Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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All That Glitters [Emilia and Juwiela]

[member="Juwiela Melec"] | [member="Subject Emilia"]
This wayward odyssey on which Théo had embarked was coming full circle. He is on his way home, much changed from the young boy full of innocence and lack of experience in the wider galaxy. He had grown physically too, a little taller, stronger of body and mind. His journey had began on Nar Shaddaa, where he had worked in the worst of places, experienced the life there, and how cheap it was and the poverty of those that lived to survive on the streets, astounded him. He had had no idea of such things having grown up on Voss and Midvinter wanting for nothing. His journey took him from that extreme to another, on Ceto where he worked for Mr J. Dashiell. That place was beautiful, a picture postcard of a place the likes he doubted he would see anywhere else, but the opulence of wealth was such a stark contrast to Nar Shaddaa, he had to question the why's of life. He had traveled around that area much, doing errands for Mr Dashiell, going to places and experiencing life once more, to Alzoc III, that icy planet that only made him home sick and set the idea in his head to return home.

And so, after all this journeying he had a full bank account of credits from hard work, and as the pick hit the hard rock of the front face of the ore, he thought on all this, what to do with all those credits. He could buy a ship of course, but really there is no need as he has so many available to him in the Sanctum fleet, presents for his family maybe, which would be a nice thing to do, but deep down the Jedi spoke in his heart, he would put the credits to good use for the aid of others less fortunate then himself, but how? maybe mother and father could help there.

Another swing of the pick bit deep in the rock and a large chunk fell to the ground. He bent his back, all glistening with sweat and grim from the rock, to pick up the pieces and load it onto the small container that would whisk it way back up the tunnel. It is hot down here, miles under the earth above, barely enough oxygen to breath, or water. The conditions of this place bare to say the least, and the mining company he now worked for, not generous to their workers. In fact, they are shonky .. rudimentary equipment to work with, employees constantly fighting for payment of wages, the facilities they have given them, basic, with makeshift huts for sleeping and shared amenities for washing. Long hours, driving them hard to pull up the ore. Théo did not care what they wanted the ore for, there was little to nothing of it anyway, but the company reaped from the ground what it could.

The sound of the siren blared down the tunnel, indicating a break which would not be for long before they would get back to the ore face, but Théo threw down the pick and went to the room in the tunnel for a few minutes reprieve and water. He found his seat on the usual rock, and grabbed his dirty bag to find his bladder of water.
[member="Théo Vhalorious"]

Emilia in contrast had no place she planned to head to, no place she had looked towards. Her existence was one tat she really and truly did not fully understand as she only knew what life she has had and lived for the last year. She was in this place to simply find where she belonged and yet it was that fact that left her picking at stone and ore. It was hard work that drew on her every day but she had no problems normally past mostly pay. Pay was increasingly growing lesser and lesser, it seemed as though they were not giving them out as of late at all.

It didn't bother her as much as the others. She had no where to go and nothing to see as it were and for the time it gave her a purpose. It was a hollow purpose, one with no praise or no weight to it but it gave her something to focus on and something to keep her on a path. As far as those who were with her cared though, she was a side object, something easily passed over and forgotten which was fine with her. It meant she could focus all the more on things and as her hands clawed at the water container she herself carried, she wondered what felt weird about today.

Most days she felt normal and no different, it was routine and that feeling of nothing going to change in her life was a constant. But as she sat there it didn't feel that way anymore, it made her look on to the water container in confusion before drinking from it. It was odd, strange. Something that caused her silver eyes to stare over the area around her for a moment before running a hand through the red hair of hers that seemed to blend with the color of the stones. Why was it that she felt like today was different she wondered.
Théo had taken a good long fill of water from his bladder, some of which dribbled down his chin which he wiped away with the back of his hand. A few more people had come for their break, and mostly sat in silence. He had seen some of the face before, but generally everyone kept their business to themselves. Some new faces, that already looked fatigued which did not surprise him, the hard demanding conditions playing out on them already. Some faces, he had not seen in a while, he considered that they had left the mine, probably had enough of the place.

But today, there was familiarity on the air, the sense of the force speaking to him of someone close by, he found it quickly enough in a red headed girl sitting alone with no other company then her water bladder. "Hey, you seem cross with your water bladder, has it done something wrong?", he silly joke but one none the less. He had seen her before, in the mine camp but there is not time or opportunity to socialise in this place, work and conditions will not allow it as everyone wants for their beds at days end.

