The forum as closed faster than she had expected, the fountain of knowledge ran shallow with in the walls of the Order and it saddened her. The Jedi she remembered from her padawanship were far more understanding and she had run into several that were like that. Yet she didn’t know what else to do and stood up from where she was sitting. Looking towards @[member="Talon Vosra"] she offered a soft smile, catching a moment of silence she covered the plants with her hands hiding the sunlight from them. Doing so, slowly caused the already fragile plants to grow darker and eventually wither. Hopefully the boy would hear the last bit of the answer before he escorted Vilox.
“Its not only the seeds of the Dark Side that threatens the life of the Light, its also the shadows cast by some that cause the light to be blocked out and denied. This causes Darkness as well, the shadow can be anything – doubt or sorrow, even those who overshadow those trying to find the light. To walk in the light is a constant struggle, it is why some give into the darkness – for it is an easier, but terrible path to walk.”
She finished speaking and turned and gave the sunlight back to the flowers, they perked up with aid of the force and soon found a home in the garden. Standing, she nodded towards @[member="Kiskla Grayson"] and then looked towards Ashin.
With a light touch of her finger tips against Ashin’s arm, the woman would understand what Spencer was indicating. She walked past Kiskla and @[member="Carn Dista"] not saying much to either of them. Stopping though, she turned and looked towards the other blonde woman and spoke softly. “Thank you.” It was all she said and with a final glance towards @[member="Ashin Varanin"], she made her way towards the exit of the garden. “I’ll be meditating.”
“Its not only the seeds of the Dark Side that threatens the life of the Light, its also the shadows cast by some that cause the light to be blocked out and denied. This causes Darkness as well, the shadow can be anything – doubt or sorrow, even those who overshadow those trying to find the light. To walk in the light is a constant struggle, it is why some give into the darkness – for it is an easier, but terrible path to walk.”
She finished speaking and turned and gave the sunlight back to the flowers, they perked up with aid of the force and soon found a home in the garden. Standing, she nodded towards @[member="Kiskla Grayson"] and then looked towards Ashin.
With a light touch of her finger tips against Ashin’s arm, the woman would understand what Spencer was indicating. She walked past Kiskla and @[member="Carn Dista"] not saying much to either of them. Stopping though, she turned and looked towards the other blonde woman and spoke softly. “Thank you.” It was all she said and with a final glance towards @[member="Ashin Varanin"], she made her way towards the exit of the garden. “I’ll be meditating.”