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Approved NPC Alyssa Hickman

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To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before

Alyssa's mugshot


Alyssa's full-body picture, taken on Lipsec

  • Age: 23
  • Force Sensitivity: Knight (Witch spellweaver)
  • Species: Vahla
  • Appearance: Standing at 1.75m, Alyssa is somewhat taller than average among Vahla females, and has a pretty normal complexion by Vahla standards, whose somewhat ondulated, dark brown hair extends. Given her somewhat stocky build, she weighs around 80kg. She will often wear leather boots so as to preserve the grace of her feet. For ceremonial purposes, Alyssa will often wear a cloak, but she usually prefers to stick to her strapless mint-green corset in other circumstances, and wear self-sterilizing gauntlets.
  • Name: Alyssa Hickman
  • Loyalties: Utai Magic Circle
  • Wealth: Average
  • Notable Possessions: A ceremonial dagger, a corset, a cloak, a tiara, gauntlets
  • Skills:
  • Telekinesis: Knight-level
  • Pyrokinesis: Knight-level
  • Cryokinesis: Knight-level
  • Imbue Item/Alchemy: Knight-level
  • Force-sense: Knight-level
  • Mind trick: Padawan-level
  • Chemistry
  • Alcohol brewing
  • Personality: If there is one thing that stands out in Alyssa, it's her erratic work ethic, as a result of her highly variable biorhythm. Sometimes she will feel compelled to stay in bed even though she did not incur that much fatigue, while at others she will stay up all night despite the accumulated fatigue. So sometimes she can alternate between being brilliantly lazy and a workaholic. Also, she doesn't seem to be overly aggressive in her work, nor will she fight until forced to, preferring to think her way out of a situation before it gets her into trouble.

    As a witch, Alyssa seems to be pretty wise, but also firmly believes in strong mental conditioning being crucial for Force-users. For this reason, she will often attempt to make sure that her mind is working properly before attempting a cognition-intensive task. Surprisingly, her frequent use of the Force can lead her to do certain things less frequently than other members of her species, such as hygiene. So she can sometimes prove difficult to motivate, and she sometimes craves alcohol when the times get tough, finding that it loosens her nervous system.
  • Weapon of Choice: The Force
  • Combat Function: She would be mostly a girl that would use whatever spells she can provided that she has the headspace and Force-energy to cast them; as a witch she is mostly an elementalist. But, when she cut off from the Force, she mostly has to resort to the use of her ceremonial knife. Her agility isn't the best so she'd rather stay at range.
Born in Halaban on Effekt to a middle-class family, Alyssa's youth was a period where she was regularly referred to as a brain among her friends. She could breeze through her coursework almost effortlessly, which, unfortunately, had the side effect of taking a long period for her to develop any work ethic whatsoever. The teachers she had over the years sensed that something was off about her: she came off as brilliant but unmotivated, which has come to hurt her social status among the school ecosystem, as well as her academics. Psychometric testing undertaken as a freshman in high school for the purpose of turning her life around revealed that she was a Force-sensitive. She then felt compelled to improve in her Force-abilities because she could feel that they would make up for the lack of motivation she has been showing this entire time, drinking alcohol on a regular basis, ultimately spending all summer after freshman year to train whatever powers she could (given her lackluster motivation) and then she turned her grades around. She was grateful, however, for having a rather mundane family life, a mundane life in general. Or rather, as mundane as can be when one spends summers training in the Force on Dathomir among the Nightsisters.

She still managed to be awarded one of the full-rides to the University of Lipsec, where she chose to major in chemistry. Life on Lipsec hit her pretty hard: not even her use of the Force was enough for her to enjoy the same levels of success she used to, and her lack of motivation cost her enough for her life to become a roller coaster. But after growing disenchanted with the First Order around graduation time, she decided that she no longer wanted to live in First Order space, she became a refugee in ORC space, with the Utai Magic Circle having collected her and being grateful to live among other like-minded Force-users.


Well-Known Member
[member="Janick Beauchamp"]

Janick Beauchamp said:
Species: Vahla
  • Please link the species.

Janick Beauchamp said:
Role: She is the Circle's resident alcohol brewer
  • If that's the major point of this NPC, please add some related skills to the appropriate section.

Janick Beauchamp said:
Telekinesis: Knight-level Force-whirlwind: Padawan-level Pyrokinesis: Knight-level Cryokinesis: Knight-level Force-lightning: Padawan-level Force-comprehension: Knight-level Imbue Item/Alchemy: Knight-level Force-sense: Knight-level Mind trick: Padawan-level
  • Speaking of, please trim this list a bit. She's never had any formal training, and started pretty late as it is.
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
[member="Netherworld"] So I made her start Force-training earlier, and made her go on training among the Nightsisters as well.

Other than that, I made the requested edits...
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