Us sexy redheads need to get to know each other much better!
Valiens Nantaris Head Admin Admin Character Bio May 2, 2013 #101 Us sexy redheads need to get to know each other much better!
Siobhan Kerrigan Sic transit gloria mundi Character Bio May 2, 2013 #102 * Kisses Tegs and Cira* I want to join in!
Siobhan Kerrigan Sic transit gloria mundi Character Bio May 2, 2013 #106 * Snuggles Cira* Lots of fun, boss!
Noxu Za'tire Legitimate Businessman Character Bio May 2, 2013 #108 -Holds up the Holorecorder and zooms in- Continue.
Alli Wren Guest A May 2, 2013 #109 *breaks Noxu's camera and ties him up in a garbage compactor and then joins in* Fun!
Jaxton Ravos Mindwalker of the Outer Rim Character Bio May 3, 2013 #113 You assume Ryori is young . . . or has a soul.
Ava Solborne Guest A May 3, 2013 #114 I am a Jedi... A Jedi can never say "Welcome, not so young person without soul!"
Anara Valnor The Crimson Siren Character Bio May 3, 2013 #116 Shiiiiiiiiiiit....I go catch up on some sleep and I miss all the fun!!!! Haaaaaaaaaai Ryori!!!!!!
Valiens Nantaris Head Admin Admin Character Bio May 3, 2013 #117 Anara! Shame on you for sleeping, Ms Bard!
Soliath Devin Talith Family Man Character Bio May 3, 2013 #119 You can RP with me Kassey, i don't bite.