing the distance between himself and those listening. Alkor did not raise his voice. To hear him, they would have to listen.
"The Office of the Vicelord has heard the cries of your people, and we have seen their suffering. Ever has it been the duty of these Viceroys to make decisions and preside over the making of laws and overseeing the day to day life of our worlds."
His lips curled into a soft smile.
"But the question has risen. Have you heard them?" Alkor rested his hand on his lap and considered the Viceroy of Eriadu. "We have called to order the Alpha Protocols of the Knights Obsidian, a clause that has existed since the Charter was penned. Nothing set forth in the Vicelord's address is outside of their inherent powers. He has simply invoked the pre-existing nature of the Knights, and is asking for you to cooperate with them.
But, knowing what the Knights are, and what they do, you resist the formation of a proper body and standard of operation under the natural laws of the Confederacy. This does not encourage good faith, friends. You ask us to have faith in you, but it is clear that you have no faith in us."
Alkor's gaze flicked to the representative of Mechis III. "We will not give oversight of this inquiry into internal corruption to the Viceroyalty, that has time and again proven its inability to lead or act in a proactive fashion. We will see that the threats to this Confederacy, both internal and external, are met with appropriate measures. And as we do so, we will decide who has the best interests of the people in mind, and who has neglected to set aside personal gain. I call on you, Viceroys, to make that decision. Do you act for your constituents, or do you seek to profit off of the woes of this nation? If you wish to step down peacefully, I respect your decision and will gladly accept your resignation immediately. I will gladly explain, personally, to the people of your worlds why they are electing new representation."
He folded his hands in his lap.
"If you have not heard my name before today, or come under my scrutiny, there is a strong chance that these protocols will not change anything in your everyday life. For those of you with reservations or worries, I challenge you with this: if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. But most of all-"
Alkor's cerulean gaze hardened.
"Make no mistake. Freedom is a privilege. The function of this body is to be unified, to act in accordance with the best interests of all people in this great nation, and to protect our citizens from harm. We absolutely can not lead while we are leaving things to chance and only responding to threats after they strike us. If you want my trust, if you want the trust of the Vicelord, or of any Exarch, do not simply ask for it.
We are finished with expecting things of you only to be met with dissatisfaction. Now, we are demanding.
Lead with us, follow behind us, or get out of our way. There are people who need us now, more than ever.
I do not intend to fail them, nor will I allow you to continue."
Alkor's smile had faded, and as he finished speaking, his eyes had moved icily from one side of the room to the other.

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As the rest of the chamber erupted into a roar of outrage, Bastille silently moved his pod back into place. The Viceroy from Ra'Katha had no more to say; he could not have said that he had foreseen the announcement of the Inquisition, a motion similar in both name and purpose to that he had suggested. But despite that, he had begun to get a feel of how the Vicelords and Exarchs acted, their need for grandeur at the moment while they decried the very act of it at the same time. No such meeting would've been called without the preparation for such a big moment, and Bastille had the slight suspicion that the Vicelord had not been inspired by Bastille's speech, but had acted on a predetermined decision.

The Viceroy had made his mind before the others had gotten up to speak; the Viceroys from Mechis, Eriadu, and Christophsis in their predictable outrage, and surprising ally against the Inquisition in a Knight of Obsidian. Falleen's Viceroy did not outright object to the measure but instead suggested that the measure be put up to vote. Bastille was shrewd enough to know that vote or not, it didn't matter; what the Vicelord had already decided on would be set into motion unhampered by the outrage of his colleagues. And besides, Bastille felt no unease or discomfort. Ra'Katha had nothing to hide, and if this new Inquisition decided to overstep their bounds, then it would be a battle that the Kemotar would be able to handle.

As the new Exarch finished his speech, the chambers erupted once more, a mix of questions, allies, and even interspersed praise mingling in one giant pit of chaos. The Ra'Kathan delegation, however, took after Bastille and remained silent. After a few moments, he recognized that the true meeting was over; there was no further need to be here. There was work to do at home, and potential visitors to prepare for. Bastille had not entered the Viceroyalty chambers nor left it with any sort of love for the Confederacy or its leaders, but he did feel something new towards the Vicelord and his Exarchs.


