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Alternative Lessons: Into the Jungles(Visiting the Witches of Dathomir)

Chikako tilted her head at Karren words "Are the Jal’Shey the ones who solely pursue the force on a intercultural basis", Pom comfrimed her words, but what she talked about next sent a shiver up the young Echnais spin, she had heard stories about Abeloth, many directions the woman being rather, unsettling, even if the immortal used both sides of the force. The slightly pale look that came off her face would reveal to Pom her view on said mother, as for Karren, she did not know her extent of her knowledge.

The cool night air covered the area in a shrouding mist and darkness, something that she was not eternity unfamiliar with, the swamping land on Naboo where she resided for a short time being slightly similar, though this mist was different. It made her feel stronger, like a potion or enchantment to boots ones strength, which might explain the extraordinary powers which witch the inhabitants of the planet used. Though her attention was borough back to Karren suggestion on the Bloodtrial, "I have read up on such a process, to ask for teaching on it right away seems very prudent, how did you have enough patience to become a Jedi if you demand such power right away, and what would you use such a process for, perhaps your time would be better spend learning how to cast simple spells first, illusions or creating fire, rituals seem a little far off for the moment".

It seemed this did not help as the frustration of the Jedi boiled over a bit, notable by the man handing of the chair, 'such a lack of patience.... is she that desperate for power'? What ever was going to happen stopped short as the door flung open, another user of the froce, this one more light the Karren and also out of breath seemingly? "Hello there, who might you be"? The newcomer who she could only see as a Jedi was dark in complexion, and probably unsure about what was currently happening.

[member="Karren Trask"] l [member="Draconis Caesar"] l [member="Pom Stych Tivé"]

Draconis Caesar

Draconis made his way through the dense green fog, and found his garments snagged on a hundred different twigs whilst he traversed the terrain. He cursed and snided as his robes caught on one limb after the next. Finally he reached a wooden cabin of sorts and let out a sigh of relief as his hands idly felt along the walls trying to find a proper entrance. Eventually he felt a doorknob and what seemed like a doorway into the house. He pressed hard against the door and it gave way with a loud creak.

Books and talismans of all different shapes and sizes lay strewn across the wooded furniture that dotted the house. The green fog even crept to the deepest layer of the house and Draconis felt as though he was a character in some bad horror story. But, despite this he felt most force signatures within the room to be friendly. He went about studying the inhabitants for all but a moment, many said hello, and he was about to reply when he spotted a Echani. A matriarchal mistress was a surprise to witness on the homeworld of Thyrssia, the fact that he had run into one so far from the inner core was more than just mere chance.

Draconis immediately kneeled and pledged himself before the Echani in front of him. “Forgive me mistress, I did not realize such esteemed persons like yourself resided on such a planet,” The Thyrssian said simply. He had come to this planet to learn, the fact that he had crashed had not changed that… He needed to learn how to manipulate others minds so that he might sway them in combat, but the finding of an Echani on such a world changed things...

[member="Karren Trask"]
[member="Pom Stych Tivé"]
Pom merely looked at the impatient Karren as Chikako spoke to her. The impudence was just amazing. In her native tongue of Pæcean, Pom said to [member=Chikako], “Perhaps we could make Karren an amulet for patience in disguise of something promising power.” Pom really does not trust anyone who wants to go straight for the staple magick coveted only by the Witches of Dathomir. Its like her asking a Jedi how to to make a Lightsaber without having any prior training. Its rude. Certain magick is just as secretive to the witches as well. No manner of money is worth those secrets being discovered by someone who has no respect for it. History of the craft and culture, its power source, personal intention, all mean very much to a witch. Its also very dangerous magick to simply attempt without prior training. Witches start out their learning by preparing simple potion stock. A Dathomiri child does this for their mother. Its all an artform, and a series of lessons made to take place in succession for a reason. Its clear the force sensitive type feel themselves above the ways of the witch. Pom secretly questioned the integrity of [member=Karren Trask]. Pom began to formulate a plan inside her mind.

Pom started when a new face [member=Draconis Caesar] entered without warning. Her instant assessment is that another tenant came home to his house. She quickly deduced differently, when the newcomer paid homage to Chikako. She looked from one to another amused, and wondered about the reason behind such an action.

She picked up a book and began to finger through the spells handwritten in Pæcean. She started to gather ingredients and checked the cauldron hung over the hearth. Pom rubbed her fingers together and started the fire. The green mist was drawn towards it and lent the fire its hue. The intensity of the glowing greatly increased, emanated throughout the house. It was physical proof that the planet lent its power to what would follow. She searched for something to charm. It had to hold some sort of intrigue.
[member="Chikako"] [member="Draconis Caesar"] [member="Pom Stych Tivé"]

Karren growled, finally losing her patience. She stood and grabbed a book from the shelf an one of the strange amulets from the wall, stashing them both in a nearby sack. The night was ghastly green but she was unafraid and turned to face the group. She'd have to study the Nightsister Withces Magics on her own then.

