Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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All Things Have An End. Goodbye, Chaos.

There comes a time in a man's life when he just realizes what's important. I've had a lot going on, recently. Between IRL and managing this forum, things have gotten really difficult for me.​
I've sat in this chair today, as I have many days, and thought for how long I'm going to keep Chaos going. It was a beautiful thing when it started, likened to "capturing lightning in a bottle" mainly because I've never experienced anything like it before. It's been crazy, and with all the Star Wars hype lately and resurgence in the movie industry - I wonder if we'll be able to catch up. I've pondered, I've sat, I've thought, and honestly - I never thought I'd cave. I never thought I'd give in. And it makes me really emotional, to know I have to do this to you all. But... I'm afraid my muse is fine but I'm hungry as @#$% so I'm gonna step out for like thirty so I can go grab some chipotle and hopefully dodge that e.coli like it's hot. I know it's a lot to ask, I know its hard. We've had some good times. But all I'm asking for is like thirty and maybe some change. I think I'll probably get double meat this time. I'm just too emotional to think it through right now.​
Goodbye, Chaos.​

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