"What brings you down in the pits?", he asked simply to kill the boredom of the place, for both of them. However, his force sense would not let up, something was wrong today, something was going to happen but he could not grasp why.
[member="Subject Emilia"] | [member="Juwiela Melec"]
[member="Théo Vhalorious"]

Emilia's eyes drifted to the form of the young man who was near her, his voice reaching her ears as she found a slight smile on her face. The joke was small and a bit different, but she couldn't help but help with it. "Seems it has gotten old, doesn't hold the water too well." Her voice was a bit quieter than she had meant to speak with, dry even with the water and as she looked down at the bladder again she brought it to her lips and drank once more from it. The water itself was no cooler than the air as it were, so as far as refreshing could be used to describe things, it was not.

The next question was well enough that she had to think for a moment. What had brought her down to the pits? It wasn't like she couldn't leave leave, sure she could and granted that if she did it would be hard to find work. "To tell the truth, don't really have a reason or not. Things for me are a little confusing, don't really have a plan. So as far as things go, i am here until i can move on." She let her eyes find the far wall as her brow furrowed for a second. "I have a question for you, do you have a feeling that something feels weird today. It just seems off is all and im not sure if its me."
He chuckled a little as her returned jest, and took another drink from his water bladder, only a sip this time in order to conserve his ration. Again her raised his hand to wipe away the residue from his mouth. Yet, her answer to the next part of his question had him perplexed. He understand well enough the lack of direction, having come off that himself of recent times, but he was returning home and to his new path, as Jedi.

Her question of him however, caused his brow to pull together. She had sensed it too, a coming event that spoke to them through .. the force. Théo knew she was attuned to it, her aura open and strong but did she not know? At this moment, an explosion ripped through the tunnels, when on break the explosives experts move in to blow into the rock face, which means more heavy work for him. Small columns of dust fell from the ceiling of the tunnel in which they sat, even small chunks of rock hit the floor and with this, Théo screwed the top back on his water bladder. "What makes you say that?". His eyes darted to her, to study her face.

"And you are not alone, I feel it too". He added to ease her mind a little more. Yet, his answer held double meaning. "Which tunnel are you working in? fancy giving me a hand, I could do with someone to talk to, it is boring talking to my shadow".
[member="Subject Emilia"]
[member="Théo Vhalorious"]

"I don't know, i just get these feelings from time to time and it always seems to work out the way i least expect. Heck at this point, i expect it to start raining inside the caves..." She winced when the sound shook the cave and a column of dust fell on her head, much to her very visible annoyance. With a calm movement that followed though, she brushed it off and ran a hand through her hair again before stopping when she heard him speak again. Her brow raising as she looked at him curiously.

He had said he felt it too, right? That wasn't something she had misheard? But that wasn't really possible as what she was feeling was a gut reaction that she had from time to time for no reason. Did someone else really have that kind of feeling as well or was it just something that was an absolutely improbable coincidence. It made her curious but before she could ask about it, he had asked her another question and she thought for a moment. "I normally help in the cavern network that leads to the west, but im sure i can help out, And there is nothing wrong with talking to your shadow you know, figure its the one thing that is exactly like you in this galaxy."

Her grin returned, though the curious look remained on her face over his first set of words. She was perplexed how he felt the same and for the moment all she could think of was the heat getting to the both of them. Maybe she was just suffering from te heat and it would subside once night fell and it would cool down again. That was one great thing about living on a world like this, the nights were cold and nice, not that she didn't like the heat of the day. It did have a feeling of right to it.
"Only problem is that my shadow does not speak back and if it did I think it would make no sense", he said grinning at the girl. Yet, he knew that she had no knowledge of her 'gift'. "It could rain in here you know, the force can do very strange things at times", he left the comment on the air for her to take at will, for now. Just at this moment, the siren blared once more indicating for them to get back to work. And hard work it would be, now the tunnel in which Théo had been working has much rubble to remove. He tightened the lid of his water bladder and walked to the exit.

"Come on then, we will have a few trolleys to fill", he said as they walked in the direction of Théo's tunnel. "Whats your name? .. I am Théo by the way". Yet that sensation of an event about to happen had not left them, it hung in the air and through the force thick as the dust that settled around them. Entering into the tunnel the rubble was heavy on the ground, small to large rocks lay in all directions and the glitter of minerals revealed a fresh vein.