"I'm sorry but I grow tire of riddles. Thank you for your hospitality, and good evening."

She gave a curt bow and then disappeared back into the night. Back to her fighter and then off world.

Chikako stared at the newcomer for a few seconds, something about him seeming different, such a feeling was just infatuated more when he took a knee and pledged himself, 'Mistress'?, Chikako did not know she held and political or affluent positions, though that could explain her reasons for being on Naboo after the memory loss, was she part of some patriarchal hierarchy back in the core worlds?

Though stunned for a moment she quickly walked up to what she now saw as a Thyrsian, placing a hand on his shoulder, "I Belive you have mistaken me for someone, to my knowledge I am not a mistress of important position, though I may be wrong, my... amnesia does not give me a lot to go on, is it possible we have met in the past"? Her attire upon waking up on the well forested and monarchical ruled planet may have alluded to a past life, "Also I do not live her, just a mere visitor, though if what you say is true, perhaps a journey back to the core worlds is in order".

Chikako rose to her feet and looked around the room as Pom started to prepare a cauldron and ingredients for a potion, it seemed that they would finally begin the basics of alchemy and potion making. Chikako approached the two women, more then eager to start "I do believe and enchantment item is in goo...." though it seemed the Jedi had other plans, angry picking up a random tome and amulet, both which may have nothing to do with one another and storming out, making a show about it.

All the young Echani could do was let out a long sigh, "Why does she not see that acquiring power take time and patience? she should know that it takes time to learn things, nothing is as simple as just reading it and knowing, but I digress, what art thou preparing sister"?

[member="Karren Trask"] l [member="Pom Stych Tivé"] l [member="Draconis Caesar"] l
Pom could not help but overhear [member=Chikako]’s conversation with [member=Draconis Caesar]. ‘Is it Jedi Central Station here now? Why Jedi?’ Problem is, mostly, Nightsisters aid in the plight of the Sith whenever requested. The Sith are quite fun to play with as well. Pom would show the Jedi something to awe over, then send them on their way. Her demon minions eagerly watch and wait for the opportunity to delve in mayhem at her bidding.

Karren was inside not more than five minutes before she stormed out, taking a book and some artifacts. It was all fine with Pom who did not try to stop her, as Pæcean is not spoken nor written offworld, also Pom knew her for no more than ten minutes. Did she think witchcraft and sorcery a quick and easy feat?! For one to think they can just learn magick without a teacher, may be detrimental to their own existence! Pom knew the custom about how stories of brewing and conjuring accidents are just not spoken outside the home. She is not about to speak up now either. She is not sure why Karren left. The whole show of disrespect, and in an adult for that matter made Pom further question the culture of the Jedi as a whole. For a culture known for propagating themselves as walking among the Light, they sure exhibit many unbecoming qualities. Pom hates those who hide behind false masks. She prefers her reality to stare her in the face from the start. Maybe reality did just that, the first offense the instance Karren had gripped hold of her knife, Pom did not threaten her in return. And then without cause, Karren attempted to intrude upon Pom’s mind. The Jedi Mind Trick, another antisocial trait for which Jedi are well known on an broad spread intergalactic scale. Pom would make sure to watch this newcomer, [member=Draconis Caesar], who spoke with Chikako very closely. She would leave him in the jungle during the witching hour, if he gets on her last nerve too!! Of course…Chikako is free to use him instead, if she finds him intriguing enough; Pom won't interfere.

Chikako had asked Pom what she intended to concoct. She had planned on a very vindictive draught, to cast it on the visitor, and had already stopped everything she was doing, to ask, “Chikako, do you need to remember something? We can do that, you know.” It's true. Pom can steep a crystal into a potion, which could cause memories to return to Chikako. She can proceed at her own pace, and stop at any time by setting the crystal aside. “Would you like that?” her offer, most sincere.

Draconis Caesar

Draconis still eyed the woman in slight disbelief.

“I don’t know much of your family mistress Liona, but my village was one who supported your family's claim to the Thyrsus throne. Your House along with many others has sought to reunite the six sisters through diplomatic means, once more bringing about the Echani empire. Some Thyrsians even whisper strange things… False Sith prophecies,” Draconis said carefully.

