We have tried to fight the One Sith and we've lost eleven times. It's been well established on the debate of what we will do next, that within two invasions- north or south- that if we lose them, the Galactic Republic will be destroyed.
As a Jedi, I would advise the Republic to allow diplomacy to resume. We have canon precedent for surrendering, with the Sith claiming victory over the war. Although we will have effectively surrendered any claims to the worlds we have lost to the OS, we will preserve what it is left of the Galactic Republic, allowing us to rebuild and reorganize, without surrendering our philosophy, tenants or laws of the Republic.
If we were to surrender, I would go south at Denon, so as to allow us to expand again. But that's just the logistics.
As a writer and following the flow of the story- dictated by the fact that the Galactic Republic has lost so much already- surrender also makes sense.
I think there is some merit to this suggestion.