But the explosion had done more then this, more then what was visible to the eye. It had weakened the floor, below them is more tunnels but none of the making of the mining company. Several meters from the rock face, the two stood on unstable ground and as soon as their collective weight pressured the ground, it gave way, the floor cracked and opened up under their feet and Théo and Emilia fell through to tunnels of the Hives.
[member="Subject Emilia"]
[member="Théo Vhalorious"]

She laughed in response to his first set of words, small but there as she smiled a bit. The next set caused a clear onset of perplexity that gripped her mind and expression. He mentioned something she had never heard about and for a few seconds it was clear how confused she was until she heard the siren she dreaded sometimes. Today wasn't so bad except for that nagging feeling in the back of her head, but normally she had an irritation when it came to that Siren. For some reason though she felt like the Siren didn't matter much today, like it was just a bunch of background noise and only when the other started to stand did she seem to really kick into the reality around her.

"Right right. Hey you mentioned something just a moment ago that is confusing me. You said the force does weird things? Is that some kind of god or something that you follow or did i just hear you wrong?" She looked Theo before nodding to his second statement. "Call me Emilia. That's about it though, no last name." What came next had turned her somewhat decent day into a pain in the royal ass.

As the floor gave out she only had time to so much as glance down before her body dropped and a lump in her stomach formed and rose up quickly. Of all times to die in a cave in, it had to be on a decent day. The universe just had it out for her it seemed, always has since the day she had woken up in that starport with not so much as a memory and anything past some credits and a name on a letter left with her. It was that kind of day she was having today, the kind where she now had far more questions than any form of an answer.

So she fell and as she hit the ground her legs buckled under her and she came down hard.

She knew what a broken bone felt like, and if there was a god in this universe, it had shown her a decency in return for the shit situation it tossed her into. Her leg wasn't broken but she was definitely not walking immediately as she could easily tell the pain was not going to subside in a few seconds as if she had been kicked. No this was going to stick for a bit. "Great, i die by hunger then, not a cave in." She hadn't even thought that Theo had fallen too, her mind focused on the pain at the moment.
He did not have time enough to answer Emilia, feeling the sensation of weightlessness under his feet was disconcerting especially when it is not created by yourself however the fall, although taken him by surprise, he was able to pull the force to him and soften his landing somewhat. Although Theo hit the ground with a thud, if not for the small amount of cushion, it could have been worse for him. And her, she was lucky he fell next to her rather then on top as Theo is all but a fully grown man in physical capacity. Yet, the time given did not stop the rocks from showering over him and bruising his face and body.

"Are you alright?", he asked regardless of hearing her complaining about the situation, which was fair enough considering they could have died. He scrambled to all fours and felt a little dizzy from the impact, he shook his head to not only rid the dizzies but the dust in his long black hair as well. Eventually he stood up and stretched his back pushing away the pain and groaning. It was difficult to tell, but he suspected he might have sustained a fractured rib or two.

It was near impossible to see, no light was given to them down here, and the dust still clung on the air causing him to cough. "Hunger is not the problem, water is", he felt for his water bladder, and was thankful it had survived the 'trip'. But there was little left and he was not sure if Emilia still had hers. Reaching into his side pocket of his trousers, Theo grabbed his lightsaber and ignited the white blade for light. "Where, in blazers are we?". As the light shone around the area, sparkling with the small minerals still in the air, they could just make out the tunnels of the Hive.
[member="Subject Emilia"]
[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]

"You are a barrel of sunshine..." She smiled as she muttered that and looked at her foot. There was no way she was moving without something to support it, lucky them for their mining equipment being able to act as a suitable splint out of them. For some reason, the knowledge had come second nature to her when she had been looking up these basic medical practices. There was little she knew about herself but when it came to something like this, there was nothing she was better at than tending to minor wounds... on the other hand she felt a different pain in her chest that she would not be able to simply solve with a splint. She had fallen on her leg, that had been damage enough but like Theo, a number of rocks fell after them and one had slammed right into her chest without any slowing.

The pain was great, as wel as a cut she could feel that scarred her forehead as well. She couldn't wait to see how else her dirtied face from dust and smeared blood from her reaching up and wiping at the cut would look like. Thn his second question hit her and her eyes scanned the area, her hands still working at tearing a strip of her clothing so that she could bind the two tools to her leg and give her the splint that it badly needed right now. "Best i can tell, we ar ein those catacombs that the bugs use to make... As to where exactly, i would say the entrance to the gates of hell. Our chances of getting out are slim." She sighed and leaned her head against the wall for the moment before pulling hard on the strip as it bound the tools there, gritting her teeth as the pain shot up her spine and made her breath grow short for a moment.
"Ouch, don't make me laugh", he said trying not to while holding his sides. The pain there confirmed what he thought a cracked rib or two. Then Théo turned to Emilia and noticed she was more injured then he and trying to bind her foot.