It was a finite line he walked. If he were to become caught in the political machinations of his homeworld he could easily be branded a traitor for supporting an Echani… Or worse. Attract the attention of the Sun Guard. While his village supported the Echani and sought to reunite the Six Sisters they were one of many. Some Thyrsians, especially the Sun guard, saw the Echani political campaign as a front for an invasion… Draconis turned to the other woman. She spoke of constructing a crystal for memory loss and it dawned on him. She was a Dathomir witch. Draconis offered her a humble bow and smiled.

“Forgive me for intruding in your home, but I had hoped to find succor here. At least until the fog clears and I can fix my ship,” He said diplomatically.

Draconis did not add that he wished to learn some of her practice. It seemed she was about to reveal her secrets just the same. All he had to do was be patient.

[member="Pom Stych Tivé"] / [member="Chikako"]
Liona, that was her last name, another question answered but only the first of so many. As her new... subject? continued to speak things became more complicated, but also enlightened her to possible explanation, even the talk of Sith could very well explain the somewhat dark memories that still lingered in her mind despite the amnesia. "Perhaps I was attacked... if what you say about the Sun Guard is true, there is the possibility that while on Naboo for what ever see able reason, I could very well have been attacked, or perhaps a kidnapping gone wrong....".

Her gaze fell back onto Pom as she explain that it was possible to return her memories via magic, offering it as a question, "Yes I would appreciate that greatly, it was for that exact reason that I chose to follow the art of magic, to one day find out who I was, and perhaps return to my past life". A slight smile appeared on her face at [member="Draconis Caesar"] again humble words, "I believe that Ms Tive does not mind you staying here for the time being, right sister"? In a dignified manner she wandered over to the cauldron from where Pom was conducing her new concoction making, "I would very much like to know how such a crystal could work, maybe this can be the first thing you teach me"?

[member="Pom Stych Tivé"]
Having a new agenda, Pom gathered a different set of ingredients as she listened to the newcomer’s in depth explanation of his accusation regarding Chikako. She realized [member=Chikako] requires [member=Draconic Caesar] present in order to succeed regaining her memories.

As they both perceived this cottage to belong to her, Pom merely shook her head. “My residence is among the swamps.” It is where the Nightsisters have long dwelt.

The storm outside began to intensify, which in turn swirled the green mist about the room even quicker. Abeloth is the entity which lives among the mist. She is the living force which grants her energies to magick of the Nightsisters. Pom began to reach out and feel the power swarming around them. Her body language became as a dance, as she glided across the floor to the cauldron. The sorceress tossed dry ingredients into the mortal and quickly ground them to a powder with the pestle.

The Mistress Pomst found Chikako quite an agreeable student, and therefore she made her a promise, “I will teach you what you require to learn.”

This Jedi did not seem like the last. He sat quietly and attentively. Pomst would keep an eye out for him though, just in case. She trusted Chikako’s instincts however, who gave him her permission to remain. Normally she would be against it, as the presence of a nonbeliever could foil the entire potion. Pomst respected the decision, however.

The stock was a good quality. How could it not have been, since its Late creator had made it using Pomst’s very own spell book which he had stolen from her? The green mist of Abeloth rose up from the ground beneath the hearth and entered into the cauldron penetrating the stock. Pomst swayed from side to side, incanting to Abeloth in her native tongue of Paecean. Worshipping her goddess, bidding she grant her request. She sprinkled in the herbs and stirred the cauldron with the ladle.

Pomst took hold of Chikako’s hands and twirled around the room. She felt free as she sang a song in Paecean. “We laugh. We cry. We live. We fight. Abeloth help us, lest we die. You know the way to the netherworld. Let us follow, dreams unfurled.”

She removed a crystal necklace from her very own neck, untying the leather cord. She dangled the crystal over the cauldron. In minutes, the mist rose out of the cauldron and infused into the crystal. The crystal radiated a brilliant green light throughout the room.

Afterwards the cauldron rested completely empty. The mist crept across the floor, seeping out under the main door, returning to its origination within the swampland. The only luminance left within the room now, is from the fire of the hearth, and the repetitive lightning cracks outside.

Pomst walked over to the Jedi. “You touch first. Think about the reality of our friend just as you spoke aloud. You put your truth in here, and only truth.”

To Chikako she placed the cord around her neck and tied it loosely. “You will dream about these truths at first. Then during the day, your true memories will surface. Meditate on them. If you need time, just remove your crystal and hang it up. Don't be letting anyone else touch it.” The last part is crucial, or she might end up having to charge it all over again!

Draconis Caesar

Draconis watched quietly as the witch went to work. Concocting a potion in order to bring back the young mistresses memories. The room seemed to dim as the storm grew more violent, green mist floated around the cauldron in a terrible show of ancient powers at work. Draconis stared silently as the mist seemed to take on a life of its own and he swore he saw the beast that had threatened to consume him, bringing back painful memories of his time on Oricon. He was frightened for a moment, but shook his head and felt the cold embrace of the void once again.

