Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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All Good Things Must Come to an End (Invite only, PM to join)

Right now? Coren trusted very few people. The galaxy was a dark place, sorry [member="Sayl Bane"], you were proving useful, which was basically step one to getting Coren to inviting you to the Underground anti-Imperial party but right now? He had bigger fish to fry than wondering if someone was going to be upset with not receiving a Life Day Card. He looked around the board. Sage was getting away with Spark. And he needed to stop him.

And get her back, of course.

Right now? It was a matter of catching up. Without any hesitation after the corvette jumped, on its way to Korriban, Coren punched in a route to Korriban. And the Niahtal-shuttle leapt after their foe. Equipped, like most, with advanced navigation as well as Coren Starchaser himself, which could fine tune nearly any maps out there, barring probably Merrill Maps. He looked at Sayl. “As soon as we get to real space, you find Sage, you tell me where I need to go, stall him.” He was going to look for Spark. “Rekha, I’ll need you watching our six, I’m going to be looking for Spark, in the Force. If I can find her, maybe we can sneak down, grab her and get gone.”

But he really wanted to punch Sage in his face. And little did Coren know, there were pirates abound. Three…



And they were in real space, around Korriban. Time to start somewhere, killing the dark side, why not at its core? He fell into the Force, looking for Spark, but keeping his tried and true pilot situational awareness ready and active, plus his astromech hunting for the corvette.

A blip. Drop ship. Still, that could be anything.

Where are you, Spark?

[member="Sage Bane"]
[member="Spark Finn"]
[member="Rekha Kaarde"]
Finding Sage would be the easy part. The two had been practically attached at the hip for the first half of their lives, and that had developed into an intrinsic familiarity with each other's presence through the Force. It was something that went both ways, which she had to force herself to remember through everything. Just as easily as she could sense him he could do the same, no matter how much Sayl wished it wasn't so. But still, she had located him as requested, and that was all that mattered. "He's heading dirtside. That dropship you looked over." The only one above the planet, for Force's sake. That should have been enough to make things obvious.

Stalling her brother was another matter altogether. One wrong move could put him off rather than draw him in, and she had to be careful with just how she went about things. Hopefully her simply being here would be enough to intrigue him and cause him to slow or even temporarily stop his current endeavor. One thing he perhaps wouldn't expect would be her coming after him due to the bounty that had been posted. Finally she allowed her touch on his mind to become a noticeable thing, contorting how it would come across so that the typically headstrong aura that accompanied her was weakened, as if she was injured. "Sage. Wait up." Her telepathic voice was just as weak. If anything would work, it was this.

The chances of him sifting through her thoughts were likely, and so after her message was sent she raised her own mental walls. While not a talent she had perfected by any means, she was confident enough in her knowledge of how her brother operated to be able to keep him out for as long as was required to finish things. If not, she would just have to confront him in a far more direct manner. Whether that included any debilitating injury on his part was entirely up to how he reacted to her presence with Coren and his crew. Chances were it wouldn't be positively, but she wouldn't assume just yet. That was the most dangerous thing one could do with someone like Sage.

"Dunno how long it'll last, but he should pause at least for a bit." Hopefully. They would know soon enough. "Just follow that dropship all the way down. He's on board, and Spark probably is too. He's too territorial to leave her behind. But he wouldn't stop here without good reason. He knows he's being hunted. Just be careful when you're landing. Nobody needs to get hurt if it can be helped." Nobody needed to get hurt at all, but that likely wouldn't remain a constant. Not with who they were chasing, had been chasing for the past few weeks. That changed the game just a bit.

[member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Rekha Kaarde"], [member="Sage Bane"], [member="Spark Finn"], [member="Kuryr"]
Location: Golg slave pits, Korriban​
The reddish brown dirt of Korriban dusted his boots as Sage and his entourage walked Spark to the Golg slave pits, where he would meet [member="Kuryr"] and his motley crew of pirates. Despite the fact that the Golg slave pits were newly constructed, everything within range was overlaid with a patina of filth. The smells of unwashed bodies hung in the air, and Sage held his breath against the assault of stink. At least he didn't have to touch anything. Spark, of course, wouldn't be so lucky.

Sage marched Spark to the towering Taung pirate that he recognized from the Holocall. Behind him, he could see the Taung's "merchandise," sweaty bodies all packed together in pens, like chattel. Some of the more disobedient ones were being whipped out in the open, their flesh resplendent with angry red welts.

