Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Allies and Automatons

Development Objectives:
Training of two force users and the obtaining of a Bassilisk War Droid for Elgyn's personal companion and NPC (The first thread of three)

Location: Roon

"Let me get strait to the point. He has my droid. I don't much like it when people have things that are mine. So since I am new around here I thought I would offer a little risk and reward. A little pain and payout." Elgyn was upright and forward with his request. In his centuries of absence his resources and personal effects had been lost or shattered. It had taken him months to asses information and must to the foresight and meditation: he had found Thrud once again.

It was Ironic the droid was on Nar Shadda given Elgyn's more chaotic days. But now focused and disciplined he intend on retrieving the Basilisk wardroid. It was an artifact from his days as a mandalorian. He himself an artifact to the Mandalorians as his original race was designated Taung but now Elgyn was sealed inside this shi'ido shell. It would take time and money to revive his people and return his conscious into the creature he once was.

For now this form had it's uses.

"Mr. Phade I will require your assistance in handling Thrud. He is a Bassilisk War Droid and it might take him a little bit to remember me. Ya know: "get my scent". It has been a few hundred years. You will utilize the basics of Mecha-deru in synergy to my own use of the technique. Unfortunately The Main target is a Barebel called Koontz.

"He is a prick who loves his disrupter pistols"

"His little bounty hunter crew Consists of three human males and two female. The compound is patrolled by a mismatch of random security and battle droids. One in particular is a modified 21b Medical droid called "Sting" that has been modified and deprogrammed an assassin droid. Asher, we will take them out together and I will show you a little trick
He hands them datapads and clasps his hands:" Any Questions?"



Well-Known Member
Risk for reward. Asher wanted to know more, he craved additional knowledge. Something in him was ticking to learn, to grow. The price was recovery of stolen... or at least lost property. He could agree with those terms. He adjusted the bracer on his armour while the man spoke. It was standard issue, not personalised, so it fit a little oddly from time to time. Something in the back of his mind twitched at the mention of a medical droid, and he quietly wished to do it great harm, or avoid it altogether. Preferably the latter. He re-affixed his attention to the mention of a disruptor, and the bounty hunter crew. Sounded simple enough. He took the datapad and skimmed it over, then looked up when addressed with a question.

"Any Questions?"
"Are we going to attempt this with destruction or.. more stealth?" Asher responded, "And the crew's members don't sound terribly formidable." he commented. The people, at least, would be easy enough to dispose of.

He was curious to know what kind of 'trick' was going to be involved, but he decided to let that be a wait-and-see affair. It could prove interesting.

[member="Chaos Maxtor"]

Jennifer Blanchard

This whole being part of an order thing was definitely different for Jenn. She was used to working for Marek, and doing the bidding of a hire collective of business folks, but when he suggested she come to the Techno Union and join the Obsidian Order for some more formal training, she had no idea she’d be fighting alongside Deadpool learned users of such powers as Mechu-Deru and generalized technopathy. She wasn’t the best with the mechanics of things, but software?

Stand back when it came to software. Really, some hardware too, like the cybernetics by iBorg, iBorg, making us better humans every day and her armor. But this was all personal gear. And unlike [member="Asher Valentine"], who was supposed to be the leader of their little order, hers seemed to fit better. Maybe his was down for repairs? Bad time to be on a mission. The orange haired cyberpunk turned corporate agent looked to the other one, the one known as [member="Chaos Maxtor"].

“I might be able to do something about the droids.” She activated her Holodriver, just getting ready for any such idea as that. Plus she was starting to learn the basics of electronic manipulation through the Force, stunning the droids, that she could… maybe do.
Warehouses, he thought, with a hint of bemusement, what is it with me and warehouses? He glanced sourly around the room before turning his attention to the speakers to listen to what they had to say. “This merry band of hunters is nothing,” he began, speaking mainly to Asher but projecting so the others could hear as well. “The problem, in fact, is the location. And my Ego,” he added with a wry smirk. “Ladies and Gents, we are going to bring down the house and leave a message in the process. These hunters just got back to Mandalore from a big hunt; if we plan this right and keep it quiet, we can be in and out before they leave for their next hunt. I want to send a message to their boss--private objective, nothing to worry your heads about.”

As they approached the blast door, he continued. “Now, understand that as a Sith, I am accustomed to training apprentices, but what I’m going to be teaching you will offer a little incentive--payment, you see. Three skills which you will find invaluable. Firstly, you will learn to induce pain in another, very useful if you’re in combat or looking for information. Second, the ability to draw the Force right out of another person, in order to give yourself a little boost.” He had a grim smile on his face; they weren’t pretty skills, but again, he was a Sith after all.

The doors loomed large before them, but as they approached, a pair of hatches opened in the bulkhead above and twin laser turrets lowered from their niches to take aim at the approaching targets. Elgyn simply lifted his hands, flicked his wrists, and the turrets seemed to change their minds, slipping back into the bulkhead. “And finally,” he added, looking back at the group, “and most usefuly, you will learn to communicate with and manipulate computers and droids through the Force.” The blast door slid open, and Elgyn inclined his head, one arm outstretched invitingly to gesture them into the office beyond.

“Payment is upfront, of course.”

The so-called office was in reality a large storage complex, a wide chamber lined on all sides with doors; between each door was a bank of lockers, some of which stood open and whose contents lay haphazardly on the floor. Elgyn had ‘inherited’ the warehouse and its contents from a failing salvage operation who had the fortune of being a somewhat decent thief.

“Miss Blanchard, did you have something in mind?”

OOC: Sorry guys . My first post was kind of crap. I hope this cleared it up.

[member="Jennifer Blanchard"] [member="Asher Valentine"]
Phade leaned back against one of the warehouse supports. He was wearing his Obsidian armor without the mask on or cowl up. His eyes moved from person to person for a few moments as he listened to them speak. He was still fairly knew to consciously using the force, and as such he was willing to learn almost anything and wanted to make sure he could understand as much as possible. He, himself, didn't have any questions thus far, he wanted to get to the training.
[member="Rilus Mercer Sieron"] [member="Jennifer Blanchard"] [member="Aron Rodrie"]

((OOC: I will continue this as if I was still part of TU. If any of you guys (and gals) are still down for training PM me and we will continue. In the meantime I am writing a post right now to continue))

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