The witch approached him when the brew seemed to peak. She held in her hand a stone she had dipped in the vile soup and demanded he touch the crystal, while thinking about chikako. Draconis shrugged and did as he was told. He did not know much. But, he would try all the same. He pictured Chikako’s mother. The woman who campaigned to bring about the next Echani Empire, and by her side stood Chikako, still a child. The young girl, the inheritor of house Liona. They traversed Thyrsus and one day visited Draconis’s small village. They were well received. The message of their campaign well heard and widely known. One of prosperity for all who were born of the six sisters.

The one thing that stuck with Draconis though, was The Promise. When the head of House Liona spoke she did so with a power that seemed to inspire vigor in even the weakest of men. She was commanding and strong, Draconis felt an aura of greatness about her, or perhaps it was the child next to her… But, what struck Draconis was when she spoke of the Son of Sun’s. She promised to bring about his deliverance unto the world. She promised he would lead the people of the Six Sisters to a new golden age. Draconis watched her hanging off her every word, he wondered how she would do this.

The woman pointed to her daughter “She shall carry our Messiah!” The woman proclaimed and the crowd stood awe struck. She claimed to have seen it in a vision, but she spoke with such conviction that hardly a soul doubted her. Even so there were those among the crowd who made whispers, seeking to consult the Sun Guard. Draconis was young, but even then he knew the Sun Guard would not like what this woman was preaching… Still Draconis could not help but like the woman before him… She left after a night and that was the last Draconis had seen of the pair. Until now. He was sure the girl he had seen that day was the one before him now. The Promised Mother.

[member="Pom Stych Tivé"] / [member="Chikako"]
Chikako knew the hut was not poms, having seen the dead former dead bodies of what were most likely the former owner earlier, but did not want to alter the Jedi to such event as it may have caused problems. Her eyes followed Pom intently as the green mist of the planet surrounded the cottage, the feeling of an all powerful presence filling her body as the storm outside increased in ferocity, battering against the huts roof.

Despite this she wore a small cheerful smile, widening slightly at Poms words, "That you, I will make sure to put such powers to good use once I have mastered them". She was unsure of her teachers thoughts of the Jedi, but with the new knowledge of her past, an the fact that he had seared loyalty to her and would have felt rude to ask him to leave. Besides they were to deep into the potion conjuration to discuss such matters.

When Pom reached out her hand Chikako took it, knowing that a chant or incantation would be necessary, proceeding to dance around the cauldron with her new teacher as she sung the literally magic words. Her eyes kept close watch on the witches actions, from taking off her necklace, to when it was place into the cauldron and taken out, the bright glow emanating from the crystal as the mist receded, its job done for now.

She was unclear of what memories where currently circulating through [member="Draconis Caesar"] mind, the anticipation of finally knowing her origins, a goal becoming ever closer, sending shivers of happiness and fear through her spine. Adrenaline pumped through her veins as Pom returned with the crystal , refashioning it into a necklace for her to wear. "Thank you sister, I am indebted to you, I will take the utmost care for this amulet". Her head turned back to Caesar with an air of confidence,"I have been searching for my past and purpose, now that I have one my life can start anew, with a purpose, I hope you are willing to join my on such a mission, because I intend to fulfill that goal not matter what".

[member="Pom Stych Tivé"]
Pomst could feel that the Jedi [member=Draconis Caesar] was indeed sincere that he did visualize his memories of [member=Chikako] to instill them into the crystal as was required of him. His sincerity was to her liking and also his own benefit. The sorceress was fully prepared to remove him if it deemed necessary. In truth, his contribution surprised her. Witches often scare off outsiders, especially beings of light, and sorcerers moreso. Sorcery, in Pom’s experience, provides added assurance that one’s desires are met, as elementals, demons and spirits are enslaved to honor the casters bidding. Funny thing, is a Jedi begot the Witches of Dathomir; how is that for a WTF moment?! Of the three people in this room, the Nightsister and the Jedi seem so in opposition to one another!

Around her neck, Pom straightened the choker comprised of human bones. Her coven was calling for her presence, she could feel it, as the storm receded towards the swamps. Her clan prepared for spell casting. Her minions tugged on her consciousness.

“I will see you again?” she asked Chikako. “I pray you find the answers for which you are searching.” Pom stopped in the doorway and turned to face her. “A celebratory gathering will be in mid-month, during the second annual double full moon.” She nodded her head respectfully in thanks towards the Jedi, and tossed him an amulet she thought he might appreciate, before turning towards the exit where she bid, “blessed be,” before stepping out into the darkness of the night.

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