Jordar Varcskel

Through it all Jordar had remained silent, observing and listening to the bluster and indignation of the governing body of the Confederacy, as one of the newest members here it was plain to see why everyone was upset by the Vicelords actions. They wanted status quo, to hold onto whatever meager power they imagined they had despite the fact some of them would undermine the Vicelord himself if they could get away with it, this was very much why he despised politics and politicians, however the new Exarch had just made any attempt to undermine the Vicelord impossible. Indeed, would anybody be plotting anything the Inquest was now under way and those who were responsible would find no haven from them.

At the conclusion of Alkor Centaris’ speech Jordar actually smiled, the Vicelord had played the game quite well indeed, he succeeded in drawing the attention and the anger of those who have plenty to hide from his eyes, he suspected however this would not end well for them at all. He however would welcome such an action as Fondor had nothing to hide at least under his leadership he could not speak for previous years but if there were, he would end it himself before the Inquisition was needed.

A slight movement caught his eye and he turned only slightly ho noticed the Ra’Katha delegation withdrawing at this point it seemed a good idea to follow suit, he returned the pod returned to its normal location before standing and moving to make his exit and return to Fondor there was still much work to be done in revitalizing his adopted home.

TAG: @ Alkor Centaris | Gat Tambor Gat Tambor | Kurenai Yumi Kurenai Yumi | John Locke John Locke | Luna Terrik Luna Terrik | Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Cypher Cypher | Xazzex Xivar Xazzex Xivar | Kyyrk Kyyrk | Credius Nargath Credius Nargath | Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura | Jordar Varcskel | Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya | Ben Craig Ben Craig | Darth Metus Darth Metus | Srina Talon Srina Talon | Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali
Location: Geononis, Golbah city, Viceroyalty Chambers
Attire: [K] [K] [C] [C]
Theme: [Click]
Calmly listening to what was being said, both the masked man and Kredius observed the continuing debates, while they themselves thought they had at the very least spoken their mind, granting themselves something... akin to a clear consience in these matters. Whatever could be said about Credius and his machinations, he had always made sure not to have his people suffer at the expense, at the cost of his own desires. It may have been a moment of fancy, a last lingering feeling towards his home, but even when he had the opportunity to fight over the dominance of his home, had he not bent the knee towards the Confederacy? Had he not sacrificed the overall self-reliant nature of Eriadu for the safety and security the Confederacy promised to provide?

In the time ever since the inclusion of the system as a Viceroyalty within the confederacy, the Viceroy had expanded the system's industry, made it possibly one of the most secure and safe systems within the CIS, improved the living standards of all and generally increased the overall wealth of the system in its entirety. To than have some relatively unknown, upstart Exarch with no obvious political portfolio or experience whatsoever proclaim that the viceroyalty had not done their job to begin with, was quite frankly unacceptable.

"Though I do not, let's make that plainly clear, The viceroy of the Melchis system's hard words bordering to treason," The Viceroy from eriadu stood tall, his eyes transfixed on the newly appointed Exarch Alkor Centaris Alkor Centaris , unfazed by the man's icy stare. "I have announced my resignation and as such I will follow on that accord. Should the Inquisition act according to the laws and in agreement with what is best for all people, I will trust upon them to do their duty. However, to ask us to trust an independant body within the confederacy, able to exert its will wherever it wants and by extension on the notice that even its lowest members exceed the authority of government at all times, is at the very least an unsettling thought."

Raising one hand, as if holding a place within his palm, Kredius tried to give some emphasis to his words, add some visual aspect to the ideas he had and the concerns which plagued him. While at the same time, the masked man's presence within the force only became more palpable, deeper, darker and colder, as if a seething anger had taken hold of him.

