Active Member
Development Objectives:
Training of two force users and the obtaining of a Bassilisk War Droid for Elgyn's personal companion and NPC (The first thread of three)
Location: Roon
"Let me get strait to the point. He has my droid. I don't much like it when people have things that are mine. So since I am new around here I thought I would offer a little risk and reward. A little pain and payout." Elgyn was upright and forward with his request. In his centuries of absence his resources and personal effects had been lost or shattered. It had taken him months to asses information and must to the foresight and meditation: he had found Thrud once again.
It was Ironic the droid was on Nar Shadda given Elgyn's more chaotic days. But now focused and disciplined he intend on retrieving the Basilisk wardroid. It was an artifact from his days as a mandalorian. He himself an artifact to the Mandalorians as his original race was designated Taung but now Elgyn was sealed inside this shi'ido shell. It would take time and money to revive his people and return his conscious into the creature he once was.
For now this form had it's uses.
"Mr. Phade I will require your assistance in handling Thrud. He is a Bassilisk War Droid and it might take him a little bit to remember me. Ya know: "get my scent". It has been a few hundred years. You will utilize the basics of Mecha-deru in synergy to my own use of the technique. Unfortunately The Main target is a Barebel called Koontz.
"He is a prick who loves his disrupter pistols"
"His little bounty hunter crew Consists of three human males and two female. The compound is patrolled by a mismatch of random security and battle droids. One in particular is a modified 21b Medical droid called "Sting" that has been modified and deprogrammed an assassin droid. Asher, we will take them out together and I will show you a little trick
He hands them datapads and clasps his hands:" Any Questions?"
Training of two force users and the obtaining of a Bassilisk War Droid for Elgyn's personal companion and NPC (The first thread of three)
Location: Roon
"Let me get strait to the point. He has my droid. I don't much like it when people have things that are mine. So since I am new around here I thought I would offer a little risk and reward. A little pain and payout." Elgyn was upright and forward with his request. In his centuries of absence his resources and personal effects had been lost or shattered. It had taken him months to asses information and must to the foresight and meditation: he had found Thrud once again.
It was Ironic the droid was on Nar Shadda given Elgyn's more chaotic days. But now focused and disciplined he intend on retrieving the Basilisk wardroid. It was an artifact from his days as a mandalorian. He himself an artifact to the Mandalorians as his original race was designated Taung but now Elgyn was sealed inside this shi'ido shell. It would take time and money to revive his people and return his conscious into the creature he once was.
For now this form had it's uses.
"Mr. Phade I will require your assistance in handling Thrud. He is a Bassilisk War Droid and it might take him a little bit to remember me. Ya know: "get my scent". It has been a few hundred years. You will utilize the basics of Mecha-deru in synergy to my own use of the technique. Unfortunately The Main target is a Barebel called Koontz.
"He is a prick who loves his disrupter pistols"
"His little bounty hunter crew Consists of three human males and two female. The compound is patrolled by a mismatch of random security and battle droids. One in particular is a modified 21b Medical droid called "Sting" that has been modified and deprogrammed an assassin droid. Asher, we will take them out together and I will show you a little trick
He hands them datapads and clasps his hands:" Any Questions?"