"Here, let me help with that", he said moving over to her and kneeling beside her. He took hold of her leg near the calf muscle and laid it out straight on the ground, she had already done a good job with binding it holding the tools as splits, but although Théo is not a healer, he can reduce the pain for her through the force. "Just try and relax", he said focusing pulling the force to him as his hand was held only an inch above the immediate injury. Emilia would feel a sudden warmth on her skin as the force 'touched' her skin, a sense of calm would fill her body as well as her mind as Théo worked to removed the pain. The warmth would spread through her entire body, he is searching to find more injuries and did, she had sustained much bruising on her chest and around her ribs too, but he did not sense any fracture.

While he continued to work, she spoke of the catacombs and his head lifted to look around the place. They would be very difficult to negotiate indeed, if the old stories of the place are to be believed, they are said to run for miles and intricate in construction. He looked up into the hole they had just fell through, the floor of the cave above them had given way for a good length and there was no way out via the mining tunnels.

"Well, slim is better then none", he said turning back to Emilia and looking at her dirty blood caked face, he smiled. He probably did not look much better. "And who are you to call me a 'barrell of sunshine', Slim?". He gingerly stood up, having finished his work the best he could hoping she would feel marginally better and able to walk at least. "Come on, let me help you to your feet", he said holding out his hand for her to take. "If we are to get out of here, we best get started", he added, "I can use the force to try and find our exist".
[member="Subject Emilia"]
[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]

The man had made her laugh as it were internally, only a smile actually showing on her face. To be fair, a laugh was probably the last thing on her mind though considering the situation. When it came to the bugs that used to live on the planet, even those that still did and ran what hives were left, things got messy fast. They were vile beings that she had read up on as often as possible before arriving on the planet and even as she sat there in that dusty, dark place she could tell that the stories of their homes were true. Hopefully this was an uninhabited one, long abandoned and without any of the dangers that came with the planet's native residents.

His help was a bit surprising to her. Sure it sped things up and while that was her initial assumption for why he was helping her, she got this gut feeling that that had nothing to do with why he was helping her with the splint. Then he did this most peculiar of things, holding a hand separate and over her leg. At first the motion looked foreign and strange, almost to the point where she was about to speak about how odd Theo was being and then it numbed. The pain started to die a small measure and it felt a bit warmer inside, not in the sense of a hot day but closer to her feeling like she was curled up in a blanket by a fire. It was a comforting feeling and she was mesmerized at first. "How are you doing that..."

Then it was back to the jokes and her face frowned as she heard the name he had given already. "Oh well then. Shall i be calling you None then? OR will Sunshine work for you." Her smile returned as she spoke and she was already trying to push herself up. There was one thing that she had learned in the short time that she had been given consciousness and life, and one of them was that staying in one place was rather bad for a person's health. Be it in a dark alley or a cave that for all purposes could become her tomb. It was then the movement of Theo's hand caught her eye and she turned it on that hand.

Blinking came first before she reached out and took the hand, letting him pull her up with what strength she still had. Speaking about this force thing and as he did she had to voice her curiosity again. "You said something weird like that earlier... what is this Force thing you are mentioning?" She asked in what voice she could muster, a slight pain in her chest making it a bit harder.
Well at least the two could make light of the situation they found themselves in. Théo grinned, it was all he could muster without cracking another rib with laughter, "I am just thankful you did not give the option of 'barrel' .. you choose". As Emilia stood up, he placed an arm around her waist for support, "Put your arm over my shoulders and I will help you walk". At least until she was able to put her own weight on the foot without to much pain or further injury.

Gingerly they both started off down one of the many corridors. With his spare hand Théo held the lightsaber in front of them to light the way, but this would never be enough to give them full warning of any dangers, but the force would. He kept his senses open and reaching out ahead of them, even though the beings that once lived in these hives are gone for the most part, how knew what else might call this place home now. So far there was nothing, no sign of any creature or being within the area, but again there is this sensation of an event yet the could not grasp it once more. "Be alert, something is still not right".