A push came, and the barefoot and bespectacled Technopath would stumble forward to be appraised by the slavers.

"Here's the special merchandise. Her name is Spark. I recommend keeping a close watch on her as well as a Force containment collar. Don't keep it on her too long unless you want her to lose her powers forever. Too many chemicals and the effect will be irreversible."

He turned to Spark and grinned.

"Then you won't be so special anymore, will you?"

Despite Sage's smirk, his face held a distracted expression. The Sith Lord couldn't get his mind off his sister's voice, whispering through his head on the dropship. She sounded like she was in trouble, and he was chomping at the bit to get this deal over with so that he could find her. The two weren't on the best of terms, but he was her brother after all. Leave it to his street rat of a sister to have the worst timing in the galaxy.

[member="Spark Finn"] [member="Sayl Bane"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Rekha Kaarde"]
[SIZE=12pt]Watching their six. “Feth I can do that with my eyes closed” Rekha decided even with old mon loup running around trying to create havoc in her life she wasn’t going to let her friends down. Not know.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Rekha shaking off the dark cloud that was hindering her sarcasm moved up to take the co-pilot seat. As she adjusted the scanners broader range, and giving the look behind.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“You best find her quick [member="Coren Starchaser"] things here are not friendly” There were all kinds of blips around them that said in big red letters, WE WILL EAT YOU![/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Rekha looked up at [member="Sayl Bane"] so the forcies were doing their thing and she was going to make sure they got what they came all this way for. Rekha drew a deep soft breath and held it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Rekha kept her trained eyes on the scanners, and what was in front of them. This was one of those moments where flying casual would be the order of the day, “I hope you guys got this otherwise we may become guests ourselves.” So where are you [member="Sage Bane"] and which little part of hell are you trying to drop [member="Spark Finn"] into.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Rekha had plans and being a slave was most definitely NOT on the list.[/SIZE]
Dirt side. Wonderful. Well, it looked like [member="Spark Finn"] was going to have to find her own ride off of the world. Coren wasn’t stepping foot on the homeworld of Sith. Just burn Sage’s Corvette and all other ships in orbit, and head back to the safety of the sane part of the galaxy. Sorry team, thread done.

Not really, but if it had been anyone that wasn’t someone like Spark or Serena? He’d need a bigger team for this mission. But get him properly motivated and Coren Starchaser was going to be coming at anyone with the force of a full bore hurricane. “We’ll get her, Rek.” He nodded at her. Thank the Force [member="Rekha Kaarde"] stumbled into his little Underground cell. He saw the radar, he needed to move fast.

He turned his attention back to the drop ship. Really.

Nodding to [member="Sayl Bane"], Coren agreed. Right, time to get to the planet. He shook his head as he pushed the throttle a bit more. They’d be entering atmosphere shortly, and even faster than that they’d be on the ground. “Just both of you be ready, if this gets hot we might just have time to get our team together and rabbit. I don’t know if we’ll be able to keep the fight up.” He had his phrik armor. He’d be the tank.

[member="Sage Bane"]
The technopath of all angles and limbs stumbled forward with that sharp prod. Blue eyes squinted beneath the prescription lens that wasn't hers thanks to Sage the Hypocrite Chump. And suddenly, she found it very funny that someone of her size and stature was surrounded with so much security.

She flinched, trying to hold back a hysterical laugh. Or maybe she was trying to hold back the bile that threatened to rise from her throat. #gross #tiredofbeingdrugged #tiredofbeingpokedandprodded

The blond glared at Sage and shied away from ginormo-slaver dude a.k.a [member="Kuryr"] and the appraisers. A thin-fingered hand came up to swat their gropers away if they broke into her precious personal bubble space. The slicer's hand was clearly made for typing on holopads and NOT physical combat.

"Don't touch me. I'm glad I never expected more from you [member="Sage Bane"]."

That small lint-sized ball of courage was still there. Somewhere. Pale-jaw clenched. If she ever got out of was gonna hack into every one of Sage's accounts and liquidate all his assets.