"You talk about encouraging good faith, but what is good faith in your own eyes, Esteemed Exarch?" At long last, the viceroy was coming to the crux of the matter, the issue which really made him gnash his teeth. "You call on us to make a decision, but we all know that with this move, you and your superior have taken away that right completely. I just have to wonder though...first comes this inquisition, what comes next? Before we know it, we'd be crowning the Vicelord as Emperor...something, which in regards to the evolution of things these days, seems to be the outcome of every decision made outside of the Viceroyalty's so-called limits of authority. You extol the laws of the Confederacy, but with such a simple executive order as this, you infringe upon all of those laws. I shall implore to my people to give you and your inquisition the benefit of the doubt and will make sure that there will be all the cooperation which you desire...but remember this young man, the way to imperial rule is formed on good intentions."

Giving a nod, the Viceroy almost sat down on his chair, only to look at the masked man and turn his gaze back to the Exarch. "Oh right... Lastly this... if this Inquisition in any way would threaten or harm my people, I will hold you specifically responsible, is that understood?"

With that, The viceroy of Eriadu and his own delegation made preperations to leave as well, with the masked man's eyes turning towards the newly appointed duo and the vicelord. "And so begins...the end."

The Falleen Viceroy turned to look over at Custani Valcho when he had turned his gaze upon her. Xazzex's expression was, as usual, made of granite and might have easily been mistaken for a funeral mask.

Nargath, Valcho, and Tambor were to varying degrees not thrilled with the proposal put before them. Neither was she. However, there came a time when you played a bad hand in order to emerge on top at the end. Luck? There might be a sliver of chance involved. Xazzex, however, believed in the careful manuevering that Falleen delighted in. A masterful Game where the participants sought to manipulate, undermine, and inevitable surmount one another. With all of the turmoil of late she had invited something like this to be laid out before them.

What strategy she would employ from this day forward was her own. With the verbose nature of their outcries, there was no chance for her to soften what was to follow. No means without slitting her own throat to aid them in their futile effort. Perhaps, if they'd had time to speak in private, something could have been arranged. As things were, however, her eyes regarded the vast majority and found a lack of enthusiasm for either path laid before them. None of them were certain what was to come. A poor ground to strong arm the ruling elite.

As the banter continued, Xazzex leaned back into her seat and continued to drink her share of alcohol on government time. She could feel her mood sour by the second. The men were too busy ranting and threatening each other. They had yet to talk about the Inquisition. Announcing its existence and then rallying for or against it accomplished nothing before they even knew how far it could go or what it could uncover. It was happening. Now it was their job to make sure it did not exceed its mandate.

Even if Xazzex did agree with Nargath's assertion about the dangers of the path, and did not much like Alkor's demand that the Viceroy fall in. Was this not a body representing the planets? Had they no say in this matter? Then why bother with the theater?

After her jaw worked for a moment, the green woman stood to her feet once more. "As it would seem discourse of any value has long since expired on this matter, I suggest we convene to review the mandate of the Inquisition. Rest assured, esteemed Exarchs and Vicelord, that the Viceroys will perform their duty as elected. You can expect inquiries and proposals to follow on this topic at length. We will trust they will be given the consideration due the member worlds of the Confederacy; and we will respond in kind by making our resources available as members of that Confederacy." They were free to dismiss the concerns of the Viceroys out of hand just as surely as Falleen would then be free to bar their setting foot on any planet they controlled. Otherwise, if the two parties still abided by the presumed nature of this body politic, then Falleen would abide in turn.

Alkor Centaris Alkor Centaris , Gat Tambor Gat Tambor , Kurenai Yumi Kurenai Yumi , John Locke John Locke , Luna Terrik Luna Terrik , Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner , Cypher Cypher , Darth Metus Darth Metus , Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura , Credius Nargath Credius Nargath , Bastille Rommer Bastille Rommer , Jordar Varcskel , Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya , Ben Craig Ben Craig , Srina Talon Srina Talon , Kyyrk Kyyrk , Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn , Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali
The Sith Lord couldn't help but laugh. His worsts concerns seemed to fade away as the Grand Marshal of the Dauntless Corps. took to the stage. Luna Terrik Luna Terrik was a fascinating soilder, she had the heart of a warrior but choose her words carefully. Like a politician.