Although probably not prudent to speak it might give them both another thing to take their minds off their physical pain. "The Force is a power or energy that lives in everything. It is very difficult to explain it's true nature but it lives in us all. Some people are able to sense it, attuned to it and use it. Have you heard of the Jedi? or for that matter, the Sith?". Where does one begin to explain the Force?

"I sense the Force is in you, you have the ability to use it, if you so wish. You probably have been and not know it".
[member="Subject Emilia"]
[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]

"Ok then, sunshine it is." She grinned and let him help her while while she moved with him through the caverns that showed so light except for from the saber that was held before them. It's light was enough for them to see but she knew how little help she would be if they needed it for any reason past that of showing them their path. She didn't expect a fight or anything, but she did expect there to be more cases of needing their hands in order to deal with cave ins or rocks that found themselves blocking the way and causing them trouble.

Then he began his miniature speech over the nature of this force power that he talked about, mentioning something that described it like this all powerful... force that could do what ever those who were connected to it wanted. It was a rather tall tale to tell the truth and for a few moments she had to say that it was something that she didn't quite understand. The way he described it was simply just too far fetched and it made her marvel momentarily that maybe this little idea, this force was a thing that meant more than she thought. It wasn't until he mentioned the Jedi and the Sith that she truly understood what he was talking about and the disdain on her face showed a bit but without any real reason. Why did those two words drive a feeling of unease from her. She knew she had never seen them before, and she knew that the times she had heard about them told her things that were simple to understand.

"Ive heard of them and their empires, it is amazing that people focus so much on the material power they have when there are other things in this world..." She knew about the several empires that the Sith and Jedi both had, though she was unaware of Theo's own connection to the Jedi. Perhaps if she had she might have used a different set of wording but for now all se knew about them was that they had their influence and that it stretched out like an empire. Hell she had been living in the outer rim for most of her life already and all that the outer rim knew was the Techno Union and the Crime Syndicates. It was a place that she had come to learn fast in and that knowledge was the only thing that kept one alive at times. "If this force thing is in me, i am fine with ignoring it. I have no reason for it."
He was finding it very difficult to support Emilia and himself as they walked their way through the tunnels, turning this way and that. His senses pushed forward but at this point he could not locate the way to the surface, if there was one. Yet, the force was guiding him and he listened as he turned them both to the right into yet another long tunnel. There was crunching underfoot as they walk, as if walking on egg shells, but he paid little attention to that for now. But the smell would not be ignored, a foul scent wafted through from somewhere, not on a breeze but seemed to hang in the air like it had been there for years.

"I agree there is more to life and living it, then the possession of anything material let alone possessions of power. But, depending on why you want it, or need it, it helps". But he grimaced with pain as his foot stumbled on a rock which twisted his body and hurt his ribs. "It is a pity you want to ignore the Force inside you, it was the Force that helped me heal you back there, how else do you think I did it? how else do you think I am leading us out of here?".
[member="Subject Emilia"]
[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]

"Perhaps it is a pity, but it is something ive simply come to accept and that is that ill not have a need for your power that you think is so helpful... i wont deny its aid so far though. Thank you by the way, you could have simply just left me to die in this hole if you wanted." She didn't fully understand the man's actions as it was usually connected to getting something out of another person. But for once, she didn't get the sense of that from thi man. If what he told her was true, then the Force thing he was talking about was telling her he was different, and if not it was just her gut reaction.

Why though, she didn't quite understand why. And the pain that she felt almost constantly because of the injuries was enough of a problem for her when it came to focusing. She couldn't focus on anything without pain being a constant in her mind. There was something else too, that nagging feeling she had before, that one that she had before the cave had fell from under them.
Théo stood them both from walking, mostly to take a breather but more so to get his 'bearings'. For a short moment, he stood with his eyes closed as he concentrated on the guidance of the force, what Emilia would have thought of this action was anyone's guess. "This way", he said nodded toward the left of her and down a darkened tunnel.

"It would not have been very chivalrous of me to do so, besides it is not what a Jedi would do. I value your life, above my own". He simply stated, as it was his belief apart from training. The two walked slowly onward until reaching a large room or cavern, the light from his saber threw enough radiance to reveal part of it, and before them was what looked like an old throne or nest? It was hard to tell, but this place had decayed, nothing looked to have been in use for centuries.

