Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Almost lawyered!

Artemis Lux

g o l d d u s t w o m a n
I’ve put off making this post almost as long as I’ve put off studying, but it’s that time of the semester again! Finals.

From now until April 28, I’ll be cramming my brain full of negotiations, estate planning, criminal procedure, and corporations (meep!). The silver lining: this is my last round of law school finals ever—I’m graduating in less than a month (and plugging my ears/pretending that I don’t still have to take the bar exam in July). Dobby is almost free!
For the next 2-3 weeks, my already turtle-slow posting speed will be turtle-ier than ever. My goal is to get everyone one reply per week until the days leading up to my worst two finals (April 26 and 28). I may not reach my meager weekly posting goal, but I’m going to do my best. :)
To all my people, thank you for always being so patient and supportive of me. I thought that law school meant the end of my creativity—that I would never be able to write for fun again—but every day y’all help keep this huge piece of my geeky heart alive!
For Artemis, this affects [member=Six-O] and my Mando guys, [member="Kad Tor"], [member="Ardgal Raxis"], and [member="Nolan Detta"]. For my alt, [member="Diana Veneris"], this affects [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] and [member=Atheus]. For anyone else interested in threading, I'm down to plot but won't be able to start new threads until after the 28th!
Hold down the fort, and feel free to reach out to me on Discord. I’ll welcome the distraction! :D


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
And I thought the end of 3L was not the end of the story: passing the bar exam (or what additional procedures there are to "get called to the bar" where you wish to practice) is a thing unless you are in law school in a jurisdiction with diploma privilege.

Artemis Lux

g o l d d u s t w o m a n
[member="KenRath"] [member="Atheus"] [member="Natasi Fortan"] [member="Kad Tor"] [member="Ardgal Raxis"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Aria Vale"]

You people are what make Chaos so wonderful—thank you, thank you, thank you a thousand times over!


Yes—I am registered to sit for the bar in July and have my character and fitness interview scheduled for next month. Trying to celebrate one tiny triumph at a time!
Artemis Lux said:
[member="KenRath"] [member="Atheus"] [member="Natasi Fortan"] [member="Kad Tor"] [member="Ardgal Raxis"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Aria Vale"]

You people are what make Chaos so wonderful—thank you, thank you, thank you a thousand times over!


Yes—I am registered to sit for the bar in July and have my character and fitness interview scheduled for next month. Trying to celebrate one tiny triumph at a time!
Just wait until you get to know us. Then you will wish you went into Psychiatry instead of law. :p
[member="Artemis Lux"] So STINKING PROUD OF YOU!

Every once in a while I'll think of you out there crying over your lawyer notes while I cry over my tooth notes and it gives me comfort lol. Sending you good vibes even though I know you're going to kill it.

Just remember - you and I are almost done! WE HAVE ALMOST COMPLETED THIS GRUELING JOURNEY. <3

Artemis Lux

g o l d d u s t w o m a n
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]

I AM FULL OF SO MUCH LOVE RIGHT NOW I DON'T EVEN HAVE WORDS. Incredibly grateful to have such a boss woman in my corner. Thank you times a million, queen—I'm sending good vibes right back your way and many, many hugs! KEEP PUSHING, WE'VE GOT THIS.

[member="Yarva Adisu"]

Ty, fam. <3 I miss our gym talks!

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