[member="Coren Starchaser"]
[member="Rekha Kaarde"]
[member="Sayl Bane"]
Kuryr watched the shuttle land and the sith emerge with his special package. He really wasn't sut what was special about her, she seemed malnourished and filthy, it was a wonder at all that she was able to walk at all. He could see the smug look on the sith's face as he approached. He listened at the man spoke about her being special and apparently a real nuisance. He chewed on his cigarra as he gave the girl a once over, she was filthy, her entire posture spoke of a person that had been through hell and back, but he could see defiance in her eyes. He smiled as he blew out a huge cloud of smoke. " Spark" He said with a chuckle." I have a feeling that name fits you perfectly." He turned to the old and deformed gungan standing next to him and nodded.

The gungan moved forward and had to fight with the skinny girl to place the cuffs on her wrists and ankles. Once they were on the leash was clipped into place and the gungan stepped back. " Take her inside, let her take a shower, give her some food and find some proper clothing for her." He turned back to [member="Sage Bane"]. " Special, huh, what exactly makes her special besides her apparent ability to get under your skin?" He took another puff of his cigarra and shuckled again, he knew that the Dark Lord could cause him no end of problems in the future if he wasn't careful, but he didn't care, he never really cared.

" Would you care for some refreshment? You look like you could use a stiff drink, I'm guessing that your little friend is much more than she seems. That intrigues me." He waved his hand in a sweeping motion and led the sith towards the cantina.

[member="Spark Finn"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Rekha Kaarde"] [member="Sayl Bane"]
It had worked. Despite the imminent danger of their circumstances, Sayl couldn't help the crooked smile that slowly made its way to her lips. For a moment it had seemed as if her efforts wouldn't be successful, but just when she was beginning to doubt whether or not she would have to try again, an air of worry began to bleed off of her twin, taking root n his subconscious. Whether it would completely halt him in his current actions was hard to say, but it was enough to know that her spur of the moment tactic had twisted itself into his mind so deeply. "I don't know how much time I bought us, but he's distracted. He won't be expecting this, at any rate." Or her being there in the first place.

When they began their descent she took her lightsaber in her hand, allowing the still vaguely strange grip of the weapon to reassure her. It was nearing crunch time at an ever faster rate, and she still wasn't sure how to process the entirety of the events transpiring before her eyes. "We'll make it fast, then. Just don't bet on us being able to get out as easily as we're getting in right now." Sure, the points being brought to light were no doubt obvious ones, but she was speaking to assure herself just as much as she was attempting to assist them. As self-assured as she acted, there were times when she felt almost unnaturally vulnerable.

"Let me handle him. I know I've said it a thousand times before, but try and trust me for once. You might be stronger than me, but I know him better than you ever will. The last person he'd hurt is me. So if it does come to a fight, just get out of the way." Not that she would give him much of a choice in the matter once they landed and the two sides met in the middle of a likely battlefield. She and her twin were just as headstrong as the other, and they would finally put that to the test in minutes.

With a thoughtful frown twisting on her lips, she reached out for Sage's mind once more, projecting a final message through their link in that same weakened voice, "I need your help. Please." Never had either of them asked for something from the other, least of all in such a respectful and nonetheless pleading tone. In most other scenarios this would be a sign that something was terribly wrong. Hopefully he would take it as such this time around as well.

[member="Kuryr"], [member="Sage Bane"], [member="Spark Finn"], [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Rekha Kaarde"]
Was that going to be a sacrifice of [member="Sayl Bane"]? He wasn’t sure. But she wanted a piece of her brother? Who was he to deny that? No one, honestly. He had other things to worry about. Flying the Niathal shuttle into the atmosphere he was reaching out in the Force. “You take the first swing at him, but if things start to south, and if he goes for anyone else…” He’d step in. There was going to be a showdown here. And he was going to get Spark out of here.

“Rekha, you do what you can. I don’t want to risk you against Sage, call me protective.” It wasn’t that [member="Rekha Kaarde"] couldn’t hold herself in the fight, but he didn’t want the Sith to use her against him. He was already going to be burning hot once he saw how [member="Spark Finn"] was. And that was when he started the see the shuttle.

“Things are going to move fast now.” He said, switching to the warhead launcher. He could feel the good-twin-of-the-North reaching out to the wicked-twin-of-the-West and nodded. Checking the landscape, he saw the ship, and could feel where Sage was but not recognizing the pirate known as @Kuryr. It was [member="Sage Bane"] he was after. Hard locking on a target in outside the building he sensed Sage in, he fired a pair of warheads and circled once more before putting the shuttle down in a combat landing. The Niathal was a nimble ship and Coren put her down like one would expect a combat pilot to land a shuttle.

