Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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All up in your kitchen, eatin' peanut butter n' osik


My character Ali runs with the Republic Intelligence Ministry and I wanted to get together with the OS (whom I've been told is the big nemesis of the Republic, which made a bunch of sense) and see if you guys wanted to run an Intelligence Dominion/Invasion/whatever with me and some of the other Intel folks!

Screw all those fleets and armies and crap, what a mess! I'm talking about some good old spying and murder and secrets and cocktails and casino's where the restaurants are in swimming pools so everyone gets to hang out and be nice and chill in the pool while they eat but there's no cannonballs allowed because that would just ruin everything!

If you didn't get it, the cannonballs were those fleets and armies I was talking about, always mucking stuff up.

I'm talking about stuff like this:

--Military design theft (stealing plans to each others' weapons so we kriff them up in a fight.

--Sabotage of military bases, starships, etc. (Who needs another cruiser to destroy a spaceship when you could have a spy blow it up from the inside!?)

--Interrogation of civilians/contractors/military personnel that are typically not Force Sensitive (NOT torture, which has been proven not to work anyhow)

--Other super shady s***

--Sabotage of supply lines (with space mines, all sorts of stuff!)

--Discovery of military movements, new promotions, collection of intel that builds dossiers on rival military leaders and personnel (we could each have threads dedicated to dossiers on each others' people! That'd be awesome, each post could be forever edited, and those "at the top of the hit list" could be moved up in posts. That'd be totes awesome)

--And hell, now I'm thinking about any CoD MW2 mission, where there's the murder of civilians, the stealing of military defense control systems, gunfights through crowded streets of backwater dump planets, spacestations, government sectors, etc.

--I've got more ideas

--And some more...

And of course:
--Assassinations (Boring, really, and overdone, but I know it would be expected to be on the list)

Now there's two things I am personally suggesting, just to make things (I THINK) a little better run:

1) Limit Force User involvement (Mainly because a lot of these stories are sapped of their substance by an overuse of Force Powers, or because they simply make things easy. I mean c'mon, who wants to use awesome spy equipment when you can just enhance your hearing with the Force?)

2) Random assignment of victors: I think this is an awesome way to let fate truly decide who wins out in the long run. We come up with ideas, pick the ones we want to do, and then basically flip a coin for each one to determine its outcome!
People can volunteer to have their character's survival decided the same way! OOooh, that sounds risky, maybe too much. But hey, volunteer basis, right? (I sure as hell ain't doing it, but there are some crazy folks out there)

Random assignment of victory and defeat spices things up I think, and it takes the responsibility of coming to a decision on all that unnecessary. It also eliminates anyone struggling a bit too hard not to lose and compromising the integrity of the RP.

SO!? What do you folks think? :D

Cheers and beers,

Ali Hadrix ;*
[member="Sitara Qin"]: You're about to get a post, promise! (Yours was wonderful, btw). I also thought we could tie Ali and Tara's little story into all this through a couple of these events. :)

[member="Darth Ferus"]: First off, it's ma'am, not miss. *Stern face* And second, yes of course! *Bubbly girl smile*

Do either of you so far have an issue with or suggestions for the parameters I outlined? Particularly the randomly assigned victory and limited FU's?

I figured step one would be to decide how many events we should do in a row, and whether or not we should flip a coin on the victories all at once, or do one each time an event is complete.
[member="Ali Hadrix"]

The assassins are sort of an intelligence group, but its made up as primarily FUs. There is an imperial intelligence group, but I don't remember anyone from it.

I'll send you a pm though, as there are a couple ideas I got that could make this pretty fun for both sides.
[member="Tmoxin Temi"]: Do you have any ideas for objectives we could run?

Here's what I was thinking: We pick an objective, clear it, flip for victory, and then write it out.
And we could plan...three of those to go one at once, separately, or connected.

[member="Darth Ferus"]: I'd like to keep as much of the discussion here as possible so we can all be involved.
From an OOC perspective Tmoxin would most likely be training or recruiting stormtroopers. But maybe not at her base... I'd prefer out in the field somewhere.

But I'm open to other ideas. It could just be the Commander herself with an officer or guard and I'd be fine with that. :)

[member="Ali Hadrix"]
[member="Tmoxin Temi"]: Hmmm...what could we do with that? We could run an intelligence skirmish where we spy on your guys training in the field? That's something super simple and basic we could use to get used to the system applied here.
[member="Xander Blackmoore"]
[member="Ali Hadrix"]

There could be a major political assassination done by the Assassins and your group could look into it. Track it down to a hidden group within the OS, try to stop some assassinations. Some fail, some succeed.
[member="Darth Ferus"]: That's not a bad idea.

[member="Xander Blackmoore"]: We'd love to have you on for that.

What should the goal be?

[member="Tmoxin Temi"]: Pick an OS world, since it's me invading your personal space. Anaxes?
[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Ali Hadrix"]

This could be a full thread itself... and the goal... it could be over the political influence of a world... not that we have an official skirmish or dom, but some neutral world that the assassins could be trying to realign and G.R.I.M. is trying to preserve...
[member="Xander Blackmoore"]

Aahh, smack two birds with one stone. I like it.

It can even continue on in more threads as similar tactics are used on others in an effort to see how it would work against non neutral planets.

[member="Ali Hadrix"]

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