Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Amidst The bones of Mandalore (PM to join)

It looked like Josh was still expecting me to lead on. His flamboyance never ceased to surprise or amuse, yet I felt like there was some reason he'd been on Mandalore other than just to help me out. Pushing the thought back down I began heading down the stairs towards the last level down. As I did I heard the droids in the atrium we'd just gone through start moving. Reaching around to my left hip I quietly pulled my Echani honor blade and continued down the stairs. I could hear movement below us and I angled my blade to ready it for an inverted strike. As I continued down the stairs I also readied my cable from my Beskar gauntlet while ejecting the hidden blade and serrated forearm blades.

I heard the light hum of shields activating below us and looking back towards Josh I kept going. This is where the fun began....

@Joshua DragonsFlame
He never did lose that flamboyance and grace, did he? Seemed married life and fatherhood still couldn't stop Josh from being, well... Josh. But that wasn't a bad thing at all, was it? He seemed to age like fine wine, and weirdly enough he didn't even seem to age much in appearance... If Celiana looked right, the only real change is that he seemed to look a tiny bit older... Mid 20s, at the most... But that could be just the facial hair he had grown out, who knows if he'd look even younger if he shaved it? His hair had been grown out as well, he had long hair now like that guy that totally wasn't played by Liam Neeson who is hilariously the playby for his late father.

Either way, it was clear that the fun was just beginning. As [member="Celiana"] led the way, Josh took a breath as he would spin his un-drawn lightsaber in his hand, hearing the hum of shields in the distance as he would smirk lightly... A feature that Cel would likely see right away. Seems he was eager to get into action, himself... It hadn't been long since the last time he'd done so, but well... He did like his action. In and out of the bedroom.

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