He grabbed his helmet for his armor and his Power Nine. He looked to both. “Let’s go.” He made his way to the gangway of the ship.

Time to go to work.
A hiss was immediately directed at Spark.

"I'm glad I met your appropriately low expectations Miss Finn," said Sage with an equine snort. He cut his brown eyes sideways to the Technopath.

"I hope you found me sufficiently Sith enough for your liking. Force forbid you actually find out anything the man underneath his black robes."

There was one consistent feature about Sage Bane. In every situation, he adored playing the victim, and this time was no different. Nevermind that the Sith Lord was in the middle of selling Spark into slavery, his hurt feelings were treated like the bigger travesty.

Soon, a slave leash was clamped to Spark’s neck, prompting a jackal-like snicker from the Sith Lord. As tempting as it was to stay and watch the young woman being manhandled, a drink sounded divine.

“I could go for a drink, my friend,” he told [member="Kuryr"]. Sage gestured to Spark with a his pale, thin fingers and nodded to the deformed-looking Gungan. “Looks like your new product is in good hands.”

As the two men made their way to the cantina, the whisper of his sister’s voice returned, thin and barely audible. She was pleading for his help. He opened his mind further so that the mental tether between them could be enriched. He was worried about his sister, but couldn’t resist a dig.

Crawling back for my help now, Sixer? Don’t worry, dear old brother will come to your rescue. Tell me where you are, and I’ll do what I can.

There was a flash across the sky, and the Sith Lord crouched and covered his head as two explosions peppered the landscape. One missile blasted a nearby mesa, assaulting the land with a rain of rocks and debris. The other warhead slammed into the perimeter of a slave pen. Amid a thick veil of dust and screams, the slaves within saw their moment of freedom. They began to run out in all directions, spilling out of the yawning hole left in the explosion's wake.

Fething Starchaser!

[member="Spark Finn"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Rekha Kaarde"] [member="Sayl Bane"]
The gangly-girl stumbled along behind the deformed Gungan. One glance over her shoulder saw the retreating forms of [member="Sage Bane"] and [member="Kuryr"]. Funny how similar Sage Bane was to his prized mount, Night Brother. At least Night Brother didn't talk back and probably showed some small amount of kindness when given a carrot.

It was hard enough to walk normally. Add shackles, cuffs, and, and, AND A FRICKEN LEASH after a week's plus worth of confinement and Sith Lord handling equaled disaster. She fell once, as they approached some sort of enclosure where she assumed they had clothes and sanisteams.

#Imissmyconverse! #betternothavetowearkeds #betterNOTbeagroupshower

Grunting, she began to pick herself up, pale-cheeks flushing red beneath the grime in embarrassment when a high-pitched whistle filled the air followed by an explosion across the encampment. Speckled-face turned to the skies as she pulled against her restraints. It had to be him. It had to be them. [member="Rekha Kaarde"]. [member="Coren Starchaser"].

And then there was chaos in the yard as slaves suddenly freed began to spill out of their opened cages with the vigor of a rushing river. She couldn't see him but his name erupted from her throat as the old Gungan tried to wrangle her inside. "COREN!!!!!"

#hopeI'mnotwrong #hopeit'shim #canaskinnygirlbeatanoldGungan?

[member="Sayl Bane"]
Kuryr smiled as they walked back to the cantina, his cigarra training a faint line of smoke as he puffed on it. They were just about to the cantina when [member="Sage Bane"] stopped in his tracks. He wondered what the problem was when he heard the sound, it was something he was quite familiar with. He turned in time to see the ship speeding through the clouds, right down at his encampment. The first missile slammed into the area by one of the slave pens, he could see the fences falling and the slaves, those that weren't caught in the blast began to run for cover. Just as many of them ran out of the pens as ran deeper into them. He turned to the sith and growled. "This is YOUR doing. Whois it, I will drink their blood for dinner tonight." He saw the guards rushing to try to contain the damage to the compound as well as get the slaves back under control.

He turned to Dekka and shouted, " Get the vanguard, protect the girl. Drug her if you have to" He had his sword and pistol out and he turned to watch as the shuttle landed.