He turned slightly as the newly proclaimed Exarch turned to him. "Perhaps. I won't abondon the oath I gave when I first took this office when my world was in tatters. During that time, the Confederacy was in a golden age. It benefited from a era of prolonged peace, the illusion in which we wish were the truth. Exarch, I do apologize for my...spiteful remarks. Through the words of Grand Marshal Terrik do I understand that this Inquisition will be benifical to our overall standings. I..."

He swolled his pride. And he pushed his guards to the side and with great stride moved to the head of the pod and passionately proclaimed "I was wrong. Lord Commander Voph and his forces will be allowed on the surface of Mechis III where our government will greet them with open arms. They will cooperate fully with the exception of certain classes of civilians. Those who simply vote should be left alone as they barely survived before we joined the Confederacy so I highly doubt they have the nesscary want to influence attacks on their home. However, there are multiple corporations that exist and as you know Mechis III is a Foundry world which means these corporations make billions because of war"

"Now on the business of the incedent on Astria. We were attacked. Simply. Biological warfare should be the explanation for this. You see, I had the time to study the Virus which infected many and to my astonishment, nothing like it exists in the database. I suggest we should Congratulate the new Minsiter of Science and then charge her with finding out whether or nor this virus was manufactured. If it is...then I suggest we show that we are not yet dead. And we find whoever did this, and crush them"

"Next to the matter of Ryloth. I suggest we reinforce the current Defense Budget. A more...well just more ships would protect our worlds. Whatever the hell landed there...not that is another mystery that needs to be solved. Here are the facts, they landed. They have the might of a national government or a powerful Private Military Corporation or it's equvilent and now they attacked us. Doesn't this sound familiar to any of you"


A rather important question slipped into her mind at that moment when she listened to Credius Nargath Credius Nargath proclaim their resignation in front of the Viceroyalty and in times like these she was rather pleased that none could easily read her mind.​
"Were all Politicians such Drama Queens prone to throwing a tantrum like an infantile gundark when they didn't get what they want?"
It was a question that she wasn't going to waste the time pondering on; as, after all, it was rhetorical. Though her attention shifted for a moment from the two guards she was standing with towards the pod that held the former Viceroy. She knew that her own pet project was waiting in the wings, though she wasn't about to waste or expose the Erinyes just for one petulant tantrum from an otherwise unknown Viceroy. His own proclamation of grandstanding resignation was akin to informing a page admin on Spacebook that one was leaving the group for this reason or another; it was unneeded and nothing would come to mind beyond 'bye Felicia'.​
"Erinyes units; keep an eye on the former Viceroy, though do not make contact or apprehend unless the individual attempts hostile action against another member of the body on their way out."
The Erinyes had been a pet project of the woman ever since the Chambers of the Viceroyalty had been infiltrated and attacked by a group of Bounty Hunters. For the moment they wouldn't make their debut; after all, unlike the politicians in the room, the newly announced Grand Marshal didn't want to make a scene in front of everyone. Purely because she didn't want to take the shine away from the other grandstanding toddlers that yet to have their chance to cry, fall down on the ground and roll around kicking and screaming in their pods.​
Thankfully - no not really - it seemed that the next bought of trantruming politicians were ready to voice their opinions on the matter as to the Inquisition that had been announced. The Grand Marshal found herself agreeing with the newly appointed Exarch Alkor Centaris Alkor Centaris . To hand oversight of such a collective to a body that had proven more corrupt than Nar Shadda would be tantamount to taking a leisurely long walk down a short pier. She would do her duty as the NAVCOM Grand Marshal and fully support the Inquisition in the manner that was required.​


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