He allowed himself a moment to look around the place as they crept slowly forward toward what appeared to be a raised platform. "Lets rest for a while", he said as he was fatiguing with the added weight to support in Emilia, and his ribs are paining him more debilitating him further. He needed to attended to himself firstly, if he was going to help them both out of here. Théo lead Emilia to the platform and placed her there to sit, as he did too.

"You really are strong in the force you know. Whether you think that you do not use it or not, it informs you. You felt it, that whispering that tells you something is going to happen or that danger is just around the corner or that someone is lying or telling the truth. I know you did, because I sensed it in you".
[member="Subject Emilia"]
[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]

As he spoke about her life being of more value than his, she could only laugh and look at the man as a slight bit of color came to her face. In the short time that she could remember, there had not been one person who said those words to her and it gave her a sense of complete embarassment. She was someone without a past and as far as most were concerned, that made her nothing more than a being that was to be useful, or to be used. She chose to be the former rather than the latter and mixed with that sixth sense of being able to avoid danger, she had stayed safe so far... relatively.

"Sorry, im not used to comments like that..." She apologized as he helped her down into a seat and as she sat there her eyes drifted to the side she tried not to speak. It wasn't that he seemed like he was lying or threatening or anything at all. She just was not used to actually being treated like someone who had more of a purpose here in this galaxy than as a body meant to get work done and not have any opinions or thoughts past how much she got done in a day and if she would get her pay this week.

Then she heard him speak of her being strong in this force thing, and all she could do is look at her hands out of partial embarassment again for getting praise and partial shame for being this kind of person. She was stuck in a hell hole as she had been for the last year, every job had simply put her further into the ground and while she atleast had a somewhat stable life, it was still as a number. She was one of thousands that had not a seconds thought about their lives when it came to the thoughts of their employers. "I can't be that strong, its not like i can really do much but get a bad feeling from time to time."
"The force appears weak to you because you don't use it, or hone it. But with training ..", he threw the thought out there for her to think on. He had the impression she knew of the Jedi and the Sith for that matter, and would have some understanding of their use of the force. Théo noticed a stone on the ground some little distance from them, the light from his saber just enough to make it out with physical vision, he of course used the force to 'see' into the large room and could understand what was in his surroundings, the landscape laid before his mind's eye.

He looked sideways and noticed her hand resting on the platform, he reached out and picked it up turned her hand over until the palm was showing. "There is more to being attuned to the force then strength. When one is blessed with it, the capacity to use it, it should never be taken for granted. Just like people, people should never be taken for granted because you never know when they will leave. When loved ones do this, by placing something over you and your worth, you begin to question them and their worth. And eventually you get tired of it, being low on their list of priorities and you back away. Some people, even some Jedi take the force for granted, and use it as a tool, or convince themselves they grow strong for the greater good, but it is ambition, a self fulfilling sense of worth and they lack the understanding of what their purpose is or should be", she turned an smiled at her, now sorry for being so morose in this gloomy place.

He laughed a little, "Jedi are but sentient beings after all, not gods, and so they make mistakes". Even though the galaxy would never forgive them for it. He turned her hand toward the stone, "Can you see that stone over there?", he pointed with his other hand. "Pick it up, but not by walking to it, but through your ability to do so with the force. Look at the stone for a moment, take in all that you see of it, then close your eyes and picture it in your mind. Then picture in your mind it coming to you, because you summon it to do so. Reach for it, take it ..". How he sat wondering if she would give this a go, even if she fails to complete the task, what would she feel in the attempt?
[member="Subject Emilia"]
[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]

"What in the world are you talking about... sorry you kind of lost me and im a bit... or rather really confused by all that information at once." She smiled at him as she spoke, fully serious but still trying to understand what he was trying to tell her. It was simply far too much to try and process at one time and even as he tried to help her envision her power and lift a stone, she remained rather separated from what he was trying to get across to her as far as meanings went. Infact she had so much as tried to follow along until he tried to help her envision the power which is where her understanding had fallen apart.

Not without trying to do as he said though, trying to see herself picking up the stone without touching it or even moving her body to get closer, it was something that she knew felt rigt but she couldnt get to work. Infact it only took her a minute to gret frustated with the task before those previous words had escaped her mouth and only once said did her smile start to fade. She seemed disappointed that she couldn't really follow along with what he was telling her after all that he had been doing so far and she felt even worse in letting down someone who actually tried to help her for once. The feelings were small sure, and the let down smaller, but she still felt a bit bad for not being able to really understand.

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