He was just as mad at the sith lord as he was at the intruders, and he wanted this problem solved, with as much blood spilled from these intruders as possible. "Bane, how is it that they happened to show up at the exact time that you do?" His pirates were beginning to slowly crawl out of the cantina and into the harsh light of the Korriban sun. Most had enough sense to grab a weapon first, but some of them were still shocked at the idea of an attack on one of their bases.

[member="Spark Finn"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Sayl Bane"] | [member="Rekha Kaarde"]
Taking a breath to steel herself and quell any doubts about all that was happening, Sayl pushed herself to her feet the moment Coren fired the warheads. It was all rushing by faster than she had imagined, and it seemed that in a heartbeat they were landed, with a fight on the cusp of beginning. Adrenaline hummed through every vein and nerve ending, and her next exhale was shaky before she finally managed to push herself to exit the ship. Dark eyes flashed crimson as she spotted Sage, and her yellow blade ignited almost as if in warning. "I'm right here, Sev." In contrast to how her voice had sounded previously, it was now as strong and stubborn as always. "Did you miss me?"

Slowly she walked closer to [member="Sage Bane"], stopping only when they were nearly within arm's reach of each other. The weapon between them acted as a sort of barrier, separating the two when this would have typically been some sort of impromptu family reunion. The plasma blade was a line not to be crossed, one he would test in time, more like than not. Droning through the air, the tip strayed towards his throat a minuscule amount, another sign that this wasn't another social call, as if one more was necessary. "A little birdie told me you were up to no good. I guess he was right. Care to explain?" Once again, that spark of red in her eyes.

Her gaze cut to the one she assumed to be [member="Spark Finn"], and then to another (@Kuryr) who was supposedly working with her twin. [member="Coren Starchaser"] and [member="Rekha Kaarde"] would need to move fast if they intended to move quickly and leave before any real damage was done. "Never thought you'd pull something like this. Selling someone else into slavery when that's where you came from in the first place.You're not doing a very good job of remembering where you were about thirteen years ago. Chained to a Hutt, if I remember correctly. Putting someone else there seems a bit hypocritical." That was meant to push him, if anything. If there was one thing not to bring up around her brother, it was his enslaved past.

"But I suppose you don't want to talk. Go ahead and try to kill me, then."
As chaos broke out all over the slave pits, the Taung turned to Sage and hissed at him. Kuryr was apparently incensed about his property escaping. Well, Sage was incensed about having fething warheads aimed at him, but you didn't see him bellyaching. He flashed a venomous glare at Kuryr, who quite frankly had balls of steel for talking to a Hand of the Dark Lord in that tone.

"A Sith Lord without enemies, is a Sith Lord in name alone," was Sage's disdainful retort. There was a deep shift in the Force, a blinding flash of danger. The ominous warning made Sage ignite his red plasma blade with an electric hum. His eyes scanned the dusty plateau and alighted on a familiar figure with a plasma blade of her own. His twin stood before him, and she didn't look like she was thrilled about a family reunion. His brow furrowed deeply, eyes brimming at the sight of the only family member who didn't want to slit his throat. Not yet anyway.

Sayl walked up to him calmly and tipped her audacious blade right towards his pale throat. His adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed down his confusion. What was she doing here? Her message was...

Understanding flickered in his honey brown eyes. It was a ruse. She was working with Starkarker. Two could play at that game. Hiding his intentions carefully behind a mask of mental acuity, his face became a facade of tenderness.

"Sayl," he said, his voice cracking with emotion. "On the contrary, sister. I do want to talk. I haven't stopped thinking about that day on..." Kark, what planet was it again? "That day we last saw each other. I hurt you, and I was wrong."

He gestured towards her yellow blade and gave her a crooked half-smile that matched her own. It was a white flag that he hoped she was desperate to see him waving. Just get her on your side, Sage.

"Put that thing away and give your brother a hug."

