Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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All new and easily newd to S.W

Howdy y'all, totally new to this scene and neck of the rp woods. Imma keep this short, i was pulled here by one of your members -wont say who to keep it mysterious- and I have NO experience in the Star wars world. Ive been rping over 10 years, mainly sticking to the rps that you make up yourself and let your creative juices flow. So if i suck please dont hate me too hard, ill learn slowly. Oh and fore warning... i post lengthy, i know its ridiculous but its me.

Hope to have tons of fun here, thanks y'all

*stares at title...* I am failing at defeating my typo demons tonight, dear god *headdesk*
Welcome to Star Wars RP: Chaos, I hope you like it here. If you have any questions, please PM one of the Staff members here, or myself. We're all very open to questions, no matter how dumb you might think they are. ;)
Hello! Don't worry, we were all a little rough around the edges when we first started, and we're a pretty friendly bunch over here so please don't hesitate to ask anything. O, and join the Republic!(If you want) A fine group of folks with all sorts of jobs to do who can help you along the way. :)
That is the best possible face to show a newbie right out of the gate. "Quick! Bring in the technocolor hutts!" :p

Willkommen, Azarah. Don't be shy about dropping by the OOC rooms. It's a good way to ease the jitters of joining a new board.
Holy CRAP! this has been the most active welcoming I have ever gotten on any forum *dumbfounded* WOW... currently I am a wee bit dumb in the manner of spelling, ill learn SW eventually lol
Thanks to everyone giving me such a lovely welcome and i have been already looking through the forums peeking in on some awesome stories. Though i have to admit i came across one that really piques my interest, lots of posts and very active! Holy moly that is utterly intincing! I may have to just join up there

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