[member="Sayl Bane"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Rekha Kaarde"] [member="Kuryr"] [member="Spark Finn"]
[SIZE=12pt]Rekha nodded but she had already figured that the only way to get Coren to leave with Spark would require drastic action. She didn’t know [member="Sayl Bane"] but Rekha figured anyone willing to take on their brother and take the risk of reprisal had to have some redeeming quality to them worth saving.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Then there was [member="Coren Starchaser"] and [member="Spark Finn"] well..nothing need be said of why she was thinking the way she was. Rekha had her chance a long time ago at such things and it had been lost she’d do what she had to in order to be sure they had their chance.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Rekha nodded though when Coren told her to do what she could. “Not to worry Coren dear, I got it all worked out” She hoped.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Rekha followed them out leaving the gangway down for the immediate trip back inside.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Moving fast was an under statement .[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Rekha checked her gear once again what she had. She looked around and saw the suffering and prayed a little to the goddess that she believed looked out for her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Give me strength to do what I must. Make sure please that they are safe. And please give [member="Sage Bane"] a taste of pay back[/SIZE]
There was a lot to be done. Right now he was just hoping the explosions would provide him with enough cover, create chaos, allow [member="Spark Finn"] to make her escape. Coren had been taking levels in Warden of the Sky training to outfit the rest of his ability. This surfaced in him as a bit of martial skill, somewhere between mixed martial arts and actual judo, where he could end someone, or just keep parrying them. He did know a bit more of djem so and shien, but now? He didn’t have his saber with him. There wasn’t any thought in his mind to bring it. He had his blaster, but that was just spacer-muscle memory to keep it on him.

Especially with his new armor.

The Force Master didn’t claim loyalty to anything aside from the sky, space, and the wild tides that Force had shown the galaxy was possible. He was a Starchaser and he was going to show everyone just what that meant. It meant he could fall into the Force, ride the tides and swells of its energy. He may have his known skills; stunning, draining, martial combat, his knack for psychometry and for astrogation, but beyond that? He was known to be quite the wild talent when the situation arose.

Stepping from the ship, he was falling to the Force, falling to the world around him, feeling it, reaching everyone. Battlefield awareness. Nothing more. He could feel [member="Sage Bane"] here, and the hunger inside Coren wanted to face off with this one, but the surprise of the words and actions, feelings and thoughts waving off [member="Sayl Bane"] gave him a second to think about that. The newbie they picked up had been useful. Let her have her time with her brother.

He had nodded to [member="Rekha Kaarde"] that she had everything worked out. He had no doubt that the woman, ever capable, was ready for whatever would come. What would come?

That was when he heard his name, and it pulled the man out of the Force-induced hunter-seeker mode. He was a soldier, but he was also sometimes a leader, a member of a crew, and he was here to save part of that crew. As soon as he heard her voice, Coren changed gears completely, he’d be able to keep an eye on everyone here with the Force, Sayl and Sage, Reka and the other dark presences that were lead by the as-of-yet unrevealed [member="Kuryr"].

First things were first. Unite the crew. The Warden made his way, hurriedly, through the scramble, but not yet at the pirate cadre. “Spark!”

It was all too tempting to allow things to slip back to how they had been. To pretend, just for a second, that none of this had happened and Sayl was just here to meet with her brother as she had in the past. It would have been too easy for old habits to take over, but she refused to let them. That would ultimately be her downfall with someone like Sage. He could talk all he wanted, but she wasn't quite ready to place nice just yet. First would come the tough love, manifesting itself in a punch meant for his jaw, and one augmented with the Force no less. "You can take your apologies and go to hell." No one ever said they had a healthy relationship.

Her jaw clenched, plasma blade still stubbornly humming its defiance as it remained ignited. "The last time we saw each other was on Nal Hutta, when you decided it would be a good idea to meet my boyfriend. Remember Dair, the Jedi you threatened to kill? Remember almost killing me? And now you decide to apologize. Not karking likely." Was it wrong to hold a grudge, considering he was family, and she was on her way to becoming some sort of do-gooder? Probably, but she couldn't care less. This was about getting even, something the twins were all too skilled at. If Sage thought she was going to forgive him at the drop of a hat, then he was dead wrong.

"It's too late to take back what you said and did, and it's too late to go back on capturing someone only to sell them into slavery. It's time to face what you've done, whether you like it or not. I hope you didn't expect me to welcome you with open arms after hearing about everything you're responsible for. One of us has to have morals and the common sense to be a decent person, and I guess that's me." Maybe she really was the only sane member of the Bane family. Nothing more would have surprised her, at this point. Having brothers like hers really made it difficult to tell, anymore.

Silently she prepared herself for any retaliation, physical or otherwise, knowing that it probably hadn't been the wisest of moves to hit her brother, but it had relieved some of the tension between them, at any rate. Of course, that could have just been her. "Listen up, because I'm not going to repeat myself. You either let Spark go without a fight and let everyone leave quietly, or you can forget about ever seeing me again. I'm not standing by you on this one, Sage. You're on your own." She would leave it up to him to determine just what that meant. It wouldn't take much for him to put two and two together.

"Do you still want to talk now?"

[member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Rekha Kaarde"], [member="Sage Bane"], [member="Kuryr"], [member="Spark Finn"]
Pulling against her restraints, she saw Coren. And Rekha! Stars, they looked good. She saw the Taung in the distance with Sage talking to someone with a light saber?!?! Turning back to the old gungan, she saw him pull out a syringe.

Something about a drug.

#fethno #donttakedrugsfromstrangers

Lowering her bony-shoulder, she charged into him with a very un-Spark like cry. He fell, cursing like a sailor. No, pirate. Rolling away from him, she wrestled the slave leash free from his hands and fumbled to get it off as demonstrated, below.


Staggering to her feet, she hobbled toward Coren, still shackled, still cuffed, and still cut off from the force. She was so close it almost hurt and the rest of Kuryr's vanguard was coming to cut off her path into the arms of Coren Blue Eyes. "Coren!" Desperation bled into her ragged voice. "I need help!"

Hurry. Hurry. She pointed to the force collar around her bruised, pale neck. A sharp prick bit into her shoulder from behind. She stumbled and tipped violently toward the ground.

[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Rekha Kaarde"] [member="Kuryr"] [member="Sayl Bane"] [member="Sage Bane"]
Everything had turned chaotic, slaves were running for freedom that wasn't really there for them, guards were gunning down wayward slave, costing him thousands with each impact, and jedi were attacking him and his men because of some pompous sith lord. A sith lord that had decided to converse instead of fighting. He was getting tired of this meeting and it never really got started, and then the punch was thrown. That resolved everything. Drawing on the force around him, Kuryr would send a wave of force at Bane's supposed sibling, his intention was to knock her away to give him the space to reassess the situation.

He heard a scream behind him and he saw the skinny girl running towards all of the commotion. He sighed and growled, Chuka should have handled the prisoner and not the old gungan. It was under control though as he saw the girl fall a small dart in her back. The rest of the vanguard had arrived and were corralling her back towards the small building. Pirates were beginning to figure out what was happening. Several of them began to rush forward, ready to bring the fight to the intruders.

Watching the armored figure approach, he aimed and fired his large slugthrower at the man. He would wait until he was closer before he advanced himself. Let the other man think he was a coward, it would allow him the advantage when it was time to get up close and deadly.

[member="Spark Finn"] | [member="Sayl Bane"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Rekha Kaarde"] | [member="Sage Bane"]
Chaos was something Coren Starchaser knew really well. It was why he made it wherever he went. It kept him safe, it allowed him to ride the tides as they came crashing in, and gave him the home field advantage. If he couldn’t be on a starship? He’d make the battlefield work for him. It gave him cover, and it made him aware of everything around him. His friends, his foes, the girl…

Yeah he wasn’t finishing that thought. Mental blocks or whatever. He could feel the Force around him, here, between everyone and himself, the rock, the tree, everywhere. Yes, even between the land and the ship. and it was screaming something dark here. Granted it was Morriban Korriban. Some smart idea that was, come here of all places. Still, when [member="Spark Finn"] came running up to him? That was more than he needed. He was exactly where he needed to be.

Help? And then she started to fall, he reached out to catch her. Then the rest was a blur, the shield generator on the armor went off, people were pulling Spark away from him. He was falling, falling into the Force, into that life force that provided everyone in this galaxy with the right to change their fates how they wanted. To reach into that primal power that was in everyone. With the shield going over, he knew he had to move. The jump jets in the suit engaged and he hurled himself over the incoming pirates, towards where Spark was being corralled.

When he landed, he did so with a shockwave built of electric discharge, meant to disable anything around him that was worth its credits in technology, his goal was to free Spark from her restraints, the rest? It would probably hit everyone with an intense static charge, on their muscles. Now who was the leader her?

Predator mode was engaged in Coren Starchaser, and it was evident in the way the Force wrapped around him.

[member="Kuryr"] | [member="Rekha Kaarde"] | [member="Sayl Bane"] | [member="Sage Bane"]

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